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Everything posted by Sire

  1. Notice: This thread is now currently defunct. If I end up writing new works more related to Fire Emblem, and this particular topic still exists, then I will update it at a later date. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
  2. I only have played through Conquest, but Elise wins out over Sakura for me even though I enjoy both. I do think the shyness of Sakura to be adorable, but Elise's innocence is what gets it for me. Sure, she's written to be a ray of light in the darkness that is Nohr and her personality can become irritating to some, but I enjoy her constant positivity, even if it is a little unrealistic.
  3. Besides my "canon" runs (Nohr Noble and Hoshido Noble), I plan on going... Dark Knight (+MAG -LCK), as my endgame avatar, mostly because the class appeals to me and that was my endgame avatar in Awakening. Dark Falcon (+MAG - LCK), as my female Einherjar character to act as a companion for my endgame avatar. Paladin (+SKL -MAG), as my male Einherjar character to act as a proc machine. (Luna, Sol, Pavise, Aegis, Hoshido) I had plenty more planned out for an Avatar army, but as it is difficult for me to pull off, I had to shelf my other characters I wanted to do.
  4. Let's see here... 1: Corrin is a male avatar and is the main character for the entire story arc of Fire Emblem: Fates. He goes through Birthright, but is not happy with the ending there, so he wonders what will happen if he chose to stay with his family in Nohr. Then, he is thrust back back the crucial decision point and chooses Conquest's path, but find that too does not achieve the peace he desires. Lamenting the losses at almost no matter what he does, he is thrust once again at the crucial decision point. Having the knowledge of both Birthright and Conquest, he refuses to choose a side and forges his own path in Revelations, where he finally achieves his happily ever after. 2: A female avatar is the main character for a standalone Conquest story, as per the box art. 3: A young male avatar is the main character for a standalone Birthright story, as per the box art. 4: The avatar used for a standalone Revelations is a reincarnation of one of the Tacticians from Awakening. There is the original Awakening tactician, named Robin, who basically is the same as his Awakening self. Then there is the Tactician named Mark, who is the same Tactician from Blazing Sword, which is why Einherjar Lyn recognizes him in the Outrealms. Then, there is the Tactician who existed in the Future Past with a tragic backstory of his own, and is classified as a Dark Knight, and this tactician is the one used for Standalone Revelations. (Long story short, my endgame Fates character is the same as my endgame Awakening character.) 5: About Laslow, Odin, and Selena...[spoiler=Details]They are the exact same characters from my Awakening files. So, Virion!Inigo, WHY DID YOU CONVENIENTLY FORGET LUCINA!MORGAN TO MARRY AND HAVE A CHILD WITH AZURA?! What did you do with my daughter, damnit! Stahl!Owain, what happened to the Justice Cabal? Where is Chrom!Cynthia? Unless... Don't tell me Cynthia died, Owain. Don't tell me she died and that is why you gave up your sword hand in exchange for tomes. At least Lon'qu!Severa has a chance now... Speaking of Severa, I guess that short time with Ricken!Laurent helped mature you a little bit. I also guess that instead of finding treasure, you found some way to enter the world of Fates alongside Inigo and Owain. Hopefully one day you all will be able to return home... That's all I got for the time being, besides possible "head canon" pairings, but I'll need to play Fates more and complete all the paths before I can make more educated "head canons".
  5. I think I prefer Corrin, but I use both. However, I lean Corrin towards being a male name while Kamui being a female one. I use Corrin as my "canon" name for a male Avatar who will do all three paths and marry Azura in each one. (His end path is Relevations, but my headcanon is that he goes through Birthright and Conquest before doing Revelations) I use Kamui as a female avatar in Birthright. However, there are a bunch of other runs I want to do, so I have other names for those avatars. (Anya for "canon" Nohr, Isamu for "canon" Hoshido, Marcus for "main endgame" Relavations.) But as for the two names, Corrin is the one I'll use the most.
  6. I only played Museum Melee once on Conquest, but I don't remember if I was playing on Hard or Lunatic. From what I played, the enemies were much stronger than my main party, so I had to bail out. (It also didn't help that I sent Niles to open up a chest, only for enemies to spawn in that location right after he opened it.)
  7. Personally, I'll go with the gold. Boo Camp is only really useful if you are doing Conquest, otherwise there are alternative ways to gain experience. Sure, you'll miss out on a simple map and some character lines, but in the long run, there are better alternatives. Museum Melee is fairly good, especially if you want to obtain special (limited) weapons. It also takes place on an airship of all places, but from the one run I tried on it, the map seems difficult for a non-endgame team. Ghostly Gold pays for itself rather quickly. Having unlimited funds makes it easier to create insane forges of basic weapons (all that's needed are the raw materials) and also allows easier access to the Avatar Log, buying skills, and just buying stuff off of the My Castle shops in general. A forged weapon and using tonics helps immensely from my time with Fates. So, Ghostly Gold. Gold has many uses in Fates, and this map happens to be the easiest out of the three.
  8. I think... 1: Fire Emblem will likely stay on handhelds for the time being. The 3DS is fairly popular, at least more so than the Wii U, but who knows that the Nintendo NX has in store. I would like to see a console FE again because I loved Radiant Dawn's presentation and music, but I suppose it makes more sense from a financial standpoint to continue making it on handheld where it already holds a market. 2: DLC will likely return for future installments. I'm sure that the "EXP DLC, Weapons DLC, and Gold DLC" will become standard, with each game putting its own spin on the formula. I would also hazard a guess that there will be "Special CG" maps as well. 3: My Castle functionality will likely return. I see this feature being the evolution of Base Conversations back from Fire Emblem 9 and 10 and the Barracks functionality from Awakening. Personally, I would like to see more personalized Base Conversations again, so hopefully they can implement this feature alongside the generic dialogues. 4: I see Avatar character sticking around. However, I would like to have game where the Avatar unit, while amazing, is not the main focus of the story. For example, I think of Xenoblade Chronicles X's player avatar, while he/she is "the awesome Rookie", the main story actually revolves around Elma (and Lin, and Tatsu). The player just plays as a bad*** character that just happens to tag along with the important people. 5: I see the "S" Rank support system returning, but I hope that instead of just plain up marriage that "S" Ranks just mean a paired, personalized ending. For example, the Sacred Stones endings. Amelia and Duessel had Duessel reunites Amelia with her mother. L’Arachel and Dozla with Dozla crying like a baby when L'Arachel was finally wed. Garcia and Ross was a a father and son ending, etc. Of course, there is nothing wrong with marriage endings (Sacred Stones also had plenty of marriages), but I hope they become more personalized. Also, add in supports that make sense and don't be binary that "this wouldn't be balanced!" I'm tired of some pairings not being able to getting their supports in unless it is deliberately designed (Scarlet & Ryoma, Flora and Jakob, and so on). There can be supports that do not have an "S" rank and they only go up to A, or the "S" support is not necessarily a "happily ever after" ending. 6: I am unsure if children will return, and I hope they do not unless there is a justifiable reason for them to return. While I enjoyed them for what they were, there can be far more variety in character designs. In addition, as of late, the FE games need a little more world building instead of character building, and having a child character trying to build up the character of the parent gets old rather quickly. New recruitable characters can add in more information about the world instead of kids that are shoved away in another dimension. 6a: Slightly off topic, but when was the last time we had a Pegasus Knight Trio Attack? Was that in 10? I remember it being a thing, but I never really used it... 7: I think the new weapon system (Updated Triangle and addition of Daggers) may stick around and get its own evolution. I have a feeling that Fate's weapon system will become the new norm, unless they end up hybridizing durability with different weapon effects. I really hope they change Silver weapon's functionality, mostly because I'm more of an Enemy Phase player instead of setting up killzones for the Player Phase. Alternatively, upgrade the Forge to also allow for "weapon skins", so if I want my "Iron Lance" to look like a "Silver Lance" and vice versa, let me do so! 8: The fanbase will need to sort itself out between the old players and the influx of the new generation. I started off with the Sacred Stones and played every game released stateside since (including Blazing Sword), but in the words of Honest Game Trailers, I saw Fire Emblem transition from a "balls hard tactical game to a balls hard tactical game wrapped in an anime visual novel." I don't mind fanservice, and I get a kick out of the nonsense every now and then, but I am worried about how far they will go. The "My Room" models were nice and the dialogue added a little more to their character, but I could live without the petting and cooling them off. I'll take the swimsuits over that, there are some armor designs that are somehow more revealing and suggestive than a simple swimsuit. I guess I suggest simply tread with caution. Swimsuits seems to be the easy way for fanservice, and that I can deal with. Having virtual characters proclaim their love to you and make suggestive remarks is when I start slowly backing away from my 3DS, saying "What did I get myself into?" That said, my daughter Kana is too adorable. I thought female Morgan was adorable, but Kana is another beast entirely. Please send help. Overall, I think Fire Emblem has a good future ahead of itself. They still have the gameplay mechanics down, as demonstrated in Conquest, and they still have memorable characters (Arthur, Benny, Felicia, F!Kana, the trio, too many list...) I would like to see them improve on story some more and maybe tone down the fanservice a little bit, but otherwise, I'm still fairly happy with the series as a "veteran" player.
  9. I just finished Conquest yesterday... (This post is going off of knowledge of only Conquest, I have not played Birthright or Revelations yet.) Yeah, Conquest Corrin is an idiot. Early to mid game I can understand where he is coming from and the situation he is in, but as the campaign progresses (past Chapter 21) his character gets progressively and progressively worse, even with the revised "I'll show you what merciless is!" to Hans and Iago in Chapter 26. What triggered me was the finale, when Possessed Takumi comes along and Corrin, being as naive as he is, says "Sure Takumi, take out your anger on me. You are not possessed, just angry, even though I just fought off my slime dad who was clearly not himself and you don't see to be yourself either, but go ahead, shoot me." Then Corrin "dies", there's the afterlife scene, and then the classic "everyone calls out to you, please come back" scenario. How can Corrin be so blind and fail to realize that Takumi is not himself? He has a purple aura around him and he doesn't move naturally, and his speech patterns are off! Come on man! Seriously! For once you have the power to make your own choice, and you choose to get yourself shot?! Art thou blind, little man?! * * * * * Back to my numbered lists... 1: Corrin tries to be the "good guy", choosing mercy whenever possible. Initially, this works (Rinkah and Kaze, Ice Tribe, Chapter 11), but he fails to save the rebels at Cheve. As the campaign progresses, Corrin continues to get mixed results, but is clearly losing on trying to spare everyone. (He manages to save some performers during Chapter 14, chooses to save his family at Chapter 18, tries to spare the Hoshidians at Chapter 22 before most of them are executed, manages to sneak out Hinoka at Chapter 24, tries to spare Ryoma before he kills himself due to circumstances, even trying to reason with Not!Takumi in the finale.) 1a: While I did appreciate Corrin trying to be the good guy and do the right thing, it is clear that he lacks agency and even then, is somewhat of an idiot when trying to reason with a Possessed Takumi. Leo is the voice of reason in Conquest, and while he has some flaws of his own, he actually seems to have a brain unlike most others. (He kills Zola and Iago. 10/10) 1b: I would be fine with this trait, but Corrin goes too far with trying to reason with Takumi at the very end. That was another immersion-breaking moment for me, and combined with all the other nonsense Corrin does, tipped the scales out of Corrin's favor. 1c: I think some fans would have liked Conquest Corrin a little better if he managed to do something, however small, during Chapter 13 at Cheve. I too would have liked if Corrin managed to do something, but again, I feel that Corrin's failure to save them during this chapter is important to the storyline. A compromise may be that Corrin attempts to smuggle out Scarlet and a few rebels, but they get caught and are made an example of (gives an excuse why Scarlet dies horribly in Conquest and grants Corrin some agency, although he still fails and has the guilt of being unable to save them). 2: Corrin can't think of alternative paths besides the "Throne of Truth" from Azura when it comes down to handling Garon. 2a: If I were to try and stay vanilla, and I said this in my previous post, Chapter 24 could have been the breaking point where Corrin and company rebel against Garon instead of continuing to invade Hoshido. Nohr's army is split between Xander Loyalists and Garon Loyalists. Corrin may even be able to get some aid from Hoshidian forces because his ties to Hinoka and Ryoma, even though it is likely to be difficult to have to armies who were fighting each other to suddenly team up and go against the real threat. (Even though isn't that Relavations plotline?...) Corrin's ultimate goal is to unmask Garon and bring peace to the land, and if there is a way to do that without further bloodshed, when they not take that path? 2b: Another, which I think is a common theme in this topic, is Chapter 15. Corrin, after learning the truth, goes to his siblings and tries to convince them that Garon is no longer himself. Yes, it may be difficult, but it is possible that it may work as they notice inconsistencies between the Garon they used to know (Leo: Garon was a ladies man and he gave me piggyback rides!) and what he is now (Garon: You are my child now. You shall suffer. The world shall suffer. I will be king of the world!). This point can be emphasized further when Xander joins up the next chapter as he can most accurately recall the previous Garon he looked up to. Of course, should Corrin fail to convince his siblings, he can continue with Azura's plan of having Garon sit on the Hoshidian throne to reveal his true nature. * * * * * Overall though, Conquest's gameplay and characters still shines out for me. Yes, the story and plot fall apart, but I can still manage and see what they are going for, even though I don't agree with the direction. If / When I get around to playing Birthright and Relavations, I can post my thoughts about them as well if anyone is interested.
  10. Another update on my Avatar Log question, specifically about creating an "Avatar Army" in FE: Fates. I can safely say that it is impossible to create a personalized Avatar Army using only one system. I spedrun through the game again on a different difficulty, as per Frozenkappa's suggestion, to see if that will make any difference, but upon registration, it will still overwrite your previous Avatar character of that gender. Brute forcing the system is not possible as I recruited my previous character and attempted to register the new one in the shop, but the option was greyed out. In addition, as completing the game seemingly just gives you "5 Free Einherjar", I doubt the functionality would be different from purchasing it from the Einherjar Shop. So, if you really want to make an personal Avatar Army, you will need a friend or an spare 3DS, but I have a feeling that you will only be able to register one avatar per "Unique Game ID". Otherwise, you will only be able to have a max of "Three Personal Avatars" (One male, one female, and your current active file), not counting Avatars obtained from Street Pass or the My Castle functionality. If you wanted an army of random Avatars gathered from Street Pass and My Castle, this should still be possible, its just that the player won't be able to make a customized army of his/her own. Well, this revelation sucked out some of the fun for me as I had some builds planned out for my personalized characters. Guess I'll have to find another way to get them implemented...
  11. Just adding in my opinion, but I have not read the entire topic yet. Also, I have not yet finished Conquest, but I'm on chapter 25/28. Also, please note that I am talking about Conquest as a stand-alone story, without ties to the other two routes. I have read the previous story topics, especially when Fates was originally released in Japan, so I knew what I was getting into. When I finally picked up Conquest, I enjoyed the story for what it was worth and went with the flow, but everything changed once Chapter 21 came along. Before that chapter, I saw... 1: Corrin sides with Nohr to be with his family that he grew up with. Although he has a terrible father in the form of Garon, his siblings are there for him and they all get along. 2: Corrin desires a peaceful resolution, and tries to pick the diplomatic or merciful option whenever possible. This can be considered one of Corrin's "good" traits, but it does border somewhat on naivety especially as the story progresses. 2a: He spares the Ice Tribe Village in Chapter 8, Spares his Hoshido siblings in Chapters 10 & 11, tries to spare the Cheve rebellion in 13 before they were massacred, etc. 2b: He spares his Hoshido siblings from being executed in Chapter 18. While it may make more sense for the "greater peace" if they were executed, Corrin does not choose that option and wishes for a peaceful solution. They are family, after all. 3: Garon and Iago want Corrin to suffer as much as possible, I believe they do this so Corrin can act as some form of sacrifice later on. ("Prime" the sacrifice with despair and stuff.) 3a: Direct intervention happens in Chapter 7 and 21 with the Faceless, but there are also indirect methods as well. 3b: Xander catches this as early as Chapter 7 when he sends Elise and others to help out Corrin. While some action is taken from the shadows, it begs the question why active action is not really taken, unless Garon's forces are indeed too powerful to take on. 3c: Corrin, meanwhile, seems blind on the "unfortunate series of events" that happen. However, Corrin prevails anyway and continues his journey. 4: Garon himself seems to be too powerful to take on as of present, so Corrin and company must try and work from the shadows and give the illusion of following orders. Of course, their good intentions does not save everyone because Garon and company kill practically everyone anyway (and this reason is likely a major factor on why everyone dislikes Conquest's Corrin). This is somewhat understandable, especially as Eastern cultures value collectivism and "for the group" instead of individual beliefs that is commonly valued in the West. However, once Chapter 21 hit (which sucks as this begins the proper Invasion of Hoshido arc and amazing music), my disbelief got thrown out the window. 1: Lilith in Chapter 21. Setting the tone for the rest of the story, coming out of nowhere, my immersion was immediately shattered during this scene. A character that barely shows up for the entire game suddenly dies and Corrin has a meltdown, needing a pep talk from Xander to get back on his feet. I understand that Corrin lost someone dear to him, but this is not really explained in-game and Lilith conveniently transforming back into a human just shattered my immersion. It was so unrealistic I had to call BS. 2: Ending of Chapter 22, the massacre of Fort Jinya. If Cheve of Chapter 13 was not a wake-up call, this had to be. Even Xander was powerless against the "authority of King Garon", but at least the important characters were spared from execution. One the major plot points listed in this chapter (or one nearby), is that the Nohrian army is split between Xander Loyalists and Garon Loyalists. Things could have been different if... 3: Chapter 24, Hinoka is allowed to talk to Ryoma. This is Corrin's chance to rebel against King Garon, as Corrin's ultimate goal is to unmask Garon and bring peace to the land, not to slaughter and conquer Hoshido. If Nohr's army is split and Corrin's (Xander's) forces teams up with the Hoshido army, they could have crushed Garon's legions. There would have been possessed Takumi to deal with, but otherwise this change delivers on Corrin's maturity and taking action against his corrupt (and fake) father instead of blindly following Azura's plan of the "Throne of Truth". However, in-game, Corrin sticks with the plan to "Have Garon sit on the throne, that will unmask him, and deal with him then" instead of attempting this risky maneuver. Of course, Corrin would have to convince everyone to rebel against Garon (and trying to work with your enemy would also be difficult), but considering Garon's recent actions, I think the rebellion could have gone fairly well. Nitpicks: Chapter 7 : Xander picks up on that Corrin is being made to suffer by Garon and Iago. While he does help out from the shadows, as per the overall theme of the Conquest storyline, some may have liked if the siblings took action earlier, especially as Hans and Iago begin massacring everyone against the wishes of Corrin and company like in Chapter 13. Chapter 13: During Chapter 13, this is the first real time we see Corrin fail on attempting mercy due to the interference of Hans. Without the knowledge of Leo, Corrin gets in a slump and essentially lets the massacre take place, even though he does not want it to happen. While I would like to see a different outcome where Corrin prevents the massacre, I think the events in this chapter are crucial to the overall plot. Chapter 13 and Chapter 22 would have been extremely powerful chapters, especially if Corrin finally breaks away from Garon and rebels, but it seems like that never happens, so Corrin's lack of action suggests incompetence and may make players not like the character. Chapter 14: Corrin does not recognize Azura who is dancing, nor does anyone else. It should be easy for an outside observer to immediately see that Azura resembles the dancer on the stage, how many dancers are there that have long blue hair and wears an outfit similar to what they already wear? While it can be argued that the audience had some distance from the performance, the long blue hair and perhaps even the outfit should be a dead giveaway. Also, Leo offers insight on the overall Conquest theme of "following father's orders, but bending the rules to do the right thing." Leo shows this as early as Chapter 2 when he spares Kaze and Rinkah by faking their deaths. This is an important plot point, especially when Corrin becomes helpless as he is forced to watch people die in front of him, as well as lie in the name of "greater peace." However, as I have stated above and perhaps as others may have wished, is that Corrin breaks away from following orders and finally stands up for himself and do the right thing, even if there are consequences. Chapter 15: As far as I am concerned, this chapter is here to tie in with the other storylines and maybe justify Slime Garon. While I can deal with Slime Garon, I too wish Corrin actually did something instead of trying to keep up the facade of following orders and being a "good little murderer". * * * * * It is a shame. I now see where Conquest's story had so much potential (and it was going fairly smoothly for me until Chapter 21), but to see it all practically fall apart in the end sucks. Yes, the scene with Ryoma is touching and all because we know what Corrin really did, but that could have been prevented. I like the idea of Corrin working in the shadows and trying to manipulate events for "greater peace", but it is also nice that he fails sometimes because of the interference of another, like the massacre at Cheve. What I would have liked to see is that Corrin finally break the facade and confront Garon instead of waiting for the "Throne of Truth", and I felt that Chapter 24 would have been a perfect place to rebel against King Garon and work alongside Hoshido's forces. Corrin sees the massacre at Chapter 13, Xanders witnesses the massacre at Chapter 22, and both become disillusioned with Garon. Xander's loyalists also do not approve of the massacre, and then they rebel while Corrin calls in favors from Ryoma and Hinoka. Garon is defeated by a Nohr & Hoshido alliance, Takumi is blamed for everything (joking, he is handled somehow), and Xander and Ryoma begin new relationships between Nohr and Hoshido. Then, the third faction pops up, destroys everything, laughs in your face, and say, look at the DLC for what happens if you did not choose Revelations, you fool! Back to being serious, I guess at the end of the day, the main question that needs to be asked is "How powerful is Garon?" The story paints him as an all powerful figure that executes anyone who disobeys him, but aside from mostly minor characters being killed off-screen, we really don't see the extent of Garon's power. Perhaps story wise Corrin could not rebel against Garon even if he wanted to, and needed the magic throne for that final piece of evidence to unmask what Garon really is, but I feel this is just a weak plot point that could have been handled better. I guess I'll read up on the topic and stop writing a wall of text. I look forward to the discussion at hand.
  12. Just an update on my question regarding the Avatar Log and making an "Avatar Army" in the hopes someone will find this useful. When registering your Avatar, your amount is limited. I believe it is separated by gender, so if you have one already, you will overwrite your previous Avatar! I found this out the hard way by... 1: Rushing Female Avatar 1 on Normal Phoenix Mode (Branch of Fate -> Chapter 12 Nohr) 2: Go to Einherjar Shop, Buy Avatar Card. 3: Go to main file to check if the avatar has been registered. 4: Delete rushed file, make new file, rush Female Avatar 2 on Normal Phoenix Mode. 5: Go to Einherjar Shop, Buy Avatar Card. 6: Go to main file to check if both of my avatars have been registered. 7: Cry because my first female avatar has been wiped. 8: Go to Einherjar Shop in main file, buy Avatar Card. 9: My Male Avatar is separate from my Female Avatar. I think they are seperated by gender. This is a shame, I hoped to have fielded at least six custom Avatar units (F!Spear Master, F!Dark Falcon, F!Sniper, M!Paladin, F!Bow Knight, F!Berserker), not counting my avatars from previous runs. At the very least, I wanted my Spear Master and Dark Falcon avatars... All I can think of now is possibly brute forcing this method as they will all end up on one file. So, rush the unit, register into the log, recruit the unit on the save file, and repeat. Hopefully this creates a "usable clone" in the save file that I can use at the cost of not being able to use it in other saves. This will take a lot longer than I have originally anticipated... Anyways, just posting this here in case anyone else wanted to make an Avatar Army. I hope it proves to be accurate and useful. [spoiler=Avatar Army Notes]1: Battle Dialogue - Bosses have some grunt sounds when attacking, but are otherwise mostly silent. - Einherjar and Generics (Prisoners) are completely silent. This includes Avatar Einherjar. - Amiibo and Bond units are voiced. 2: Maximum Amount - You can hold up to 99 units in the Avatar Log. - You can field up to 20 units in one save file. - When registering your own avatar, you will overwrite your previous registration of that gender. This means you can have a max of two avatars, one of each gender. - It seems like you can register other user's Avatars without restriction.
  13. I remember there was something similar to this back when Fates (back then as "if") was released in Japan. So, I'll just post a theory build here instead! Note: These builds are meant for endgame at max stats, tuned for Classic mode. I'm sure with Casual or even Phoenix there can be more ridiculous builds, but I'll stay within the confines of Classic mode. If DLC is required, it will be noted within the build itself. Kagero - Enemy Phase Master Ninja [spoiler=Detailed Information] Marriage Seal – Kaze, Siazo, Hinata, or Ryoma Buddy Seal – Any Class: Master Ninja Main Weapon: Any Shuriken or Dagger Stance: Guard Stance, Attacker Skills: *Shuriken Mastery* - When user receives damage from a Dagger attack, the enemy receives half the same damage and the Dagger’s stat reduction effect Lethality (Master Ninja - Kagero Base) - Skill x 0.25% chance of instantly defeating the enemy when dealing 1 or more damage Astra (Swordmaster - Marriage Seal) - Skill x 0.5% chance of triggering 5 consecutive hits with half damage Shurikenfaire (Master Ninja - Kagero Base) - When user is equipped with a Dagger, damage +5 during battle Vantage (Samurai - Marriage Seal) - At the start of battle, when the user has under half HP, they attack first Awakening (Great Lord Seal - Requires DLC) - When HP is under half, Hit rate, Avoid, Critical rate and Critical Evade +30 Optional Skills: Rend Heaven (Basara - Kagero Reclass) - Skill x 1.5% chance of adding half the enemy’s Strength (if user has a physical weapon) or Magic (if user has a magical weapon) as damage -- AN: While yet another proc, it can be used as a replacement for Awakening to help Kagero's chances of weakening or killing enemies during their phase. Seal Strength (Master at Arms - Marriage Seal) - After battle, enemy’s Strength -6 -- AN: While this may be redundant depending on what weapon is used, this skill allows for Kagero to debuff enemies that survive her retaliation attacks, making it safer for your other forces to clean up. Life or Death (Master at Arms - Marriage Seal) - During battles, damage +10, damage received +10 -- AN: This build revolves around Awakening and Vantage, but Life or Death can replace Awakening for that extra DPS instead. Alternatively, Life or Death can take over Shurikenfaire if you like, although the extra 5 damage does not warrant taking 10 extra in return, in my opinion. Locktouch (Ninja - Kagero Base) - User can open doors and chests without requiring keys -- AN: Useful if you need someone to open up chests or doors at the cost of another skill. Duelist’s Blow (Samurai - Marriage Seal) - When user triggers the battle, Avoid +30 -- AN: While the point of this build is to be amazing during the Enemy Phase, if for some reason you want an offensive Kagero, you can use Duelist's Blow instead of Vantage and get insane avoid rates when attacking. Why go searching for enemies if they can just come to you instead, but I digress... Reasoning This build started off as an idea for an avatar character, but it turned out that Kagero can learn all the skills, and has a better personal skill suited for the job, so I ended up using her instead. I wanted a unit that can essentially be thrown into enemy forces and either slay them all or debuff them all so your other units can clean up. Master Ninjas are excellent for this due to their 1-2 range and their weapon's signature ability to lower enemy stats. Needless to say, the major component of the build is Awakening + Vantage. This combo seems so ridiculous that I want to try it out at almost every opportunity to see how broken it is. Of course, if one doesn't have DLC or doesn't want to use Awakening, there are other skills available to use. I throw in Lethality for that chance at an instant kill (and cool factor) as well as Astra to increase DPS (and cool factor). Procing skills is more difficult in Fates than Awakening due to lower numbers all round, but they are still satisfying when they do function. Besides, Master Ninjas has the highest skill cap of player characters, 35, the other two classes being Hero and Lodestar. Shurikenfaire is a safe skill that increases damage as Kagero will mainly be using Shurikens or Daggers. The ability to attack at 1-2 range is important for a character meant to charge right in the middle of hostiles, being able to handle both melee and ranged attackers alife. Kagero's personal skill is useful in the event she gets hit from a Dagger attack, better than an Avatar's personal skill when attempting this build at any rate. She is also put into Guard Stance to help with her survivability as she is meant to be the vanguard of your forces, weakening or killing off the opposition before your main army arrives. However, while this build sounds nice on paper, I have yet to actually try it out to see if it is viable gameplay-wise. Dodge tanking is risky due to reliance on RNG, but I think with all the crazy procs (and criticals) that can occur with this build, I feel like it might be worth a try.
  14. While I don't have Birthright, I did purchase Conquest. My short answer, in what I have played thus far, I feel like the individual route does have the length and content size of a full Fire Emblem game. I am happy with my investment, Conquest's gameplay is amazing even though the story is a little weak (but I see where they are going with it). So far, I've invested 43 hours into the game (going off of my Activity Log), and I'm about 3/4's through the campaign. I have no DLC aside from the free one "Before Awakening", and as Nohr does not have skirmishes, my overall playtime may be less. Most of my time is trying to figure out strategies for Conquest's chapters with their unique mechanics, but messing around with the "My Castle" feature is also enjoyable. Thing is, my current playthrough is not my "endgame Nohr file", so I expect my time invested to exponentially increase as I eventually get around to playing all routes and perfecting my three files. Of course, with shared maps and characters, I do expect the value of purchasing additional routes to diminish. However, this is a price I am willing to pay and I also intend to pick up all the DLC, but your mileage may vary. Best of luck on your playthrough! * * * * * @ Azz, NeonZ Thank you for your answers. It's a shame there's no real voiced lines, but I'll guess I'll have to live with that I got. Now I guess I have to research into Bond units more...
  15. Several questions, mostly about the Avatar Log. 1: Avatar Log - Battle Dialogue - Do Bond Units and Guest Units have battle dialogue? (Battle Grunts, Victory Quotes, etc.) - I know that Einherjar do not have battle dialogue and are completely silent. I think that Prisoners have generic battle dialogue, but I only have a boss character captured right now, so I don't know about the actual generics. = I originally wanted to make an Avatar Army, thinking my Avatars would at least have some battle dialogue like Awakening. I was surprised when Avatar Einherjar were completely silent, so I was wondering if there is a way to maintain their voiced lines. 2: Avatar Log - Guest Units - What is a guest unit? I want to say these are the 5 units one gets at the end of the game, but I am not sure. 3: Avatar Log - Max Field Amount - I know the max to hold within the Avatar Log is 99, but how many can be fielded at once? I think in Awakening it was 20. 4: My Castle - Point Transfer - Upon completion of the game, do the points transfer like they did with Awakening's Renown, or so I have to grind up My Castle Points per save file? Thank you in advance for your time.
  16. For dedicated staff users, I promote at Level 10 so I can give them a weapon as soon as possible. (Elise is actually doing fairly well as an offensive unit on my Conquest Hard run, but she is still my main healer.) Otherwise, I normally wait for Level 20, especially if it will become my "endgame" file to do all the DLC, skirmishes, and so on. As I approach late-game, I may end up promoting before Level 20 for stat boosts and to start obtaining skills, especially if that file won't be my main.
  17. Is there a simple collection of all of Kozaki's sketches for Fates (and Awakening) somewhere? It would be nice to have it bookmarked for future reference.
  18. I'm just at Chapter 16 of Conquest, but let's see here... Memoria, Iron Sword - Laslow (Originally Silas' sword, made because he was an old friend. However, as I have now benched Silas, Laslow now uses this weapon. Trivia: In my Awakening playthrough, Memoria was the name of Morgan's forged Hector's Axe, who was Inigo's wife. It was also the name of my first Avatar's Brave Sword, meant to be the same tactician from Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword.) The Punisher, Steel Axe - Camilla (I have far too much fun with this one. Having Camilla run around and one-shot things is hilarious, especially given her personality.) Promise, Iron Sword - Selna (Just came up with a weapon name on the spot, no real significance, but it fits.) Storm Caller X, Thunder - Odin (Because Odin. Also, to activate his personal skill.) Wyvern Fang, Iron Sword - Kana (She's a dragon, and Dragon Fang is a skill name. So, Wyvern Fang) Freeze, Fimbulvetr - Ophelia (Just wanted to give a simple name for her forged weapon for blue text.) Disrobing Gust, Disrobing Gale - Ophelia (Blue text!) Desired Named Weapons Memoria, Silver Axe - Morgan's old Hector's Axe, meant for Laslow. Passion, Tomahawk - Inigo's old Tomahawk, meant for Laslow. Trivia: Was originally a Killing Edge and a Brave Sword, may return as Killing Edge instead of a Tomahawk. Bravery, Brave Sword - Inigo's old Brave Sword, meant for Laslow. Kingmaker, Silver Sword - Inigo's old Alm's Sword, meant for Laslow. Pointy Stick, Spear - Lucina's old Spear, meant for Amiibo Lucina. (She was never good at naming weapons...) Forsaken Vow, Silver Sword - A forgotten Grandmaster's blade, meant for my main, endgame avatar in Revelations. Trivia: Was originally a Brave Sword. It's original Silver counterpart was named Lost Vow. Duskfall, Levin Sword - A forgotten Grandmaster's blade, meant for my main, endgame avatar in Revelations. Dawnbreaker, Levin Sword - A forgotten Grandmaster's blade, meant for Kana I'm gonna miss the Swell Axes Gregor had... He was such as swell sword...
  19. More questions! 1: Avatar Logbook - What is the max number of characters the Logbook can hold? - What is the max number of characters from the Logbook that can be used during a playthrough? (I think Awakening was around 20.) - Is it possible to export the Avatar at any time, or must all exporting be done at the end of playthrough? (Essentially, can I save characters to the logbook before the final chapter?) - When exporting a unit, is it possible to have multiple versions of a unit in the Logbook or just one? - When importing "characters" (not avatars) that are already recruited, does that character update to reflect the logbook version or does it create an "Einherjar" clone instead? - Is there any indication that "Spotpass, DLC, or Paralogue" characters will return? (I want to field Mycen and Micaiah again, alongside my Sacred Stones favorites...) - When buying skills, is it possible for a character without a DLC class to purchase those skills if they were that class in another file? [spoiler=Example]1: File A had Elise as a Dark Flier and obtained Galeforce. She was exported to the Logbook at the end of the game. 2: File B did not give Elise the Dark Flier promotion. 3: Can File B's Elise purchase File A's Galeforce, despite not having access to Dark Flier in that file? 2: Difficulty - What are the differences between Hard and Lunatic? I hear that Lunatic has fixed stat growths, but are there any other changes? - Is it confirmed that there is no Lunatic+ in Fates? I think I read that there is no difficulty higher than Lunatic, but I want to make sure.
  20. Well, I was messing around with stats and whatnot, so I made a small chart comparing a base class to the DLC ones. [spoiler=Click Me!] Name HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Rank Total Stats (No HP) Witch 50 25 36 27 34 28 26 29 Tome S 205 Sorcerer 50 25 35 26 29 26 29 33 Tome S 203 Exorcist 45 25 33 31 32 27 25 31 Tome A Staff B 204 Ballistician 50 39 25 31 25 32 27 26 Bow B 205 Holy Bowman 55 31 25 35 33 30 31 28 Bow S 213 Berserker 70 40 25 32 33 25 27 25 Axe S 207 Witch = Better Offense (High Speed & S Tomes [Keep in mind that 35 Speed is the cap for speedy classes like Trueblade and Elite Ninja]) Sorcerer = Wizard Tank (High Def and Res) Exorcist = General Spellcaster (Tome and Staff Access, High Skill, Lower HP) Ballistician = Specialized Unit, High Strength! (Berserkers, the STR class, have 40 as their max.) Holy Bowman = Best Bowman Berserker = Just there for comparison for a build (see later) * * * * * I wonder if the Ballistician can still be used as a makeshift tank for fun and novelty, even though the stats suggest otherwise. If the Speed problem is accounted for, maybe it can work... [spoiler=Build Ideas]Ballistician "Frontline Unit" Build == Unit: Preferably a unit with High Speed == Pair Up: Highly recommended, either more speed or DEF & RES - Sol (For Survivability // Brave Hero) - Automatic Turret ("Free Attack" // Ballistician) - Gentle Blade (Speed +3, Defence -1 // Lodestar) - Speed Drain (+2 Speed upon enemy kill, Max 10 Bonus // Lodestar) - Proximity Shot (Allows for 1 Range attacks for Bows // Proximity Shot, item) Ballistician "Tank" Build == Unit: Preferably a unit with high DEF and RES == Pair Up: Highly recommended, would like more DEF & RES - Sol (For Survivability // Brave Hero) - Defense Formation (Survivability // General) - Pavise or Aegis (Survivability) - Automatic Turret ("Free Attack" // Ballistician) - Proximity Shot (Allows for 1 Range attacks for Bows // Proximity Shot, item)
  21. First thing I thought when I saw the Ballistician, "Where can I get one! I want a tank!" The witch also looks pretty nice too. (Oh no, now I want to see if I can recreate Deneb from Ogre Battle as a witch...) Originally, I was not going to pay much attention to these two classes, but now after actually seeing them, I want to incorporate them into my playthroughs. I hope Jake returns as the Ballistician character and have another character represent the Witch class. Although, if it is on the cartridge, that is something to be weary of. While I bought all the DLC for Awakening, they were more on the "ripoff" side of things for their cost. All I can hope for is that Fire Emblem improves their DLC practices (like the amazing deals for Mario Kart 8, Hyrule Warriors, Smash Brothers, and the like).
  22. These have probably already been posted, but here are the support conversations between Odin, Lazward, and Luna. I also included their supports from Awakening for comparison. (Well, I gotta ship Odin and Luna now, Cynthia and Laurent may have just got beat. However, nothing beats Morgan and Indy, not even Lazward x Azura!) Pairing // Fates // Awakening Luna x Lazward: http://pastebin.com/JArBJxJt http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Awakening_Supports/Severa_Inigo Luna x Odin: http://pastebin.com/w8KDqC7J http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Awakening_Supports/Severa_Owain Odin x Lazward: http://pastebin.com/uGqN4QZ6 http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Awakening_Supports/Owain_Inigo
  23. Hello! I have recently decided to do a proper Lunatic run, but have recently hit a small snag. I'm on Chapter 5, going for no deaths, and I as of this post I don't know how to really save Maribelle and Ricken without exposing my other squishy units. For the most part, I have a strong Avatar (male avatar with Frederick support), but I really have no one else available to use, even as a distraction. Any tips for this? I have yet to complete Donnel's paralogue, and may be able to do the second and third "Champions of Yore" DLC chapters (read the rules for more details) for EXP. [spoiler=As for experience...]My first playthrough of Awakening was Hard Classic, no deaths. However, I ran into some trouble during the Valm Arc (likely due to using too many characters as I like to max out on deployment slots), so I had to back off and grind for a bit. I returned to wreck everything thereafter with a Male Robin and Female Morgan combo. This was originally my "main file" for postgame content, but then I decided to upgrade to Lunatic+ for postgame. So, I rushed through Lunatic and Lunatic+ (doing the first four chapters with no deaths, on Lunatic I felt like a man, on Lunatic+ I felt like a legend), but afterwards I called reinforcements from the Avatar Logbook to speedrun the rest of the game. Lunatic+ is now my main postgame file, but the skirmishes are not as enjoyable as I thought they would be (and I still need to finish the secret path of Apotheosis, but that is for another time). Regarding other Fire Emblem games, I cleared 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 on Normal. I have beaten Radiant Dawn twice and have an archived Sacred Stones Hardmode run. I have not cleared Sacred Stones postgame (Tower and Ruins). [spoiler=Detailed Information]Rules: - Lunatic Classic, No Deaths (Reset if someone dies) - Renown Awards (up to 10000) allowed. (Stat boosts used on Chrom) - Bonus Box, Shiny Tiles, and Barracks are available. - DLC maps are allowed for one playthrough. Gold, EXP, and Rare Item DLC are banned from play. Character Plans: - Male Avatar x Frederick (Temporary setup until I get Lucina. Using Frederick for extra defense from Pair Up.) - Male Avatar x Lucina (Set to be my main wrecking crew.) - Morgan (Morgan is rigged, and I say more so when Lucina is the mother. However, I don't know who to pair Morgan with.) - Chrom x Sumia (The usual pairing) - Lissa x Frederick (Lissa for heals, Frederick is regulated to Lissa later when Lucina arrives.) == I plan to have Avatar and Morgan as Grandmasters for endgame, with the other characters staying within their default class trees. Stats - Male Avatar (+SPD, -LCK // Level 19 Tactician -> 6 Dark Mage = HP 40, STR 16, MAG 15, SKL 15, SPD 24, LCK 11, DEF 14, RES 12) - Chrom (Level 4, Used Renown Stat Boosts // HP 28, STR 10, MAG 3, SKL 12, SPD 12, LCK 10, DEF 9, RES 5) - Frederick (Level 3 // HP 30, STR 14, MAG 2, SKL 14, SPD 11, LCK 6, DEF 14, RES 3) - Lissa (Level 5 // HP 18, STR 3, MAG 5, SKL 6, SPD 5, LCK 11, DEF 3, RES 7) - Sumia (Level 1 // Base Stats)
  24. @ Riku [spoiler=Condensed Max Stat Chart - With Totals, No Modifiers] Name HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Total (No HP) Singer 45 28 27 31 31 35 27 28 207 Falcon Warrior 55 28 27 30 34 35 27 35 216 Golden-kite Warrior 50 27 26 33 31 34 25 31 207 -Brave Hero 60 32 25 35 32 31 30 27 212 --Dark Blood 60 32 31 28 32 27 29 32 211 --White Blood 60 34 28 29 30 33 31 28 213 When I mean "her other stats are somewhat competitive against other Tier 2 classes", when... 1: One ignores HP and Weapon Rank 2: Takes in account the Singer's ability to allow allies to "move again" 3: Focuses mainly on Azura's default reclass options (Falcon Warrior and Golden-Kite Warrior) If one looks at pure stats (including HP) and weapon ranks, Azura as a Singer is not as powerful as her alternatives (especially compared to Falcon Warrior). The player will have to assign a value on the Singer's ability to make allies have another turn and determine if having access to that is worth sacrificing Weapon Rank and HP. Personally, I would prefer if Azura can be somewhere near the action to take advantage of her Personal Skill, Healing Voice (Allies within a 2 tile radius recover 10% HP at the start of the user’s Turn). Regarding Azura's max stat modifiers, while Azura does suffer from -3 DEF, she gains +3 SPD and +1 SKL, so Azura will have to rely on dodging instead of tanking physical hits (Alternatively, just send Azura to handle magic-based foes instead). Reclassing Azura will, almost every time, increase her survivability and also help her with offense at the cost of losing the "Sing" ability. Basically, at endgame, it all boils down to the value of granting allies an additional turn. If the player values this ability, they would want to keep Azura as a Singer. However, if moving again is not worth as much to that player, then reclassing Azura to something else (or fielding a different unit entirely) is the better option. Regarding normal campaign play, it's almost a no brainer to keep Azura as a Singer. The player has other characters that can fulfill a variety of roles, but only Azura can sing. Again, though, this is all just theorycraft and may actually be different in terms of actual implementation and gameplay. My ideas are for endgame / postgame content and may not actually be viable for non-grinding campaign playthroughs.
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