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Everything posted by Sire

  1. I've finished Ys Origin, Ys Oath, and Ys I. I still have a file on Ys II that I need to get back to after a while. (All of my games are on Steam.) While the "bump" mechanics of I & II are all right, I loved the gameplay in Origin and Oath. The bosses were sometimes a nightmare to beat, but still fun. I think I prefer Origin out of all of the ones I've played, mostly because there are different characters one could play. There is also the amazing soundtracks as well. Also, I think I got into Ys after seeing someone's signature on this site. Don't remember whose though, but it was a while back when I picked up Ys Origin.
  2. Song: Guile Theme || Arrangement: Jake Kaufman (virt)
  3. Song: Just Do It Up (Rengade X Version - Original: Command and Conquer:Tiberian Dawn) Game: Renegade X Also contains a video to watch!
  4. Gonna put this in a spoiler due to the nature of the thumbnail. Song - Blue Bird Lamentation 2nd Mix Game - Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma [spoiler=Click Me!]
  5. 1: A Mario RPG - This can range from a "proper" Paper Mario game (First two is what I consider proper, third game had a great story & setting but gameplay was different, and I haven't touched the later ones), another Mario and Luigi game (that I still need to play more of, I have only played the first), or a brand new Mario RPG franchise. I want to see original characters and locations with a hint of Mario familiarity and not "pure" Mushroom Kingdom environments. I want to see more than just Goombas and Koopa Troopas all day. 2: Advance Wars - Advance Wars has not been made in a long while. While I have grown fond of Days of Ruin gameplay, I do miss the more cartoony style of the original three. One of my favorite pasttimes back then was messing around in the editor and making up my own campaigns and stories within the engine. It would be nice to do that again. 3: "Console" Fire Emblem - A Fire Emblem leaning more towards PoR and Radiant Dawn in terms of style and presentation. A part of me wants to go back to the basics, but with Fates and Awakening, I don't think that is likely... 4: Xenoblade Chronicles X 2 - X had me hooked for at least 100 hours straight. The most memorable moments for me were some of the sidequests since I was not expecting some of them to get rather dark. While the main story seemed a bit rushed, I did enjoy the world of Mira and the gameplay of X. There are also unanswered questions and even some hints that seem to lead to a future game (like HB perhaps taking over that one guy's spot, the mystery of Professor B, etc.) 5: Wii U Ports (Smash Brothers, Splatoon, Mario Kart 8, ye olde EShop, Wii Shop Channel, etc.) I would like to see some games ported to the NX. While I enjoyed Smash Brothers and Splatoon, among other titles, I didn't feel like I got the full experience, probably since other games ended up taking my attention. These games are good and seem like they may have more life to them if ported, and I may end up picking up or upgrading to the NX version should this ever happen. Also, there are the retro or digital-only games that I would like to see ported.
  6. Tis a shame that this is now over. I looked forward to each new installment. At any rate, thanks again for taking the time to translate and format all of this! I look forward to the next project.
  7. I loved the Awakening Trio and their continued development in Fates. However, I am completely against the idea of IS using this again, especially since I really don't care much for Fate's kids as much as I did Awakening's. Personally, I want the see the children system scrapped unless they properly want to do a two-generation game. I want classic Fire Emblem with fleshed out characters (having support options that make sense instead of ticking boxes), even if these characters rely on tropes for a "core personality". Give me paired endings that are not necessarily romantic, like in Sacred Stones. I rather have a smaller character cast that is good than a bunch of units that just fit tropes. Again, no more returning characters in the core game for the sake of fanservice. I'm fine with Einherjar or DLC characters (like in Awakening), but for the core cast, I do not want to see crossover characters or returning characters unless there is a deliberate reason to do so, such as a sequel or prequel (Path of Radiance -> Radiant Dawn, Blazing Sword -> Binding Blade).
  8. @ HellsHaven Thanks for the kind words. @ SaiSymbolic Go for it! I hope the format proves to be useful, and I look forward to reading your updated character
  9. Notice: This post has been reformatted due to the forum upgrade. Not much has changed of the original subject material. Notice 2: This section is separate from my main post due to text limits per post. These support conversations and other dialogue is for my character "Marcus", who was featured in my previous post. * * * * * Support Conversations & Other Dialogue * * * * *
  10. Notice: This post was reformatted due to the forum upgrade. No real changes have been made to the original subject matter, some links may not function properly. I sincerely need to stop putting too much thought into these, and I haven't even written out all the support convos. Anyways, an updated version of my "Marcus" character from You in Fire Emblem Awakening and the Introduce Your Kamui topics. While he shares similarities and knows the Awakening Trio, he is somewhat different from his previous incarnation. (To those curious, I maybe put... 10-20 hours writing all this? Imagine developing a video game, and multiplying that time per character and whatnot, it gets insane! 14 Pages in Microsoft Word, go!) Edit: Wow, apparently the original post is way too long. Guess I gotta cut it up into two separate posts... * * * * * Character Sheet - Marcus, Dark Knight * * * * * * * * * * Quotes * * * * * * * * * * Recruitment Chapter - Weeping Rose * * * * *
  11. Let's dig up some old files... [spoiler=Canon Avatars] Corrin, Cavalier // Nohr Noble, +STR, -RES Route: All (Nohr -> Birthright -> Revelations) Spouse: Azura Birthday: Feburary 19th Skills: Dragon Fang, Draconic Hex, Draconic Ward, Hoshidian Unity, Nohrian Trust Nohr Description: Corrin, the man torn by blood and loyalty. At the decisive crossroads, Corrin decides to side with Nohr, but even after he made the decision, some dark omen seems to linger in the back of his mind... Hoshido Description: What if Corrin chose a different route, that of Hoshido instead of Nohr? Lingering images remain in his memory, as if he was in some dream world just a few moments before. Yet, why is there still that sense of dread?... Revelations Description: After witnessing the horrors of war on both sides, Corrin now sees his true path. He refuses to align with either kingdom and seeks to seize his own destiny. "Azura, I am coming. Please, just wait for me..." Anya, Cavalier // Dark Blood, +SPD, -RES Route: Nohr, Revelations Spouse: Xander Skills: Dragon Fang, Aether, Draconic Hex, Charm, Awakening Nohr Description: Anya, the girl who has only known the world within the borders of Nohr. While she cares for her blood relatives, there must be a better way to stop the war than just fighting against Nohr's invasion... Revelations Description: Seeking an end to the conflict, Anya goes back to the Branch of Fate. Desiring not to see the outcome of her birthright, she sets out on her own to claim peace between the two warring kingdoms. Isamu, Samurai // White Blood, +STR, -MAG Route: Hoshido Spouse: Hana? Skills: Dragon Fang, Astra, Duelist’s Blow, Swordfaire, Hoshido Description: Blood and Honor are two values instilled within the young Isamu. Even while within the kingdom of Nohr, he yearned to return home to his birthright. Now, he has that chance, but at what cost?... Kamui, Hoshido, Priestess // White Blood, +MAG, -LCK Route: Hoshido Spouse: Ryoma? Skill: Draconic Ward, Counter, Magic Counter, Swordfaire, Renewal Description: The little princess Kamui shares many similarities to her kin in Hoshido. She is also shy and reserved, much like Sakura. [spoiler=Original Characters] Notes: This is a hybrid of my avatar character as well as a fleshed out OC. I made the mistake of going back to the You in Fire Emblem Awakening topic and started adapting the character for Fates, but managed to stop myself before going full overboard... [Main File] Marcus, Cavalier // Dark Knight, +MAG, -LCK Route: Revelations Spouse: Gameplay - Ophelia // Canon: None Gameplay Skills: Dragon Fang, Speed Drain, Tomefaire, Nohrian Trust, Bold Stance Canon Skills: Aether, Lethality, Swordfaire, Tomefaire, Speed Drain Personal Skill - Forsaken Vow: During battles, damage +5, damage received +5 (A weaker Life or Death) Roster Description: A stranger from the Outrealms. While a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, he tends to keep to himself and enjoys the simple wonders of nature. Writes and reads poetry. Born May 7th. Equipment: - Duskfall (Unique Weapon - Weapon Rank: E Swords, Might: 11 Hit 75, Crit 15, Avoid 10, Range 1-2, Worth: 0, Marcus Only, Magic Weapon) - Eclipse (Unique Weapon - Weapon Rank: E Tome, Might: 10 Hit 85, Crit 0, Avoid 0, Range 2-3, Worth: 0, Marcus Only, Uses both STR and MAG against foe's DEF and RES) - Elixir - Talisman Stats Modifiers HP STR MAG SPD SKL LCK DEF RES 55 32 31 28 27 31 34 30 (Dark Knight Base) +5 -2 -1 +2 +2 -2 -2 +2 (Modifers) Support Options: - Avatar, Royal Siblings (More or less the usual support conversations) - Laslow, Selena, Odin (They will be surprised by Marcus' appearance, as they have interacted with him before in Awakening.) Notice: Marcus cannot achieve S supports and shares the same conversation with either Avatar. Ending: The Shattered Wanderer "After the war as over, Marcus reportedly settled down near the border of Hoshido and Nohr and lived in on a luxurious estate. However, after some time, the estate was found to be abandoned and in disrepair. The fate of the man himself is unknown.” Level Up Quotes: - 0 to 1: “Things never change, do they?” - 2 to 3: “A modest development.” - 4 to 5: “Apparently I still have much to learn.” - 6+: “Hmm, it feels like I’m breaking mortal limits…” - 0 to 1, capped: “I am merely human, this power is sufficient.” - Class Change: “Let’s try something else…” Battle Quotes: - Critical Hit -- “You should have reconsidered…” -- “You have met a terrible fate…” -- “Farewell, and good night…” -- “Do not fear, Death is near…” - Defeated: “I have been bested...” - Story Death: “And so it ends. I was such a fool to believe…” - Death: “I see Death, and it cannot wait. Alas, I…” - Retreat: “It seems I had made a miscalculation… I must take my leave.” Crystal, Truth, Lance Fighter // Holy Lancer, +STR, -MAG Route: Revelations Spouse: Gameplay - ??? // Canon - None Skills: Aether, Astra, Lethality, Quixotic, Hoshido Description: Said to be reincarnation of an Einherjar that assisted a famed Grandmaster, Crystal searches for a way to assist him once again. Some say she provides the power of foresight, gaining knowledge on enemy soldiers, battle terrain, and battlefield events before the true battles are fought.
  12. From a marketing standpoint, I believe so. It also helps that these games are also perhaps the "most known" (The original / remakes, Awakening, and Fates). Yes, there is the Smash representation, but Awakening signaled a rebirth for the series and Fates is the latest game, and I remember how players wanted Awakening to be localized (It was "leaked" after an E3 presentation or something by Reggie, if I recalled correctly, and everyone went nuts) and Fates had some marketing behind it with the promotional trailers and behind the scenes on the Nintendo Youtube Channel. As for Shadow Dragon and New Mystery, I consider them to be the "first games", and even though New Mystery did not make a release outside of Japan, first games tend to have some sort of special place in collections. As for the other games, Smash exposure helps out immensely the Elibe and Radiance series (Don't forget the Lyn assist trophy alongside other Fire Emblem related trophies and stickers). Sacred Stones has some exposure from the 3DS Ambassador program as well as virtual console, but the others are mostly limited to Japan Only. I would love to see other games and characters get representation, but I think Koei-Tecmo will likely go "Shadow Dragon + New Mystery, Awakening, and Fates" if they went with a three game system like Hyrule Warriors, with original characters added in. I can see the other games getting some form of representation through DLC or expanded upon if Emblem Warriors becomes a series. One thing that would be interesting to see is localized voices, especially if Awakening and Fates are in the spotlight. We already have voice actors for these characters, so it would be a nice extra step if Emblem Warriors ever becomes a reality.
  13. I would like to see a Fire Emblem: Warriors Edition, but with the current setup of 14 games, that means there "technically" needs to have at least 28 characters total (one hero, one villain), from each game. However, if we are to look at Hyrule Warriors for inspiration, Hyrule Warriors did limit the number of game it used upon launch. (The "core" cast, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword, with Toon Link being a focus of expansion in the "Legends" port.) Other characters were slowly added in as DLC (mostly from the Hero side, because the Zelda series more or less has the same antagonist repeatedly from what little I know of the franchise.) Also, remember the original characters created for Hyrule Warriors! Looking again at the core Warriors series (from my experience, mostly Samurai Warriors, starting from Chronicles and 3), some characters did start off as "generic" or "named" officers, using the generic moveset before they were further developed into their own characters. If Emblem Warriors did become a series, I can see this method being used. (For the most part, friendly officers may get a name that indicates that they come from a certain game, but retain generic dialogues and movesets.) There is also the issue that Fire Emblem has an immense amount of characters and more story than a Legend of Zelda adaption, so it will be interesting on how the massive cast will be incorporated and how the story would play out. Also, considering the amount of "main sword users" and "villain mages", one wonders how they will be different from one another. So, with this is mind, what games are likely to get the most representation? 1: Dark Dragon and Sword of Light, Mystery of the Emblem // Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem - Marth's games, and being practically the first Fire Emblem game, it is almost a no-brainer to include his games in the list. Luckily, while this seems like a lot of games, it essentially boils down to just two because of the remakes. 2: Binding Blade, Blazing Sword - "Roy's our Boy"! Roy representation, perhaps to draw in players who play Smash Brothers. Also, Elibe has two games, so expanding on that would be nice. 3: Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn - Ike representation, also drawing in players from Smash. 4: Awakening - The game that revitalized the series. Also, Smash Brothers for Lucina and Robin. Also, it shares ties with Marth's universe. 5: Fates - The newest installment of Fire Emblem. Smashing in is Corrin! "8" (10 including originals) games, 5 universes. That is a tall order from "3" case of Hyrule Warriors. If they were to cut it down to 3, I would bet the remakes of the original alongside Awakening and Fates. (Look at Hyrule Warriors. It had the core cast, a classic in Ocarina of Time, and two new games of Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword). However, since Fire Emblem has no "core cast", I would guess they may choose between the Elibe games for Roy or the Radiance games for Ike, or alternatively just use newly created characters made for Emblem Warriors instead (Examples: Lana, Cia, etc.). What games may not make the initial cut? 1: Sacred Stones - I loved Sacred Stones, but it is a standalone game from the GBA Era. While it did release outside of Japan, it is still relatively obscure compared to the other titles. 2: Gaiden - I don't know much about Gaiden outside of the DLC from Awakening. Mycen from was Gaiden, right? Mycen seemed cool. 3: Geneology of the Holy War, Thracia 776 - I believe these games are related, and while they may be good games in their own right, the lack of a Western release hurts their chances. And now for characters. Spoiler Tagged to save space. [spoiler=Characters] - Marth (The original Fire Emblem Lord.) - Tiki (It's Tiki, the Divine Dragon. I suspect her younger form will be playable first, with her adult self being DLC.) - Gharnef (The original Villain.) - Medeus (The "true final boss", likely staged as a special encounter.) - Roy (The hero from Binding Blade) - Zephiel (The villain from Binding Blade) - Lyn (A heroine from Blazing Sword) - Eliwood (A hero and father to Roy.) - Hector (A lord and main character of Blazing Sword. [i want to see who would win, Hector or Ike? No weapon triangle either!]) - Nergal (The main villian of Blazing Sword) - Sonia (Leader of the Morphs, under Negal's command.) - Fire Dragon (A dragon boss. May be replaced by a generic "Dragon Boss" template.) - Ike (We love Ike! We like Ike! Ike kicks butt! Hooray for Ike!) - Elincia (A lady of Crimea. Whether she is a Princess or Queen here is uncertain.) - Micaiah (Look, a light mage! She will shine in the darkness, right?) - Black Knight (He has to be the Lu Bu of Emblem Warriors. Super OP!) - Ashnard (The main villain of Path of Radiance) - Ashera (Probably made into an OP "mage" character.) - Chrom (He gets his day in Emblem Warriors! To arms!) - Lucina (Chrom's daughter seeking to change fate in Awakening.) - Robin (The tactician. The gender can be chosen by the player.) - Gangrel (Main villian from the first arc, acts as Chrom's rival.) - Validar (Main villian for the overall arc, acts as Lucina's rival.) - Grima (Grima's a stage, mate. Oh, unless you count *censored*.) - Corrin (Like Robin, the player can choose the gender.) - Azura (Seriously folks, take out Corrin and you practically have Azura running around doing everything.) - Garon (Guess who?) - Mikoto (There needs to be some sort of Hoshido representation, and using the siblings without all of them seems weird, so...) - Anakos (Yeah, another Dragon type. Woo.) - Anna (Come on, it's Anna! Make your own Annas in the Officer Customizer, and Anna shall take over the world! Or, of course, have her as some unique character too.) Total Count: 30 Characters || I have a feeling that this number will be cut down, or expanded due to original "Emblem Warrior Characters" getting in. Other Possibilities - Caeda (Marth's love interest. Will likely be a generic for the first installment.) - Hardin (Likely in the Emperor incarnation. Will likely be a generic General for the first installment.) - Katarina (A special character introduced in New Mystery, is actually an assassin. Her storyline is different from the original and can be cut.) - Eremiya (A special character introduced in New Mystery, is leader of the assassins. She serves as a villain for Katarina.) Note on Kris: Kris is not an character due to his mostly blank slate, and can easily be substituted by a custom made Officer. This also applies to the Fire Emblem 7 Tactician. - Guinevere (Sister to Zephiel, and a magic user) ... and I can't be bothered looking up more characters as I have not really played the games or find the effort lacking to write em down. * * * * * ... And I'm a bit tired of writing walls of text. Long story short, I would love to see an Emblem Warriors game. I just wonder how they will actually incorporate the massive amount of characters and games involved into a singular game. I can see promoted classes being a baseline for "officers", with player characters getting some special moves and attribute changes to make them different from others. Unpromoted classes will likely serve as the generic enemies one cuts down en mass in warrior games. All we can do is wait and see at this rate, and theorize.
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