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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. lolbump Yes yes yes. Happy anniversary and all that. I remember when I was a generic forum going guy. Now I'm my own brand of awesome.
  2. Exactly! Seriously...how can you not like this: The amount of charisma this dragon has is just incredible. Same for Dheginsea. He's horribly underrated. :(
  3. Yeah, I wasn't too satisfied with it myself. There wasn't enough humour, but that's why you post these stuff, huh? Thanks for the criticism. It really helps. Also, this was my first time doing comedy seriously (haha, get it?), and I kinda suck at comedy anyway. But yeah, I'll try to improve in the future. I'm really satisfied with the poem, though.
  4. It's good so far. I'm interested in reading more so keep it up!
  5. For me they exist but older threads are above them somehow...it doesn't seem to count that I've read the others and this is newer or something like that penis etc. blah blah blah
  6. I can't see new posts from the board index. :/
  7. *Facepalm* Just read through the thread. ;_; EDIT: And by that I mean THIS thread.
  8. And I have a basis for mine. You shouldn't be assuming that I'm just saying it for no reason. Read through the thread one more time and you will understand why I said...what I said.
  9. I always wonder...which one of you is the actual webmaster? You're the guy who seems to update stuff and etc. but Jyo made the forums so I'm confused...
  10. It's actually pretty flattering if you find out the true purpose behind it.
  11. If you win, I win too. If I win, you win too. Win-Win. ^_^
  12. I dunno how...guess I was looking for artwork or something. Or maybe music. One of these two. Or maybe I was looking for an FE fansite...I really don't know.
  13. Can I get recruited? I want to be the ultra-awesome character who pwns everything but dies 5 minutes after you recruit him.
  14. Name - Dick McCockington Age - Old as penis Class - Cockmaster Friends - Eyebrows McRapington Description - Dick McCockington. Need I say more?
  15. Those were the people who were on at the time and you weren't on...
  16. If you mean the word, then possibly. But if you mean the knife then...there's no knife called "kard" over here. That's like saying "Axe" is a special kind of...axe in the middle ages of England or whatever, if you get my drift.
  17. I'm pretty sure he does, and I'm pretty sure when I first played it (back when it was released) I laughed at the poor quality of the graphics. They were bad even for back then. Anyway, FF7 is a decent game, just not the greatest thing evar. I'm not sure which FF I like the best, either, but FFX is definitely a good game. Too bad Tidus is a horrible character. :( I don't even know why Squaresoft/Square-Enix has an affinity for heroes that are douchebags (Cloud, Squall, Tidus, the Unholy Trinity of Douchebags). Well, some heroes were good (Terra, Cecil) but some others are pretty bad (which seems to be a..."trend" that started with the 3D games).
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