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Everything posted by Sire

  1. Per usual, counting this because Visual Novel(s).
  2. To the Archives! [spoiler=Create A Class Thread - Fates]This selection of skills is from Create A Class Thread (Fates), so they are designed to work in the Fates Engine alongside their custom class. For further details besides the class name and skills, look through the topic! Levin Knight - A knight who focuses on using swords and magic. - Level 1: Might and Magic (When calculating damage, use either STR or MAG to opponent's DEF or RES, whatever will result in higher total damage.*) - Level 10: Storm Call (Command, Attacks an opponent at 2-3 range. Can not follow up, trigger skills, or crit. Enemy cannot counter attack.**) - Level 25: Chain Lightning (When user triggers the battle, damage dealt is chained to an adjacent enemy of the target at half damage. Chains 3 times, cannot kill.***) - Level 35: Levin Master (Allows for criticals and skill activation when wielding a Levin Sword.) Champion - A soldier from Valla that can wield any weapon. - Level 1: Honor Guard (When the supporting unit, take half of incoming damage instead of the lead unit.*) - Level 10: Ancient Stance (Always blocks incoming attacks from enemy Attack stance, even when not in Guard Stance.**) - Level 25: Nihil (Negates enemy’s combat-related skills.**) - Level 35: Gloria (Gain +1 to all stats per enemy defeated. This effect wears off at 1 per turn. There is no cap.) Valkyrie - A mysterious being with connections to the Outrealms. - Level 1: Summon (Summons a Phantom to aid you once per map.*) - Level 10: Judgement (Command, has a percentage chance of instantly defeating an adjacent foe based off of remaining HP. If successful, the unit is registered as an Einherjar in the Logbook.) - Level 25: Ethereal Bonds (All Einherjar have "A" support bonuses with each other and the Valkyrie.) - Level 35: Redemption (Resurrects a fallen Einherjar unit once per map.**) Valla Noble - A noble of the Vallite line. - Level 5: Draconic Destiny (When wielding Dragonstones, +1 Range*) - Level 15: Invisible Fang (Skill x 0.5% chance adding half of the user's current HP as damage.) Rightful King - The Rightful King of Nohr =Personal Skill: Nohrian Charm (If a friendly unit within 2 spaces has a C+ support with the user, that unit has +15 Hit and +15 Avoid.) - Level 1: Blood of Dusk (At the start of each turn, enemies within 2 spaces lose 10% HP. Cannot kill.) - Level 10: Draconic Blow (When user triggers the battle, damage received -10*) - Level 25: Relentless (When user defeats a unit, move to its space and allow for another attack.**) - Level 35: Rightful King (Debuffs from using weapons are ignored.***) Divine Incarnation - Lilith as a playable dragon. =Personal Skill: Astral Savior (If an attack would deal lethal damage to Corrin, the user warps in and takes the attack instead.*) - Level 1: Astral Vein (Command. Summons a Dragon's Vein. Effects vary.**) - Level 10: Astral Warp (Command. Allows user to warp to Corrin and then take an action.) - Level 25: Astral Summon (Command. Summons a unit from My Castle to assist.***) - Level 35: Astral Mastery (+2 Range to Astral Breath and Astral Blessing.) Deprived - A Dark Souls based class. - Class Passive: Darksign (Upon death, lose all EXP gained this map as well as all souls collected, but return alive at starting location at -4 to all stats [normal recovery]. If the unit moves back to the space where it died, regains lost souls and levels. This process is infinite.*) - Level 1: Soulforged (Upon killing a foe, gain +1 in a random stat, including HP. This ability stacks and is considered a buff, separate from class caps, and is "permanent". This skill can not be transferred to another class.*) - Level 10: Jolly Cooperation (When supported by or supporting an einherjar unit, lead unit gains damage dealt/taken +3/-3.***) - Level 25: Lord of Cinder (Upon killing a boss, gain a separate +2 buff to all stats. This effects stacks, but is lost with the Darksign. This skill can not be transferred to another class.****) - Level 35: Lord of Hollows (Upon death, raise the stat cap of all stats, including HP, by 3. This effect stacks. This skill can not be transferred to another class.*****) Dancer - An alternative take on Azura. - Class Command: Dance (Grants an ally +2 to all stats that decays by 1 per turn.*) - Level 1: Acrobat (All traversable terrain costs 1 movement point to cross.) - Level 10: Inspiring Dance (+3 to a "Boon" stat for the unit who watches the user's dance.**) - Level 25: Mesmerize (Enemies within a 2 tile radius suffer -10 to Hit.) - Level 35: Encore (The first use of Dance counts as a free action.***) [spoiler=Creativity Spot - Your Own Classes - Promotion Variations] This selection of skills is from Creativity Spot - Your Own Classes - Promotion Variations. These are designed for redesigned Fire Emblem classes as well as new promotions. Technically, the whole thing is a start to a new project of mine that wants to mimic a Fire Emblem game, but I'll post the whole thing later when it is more fleshed out. Knowing my track record, it'll never be finished... For the sake of brevity, repeat skills have been passed over. Some skill reworks, especially Radiant Dawn inspired ones, have been left in. Anima Blade – Always deals damage according to the enemy’s lowest Defense or Resistance stat. Overwhelm – When defeating an enemy, excess damage is returned as HP to the user. Colossus – Skill x 0.5% chance of dealing damage triple of the user’s Strength. Frenzy – Command. Attacks a unit until either the enemy or user dies. Riposte – When successfully evading an enemy attack, Skill% chance for a riposte attack. Impale – Skill x 0.5% chance of dealing triple damage. Overpower – When attacking, doubles the effectiveness of the weapon triangle as well as slayer weapons. Good Fortune – Luck% chance of recovering 20% and removing status ailments at the start of the user’s Turn. Scavenge – When defeating an enemy, Luck% change to obtain a random item. Dirty Fighting – Skill% chance of inflicting a random effect. (Poison, Stun, Half Damage, Stat Seals, etc.) Dual Wield – Doubles the user’s available strikes but deal half the damage. This skill is locked to the Corsair and cannot be removed. Steal – Command. Allows the user to steal an item from the target, including equipped weapons. Lethality – Upon a successful critical, instantly kills the enemy. Endless Quiver – Upon defeating an enemy, Skill% chance to attack again. This can be repeated as long as there are targets in range. Deadeye – Skill x 0.5% chance to deal double damage and put the enemy in sleep status. Disable – After battle, enemy Strength, Magic, Defense, and Resistance -6. Ambush – When attacking, uses all the strikes at once. (So, if attacking, the sequence of attack, counter, attack, counter will be transformed into attack, attack, counter, counter.) Rewind – Command. After taking an action, returns the Trickster to its starting location. Focus – Command. When used, grants +5 Magic to your next action. This effect does not stack. Anima Barrier – Skill% chance to add half of the user's Defense (if being attacked with Magic) or Resistance (if being attacked with Physical) to damage reduction. Forbidden Rite – Command. Deals damage based off users Magic x 2 to everyone within 2 spaces, including the user. If this attack defeats enemies, the user gains EXP as normal. Inner Fire – At the start of the turn, the user and adjacent allies gain +1 to all stats. The effect wears off at the start of the next turn. Exorcism – Skill x 0.5% chance to deal damage directly to the opponent’s HP based off the user’s Magic stat. If normal damage is higher, the normal attack is carried out instead. Repentance – When countering with a Staff, puts the attacker to sleep. Miracle – Luck x 0.5% chance of completely negating an enemy attack. Staff Mastery – Allows the user to counter with Magic even if a Staff is equipped. (This is based of Radiant Dawn's usage of staves.) Corona – Skill x 0.5% chance to deal double damage and put the enemy in blind status. Voice of Peace – At the start of each turn, all allies recover 10% HP. Rescue – Takes in the adjacent ally at the cost of halving Speed and Skill while they are carried. Terror – Enemies within a 2 tile radius suffer -20 to Hit. Inspire – At the start of each turn, adjacent allies gain +2 to Defense and Resistance. The effect wears off at the start of the next turn. Rally – Command. When used, grants allies in a 2 tile radius +4 to all stats. The effect wears off at the start of the next turn. (Stacks with Inspire) Stun – Skill x 0.5% chance of stunning the enemy in combat, dealing x2 damage and immobilizing it. (The Stun status effect will fade at the start of the next Enemy Phase.) Galeforce – Allows the user to do two actions per turn. (Two attacks, two staff uses, item use then attack, staff and attack, etc.) Sky Superiority – The user’s Flying weakness is nullified and they receive terrain effects. Abyssal Power – When defeating an enemy, gain +1 to all stats to a max of +10. Effect expires after the map is cleared. * * * * * For for some newer stuff that isn't found in lists... General Skills - Forsaken (Personal Skill, +5 Damage Dealt and Taken || Essentially a weaker Life or Death) - Lone Wolf (+5 to all stats when not adjacent to an allied unit.) - Challenge (Command. Initiates combat but ignores Dual Stance for both the user and the opponent.) - Isolate (Command. Knocks a unit out of Pair Up and places the lead unit in a space adjacent to the user. This command counts as an attack and will end that units turn.) - Berserk (Command. Repeats combat for 10 rounds unless the user or the opponent is defeated. || Can alternatively have it always active for additional risk factor.) - Overwhelm (Skill% chance of adding half of current HP to damage. || Essentially a reverse Vengeance.) - Second Wind (When user has 30% or lower health, immediately heals 30% of max HP. Only applies once per combat, does not apply to fatal hits.) - Weapon Master (When the weapon triangle is in the user's favor, double its effectiveness.) - Slayer Master (When wielding a slayer weapon, double its effectiveness.)
  3. Every time I listen to Xenoblade Chronicles, I want X's soundtrack to be like the original. Yet, when I listen to X's soundtrack, it somehow still fits despite the stylistic difference. I guess that's just how my mind associates the two games since I put at least 100 hours into each. So, I wonder how they will do the music for a sequel. X is begging for one so I imagine it'll be in a similar style, but to think of the possibilities...
  4. I don't remember much about PoR's story and was not that invested in Shadow Dragon despite beating it, so I won't post them here. Everything is in spoilers to save some space, it seems everything I type ends up being a wall of text... [spoiler=Blazing Sword - Give Nergal more screentime?]I honestly don't remember much about Blazing Sword to remember a major reason to change anything, but that may be because I played it years ago. Lyn's Tale is a nice small story about a heiress reclaiming her birthright while the main story deals with the Black Fang and their machinations. I suppose Nergal could be a little more active in the plot than doing everything behind the scenes, but when I played it did not bother me that much. As for some minor points... - Give more of a reason why Lyn can wield the Mani Katti besides "the chosen one". Perhaps it was a sacred blade used by the royal bloodline of Caelin in times of need? - Have Lyn be a little more relevant outside her side story. I know she was not in Binding Blade, but she could've had more closure. [spoiler=Sacred Stones - More Unique Branching Paths?]I found Sacred Stones to be pretty good for what it was and I still believe Sacred Stones has the most fleshed out characters and support conversations in the franchise, if only because of the non-marriage endings. This game shows that having a smaller number of higher quality characters than many with gimmicks can go a long way. If there is one major thing I could change about Sacred Stones, I would probably try to make the branching paths a bit more different. Yes, there are some different chapters before the twins are reunited and the rest of the story is told from either Erika's or Ephraim's perspective, but gameplay wise the player will always get the characters and the other twin will either have an escort or army. Perhaps it might have been a nice change of pace if the characters went with Erika while Ephraim actually leads an army of generics (with some characters mixed in) on Grado. Even Ephraim having a small elite roster with NPC allies like in some chapters of Radiant Dawn Part 2 could have worked to mimic the scale of war. But even then, I still find Sacred Stones to be good. If I could nitpick, maybe have the monsters play a larger role in the story aside from haunting certain locales or being important at the very end. Maybe they are mobilizing an army or attacking a city, a side chapter or two could help make them more of a threat, because besides the Demon King at the end of it all, Grado seems to be the looming threat throughout the entire game. [spoiler=Radiant Dawn - Remove Blood Pact]Gotta go with the masses on this one, the Blood Pact, while it does its job at having characters fight each other, could have been executed better or done in an alternative way. To keep in line with the Senate being the bad guys, perhaps some soldiers loyal to the Senate (with some outliers) instigate a war between Crimea and Daein by dressing up as respective soldiers and causing havoc in that country (Crimeans messing around in Daein, Daein soldiers screwing up Crimea). When the actual factions start fighting, give both sides justified reasons why they are fighting each other instead of the current reason of Daein being "we are held under the Blood Pact!". Then, when everything goes down in Part 4, the two sides figure out what is going on, ally, and the story continues as normal. However, as an off comment, I never noticed the Blood Pact being a problem when I originally played. I wonder if the negativity towards it shaped my thinking, or if reflecting back on RD's story the Blood Pact was indeed a weak plot point. [spoiler=Awakening - Flesh Out Valm Arc]Like Thane has said, Awakening has three main parts. The first is Gangrel getting revenge on Ylisse due to crimes committed by the previous Exalt. I consider this a nice arc as it paints Ylisse in a darker light than being the classic "goody good guys" all the time, even if Chrom and company are the stereotypical heroes. The second is the Valm arc which focuses on Walhart and his conquests. I believe he also actually had a motive on why he was set on conquering everything, which I will get to later. Finally, there's the conclusion with Grima, the Grimleal, and the Avatar. Nothing really outstanding here besides evil cult wanting to resurrect dark dragon god while also finding out who the Avatar is. Awakening does have its poor points, but the largest problem for me was the Valm arc. It was literally filler and contributed basically nothing to the main plot aside from perhaps a revelation or two near the end. What I want is Walhart's motivation for conquest to be expanded upon and become the focus of the Valm Arc. If I remember correctly, he is set on unifying the world against Grima (he read the propecies or something, I don't remember) but does it through raw strength instead of diplomacy. So, Chrom and Walhart fight each other over ideologies (instead of liberating the country - this still happens but is not a focus) as Grima gains in power. Eventually, Walhart is defeated and Chrom and company continue to confront Grima and its respective story. As a minor point, while I love having the characters around to play with, the special paralogue characters need an overhaul. Either expand on why they join the party (including adding proper supports and stuff), make then purely bonus characters who look and play like the real versions but are not, or alternatively get rid of them in the first place. Sure, it's cool to mess around with Gangrel, Walhart, and even a fallen Exalt, but from a story standpoint, why are they there?! It there are bonus characters, treat them as such, otherwise go the extra mile and properly implement them into the game instead of having a couple handwaved lines to justify their existence. [spoiler=Fates - Remove Revelations or Overhaul Story]I know, everyone wants the Golden Ending. I like my Golden Endings too, but if it feels like the true ending cheapens the other endings, then why even have the other endings to begin with? The whole thing with Valla was a mess. I wanted Fates story to be two opposing factions fighting for what they believe is right and for justifiable reasons. Yes, Birthright can be the classic Fire Emblem story about being invaded and turning the tide. Corrin may not want to fight his siblings, but he can't see the injustices of Nohr go unpunished. I wanted Conquest to be transforming Nohr from the inside instead of being powerless to do anything. I want Corrin to disobey orders he disagrees with and suffer the consequences. I want to see Corrin then try to covertly accomplish what he believes is right while "following" his new orders. We know somewhat of how the Nohr Royals cope with questionable orders - Leo works in secret for what he believes in while Elise has her secret place she can go to, but what of Camilla and Xander? Does Camilla do it trying to get affection from her now distant father? Is Xander disillusioned with the world, his sense of justice diminished based off what all he has seen? Then, I want Garon to be an actual character. What happened to the happy ladykiller Garon of youth? How did the Concubine Wars affect him? Is there an Imposter Garon, and if so, where is the real one? I love Conquest and it had so much potential that seeing it and discussing about it makes a man depressed. My issue with Revelations is that it screws over the Birthright and Conquest campaigns so it too can have a place, and even then, its story is not that good (Rush to unite both factions, go to Valla, and enjoy gimmicky filler chapters). So, I rather have it removed or the entire story overhauled so that everything makes logical sense and is better written than the current plot. Garon is nothing more but a mindless monster, there's the curse which is pointless, a consumable item that reveals the truth only once, Azura being Azura, the Throne of Truth, and tons of other points that have been discussed to death. In short, remove Revelations, practically all of its aspects, and focus on the story between Hoshido and Nohr, alongside the dynamic between Corrin and his siblings on both sides.This will require rewriting Garon and figuring out where Mikoto goes, but I think the stories will be better off without the Vallite influence. Another idea I had about an overhaul is removing Revelations from the main plot (so Conquest and Birthright is one timeline, Revelations is a different one) and making it a standalone story. To try and be concise, Nohr and Hoshido go to war with Corrin stuck in the middle. Corrin is independent and will fight both factions and gradually recruit (capture and persuade) characters to his side. Eventually, Anakos and the Vallites will show up as a forth faction, but Nohr and Hoshido are still fighting each other in spite of it. The objective during this "Free Play Campaign" is to defeat Anakos, and upon doring so, Corrin unites the world and everything is sunshine and rainbows. The End. Further details on this is in the spoiler below. [spoiler=Fates - Alternative Revelations Idea - Freeform Campaign]Gameplay - Revelations becomes more of a game mode than a story campaign. The appeal is the open ended nature of it and the fact the player can recruit everyone from both Conquest and Birthright. - The player starts off in My Castle which will serve as the base of operations. At the start, only the retainers (Felecia, Jakob, and Gunter) as well as Kaze, Silas, and Azura (Chosen One, Best Friend, Reasons) are available. Flora is unavailable as she has business in her hometown, but she can be recruited like any other unit. - To obtain new characters, the player must fight them in a skirmish battle. Skirmishes are available from the World Map with special indicators if a character is attending that particular skirmish. Defeat the character to capture them, and then try to persuade them to your side. It may take multiple attempts to capture and persuade a character, generally the more important that character is, the harder to obtain said character. - As the player progresses, enemy forces and characters are leveled as well. Of course, there are still a few that a lower level than the player. - It is possible to be involved in multi-way battles. Corrin can join a battle that is going on between Hoshido and Nohr. If Anakos is active, it is possible all four factions are present during a single battle. - Aside from trying to recruit characters, the player can attempt to defeat Hoshido or Nohr at any time by attacking the capital. The difficulty of doing so is comparable of that of a final chapter, and the player will fight Garon or Mikoto respectively. Needless to say, doing this is impossible early game. Upon successfully defeating them, Corrin will automatically recruit all the characters of that side. - During some point of the game, Anakos and his Vallite soldiers will invade and begin fighting everyone. Gaining access to Anakos lair (which requires the Yato to be fully awakened, which requires recruiting Xander, Leo, Ryoma, and Takumi) and defeating Anakos is the ultimate goal of the freeform campaign. - On occasion, Nohr, Hoshido, or Vallite soldiers will attack Corrin's Castle (My Castle). Losing the battle has consequences, but the game will continue. Story - The beginning has Corrin receiving the news that Hoshido and Nohr have gone to war. Not wanting the war to occur, Corrin sets off in an attempt to end the fighting on both sides. Despite being allowed to discuss matters with the leaders and siblings of both sides, they refuse to relent and continue the war. So, with some aid from Lilith (My Castle) Corrin ends up joining the war as a third faction to unite Hoshido and Nohr. - Azura can still have her powers and tells Corrin about the eventual Anakos and the Vallite invasion, but is straight about it instead of dancing around the important questions. - The story in Revelations is less about the overall plot and more about the interactions between characters. During battles, they may have something to say upon combat based off of Corrin's actions and overall progress. Base conversations return to highlight this fact. - Later, Anakos shows up. While Corrin somehow manages to arrange a meeting between Garon and Mikoto to discuss the matter of Anakos and the Vallites. Azura tells everyone that the only way to get to Anakos is working together and unlocking the true power of the Yato. However, before diplomacy could continue, the Vallites crash the meeting and it fails to unite anyone. Hoshido and Nohr continue to fight each other in spite of the threat, so Corrin has renewed determination to unite everyone armed with this new information. (Of course, should Corrin have already defeated one or both of the leaders, the sequence will change to reflect this fact.) - Upon defeating Anakos, Corrin has brought peace to the land and had demonstrated the power of friendship between the Hoshido and Nohr Royals (at least the brothers). The hostilities cease, Corrin has all of the siblings, the player has access to practically everyone, and post game revolves around beating up Vallite remnants, rebels of respective factions, and DLC.
  5. I think I'll just list more of my noob mistakes or misplays during my first playthrough or so... Play Order = 8, 7 or 10, 7 or 10, 9, 11, 13, 14 Blazing Sword & Path of Radiance: - Not being able to properly duel the Black Knight in PoR because I had no idea what to do. - Otherwise, I don't remember much mistakes in these as I played these later. Sacred Stones: - Deleting my cleared saved files. I think I also happened to delete my Creature Campaign file, so I never really got to do postgame... - Killing off Lute and Artur. Eh, they won't be missed. - Not going Berserker on Ross. - Making Kyle a Great Knight. While they look awesome and may make sense from a lore perspective, Paladins seem so much better. Radiant Dawn: - Preferring Rafiel out of all of the Herons. - Getting Voulg killed. - Getting Mist permanently killed during Part 4. - Killing off practically all of the Crimea Knights save for Geoffrey. Hey, Part 2 was hard for me back then! - Disliking Soren. He may be one of the better mages, but I care little for his character. - Having suboptional characters for the finale. Oliver is magnificent, more so with a Purge that does absolutely nothing. Volke is cool, Renning is cool, but other characters were probably better than them. Shadow Dragon: - Don't really remember any mistakes save for that Shadow Dragon was the least favorite Fire Emblem I played. It was far too simplistic compared to all the fun stuff I was used to from Radiant Dawn (which was my favorite entry at the time.) Awakening: - Relying too much on the Avatar and neglecting leveling other units. When I got to the Valm arc, my units quickly started falling behind in terms of stats, so much so that I took time off to obtain Morgan and grind levels. Father and Daughter then proceeded to annihilate the rest of the game. - Thinking I could handle Lunatic. If the first five chapters of classic, deathless Lunatic made me a man, the first five chapters of classic, deathless Lunatic + made me a legend. Afterwards, I rushed to endgame as the main purpose was to obtain a Lunatic+ file so I could mess around in postgame with skirmishes that may be somewhat challenging. Fates: - Relying too much on the Avatar and Royals while neglecting to level other units. By Conquest Endgame, only the Avatar, Kana, Xander, and Camilla were usable as everyone else did not have good enough stats. Seeking to speed up the playthrough, I cheated my way through Conquest's finale by adding a single Einherjar unit to my roster. -- I didn't really have this problem in Birthright as I leveled more units instead of focusing on a few and the fact Birthright was easier. Then, there were also the skirmishes, but I don't know if I did any of them during my first playthrough. -- I didn't finish Revelations yet because the gimmicks and the fact I was burnt out after marathoning through Conquest and Birthright. I also wanted to make an Ultimate Revelations file, but the My Castle resources were not to my liking. - Being a story person. It was sad to realize the complaints about the story were so very real when I played through Fates. However, the art, gameplay, and music are still good!
  6. Song: Hitori Omou / Lost in Thoughts All Alone (Fates) - 25th Anniversary Version Note: The link is timestamped to the listed song, but the video also has other pieces as well. * * * * * Bonus * * * * *
  7. Probably Kent and Sain. Kent the classic upstanding knight while Sain is basically himself chasing after women (and unlike the modern era, he is actually shot down). They may not be the best written characters, but I say there are one of the better duos when taken together. Kyle and Forde are okay, mostly because Forde steals the show while Kyle is mostly forgotten. Forde's painting hobbies, backstory, and overall personality made him an interesting character to me. Kyle seemed to be rather dull, and I find Kent does the diligent knight trope better. Oscar, Kieran, Cain, Abel, Stahl, and Sully were average. They were okay, but out of all of them I probably liked and used Oscar the most. I may have used the classic duo when I played Shadow Dragon, but as that has no real story, I don't really remember what all I did. Kaze and Saizo are interesting because they are ninjas instead of knights. Kaze has a cool head while Saizo is the fiery one with a strong sense of duty. I think they may be my second favorite duo because of all the stuff they do (especially Saizo's quest for revenge), but because of how some things are handled in Fates, their levels a dropped a bit. However, chances are Kent and Sain will still remain my favorite duo, even if it is nostalgia bias.
  8. Depends. Chances are I will probably finish it eventually because of my inner completionist, but overall if I am not having fun, I will archive the game to the backlog. However, some games I do press on during boring segments. Bravely Default's second half is a prime example, and while the side stories were entertaining, it was more of a checklist before moving on to the next thing. In Dungeon Fighter Online (my current game), there are sections of the story where it is drawn out and takes forever to get anywhere, but I still blasted my way through anyway. After the boring sections, the game became fun and enjoyable again. Otherwise, I likely drop them and come back to them later when I feel the urge to play them again. Skyrim has its moments with mods, but the combat is fairly dull. I also had to start all over because I had no idea what mods I had installed previously and I got a new computer at the time, so there's that. Fire Emblem Fates: Revelations - I made decent progress, but the gimmicks were getting old and I was burnt out after marathoning through Birthright and Conquest, not to mention I had several other files going as well. Factorio - A game about building a factory. However, as soon as I realized that the entire game was simply about efficiency, my enthusiasm dropped. I eventually stopped playing, but plan on returning because I enjoy the concept. Xenoblade Chronicles - I am right at the end boss. I can literally walk right in and start the end sequence, but the completionist in me wants to finish the side quests before I do so. Problem is, the side quests tend to be boring and one needs to rely on a wiki finish them. So, it is backlogged. Dues Ex & Dues EX: Human Revolution - I played through Invisible War and enjoyed that and apparently it is the worst in the series. However, when I tried to play these, either I didn't understand or I just sucked at playing them. I want to go back at some point to see if I can comprehend these games, but as I watched an LP of Human Revolution, I don't know if playing it myself will be worth the time if I am not enjoying it. Of course, sometimes there is just a different game that takes my interest and I just play that instead, even if the previous title was good and enjoyable.
  9. Yeah, but I really wanted the Troubadour to remain mounted. In the end I just renamed the Battle Cleric and gave it a horse. At any rate, I went ahead and fleshed out the concept some more. The original post has been edited for class descriptions and their skills.
  10. On a whim I was suddenly inspired to work on something Fire Emblem, and here is some results of those efforts. It is not complete, but here is most of the basic classes alongside promotions. These theoretical classes follow a different ruleset compared to mainline Fire Emblem. They follow a combination of various concepts introduced throughout the series. 1: There is no more reclassing or shared promotions. So, no more Knights and Cavaliers being able to promote to Great Knights as it is now solely a Knight promotion. 2: There is the classic Weapon Triangle (Sword -> Axe -> Lance) and Magic Triangle (Light -> Dark -> Anima). Bows and Daggers are outside the triangles. 3: Staves are now wielded like in the Radiance series, making staff users vulnerable. Bishops have a skill that allow them to counter with magic even with a Staff equipped. 4: Skills are reduced in number, typically only having one skill per class. Personal skills still exist but are outside the topic of this post. 5: Currently, there are no plans for the pair up system. 6. "Laguz" and Manaketes are intended to be included, but are not yet made. [spoiler=Class Tree] Teal - New Class Myrmidon -> Swordmaster, Asura Fighter -> Warrior, Berserker Soldier -> Sentinel, Weaponmaster Mercenary -> Hero, Adventurer Knight -> General, Great Knight Pirate -> Corsair, Swashbuckler Thief -> Rogue, Assassin Archer -> Sniper, Ranger Outlaw -> Fugitive, Trickster Mage -> Sage, Mage Knight Shaman -> Druid, Summoner Monk, Nun -> Exorcist, Confessor Priest, Cleric -> Bishop, Oracle Cavalier -> Paladin, Dark Templar Troubadour -> Strategist, Avenger Pegasus Knight -> Falcon Knight, Seraph Knight Wyvern Knight -> Wyvern Lord, Abyss Knight [spoiler=Detailed Descriptions] Myrmidon Promotes To: Swordmaster, Asura Weapons: Swords Skill: Vantage – At the start of battles, if user is under 50% HP, user attacks first. Description: An agile sword wielder who uses speed to defeat his foes. Swordmaster Weapons: Swords Passive: +10 Critical, +10 Avoid Skill: Astra – Skill x 0.5% chance of triggering 5 consecutive hits with half damage. Description: Type me! Asura Weapons: Swords, Anima Magic Passive: +15 Avoid Skill: Anima Blade – Always deals damage according to the enemy’s lowest Defense or Resistance stat. Description: A sword wielder who combines speed and elemental power to overcome foes. Fighter Promotes To: Warrior, Berserker Weapons: Axes Skill: Overwhelm – When defeating an enemy, excess damage is returned as HP to the user. Description: A burly warrior with high attack but low defense. Warrior Weapons: Axes, Bows Skill: Colossus – Skill x 0.5% chance of dealing damage triple of the user’s Strength. Description: A fighter who has picked up the bow for ranged combat. Berserker Weapons: Axes Passive: +20 Critical, -5 Critical Evasion Skill: Frenzy – Command. Attacks a unit until either the enemy or user dies. Description: A mighty fighter with no regard for personal safety. Soldier Promotes To: Sentinel, Weaponmaster Weapons: Lances Skill: Riposte – When successfully evading an enemy attack, Skill% chance for a riposte attack. Description: A common combatant wielding a lance. Has no real strengths or weaknesses. Sentinel Weapons: Lances Skill: Impale – Skill x 0.5% chance of dealing triple damage. Description: A veteran soldier who has reached the pinnacle of skill. Weaponmaster Weapons: Swords, Axes, Lances Skill: Overpower – When attacking, doubles the effectiveness of the weapon triangle as well as slayer weapons. Description: A seasoned soldier who can wield various weapons. Mercenary Promotes To: Hero, Adventurer Weapons: Swords Skill: Good Fortune – Luck% chance of recovering 20% and removing status ailments at the start of the user’s Turn. Description: A wandering sword wielder looking for pay. Hero Weapons: Swords, Axes Skill: Sol – Skill% chance of restoring half the damage dealt to the enemy Description: A proud individual who has accomplished great feats. Adventurer Weapons: Swords, Staves Skill: Scavenge – When defeating an enemy, Luck% change to obtain a random item. Description: A seasoned traveler who wields swords and staves. Knight Promotes To: General, Great Knight Weapons: Swords, Axes, Lances Skill: Swap – Select the “Swap” command to swap places with an adjacent ally on the map. After swapping, the user can still take an action, such as attacking or using an item. Description: Armored soldiers who are slow but have high Defense. General Weapons: Swords, Axes, Lances Skill: Pavise – Skill% chance of halving damage from Physical attacks. Description: Juggernauts of steel that wield swords, axes, and lances. Great Knight Weapons: Swords, Axes, Lances Skill: Luna – Skill% chance of ignoring half the enemy’s Defense (if user has a physical weapon) or Resistance (if user has a magical weapon). Description: Knights that ride heavily armored warhorses, adept in swords, axes, and lances. Pirate Promotes To: Corsair, Swashbuckler Weapons: Axes Skill: Dirty Fighting – Skill% chance of inflicting a random effect. (Poison, Stun, Half Damage, Stat Seals, etc.) Description: A sailor on the high seas that has taken to raiding and pillaging. Corsair Weapons: Axes Skill: Dual Wield – Doubles the user’s available strikes but deal half the damage. This skill is locked to the Corsair and cannot be removed. Description: A pirate who specializes in hand to hand combat with two weapons. Swashbuckler Weapons: Swords, Axes Skill: Counter – Returns damage when attacked by an adjacent enemy (except damage that KOs the user). Description: A privateer who prefers one on one combat. Thief Promotes To: Rogue, Assassin Passive: +10 Avoid Weapons: Daggers Skill: Locktouch – Opens chests and doors without requiring keys. Description: An individual skilled in the sleight of hand. Rogue Weapons: Daggers, Swords Passive: +15 Avoid, +5 Critical Evasion Skill: Steal – Command. Allows the user to steal an item from the target, including equipped weapons. Description: An experienced thief that can rob anyone blind. Assassin Weapons: Daggers Passive: +5 Hit, +5 Critical, +5 Avoid, +5 Critical Evasion Skill: Lethality – Upon a successful critical, instantly kills the enemy. Description: A deadly shadow that kills quickly and efficiently. Archer Promotes To: Sniper, Ranger Weapons: Bows Skill: Endless Quiver – Upon defeating an enemy, Skill% chance to attack again. This can be repeated as long as there are targets in range. Description: A person armed with a bow, excelling at hitting their marks. Sniper Weapons: Bows Passive: +1 Range for Bows Skill: Deadeye – Skill x 0.5% chance to deal double damage and put the enemy in sleep status. Description: A person armed with a bow, excelling at hitting their marks. Ranger Weapons: Bows, Swords Passive: +10 Hit, +10 Avoid Skill: Disable – After battle, enemy Strength, Magic, Defense, and Resistance -6. Description: A skilled individual with a trusty steed sent out on solo operations. Outlaw Promotes To: Fugitive, Trickster Passive: +10 Avoid Weapons: Daggers, Bows Skill: Pass – User can pass through tiles occupied by enemy units Description: A vicious criminal who wields daggers and bows. Fugitive Weapons: Daggers, Bows, Anima Magic Passive: +15 Avoid Skill: Ambush – When attacking, uses all the strikes at once. (So, if attacking, the sequence of attack, counter, attack, counter will be transformed into attack, attack, counter, counter.) Description: A mastermind of crime who takes his victims by surprise. Trickster Weapons: Daggers, Bows, Staves Passive: +10 Avoid Skill: Rewind – Command. After taking an action, returns the Trickster to its starting location. Description: A glamorous phantom. Mage Promotes To: Sage, Mage Knight Weapons: Anima Magic Skill: Focus – Command. When used, grants +5 Magic to your next action. This effect does not stack. Description: A mage specializing in the elements. Sage Weapons: Anima Magic, Staves Skill: Flare – Skill x 0.25% chance of negating Resistance and recovering HP equal to damage done to enemy. Description: An Elementalist with a mastery over Anima magic. Can also wield staves. Mage Knight Weapons: Anima Magic, Swords Skill: Anima Barrier – Skill% chance to add half of the user's Defense (if being attacked with Magic) or Resistance (if being attacked with Physical) to damage reduction. Description: A mounted battle mage with a small emphasis on defense. Shaman Promotes To: Druid, Summoner Weapons: Dark Magic Skill: Vengeance – Skill x 1.5% chance of adding half the user’s (Max HP – Current HP) as damage. Description: A scholar who studies ancient magic. Druid Weapons: Dark Magic, Staves Skill: Forbidden Rite – Command. Deals damage based off users Magic x 2 to everyone within 2 spaces, including the user. If this attack defeats enemies, the user gains EXP as normal. Description: A follower of the ancient ways of magic and forbidden knowledge. Can also wield Staves. Summoner Weapons: Dark Magic Skill: Summon – Command. Summons a Phantom based off the Summoner’s level. The Phantom acts as normal unit and anything it defeats is counted for the Summoner. If the Phantom is defeated, the Summoner is dealt damage of 20% of max HP. There is a maximum of one active Phantom at a time. The Phantom can be unsummoned without consequence. Description: An ancient magic user that can summon otherworldly beings. Monk, Nun Promotes To: Exorcist, Confessor Weapons: Light Magic Skill: Inner Fire – At the start of the turn, the user and adjacent allies gain +1 to all stats. The effect wears off at the start of the next turn. Description: A follower of the light that can wield it as a weapon. Exorcist Weapons: Light Magic, Staves Skill: Exorcism – Skill x 0.5% chance to deal damage directly to the opponent’s HP based off the user’s Magic stat. If normal damage is higher, the normal attack is carried out instead. Description: A master of the Light who can cleanse the unworthy. Also wields staves. Confessor Weapons: Light Magic, Staves Passive: +50 Hit when using Offensive Staves Skill: Repentance – When countering with a Staff, puts the attacker to sleep. Description: A light mage with a specialty in offensive staves. Priest, Cleric Promotes To: Bishop, Oracle Weapons: Staves Skill: Miracle – Luck x 0.5% chance of completely negating an enemy attack. Description: An unarmed staff wielder who supports allies. Bishop Weapons: Light Magic, Staves Skill: Staff Mastery – Allows the user to counter with Magic even if a Staff is equipped. Skill: Corona – Skill x 0.5% chance to deal double damage and put the enemy in blind status. Description: A staff user who has learned to wield light magic for defense. Oracle Weapons: Staves Passive: +10 Avoid, +10 Critical Evasion Skill: Voice of Peace – At the start of each turn, all allies recover 10% HP. Description: A staff user dedicated to the path of peace and supporting allies. Cavalier Promotes To: Paladin, Dark Templar Weapons: Swords, Axes, Lances Skill: Rescue – Takes in the adjacent ally at the cost of halving Speed and Skill while they are carried. Description: A soldier riding a horse into battle. Wields swords, axes, and lances. Paladin Weapons: Swords, Axes, Lances Skill: Aegis – Skill% chance of halving damage from Magical attacks. Description: A distinguished knight riding a warhorse to battle. Dark Templar Weapons: Lances, Dark Magic Skill: Terror – Enemies within a 2 tile radius suffer -20 to Hit. Description: A Cavalier who has been tempted by the ancient arts. Wields lances and dark magic. Troubadour Promotes To: Strategist, Avenger Weapons: Staves Skill: Inspire – At the start of each turn, adjacent allies gain +2 to Defense and Resistance. The effect wears off at the start of the next turn. Description: A traveler who roams the land, reciting poetry and song. Strategist Weapons: Staves, Anima Magic Skill: Rally – Command. When used, grants allies in a 2 tile radius +4 to all stats. The effect wears off at the start of the next turn. (Stacks with Inspire) Description: A mounted tactician who leads allies into battle. Avenger Weapons: Staves, Axes Skill: Renewal – Recovers 30% HP at the start of each turn. Description: A mounted healer that takes up arms to avenge the fallen. Pegasus Knight Promotes To: Falcon Knight, Seraph Knight Weapons: Lances Skill: Rend Heaven – Skill x 1.5% chance of adding half the enemy’s Strength (if user has a physical weapon) or Magic (if user has a magical weapon) as damage Description: A mounted warrior riding the agile Pegasus to battle. Falcon Knight Weapons: Lances, Swords, Bows Skill: Stun – Skill x 0.5% chance of stunning the enemy in combat, dealing x2 damage and immobilizing it. (The Stun status effect will fade at the start of the next Enemy Phase.) Description: A veteran Pegasus Knight. Wields lances, swords, and bows. Seraph Knight Weapons: Lances, Light Magic, Staves Skill: Galeforce – Allows the user to do two actions per turn. (Two attacks, two staff uses, item use then attack, staff and attack, etc.) Description: A magical Pegasus Knight. Wields lances, light magic, and staves. Wyvern Knight Promotes To: Wyvern Lord, Abyss Knight Weapons: Axes Skill: Lunge – Select the “Lunge” command to swap places with an enemy after an attack Description: A mounted knight riding a mighty Wyvern. Has high defense and attack. Wyvern Lord Weapons: Axes, Lances Skill: Sky Superiority – The user’s Flying weakness is nullified and they receive terrain effects. Description: Awe-inspiring lords who have mastered their Wyvern and combat. Abyss Knight Weapons: Axes, Dark Magic Skill: Abyssal Power – When defeating an enemy, gain +1 to all stats to a max of +10. Effect expires after the map is cleared. Description: A Wyvern Knight who has mastered dark magic. Uses axes and dark magic.
  11. Given that FE mobile is being worked on and the NS (Nintendo Switch) is set to release in March, the teams may be busy engaging in higher priority projects, both localization and development. I haven't properly played Fates since March or so and didn't pick up the Kid DLC. A part of me has archived it to the backlog (I still need to beat Revelations, work on postgame, and sone DLC), and a big thing with that is because I played all three routes at once and it was FE overload. Next time I would prefer a polished single campaign with post-game content (and DLC) instead of three separate stories. Back to the DLC, I'm surprised the Festivals have not been released yet if just for not having access to the class seals. Then there is the fact that there are no challenge map missions or the ultimate showdown like in Awakening. I was really looking forward to messing around with the Bold Stance skill, but it seems it shall remain unobtainable. Either way, while I would still like to see Fates DLC finished, I don't see it happening. I think I'll be more hyped for a new Fire Emblem game instead of a Fates DLC announcement unless they came up with something crazy.
  12. Still playing Dungeon Fighters Online after 2-3 solid weeks of play. As I have stated before, it is a free to play brawler in the style of Golden Axe but has many different classes, attacks, and skills to mess around with. So far, it seems to be fair enough for purely free players but paying money will speed up progression and make it easier to gear your characters. However, I am starting to lose my "Newbie / Returnee" benefits, so we shall see what happens if I continue playing. Currently I am nearing endgame with my Storm Bringer (a woman with big guns such as a flamethrower, laser rifle, electrical nuke, etc). I am seeing the gear grind ahead of me as endgame quests are a lot of repeating the same dungeon over and over, and the ultimate gear grind is the same - rerunning dungeons repeatedly in hopes for rare drops or getting enough materials to obtain endgame gear. Also, endgame difficulty is HARD compared the breeze of leveling up characters due to some of the gimmick dungeons, but a part of this may be because I may be undergeared for certain things. Endgame grind aside, playing through alts and messing around with different builds is still enjoyable for me. I'm also looking into Fashion Fighter Online as my characters already have a couple of different costumes they can wear provided I ever get around to purchasing them. There's also a new patch incoming that is hyping me up a bit to continue playing as well.
  13. Just in case anyone was wondering what ending I stopped watching the Corpse Party LP, I'll put it in the spoilers. This was near the very start of the game. [spoiler=Wrong End 1, with minor edits]Taken from the Corpse Party Wiki with minor edits. "Three child spirits appear and surround Naomi. She is paralyzed and unable to call out for help. After describing how scared she was, the children spirits force her to swallow a pair of scissors then disappear. Naomi lets out one last jerking sound of pure pain and the dripping sound of her blood is heard as the children giggle in pure delight." The writing and descriptions alone made me sick as not only I could see it happening, I could feel it happening. This is probably intensified if voices were on, but the LPer I was watching (NicoB), had them off as he likes to do the voices himself. But remember, I am not an expert on horror and tend to stay away from it. Your reactions may vary.
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