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Everything posted by Sire

  1. I guess you can vote for the same character multiple times. Yesterday I voted for Micaiah, and today I also voted Micaiah out of curiosity. It registered, and on my "Battle Balot," I got Micaiah down for Day 1 & 2. Since we can vote for characters multiple times, I'll probably just end up voting straight Micaiah to "slightly" improve her chances of winning. Alternatively, I'l just vote for a small number of characters instead of a separate character per day.
  2. 1.I want my playable soldier class back! 2. I would like the GBA Magic Triangle (Light, Dark, Anima) to return. 3. I prefer Path of Radiance's / Radiant Dawn's version of "Daggers" compared to Fate's "Hidden Weapons." 4. Make Hybrids meaningful. In most cases I rather have the specialized unit than a Hybrid. Even then, I rather have Hybrids be more of a rare thing instead of being an alt promotion option for everything. 5. If "Shapeshifters" (Manakets, Laguz, etc) are in, go all out with them. I want Tellius representation of Laguz level instead of just the "extinct" Taguel in Awakening or the two (four) shifters in Fates. 6. Can we have a Lord who is not on foot and a sword main? I'll be fine if it is a horseback Lord with a sword, but there are too many swordsmen around.
  3. Unless IS wants to go full on Avatar with the Avatar character being the main focus (think Fates, but a lot more nuanced and meaningful), I would prefer more of a background Avatar. The character could be a narrator (telling a story of the war, writing it down in a book, etc.) or simply happen to tag along the main Lord (bodyguard, conscripted soldier, villager the Lord saved, and so on). I liked Xenoblade Chronicles X's avatar. All the avatar was a rookie, but he has a bad*** rookie who happened to tag along with Elma and company. God Eater's avatar is also okay, leaning a little towards avatar bias (especially Burst's story arc), but the main story revolves around the other characters. Back to Fire Emblem, I would avoid "avatar-sexuals" and making all relationships romantic. Give me the option to help a child soldier find her lost family. Let the avatar help ease the burden of a war veteran. Make the Avatar and the Main Lord be best friends instead of being romantically involved. Maybe the Avatar reconnects to his/her family. I know this will go against the recent trend of "Waifu Emblem" (why can't I marry "x!") but I want my Sacred Stones paired endings back! Essentially, make the Avatar character important to the plot or not involved at all. If the Avatar is important, let the character make plot-changing decisions. If the Avatar is in the background, IS can keep the typical linear Fire Emblem story.
  4. After checking out some Fire Emblem Rock covers some users have posted on the forum, I stumbled across more covers that are Jazz oriented. So, here's one for your enjoyment!
  5. I would prefer if there was no Pair-Up in this game. Awakening and Fate's Pair-Up system made me play Fire Emblem suboptimally by focusing far more on the Enemy Phase, focusing on a small number of characters, and buffing my units instead of strategically taking them out like in the more classic titles such as Sacred Stones or Radiant Dawn. I became so reliant on Pair Up that I ignored practically all else and the fact that grinding was available made for an easy way out in difficult situations. Sure, I managed Lunatic and Lunatic + on Awakening legitimately (until I got access to the Avatar Log), but still. "Low Manning" is somewhat fine if one knows who all to take for the final chapter and the player focuses on those units, but when one uses just four characters near endgame, there is a problem.
  6. I hope we get some tracks like Eclipse of the Sun / Moon / World from Hyrule Warriors. I loved those tracks, alongside Silent Guardians. Here is my music wishlist that I copied from another thread.
  7. Shadow Dragon - Linde (There were so many candidates: Caeda, Julian, Lena, Bantu, Minerva, Gotoh, even Jake [Jake x Anna!]. However, I ended up with Linde due to her design.) New Mystery - Feena (I haven't played New Mystery, but tried to find a character that wasn't in Shadow Dragon. Feena seems unique enough. I could have picked Katrina, but I think fans probably want a more classic character than a newer one.) Gaiden - Mycen (Based off of Awakening artwork, I haven't played Gaiden) Genealogy - Alvis (Based off of what little I know, he seems interesting. I haven't played Genealogy.) Thracia - Ishtar (Based off artwork and small tidbits. I haven't played Thracia.) Binding Blade - Fir (Personal bias and she is a Myrmidon. I haven't played through Binding Blade, but should get around to it eventually...) Blazing Sword - Sain (I could go Canas, Jaffar, or even Fargus, but don't have a Cavalier on this list. Besides, Sain's personality could fit well for this type of game considering who all he will be around.) Sacred Stones - Joshua (Tossed a coin between Seth and Joshua, Joshua won. I love practically everyone in the Sacred Stones, but I'll settle on Joshua due to his personality.) Path of Radiance - Nephenee (A lance user and personal favorite, although I prefer her artwork from Radiant Dawn. There are also plenty of awesome choices here: Jill, Astrid, Haar, Bastian, Tibarn, Volke, and Oliver, but I'll settle on Nephenee.) Radiant Dawn - Nolan (A member of the Dawn Brigade and an axe user. Other candidates were Volug, Nailah, and Heather.) Awakening - (I mean, who wouldn't want a Knight around to defend them? My other picks were Walhart, Olivia, and Owain.) Fates: Conquest - Leo or Arthur (Leo if he doesn't count as a Lord, Arthur otherwise. Leo is a magic user on horseback while Arthur has his amazing sense of JUSTICE!) Fates: Birthright - Takumi or Oboro (Takumi since he is a bow user and fairly popular character, Oboro since she has some character depth and wields Nagitanas.)
  8. Man this is rough. So many characters from so many games. I imagine it'll be really rough when it releases for the inner completionist in me... Anyways, today I voted for Micaiah. I like her design and she has a shot at making it in. However, considering the poll will be worldwide, I'm predicting Tharja, Anna, or Tiki (likely the child version) will end up winning the female category. For the guys, I'll say either Leo or Takumi. I'll be surprised if first place winners are not from Awakening, Fates, or Shadow Dragon / New Mystery. As for my other votes... (in no particular order) 1. Cerventes - The stache, man. He probably won't make it far, but still. 2. Inigo / Laslow - My avatar's child's companion from Awakening. The other two (Severa & Owain) are also cool, but I gotta give the spot to Indy. 3. Ephraim - A Lord who is not a sword user, and fairly amazing as well. Joshua is cool too, but I favor Emphraim more. Erika's spot went to someone else. 4. Seth - Seth needs to solo more games. Why can't he solo FE Mobile and look good doing so? (His name is Seth. Just Seth. I play too much Command and Conquer...) 5. Hector - Hector needs a spotlight to represent his relative popularity in the West. Also, Hector is just awesome. 6. Tibarn - We could use a Lagus character to mix things up a bit. I wonder how they will incorporate all "Laguz" and "Manakete" type characters. 7. Duessel - A personal favorite character. Let the Obsidian ride again! 8. Limstella - A magic user who has a beauty of her own, and is fully clothed. She is a bit obscure though and I prefer the sprite portrait over official art. 9. Oliver - Beauty. Magnificence. Classical. Who can say no to such a man? 10. Cherche - My favored spouse in Awakening. 11. Flora - Likely to end up becoming my favored spouse in Fates, but that would involved firing up Fates again to finish Revelations... 12. Morgan (F) - My avatar's child from Awakening. I did keep her as a Grandmaster, but I doubt she'll have blue hair...
  9. Before I start my list, I have a crazy idea / speculation. Fire Emblem's class system will serve as a basis for common fodder, with promoted variants being used for officers. Essentially, the basic moveset for all characters are based off class, but major player characters will get special abilities or additional moves based off of their character. So, if hypothetically movesets were baseline on class while spotlight characters get extra moves, we could see other characters acting as officers instead of generics. So, say if we were fighting Chrom, Chrom would have a full moveset since he is a "spotlight character." Lissa, Fredrick, , Sumia, Vaike, and the other Shepherds could appear as officers but with a generic moveset based off of their class. The same can be said of Fate's Royal Siblings: Camilla, Leo, Elise, Hionka, Takumi, and Sakura. Granted, this is unlikely due to all the art and voice that would have to be put into them, but it is an interesting idea nonetheless. The alternative is that all of these "characters" also make up "avatar parts," so Koei can hit two birds with one stone. Although, if there is actually voice acting, I hope there will be an English option... Now, to the List Bandwagon! [spoiler=Character List]Likely Candidates (Awakening, Fates, Archanea) - Original Hero 1: Gotta be someone original to gather everyone together. - Original Villain 1: Gotta be someone who screwed everything up so the Hero can gather everyone together. - Chrom: Practically confirmed from the trailer, so we know we are getting some Awakening reps. - Male Robin: Male Robin seems to be the Canon Robin, and if Awakening is involved, he practically has to be present. It helps he can serve as a tactician character among a cast of mostly nobles. Also, he has potential story-wise... - Lucina: Another famous character from Awakening, Smash, and PxZ2. I bet the real Marth will show up, so they can always do the Lucina / Marth thing. - Grima: Come on, fighting on the back of a giant dragon is awesome. Warrior games tend to go for awesome factor. Also, story potential. As for actual portrayal, probably mainly a stage with an altered moveset for a certain character... - Gangrel: I personally rather have Gangrel than Validar, bu I see them going Validar if they are going to use Grima. Aversa can stay a generic. - Tiki (Adult): I imagine Tiki will be like the Midna situation in Hyrule Warriors, where she will be portrayed in both her adult and child forms. Whether one form or the other will be DLC, I am unsure. - Female Corrin: Female Corrin seems to be getting most of the spotlight (So Conquest is canon folks! You heard it here first!...), so I think she will be used as Fate's Avatar representation. She will be unique by combining her swordplay with her Dragonstone. - Xander: I believe his sword was shown in the trailer. He can fight both mounted and unmounted based off the cutscenes of Fates. - Ryoma: I believe his sword was shown in the trailer. He can serve as the "Fast Swordsman" type character. - Azura: Um, Diaochan with a spear? Anyone? No? - Garon: Not my personal favorite, but considering his antagonist role in Fates, his role playing Fate's FEW villain is high. A part of my hopes they play around with Garon more to make his story more awesome instead of what we got in Fates... (Redeemed Garon? Please?) - Anakos: Apparently he already has the power to mess around with dimensions, so he may play a role in the story. Personally, I rather have Grima since he is more awesome, and has more story potential instead of boring Anakos. Besides, I mostly see him serving as an NPC role unless they make big bosses a thing in FEW. - Marth: Gotta have the first guy, whether you like him or not. I suppose he'll be a fencing character? - Caeda: Where Marth goes, Caeda follows. I think she may be the only flier on the roster. - Camus: Who better to represent the Camus archetype than Camus himself? - Gharnef: The Dark Magic villain guy. - Medeus: The likely final villain for Shadow Dragon. - Tiki (Child): I imagine Tiki will be like the Midna situation in Hyrule Warriors, where she will be portrayed in both her adult and child forms. Whether one form or the other will be DLC, I am unsure. Extra: - Ike: WE LIKE IKE! WE LIKE IKE! *ahem* I see Ike being a fan favorite, and considering he is roaming the land at the end of Radiant Dawn, who's to say he somehow got caught up in FEW? - Roy: Smash rep, but considering he didn't show up for Fates, I'll consider his probability a little lower than the others. * * * * * Priority Wishlist: - The Awakening Trio (Inigo, Owain, Severa): Partly due to favoritism and because I want to see fan reactions when these three show up, again. I love these three, I can't help it! Also, the story potential with Awakening and the Fates cast... - Walhart: While I would like him in, I think for diversity they will go for other characters. Unless, they make Walhart the Lu Bu of FEW, "Do not pursue the Conquerer!" - The Black Knight: Ike's counterpart. He is also perfect to serve as the Lu Bu of FEW, serving as a slow but unstoppable force of destruction. - Ashnard: Another enemy to Ike. Currently unique in the fact that there are no real "Wyvern" or "Dragon" Knights on the roster. - Micaiah: There's plenty of male Dark Mages, so why not a female Light Mage to balance things out? Also, Micaiah bias. - Ashera: Micaiah's enemy. We have powerful dragons and magic users, why not a Goddess as an antagonist? FE 7 - Hector: I went Hector in so he can annihilate everything. - Lyn: Smash rep as an assist trophy, and can do well with a sword & bow skill set. - Eliwood: One of the main lords, so he'll make it in. - Nergal: The main antagonist of Blazing Sword. - Sonia: The recognizable character of Nergal's morphs who also manipulated the Black Fang. FE 8 - Erika & Ephraim: The twin lords from Sacred Stones. - Lyon: The main antagonist of Sacred Stones. I think I am seeing a pattern with dark magic users being villains... - Seth: Personal request, but Seth could solo FEW on his own. Also serves as a Jeigan character. - Duessel: Personal request since he is my top favorite character in Sacred Stones and can serve as a "Great Knight" character. FE 9-10 - Sothe: We currently lack a dedicated "thief" and he has ties to both Ike and Micaiah. - Elincia: An alternative Pegasus Knight to Caeda. - Nephenee: Personal request, but also serves as a character for the "Soldier" class. - Tibarn: I think he was one of the more prominent Laguz, so why not add a Laguz to FEW? - Oliver: Why not? Make it happen! FE 1,3,11,12 - Hardin: So we can have Dark Emperor Hardin. - Katrina: To do a bit of the New Mystery Remake storyline with the assassins. - Kris: To do a bit of the New Mystery Remake storyline with the assassins. FE 13 - Fredrick: Serves as a mounted unit and advisor to Chrom. - Lissa: There is no real "healer" on the roster, but I see Lissa being a Battle Cleric wielding an axe. FE 14 - Leo, Takumi: The fan favorite royal brothers. Takumi can serve as the archer while Leo a mounted mage. - Arthur: Nohr representative OF JUSTICE. The Awakening Trio can work, but I have them listed elsewhere. - Oboro: Hoshisian representative and fan favorite. NPC - Anna: Possibly as a DLC character later. Anna is everywhere! - Jake: If anyone even remembers who Jake is. - Blacksmith and Shopkeep: Fire Emblem staples, unless they just use Anna for everything. - Naga: May serve as overall guidance for Chrom and company. - Emmeryn: May serve well as an NPC (just so we can hear "Don't Say Her Name!") or even playable depending on what route they take with her. - Lilith: Wherever Corrin goes, I bit Lilith will follow. This is especially the case if they go the Anakos route for Fates. - Felicia, Flora, & Jacob: If not generic units, then NPCs. They are heavily tied to Corrin. (Now that I think about it, Corrin has ties with everyone while Robin has much less ties...) - Rainbow Sage: Corrin's main story advisor. - Elice: Marth's sister, may provide some story input. - Gotoh: Marth's story advisor. [spoiler=Music Wishlist]Music Wishlist - Divine Decree: Personal request, but they did use it for PxZ2. I can see this being used for Chrom. - Destiny: Personal request. I can see this being used for Lucina. - Chaos: Personal request. I want to see things go insane and dark in FEW, and Chaos could be a good theme for it. - Id (Purpose): If Robin is in, gotta have his theme somewhere. Why not give the theme some sense of purpose for an awesome battle? - Don't Say Her Name: Something different from all the "pumped up" tracks. - A Dark Fall: Nohr's theme. - Alight: Hoshido's theme. - Thorn in You: Corrin's Theme (Probably not, but I consider it a good song to represent Corrin's divided loyalties.) - Lost in Thoughts All Alone: Azura's Theme - Footsteps of Fate: One of my personal favorite tracks from Shadow Dragon. - The Time to Act: An upbeat theme for Marth's company. - Come, Join Us (Together, We Ride!): This HAS to be in somewhere. It's the classic recruitment theme! - The Little Divine Dragon: If Tiki's in, this obviously has to show somewhere. - Endless Battle: A nice theme from New Mystery. * * * * * - Eternal Bond: Considering this was used as "Ike's Theme" in Brawl, I can see FEW remixing Eternal Bond if Ike shows up. - Unstoppable Destiny: The Black Knight. I would advise not engaging him... - Conviction: More of less Micaiah's theme and a personal favorite. - Bearer of Hope: I know Elincia has her own theme, but this can work well in battles involving her. - Companions: We need to spread awareness of how awesome the GBA games are, including their soundtracks. Companions is amazing if FE7 makes it in! - Dragon's Gate II: Used for a final showdown against Nergal. - Determination: Gotta be used for Ephraim. That man can take a castle with only four men, including himself! - Rise Above: Maybe this can be used for Erika? - Confront the Past: A nice theme from Sacred Stones. - Powerful Foe: Tell me this does not fit the music style of the Warrior games. It'll be perfect for FEW!
  10. Hype - Xenoblade Chronicles 2: I really want to say this is a continuation of the original Xenoblade Chronicles, even though I personally was hoping for X2. Also, to quote one of the top comments on Youtube "THEY BETTER BE JOLLY BRITISH BLOKES!" // Also, are the original composers from XC1 returning for XC2? I don't know enough about them to make that judgement. - Splatoon 2: I loved the original Splatoon, even though I haven't played it as much as I would have liked (I got to B+ ranking though!) I wonder what the story is like since Callie seems to be missing and Marie seems a bit down in the trailer. - Fire Emblem Warriors: I love the Musou games ever since I picked up Samurai Warriors Chronicles for the 3DS. While I have some concerns they may just stick to the popular games, it should not be a dealbreaker to me and I should have fun regardless. - Super Mario Odyssey: A 3D mario game, and seems to be a proper one at that. I'll have to look into it a bit more though. - Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: Looks like a good game, especially since I normally don't play much LoZ. The music and scenery make it for me. Eh: - FIFA: An EA Sports game! Not exactly my interests... - Skyrim: "PC MASTER RACE" *cough* Anyways, I have Skyrim for the PC for extensive modding, so Skyrim on the Switch does not interest me. I rather have mods than portability. - 1-2 Switch: While the initial concept seems to be a showcase for the system's capabilities by doing multiplayer, like Nintendo Land, the current presentation does not really interest me. Nintendo themed stuff is cool, and sports (Wii era) is universally understood. Party stuff for an introvert like myself? I think I'll pass. - Snipperclips: Seems a bit weird and I threw it here because I have no real interest in it based off of what I've seen. Extra - Arms: This is probably one of those games that look odd, but may actually be fun to play. I'll reserve judgement until I see more of it or test it out myself.
  11. After marathoning Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen, I started marathoning God Eater: Resurrection. So many games, so little time...
  12. Well, that was some presentation, and while I still want to pick one up at launch, I don't think there is much of a lineup as of present. Some games that caught my attention... - Fire Emblem Warriors: I thought it was a second Hyrule Warriors at first (saw company name), but as soon as I saw the shield, I knew it was FE: Warriors. I'm really looking forward to this one and wonder what music remixes we will see when it eventually releases. - Super Mario Odyssey: I'm a fan of 3D Mario, but I'm sure having Mario run around the "real world" caught almost everybody by surprise. Either way, gotta pick it up. - Xenoblade 2: My Hype meter is broken on this one. A slight shame it probably won't be a continuation of X's story and Mira, but being Xenoblade 2 opens up a whole new realm of possibilities after the events of the first one. Only time will tell what is actually going on. (Also, I saw Nopon. There will always be Nopon!) - "Square RPG:" Square Enix's pixel RPG thingy. It looks interesting, but I require more research on it to draw conclusions. - LoZ: Breath of the Wild: Gotta say as a player who doesn't play much LoZ, they seem to be going much more towards an "epic" feel with Breath of the Wild. The music alone wants me to pick it up, and the environments remind of of Xenoblade's style. - Splatoon 2: It's a second Splatoon, which should say enough into itself. - Mario Kart "Switch:" Still seems to be an updated port of 8, but there are some new things to look at, such as possibility of a proper battle mode. If it includes all the DLC from 8, I'm definitely picking this up. -- Update: Guess it's Mario Kart 8 Deluxe now. I'll have to look into it further. Other stuff... - No Region Lock: Perfect for those who enjoy importing or getting games early. I personally don't import anything, but it is a nice feature for those who do. - Paid Online Service: Online services will have to be paid for after launch (presumably to work out the bugs and refine it before asking for payment). Nintendo's free services was nice while it lasted, but this is something to be expected. Now off to do stuff and research!
  13. And so the cycle begins anew. Happy New Year to all, and make it a good one!
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