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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. I'd tell you to ignore the first two (for now, at least) and go straight for Order of Ecclesia.
  2. Bleh, senior pride. Never got what the big fuss about it is. Also...nah, never mind. I don't feel like arguing. Or getting banned.
  3. What, you think I hold them over fire just for fun? Of course, I eat them after roasting them!
  4. I don't want to post something that will be considered spam or whatever so I'll just say your newest chapter is ten kinds of awesome.

  5. I hold them over RAGING HOT FIRE. More fun that way.
  6. But SF3 wasn't really perfected until Third Strike. And personally, I think the huge amount of new characters with the small amount of old ones was a sort of a dodgy move. I'm not a fan of getting alienated, personally. There is, however, one thing you're being very wrong at, and that is judging the game before it gets released. So what if other people are hyping? Just wait till the release and then think whatever the hell you want about it. I'm not saying the game is particularly good or bad, just saying to...not count your chickens before they're hatched. BOOM As for me, the one thing I really hate about it is FATRALF. He's not just buff, he's FATBUFF. I hate, hate, hate it! But at least the game has Robert. That's enough for me to buy it.
  7. First, it's not a beat 'em up. It's a fighting game. Gawd, will people ever get the genres right? Second, Carmilla was never really given any special characterization in the series, so it's not like they had anything to go by. Besides, what would you do with a vicious lesbian vampire? Turn her into a lady? I think not. Third, about the variety...I'm pretty sure if you, or someone like you, was in charge of the characters there would be very little variety, what with wanting Richter and Soma in the game. Like I said before, they managed to keep the cast at a minimum while also giving it a lot of fanservice and variety. Think of it for yourself, will you? They had a limited time to create this (they always do, Konami pressures KCET, the team that makes Cv, a lot) and, for what it's worth, they did an excellent job with the cast of characters, and the game. End of argument.
  8. Dheginsea sent a unit of red dragons to save Almedha, remember? One of the dragons (I don't remember who) said this in FE10. Dheginsea knew that he was wrong after some time, therefore he still chose to side with Ashera to punish himself. He says it to Yune after you defeat him.
  9. The top quality lies within the variety in their fighting styles. Who cares if Carmilla is a whore? She always was. Who cares if Maria is the most annoying thing since forever? She always was. I'm kinda irked about Eric myself (why they decided to make him a kid) but still, the fighting styles are diverse and they managed to put in as much fanservice as possible while keeping it small. And that's all that matters in the end.
  10. Well, where Judgment lacks in quantity, it makes up for it with quality, yes? After all, isn't quality>quantity? Still, if this becomes successful they'll probably make sequels (with more characters!). If not then, penis.
  11. Well, in the short period he's seen in FE10, he's given a lot of character through music and dialogue. If anybody overlooks that then they're more stubborn than Dheginsea himself!
  12. I think it's been established that the cast, while being small, is full of variety and fanservice. Richter and Soma are popular, but what else? Richter's most famous for bringing item crashes. Everybody can do that. What would he do now, except make people whine about clones? And Soma...I'm kinda surprised how he isn't in the game myself. But eh, I guess he wasn't necessary.
  13. Well I meant her normal design in CotM, with the pink dress and all. And Cornell is a character from Legacy of Darkness. He is from a clan of manbeasts. Basically, a werewolf with conscience.
  14. Or how she looked like in CotM. :o Something like that would've been tons better, imo. He always stands like a huge oak tree. I don't see what's wrong. :P
  15. Well, yeah. There always will be those few characters that kick ass no matter what. But from what I've heard, the whole cast is pretty usable in every battle (unless you're up against Aeon or Shanoa who seem to be really broken). And yeah, a lot of the designs are pretty bad. The ones I particularly like are Simon, Trevor, Sypha, Cornell, Aeon, Shanoa and Dracula. The rest are meh to horrible. Most of them being horrible. The one thing I can't understand is how they decided to turn Eric into an obnoxious kid. It's really annoying.
  16. And I just thought to post the Official Judgment Site (in Japanese). There's lots of neat stuff in it, and all the characters have diamond charts about their abilities, plus a short video showing their gameplay and all that. They're available up to Golem.
  17. I think Judgment has an excellent cast. You have the most iconic character, Simon, Densetsu's cast, two main antagonists...they managed to make the cast really colourful and give it a lot of variety while keeping it simple. I really respect and appreciate that in a fighting game. I'm also really hyped for Judgment. The only thing I hate about it is that...it's supposed to be a fanservice game but the designs kinda ruin that (except for a few of them which are actually good). :( But other than that, it seems like a fine and balanced game.
  18. That is one awesome Samus avatar.

  19. You'll only think Portrait of Ruin is good if you haven't played the games that came before (minus DoS). Anyway, I've played and beaten every game in the series (with the exception of Order of Shadows and the two newest games). Really awesome series. My favourites are SotN (exploration style) and Chronicles (Classicvania). I own a whole bunch of the games that I don't feel like listing. And...I feel like closing with: SIMON BELMONT FOREVER
  20. Right, I forgot about that. Well see...the mood isn't there. Back then I was somehow fascinated by "Eggman" but now, due to all these PENISH videos I'm obsessed with saying...well, you know it. But it's slowly starting to go away from me...and maybe, someday, I will start saying Eggman again. But I'll have to listen to excessive amounts of E.G.G.M.A.N. for that.
  21. Disappointed with it. I've retconned everything written in that topic now. I will start anew...in the near future.
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