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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Lol...I'm almost the same, the first two, especially (without the blaming parts, of course).
  2. The one thing that makes me uber-hyped for this is fucking VEGA. Otherwise, I wouldn't really care about this game.
  3. I know how you can play the PS versions...HEH! HEH! HEH!
  4. Another thing I really like about Fire Emblem is how the designs aren't exaggerated like most other RPGs. They're pretty normal (and functional, I might add) compared to other RPGs. Like, Zelgius' armour is quite big, but if he was in another RPG, he'd have 20 tons more armour.
  5. I'm a ninjapirate too. It's awesome.
  6. I'm pissed that I missed this. And all because of a God damn shared internet. Fuuuuuuuck.
  7. Lol your personal pic (when viewing it from my profile) is an ultra stretched and skinny Zelgius.

  8. Heh, I blew off studying all week as well. 100+ pages, and tomorrow's my exam. That's what I usually do...don't study until the night of the exam and then cram as much as I can.

  9. Eh, not very much, admittedly. I have an exam left over, and I'm slacking off from studying, as usual...what's up with you?

  10. I miss the days when you used to get on around this time... *sigh*

  11. Songbird will KILL you for giving Ranulf to another person.
  12. Narrator: It was a peaceful day in Forest chat. First, there was the righteous Captain Falcon...who...was hitting on Des... Captain_Falcon hits on Des <Desdemona> ... <emeraldfox_09> :o <Denning> FALCON HIT!! <Captain_Falcon> Captain Falcon is very sorry to Des. <Denning> It missed... <Desdemona> The curse of being the only girl in this chat right now. <emeraldfox_09> :I <Denning> AT LEAST WE'RE NOT RAEPISTS <Captain_Falcon> Captain Falcon would like to apologize <Captain_Falcon> To Des <Nightmarre> Lol <emeraldfox_09> lol Narrator: But then...the unexpected happened! Captain: WHAT YOU SAY !! <Gheb> SPEAK FOR YOURSELF DENNING <emeraldfox_09> ... <Captain_Falcon> FALCON PUNCH <Desdemona> Wut. <Denning> LOOK AT THE AD ON MY THREAD * Captain_Falcon Captain Falcon battles Gheb epicly <emeraldfox_09> I'm listening to battle for storm hill... <Gheb> ROOOAAARRR * Denning crits Captain_Falcon for OVER 9000!! damage with 0 crit percent <emeraldfox_09> And it's awesome. *w* * Captain_Falcon FALCON KICKS Gheb <emeraldfox_09> But I like Bramble Blast a little more. :/ * Gheb r**** Captain_Falcon <Desdemona> o_O <emeraldfox_09> ? <Captain_Falcon> Captain Falcon is to Asexual for that. * Gheb r**** anyway <Captain_Falcon> Captain Falcon is going to PUNCH Gheb's PENISH if he doesn't stop. =-= Denning is now known as Richter_Bellmant <Richter_Bellmant> YOU STEAL MEN'S VIRGINITY, AND MAKE THEM YOUR SLAVES * Gheb r**** some more * Captain_Falcon FALCON KICKS Gheb's Penish <Gheb> AHHHHHHHHHHH * Gheb roars in pain <Richter_Bellmant> YOUR WORDS ARE AS EMPTY AS YOUR SOUL, MANKIND ILL NEEDS A RAPIST LIKE YOU. <Gheb> XD <Gheb> *XD <Captain_Falcon> YOU WON'T RAPE ANYMORE INNOCENT PEOPLE GHEB <Gheb> NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! * Captain_Falcon FALCO PUNCH!!!! * Gheb r**** innocent people <Richter_Bellmant> SPIRIT... GUN!!! <Captain_Falcon> FALCON PUNCH <Richter_Bellmant> OHWAIT <Richter_Bellmant> I'M NOT YUSUKE <Captain_Falcon> Richter we must work together to beat Gheb <Captain_Falcon> Captain Falcon said, =-= Richter_Bellmant is now known as Bob * Bob farts. <Captain_Falcon> Captain Falcon says screw that. * Gheb r**** innocent people <Captain_Falcon> Captain Falcon Knee's Ghebs PENISH <Gheb> RAAAAARRRRGH <Captain_Falcon> COME ON...BLUE FALCON =-= Bob is now known as Guest3359 * Captain_Falcon turns Gheb into Falcon road Kill * Gheb tries to r*** Captain_Falcon but fails <Gheb> TOO PAINFUL <Captain_Falcon> DIE <Gheb> CANNOT...R***... <Gheb> NOOOOO * Gheb gets squished flat * Captain_Falcon FALCON PUNCH's GHEB TO A BLOODY PULP * Gheb becomes a bloody pulp <Captain_Falcon> Captain Falcon has completed his mission. -->| noremac (darkmyst@ has joined #Serenes_Forest =-= Guest3359 is now known as Bob <--| Captain_Falcon has left #Serenes_Forest * Bob eats Gheb's pulp <Gheb> Ew <Bob> NOREMAC ODDNARPS <emeraldfox_09> lol =-= Bob is now known as Blue_Falcon <Gheb> FUCKING GROSS <Desdemona> Hi Noremac. <emeraldfox_09> Listening to 25m BGM is very fun! :D <noremac> hey <emeraldfox_09> IT'S THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!! :3 <Blue_Falcon> GHEB <Blue_Falcon> BOB IS YOUR FATHER <Gheb> NOoooo <Blue_Falcon> AND WHEN WILL YOU GET OUT OF THAT COSPLAY SUIT?!
  13. Man...what did they teach you at class? Citruses are FRUITS damn it. They're just one of many types of fruits. And just to tell you, ANYTHING with a seed is a fruit. That means squash is also a fruit.
  14. All of the choices ('cept the last one)!
  15. I also noticed I tend to analyse people and things a LOT. Sometimes I delve too deep for my own good...
  16. Meh, I also noticed I'm really, really boring.
  17. Give us a list of stuff you're obsessed with! Mine (in no particular order): Simon Belmont Castlevania Eggman PENISH (dunno why, I just like to randomly shout it, not IRL though) Zelgius (I've been especially obsessed with him lately) Aristocratic clothing Black (the colour) Music Tibarn Fire Emblem (why else would I sign up at this site?) You guys That's all I have for now...
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