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Everything posted by Sire

  1. Oh yeah, E3 is a thing. I remember I would usually binge the Nintendo Treehouse stuff and get caught up on the other announcements later. Man, I've been out of the loop with the latest news and the like. As for me, I would like to see anything Fire Emblem related. I'm expecting an "Echoes" remake to be next, although there may be a new mainline FE teaser. -- Maybe Dragon's Dogma 2 if that is far enough in the pipeline. -- Anything else is just a bonus.
  2. Bonus Track: Caster's OST - Fate/Empire of Dirt
  3. EXP Campaign is great. I can finally use up all my CEs and EXP cards, as well as start burning FP points. Managed 1-80 Passionlip and 80-90 my Valkyries. With the extra tickets, I tossed some at Kama and she showed up with the 2nd Ticket. While I have MHX at NP3 (and I'm still in awe on how that happened), Kama should be useful and fun to use. -- Almost managed to get Kama 1-80 with my remaining Embers, but I'll have to make up the rest of the levels with FP Embers. -- The rest of the Tickets and Quartz may end up being spent sparingly for MHXA and NP3 Ishtar, although I may end up saving for later servants down the line. Although with all the upgrades, my QP supply is starting to get low again despite farming hard on the last Lotto. At least I have +100 Golds available for the next one. -- And I have a feeling I'll need the EXP since we'll be getting new 1-3 star Servants some time in the future, and I would like to max out their levels. (Skills I tend to leave at 4 since they usually just need gems, they only go higher if I actively use them.) * * * * * EDIT * * * * * With 100 or so extra Quartz, I spent them in attempts to get NP3 Ishtar and did a 10-roll for MHXA. -- Instead I got Qin and Drake, alongside 2 5-star CEs that I did not need... While I'll be keeping Qin, getting Drake was not necessary as I already have plenty of riders with AoE NPs. While I have nothing against Drake, I also don't care much for her either. -- In the end I found getting 5 rare prisms to be more useful than another AoE NP Rider. I could use the Visionary Grails more, and I currently do not have the resources to raise another Servant. Missing the interludes is not fun, but I think Drake's were some of the earlier ones which weren't that amazing story-wise anyways.
  4. My perspective mostly comes from FGO and the various anime/movies, although I have not gotten to Heaven's Feel yet. I heard of the VNs, but have not played through them. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I voted for Illya although she is closed tied with Rin. I enjoy Illya's backstory as well as her exploits in the Prism Illya series. -- As for Rin, I'm more familiar with her Ishtar and Eresh variants as its been a while since I watched UBW. I have a soft spot for Ishtar, although Eresh is adorable as well. -- The Rin and Luvia shenanigan's in Prism Illya were also enjoyable. As for OG Artoria, she's alright. I personally tend to favor her alter form, but her OG form in FGO tends to be better for farming, so I tend to like the OG for gameplay purposes. Now for Sakura, I know very little of the original since I haven't seen Heaven's Feel yet. However, in FGO I enjoy the BB character. I would delve into the Extra spinoffs, but that's another rabbit hole that I'm not sure I have the time for. If I had to go franchise, I may say Ishtar due to recency effect since I use her regularly in FGO and Babylonia was the last anime I watched.
  5. Haven't finished the event yet, but I definitely appreciate how it handles its subject matter and themes when compared to Agatha. Heck, the CCC event even did it well even though it was only covered near the end of that one. Taking on the main missions with only 3 Servants is getting rough on the last floor. I use Summer BB with the DMG CE and Ishtar with the Holy Night Supper CE, with a support Skadi. While it sucks not having class advantage, this trio can usually handle whatever is thrown at them. // That said, I am starting to rely on the busted Command Codes, but since I'm full clearing everything and hear there are ways to handle the gauge, I'm not too worried. -- I am wishing I had a Skadi of my own so I can do the Quick Loop for farming purposes. I have a variety of servants who can pull it off, although I plan on investing in my Valkyries since they are favorites of mine. * * * * * * * * * * Rolled for NP2 Ishtar, using my ~230 Quartz savings. -- Caster Gil NP2 -- Ana (Smol Medusa) NP2 -- Kaliedoscope 3 ...and after the first 3 good 10-rolls I got absolute garbage. Then I cashed in my SQ Fragments, giving me 20 Quartz to use, and NP2 Ishtar arrived! -- Now to continue spending all my Tickets and Quartz on the banner to see if I can raise Ishtar's NP levels higher, even though I am completely broke now. * * * * EDIT * * * * Finished the event a while ago. I ended up using Melt as my DPS for the final boss, which felt right due to story connections. As for the CQ, I got a friend's Kiara with +200 damage and went to town. First time I accidently disabled the Ooku skills, so I had to restart. Second time I had to reset due to stray Crits, but the third time I managed to prevail with Herc Insurance finishing off the match. (I was multitasking during the CQ and noticed too late that Kiara died, so I couldn't RNG manipulate things.)
  6. I watched through FGO Chaldea Broadcasting Station U.S. Branch Vol. 11, seems like there's a Babylonia Blue-Ray release campaign going on with an Ishtar banner, so I'm likely to try to get my Ishtar to NP2. She's already grailed to 100 and I think she's my current target for 2000/2000 since Herc is completely maxed out. -- It helps that my other desired Servants don't show up until much later (August for Merlin and November for Skadi), although I may end up just saving up for Skadi since farming occurs far more often than challenge quests. At least in CQ, I have Herc Insurance, may be able to use command seals, and can borrow a support Merlin, so having double Merlin may be overkill. As for the current event, I haven't had the chance to start it yet. Hopefully I can do so soon.
  7. I know I probably posted this same song/arrangement several times in this thread, but its one of my favorites.
  8. I've been slacking off on the event, especially since I want to actually re-experience it and go through the story instead of jumping straight to grinding. I did get EMIYA (Alter) on summoning tickets, so that's nice. EDIT: Also got Passionlip on tickets when trying to NP2 Melt, so I have stuff to spend Embers on! * * * * * EDIT 2: Attempted the KP challenge quest and tried to mimic an "Enkidu solo." I placed Waver and Mash in the front lines alongside a support Enkidu and no one else. -- It went poorly. I decided to say screw it and ended up using my command spells for HP, which then snowballed into also needing Saint Quartz for revivals. I ended up finishing the fight around turn 60 with 3 SQ spent. The team comp was tanky, but not tanky enough. == Also in the middle of rushing to finish everything, but I'm on the end stretch. Just need to finish up the last couple of missions and beat the main story, as well as the bonus area afterwards. As an aside, I went through the Valentine's gifts for the first time during that event. While I did have to skip though the dialogue for some of the guys since the event was nearing its end, some of the scenes were pretty interesting. Summer BB stood out to me, as well as the few scenes that features other Servants aside from the main. Edit 3: Managed to clear the 100 missions. Couldn't clear out the shop completely, but at I least I nabbed the important stuff. Hopefully I'll be able to take it easy for a while...
  9. Recently discovered this free game called "Your Turn to Die." I consider it a mix between the Zero Escape and Danganronpa series, with a group of people participating in a Death Game. It is a bit more "horror-oriented" compared to to those games. -- It is not yet complete, but so far I find the cast of characters and story to be rather interesting. The characters especially seem more realistic and "grounded" compared to Danganronpa's zaniness with the Ultimates and Zero Escape's "intriguing cast." -- Also, the soundtrack seems to just be made from samples from GarageBand (and I recognized some of the samples). Despite this, the OST is pretty good!
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