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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Gatrie has a larger bone structure, larger muscles and his armour is also probably heavier and better than Brom's cheap armour.
  2. Obviously because Brom is an air-filled balloon. :P
  3. Nightmare

    Positive Racism

    That's exactly how I am.
  4. Oh yeah and, I can stay up for incredibly long hours as long as I've got a working PC and internet (and you guys). Keeps me from getting sleepy for some reason, until the point where I can take it no longer and start falling asleep in front of the PC.
  5. Nightmare

    Positive Racism

    Positive racism? Big fat LOL. If such a thing existed, the world would be a much better place to live in now, wouldn't it?
  6. Same here. That's kinda strange. Oh and uh...Red Bull makes me feel sick and hour or two after I drink it. Sugar makes me feel heavy and I need to rest a bit after consuming something sweet, and Idunnowhatelse.

  8. It seems a lot of people didn't get the main message of this poem: Chapter 13 is incredibly evil, and there's only one way to make it so evil: enter a pact with the Devil!
  9. He's a blind freak. And the sounds he makes are totally awesome. HOW CAN HE FAIL?!?! (@TLS)
  10. Voldo is not an "it", but a character from Soul Calibur. And he's totally awesome.
  11. Oh dear, looks like Bastian is an even bigger fan of Nolan's beard than you are. I must say, these are very well written! Huzzah!
  12. Bah, I knew there was something wrong when Zihark beats her (or is close to her) in almost every stat while he's three levels below.
  13. Nightmarre was nice some time ago, but then he started becoming really really rude and mean!
  14. Gatrie, you should remove the link from your quoted message...
  15. It's supposed to be comedy/parody though, so Idk. Look out for the sequel! If I can ever write it...
  16. It was SSP that first voted for Flash Man. “You’ve done some pretty suspicious things…” he began. “Therefore, I vote for you.” “I vote for Meta Kirby as well!” Will chimed in. “It’s Flash Man, dammit!” Flash Man sighed. “And I’m innocent, I tell you! Innocent!” “I’m not so sure about that…You asked about Godot’s whereabouts when there were so many others that hadn’t voted…And he was a member of the Black Fangs! Do you see where I’m going, Flashy?” SSP stated. “I suppose I do. And I’m innocent. I simply chose Godot’s name from the Town list! It was random!” Flash Man groaned. “I believe that it’s rather suspicious to vote for me if that’s the only proof you’ve got. Therefore, I vote for you.” "What proof do you have that I'm scum?" "Um...you voted for me based only on slim evidence." "...I thought that was plenty of evidence. And you have some pretty shoddy evidence as well." "...Shut up." Lyle's body rose from the grave, and gave a daunting "Lynch Meta-Kirby..." before returning to his resting place. Flash Man was lynched. He was Brendan, BLACK FANG Vanilla. Townies, send your night actions to Desdemona. Mafia members, send your night actions to Cymbeline. DISCLAIMER: THIS IS WRITTEN BY DES EXCEPT FOR ONE LINE THAT IS WRITTEN BY RAVEN.
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