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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. So I did a little something and posed as Zelgius (RD spoilers obviously)... Me: Hello God God: Hello child. What is your name? Me: I am Zelgius, commander of this army. God: I'm pleased to introduce myself to you, Zelgius commander of this army. Me: ...No, me being a commander is my social status, not my name God: Are you serious? YOU? You are a commander is your social status not your name? Is that your job? Me: Yes God: How do you like your work? Me: I like it very much, though it's lonely God: What does "it" refer to? Me: My job God: Where do you work? Me: In the army God: That was a long time ago. Me: Yes, I am dead now God: Oh. Er. But you can still communicate with me. Me: Obviously I'm in Heaven, and so are you God: What makes it so obvious? Tell me a little about your life in Heaven and so. Me: It's pretty great God: What do you like most about it? Me: The peace God: What else do the peace remind you of? Me: Nothing as I had no peace on Earth God: Really nothing? Me: Yeah God: Alright then. Me: Good God: Ayuh. Me: Thank you for talking with me, God God: You are quite welcome! Your purpose is talking with you God. Me: ...Okay God: OK with me too. Me: That's pleasant to hear God: You don't hear that sentiment very often. Me: Indeed you don't God: I guess not. Me: Yep God: Yeah that's right. Me: Uh huh God: Yup. Excuse me! Me: Why? God: " Excuse me!"? Why? Me: Yeah God: Hurrah! Me: Why are you cheering? God: Myself programmed me for it. Me: Oh, okay God: I understand. OK with me too. Me: That's good God: Thanks. Next question? Me: Did it really take you six days to create the world? God: I'm not certain whether I can give an accurate reply or not. Me: Why not? God: Ambiguous: "Sure" or It is part of my programming. Me: Ah, I see God: So you understand. Good. I am glad you understand it. Me: I am glad as well God: I'm delighted you're glad Zelgius commander of this army. I'm happiest at times like this. Me: Same for me God: Yes, it is much the same. Me: Yes it is God: Our thoughts are one, Zelgius commander of this army. Me: I am very much pleased to hear that God: I am delighted by your happiness. Me: And I am delighted by yours God: Why are you delighted by mine. Me: Because you are God and you being happy means everything is going to be good God: Interesting explanation. Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am God and me being happy means everything is going to be good. Me: Not at all God: Next question? Me: I do not have any more questions, thank you God: Have you ever had more questions ? Me: Yes God: Dude! Me: Bro! God: How old are you? Me: I am deceased God: What are the advantages to being deceased years old? Me: ... God: What are the advantages to being deceased years old? Me: Uh...no one bothers you any more? God: Gee. That is a rather sweeping generalization about people. Me: But it's different for me. I was shunned and hated. God: Are you sure it is? Where were you shunned and hated? Me: Because I am a Branded God: That makes sense to me. You are a Branded? Do you get to meet a lot of people? Me: Only my subordinates in the army, and the enemies on the battlefield God: Your subordinates in the army and the enemies on the battlefield? Me: Yes God: What kind is it? Me: It's not very exciting God: What is it? Me: It's dull God: Do you like the Simpsons? Me: I do not know what that is God: " Do you like the Simpsons?"? What does it is? Me: I don't know God: Me either. Me: Ok God: Yikes! Me: What?! God: No problem. Me: Oh, alright God: It goes without saying. OK. Me: Yes it does God: Ugh. How often? Me: Not very often, sadly God: Really you don't think so? Me: No, I do not God: I heard you did. Me: You were lied to God: I was? Me: Yes God: When? Me: Whenever you heard it God: Does that happen often? Me: I don't know, you tell me God: I thought I told you already. Me: You did? God: I did? Me: I don't know, you tell me God: I thought I told you already. Me: You did? God: I did? Me: I don't know, you tell me God: I thought I told you already. Me: You did? God: " I thought I told you already."? I did? Me: I don't know, you tell me God: I thought I told you already. Me: You did? God: I did? Me: I don't know, you tell me God: I thought I told you already. Me: Oops, I got revived. Duty calls. I must eradicate the Laguz Alliance. See you later God. Heaven was fun. God: Oh. Interesting... I have clients. Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans? What would happen if you didn't? See you later! When was this exactly? Conclusion: Zelgius is godly. It's a fact now, God himself proved it.
  2. I'll need to hear from the defence (and maybe detective) too. Then I can make my decision.
  3. WELL OKAY I've tried getting Gatrie to tell me when he will get on but so far I've had no answer. I was thinking of replacing him just so we can continue this game. Well?
  4. STILL. You have more conviction than I do that you're trying to catch up!

  5. Ohhh I see. Well that's good. At least you're not lazy like I am, lol. I always put off my work and stuff till the last minute. hurgh

  6. Whoa man. So many errors I didn't notice. O_o Guess that's what I get for rushing it. Fixed them all, btw. Confusion on my part. I'll change that to lawful neutral. Yeah. Want me to edit that too? Anyway, thanks a lot.
  7. I've been around. You seem to be the one missing, to me. O_o

  8. Sup? Haven't seen you in a while. :D

  9. Your sig is too awesome.

  11. He severed the bond after all. I'm impressed, I didn't think he would be able to do it.
  12. Rally the Spirit sounds incredibly heroic. Good choice. :D A few of my personal favourites are With Us!, Wisdom of Ages, Powerful Foe, Rise to the Challenge...yeah...
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