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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Nightmare


    I...don't quite understand what you're trying to say here...
  2. Nope. You'll find out eventually. Grand Cross existed as a staple Belmont move waaaaaay before Collete (or however you spell her name) even existed. And just so you can get that image out of your head: This is what Simon looks like.
  3. Nightmare


    This. I can't see the picture here, but I'm going to assume it's the same picture I saw elsewhere (Sonic in the air with a sword in his hand). Is it just me, or does the sword resemble Alondite?
  4. My Kurthnaga also got skill screwed. Try to get his weapon to SS though, that'll help a lot (although it'll take a millennium). I believe he has a generally low skill growth. EDIT: And yes, a Satori Sign would make him very awesome. I also gave him Imbue and Daunt; he couldn't die, no matter what.
  5. They won't counter-attack Kurthnaga, so it'll be really easy. EDIT: And I'm trying to say this as best as I can, without spoilers...
  6. Awesome. Interesting "adventures" you've got. I didn't read them till today... Also claw machines are eeeeeeeviiiiiilll.
  7. In the third stage of endgame, take your time to level up Kurthnaga to 40. He's amazing.
  8. That's right, but he still didn't sound like Lehran.
  9. Or when I want to contact Fireman about secret stuff...or Songbird...
  10. Bows can get pretty messy if you shoot the arrow at the right spot...
  11. It sounded different than Lehran. Besides that, wasn't it Nasir who wanted to free the slaves in Begnion and bridge the beorc-laguz gap? There's also the thing with Dheginsea saying "Hold! Hold, I say!". That clearly shows that he's talking to a dragon, and he doesn't want him to leave the country (the policies they have and stuff). The whole conversation itself kinda hints that he's talking to a dragon (Nasir). What would Lehran be wanting to do with Dheginsea, anyway? Wouldn't he have enough power to investigate and free the laguz slaves himself?
  12. Lyle you complain too much for your own good. It's seriously getting annoying seeing you complain about something new every day.
  13. I'm also on here most of the day, but I don't spam. You still spam. Stop trying to justify it.
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