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Everything posted by Sire

  1. These are just desired Servants. I was planning on saving my Quartz for Skadi when the time came (and just spending the tickets on whatever), but then on a whim I decided to MLB the 5* Miyu CE which ate up my quartz stash. As for Dantes, I like Dantes more than Summer Jeanne. Also, I have Valkyrie and Atalante if I do ever get a Skadi for the Skadi looping. -- Besides, I got my 70 Arash for the classic method of wiping out enemy waves if I don't get a Skadi. Sure, it uses up an extra Servant slot and CE, but that's fine.
  2. * * * * * SSR Servants * * * * * Saber - Artoria (NP3) Lancer - Eresh, Scathach Archer - Ishtar, Orion Rider - Maid Artoria Alter Caster - Waver, Tamamo (NP2) Assassin - Mysterious Heroine X (NP3) Berserker - Nightingale Extra - Jalter, Melt, Summer BB * * * * * Desired Servants * * * * * July - Dantes August - Merlin October - Ishtar (NP2) November - Space Ishtar - MHXA - Skadi
  3. Decided to say "screw it" and went all in on the Prism Illya banner, specifically for the 5* CE. Managed to MLB it, but didn't get any 5* Servants. I did get a copy of Lancelot and Kerry though. Also finished the event, getting all quests done alongside the challenge one. Didn't fully clear out the shop as I didn't feel like grinding that out.
  4. Finished up Code Vein a while ago. Got the best ending and I loved the game in general, although its flaws are apparent. -- Code Vein is essentially a hybrid between the gameplay of Dark Souls and the characters/storytelling of God Eater. Heck. it even has its own version of the Estus Flask, Bonfires, and Souls. -- I loved the companions and their various banter on things, which reminded me of Dragon's Dogma. Granted, you can only have one NPC ally at a time, and for most of the game I used Yakumo who is a juggernaut with a 2h sword. Near the end I swapped over to Io, who is essentially Code Vein's "Firekeeper." -- My main complaint is some of the move sets of the bosses lean towards unfair territory. For example, some bosses may have an AoE move that activates almost instantly, as well as having "guard break" moves that also act just as fast. Now, one could say just "get good," but either the bosses perform too quickly or the character animations are too slow for certain things. I remember reading a common complaint is that healing ("Estus") takes forever when compared to the fast paced combat. // Granted, I was playing a heavy 2-hander and relied on blocking, so maybe some bosses just countered my playstyle. -- Also, one of the main levels, the Cathedral, is a giant maze map that overstays its welcome. I rather go through Dark Souls' Blighttown instead of the Cathedral, as at least Blighttown is shorter and can be sped through whereas the Cathedral is a slog. -- Lastly, leveling up can be confusing there are two main progression, "Character Level" and "Blood Code (Class) Level." Raising your character level too high will make it difficult to level up your various Blood Codes to unlock skills from that class to use in any other class. Granted, this is only a problem if you are trying to go the completionist route and unlock everything - if you just plan on using the classes most suited to your playstyle, then outleveling may not be much of an issue. In other news, I've also gotten back to playing Earth Defense Force 5 and just slowly grinding out my completion percentage by playing missions with the different classes. If you want to blow up giant insects and giant aliens, report to your local EDF recruiter today! Lastly, I am still playing around with Another Eden, a free, mobile, gacha game that is a JRPG. I love the fact you can play at your own pace, the story is amazing, and I love the characters. Also, it has collabs with Persona 5 and the Tales series which gives the collab characters for free after progressing far enough in the collab storylines. (The collab characters are also pretty good despite being free!) -- The only thing I dislike is that there's no "Auto" function for the more grindy parts of the game, which is mainly running dungeons repeatedly to farm for certain items or to raise the Light/Dark levels of a story character.
  5. Man, people are still making Ogre Battle remixes/arrangements. Here's one I found fairly recently.
  6. Tried three 10-rolls on the Illya/Miyu banner, got absolutely nothing worthwhile. Was just gonna try a single 10, then it went to two, and then stopped on the third of absolute nothingness. Otherwise just cruising through the event casually since I cleared the original.
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