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Everything posted by Sire

  1. Hopefully I haven't posted this one recently.
  2. The re-run event seemed to go much more smoothly this year, although that is likely due to having the CEs from last year. -- Raid Setup is Caster!Shuten and Rider!Kintoki with supports. This is the same setup I used previously if I recall correctly. I'm unsure if I have a one-shot setup, but I'm too lazy to figure one out at the moment. -- Managed to get 96 Raids in from using up most of my Bronze and Silver Apples. I've cleared the point ladder, but can still use some shop currency to buy the stuff that unlocks when the raid concludes. -- At the moment I'll probably ride out the rest of the event using natural AP, doing the Raid while it is active and then moving to the regular nodes for their mats.
  3. Just go back to the Wii Shop days and port everything from there to the Switch. -- Bonus Points if they also do DSi titles on the Switch, although that will be more complicated since the DS is dual screen and Switch is only one. If Sega is involved, a part of me would like to see the Dreamcast available since I had one of those as a hand-me-down. While there are improved ports of Grandia II and Skies of Arcadia (specifically the Legends version of SoA), seeing the Dreamcast versions on the Switch console would be cool.
  4. First impressions in spoilers for length. Welp, no Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, or Xenoblade news. A shame, but considering the main "focus" was supposed to be this year, I guess it makes sense not to cover them as the "teaser game slots" were already fulfilled by other categories (Bayonetta 3, Splatoon 3). -- AW may get coverage closer to its release day in December, and other titles likely had priority over AW. Overall, sorta indifferent about the whole thing. While some of the stuff showcased interests me, they were not "must-have day one" titles. The only thing that made me respond negatively was the Mario movie. -- Man, they should've just hired the one fan-animator who did amazing Mario work on Flipnote to make a series. The style and story of that series was great, despite everything just being done on Flipnote Studio.
  5. A 40 minute Direct, eh? I think I read a leak somewhere stating there would've been a Direct in September, and now here we are. Now to see how accurate the list was... I'm hoping for Fire Emblem and Advance Wars news. Specifically, I'm wondering if the next FE is an Echoes installment or a brand new title. As for Advance Wars, I want to see the AW2 campaign so we can see more CO designs. -- I'm cautiously optimistic about potential Xenoblade Chronicle 3 news as well, although I would be happy with a Xenoblade Chronicles X port. ...and with that I'll probably be good. While I'm sure there will be other amazing titles showcased, my backlog is already filled with too many games to play.
  6. Man, sometimes I wish I could replay Skyrim all over again. I never did get around to the DLCs, and modding has the tendency to break things (especially if one installs a mod and then decides to uninstall it later). While it wasn't the best game ever, it was a memorable one for me.
  7. Worked my way through the other CQs before they expired. ROMA CQ: Tried a Bedi composition based off of a guide, but mine was NP3 and the guide was NP5. It may also have some RNG involved, and I made a miscalculation where ROMA had an one invul left on the turn I needed to burst. -- I went in with my Artoria, Waver, and Support Merlin based off a similar team in the comments of the guide. It went much more smoothly even though it took longer. Achilles CQ: Followed a guide and went old-school buff-stacking on Herc. It worked effortlessly (Herc, Waver, Support Merlin). Eli's CQ: This ended up being a slog. The mechanics were interesting at first, but then it devolved into Eli soloing the Dragon with its ever-increasing DEF stacks. Somehow, Eli managed to pull off a victory at the last possible moment. -- I have a feeling this CQ is a breeze for those who have a Merlin of their own. I ran Summer BB to lock in Eli's cards while the rest were heals and debuff clears. (On a side note, it's a sad day when a 3-star servant outperforms a 4-star welfare...) Clown's CQ: Went with a Rider Ishtar comp based off of a guide. After dealing with RNG screwing me over, I finally managed to clear the CQ. I may have enjoyed the quest a little more if I wasn't pressed for time. Eric's CQ: Tried a Kuro setup, but she didn't have enough DPS to take down Eric and he eventually overwhelmed my party. There was one attempt where Eric had a single point of HP left, but he had that 100% DMG Resist and I couldn't get past it... -- Then I went Kintoki Rider and he carried me to victory. In the end I decided to skip on the "Gorgon Sisters" and "Napoleon & Pals" CQs, mostly because of the time factor. I was rushing through the CQs then needed to do other stuff, and when I had free time again, I decided it was not worth the hassle and stress to finish them before they expired. -- In terms of boxes, I opened up 93 despite having freezing issues. All servants I have are leveled and I have like 800 Gold Embers stored away (600 in Second Archive, and 200+ in Presents). * * * * * In terms of future Servants, Summer Kama definitely looks interesting, although Space Ishtar is on the horizon and she fulfills a similar role (Avenger Loop Servant).While I would love both, at the moment I need to be focused on getting Skadi for Quick Loop compositions. At least NA 2022 looks relatively smooth sailing for me, save for the release of Artoria Caster. While there are servants I would like to have and potentially raising the NP levels of Servants I already own, I am relatively content with my roster. -- 2023 though will hit hard with Muramasa, Artoria Caster (again), Morgan, Fairy Lancelot, Caren, Koyanskaya... // If I had to pick one, it'll probably be Fae Lancelot. Koyanskaya I can get from a support list if necessary, although having one of my own would be nice. The others are just a nice bonus for me.
  8. Worked my way through the original CQs. 4. Jaguar CQ: Did the same strat as last year (Normal Cu and Cu Alter), but it required several attempts due to RNG and figuring out the proper kill order. 5. Pawn Shop CQ: Not sure how this went smoothly the first time around, as I had some difficulty in the rerun despite using the same setup of Rider Kintoki. Maybe I had better RNG and/or slightly better strategy... 6. MHXA CQ: Failed my first attempt as I went all the way to the end before breaking her first bar. In hindsight, having the snacks around to take up actions is better, and on average one snack is taken down per turn anyways, simulating one turn passing of Hyper MHXA. I was two turns away from victory, as Herc Insurance got targeted down early. -- On my second attempt the plan was to wait until the stun/charm snacks came around, then to burst down the first bar. The first one came around and was wasted on the first bar. Herc was focused down while in a group, wasting his Bond CE guts. I lost this run. -- Gonna try again with a different setup, and then hopefully move onto the new CQs before stuff expires. == EDIT: Managed to clear with a different team setup (BB, Waver, Tamamo // Support Cu Alter, Mash, Herc Insurance). Still cut it close near the end, but Cu Alter and Herc remained standing. 7. Original Finale CQ: Smooth sailing with the Cu Alter Support setup, same as last year. * * * * * * * * * * In other news, I actually managed to get some decent lotto farming in despite the freeze issues. So far I managed to open around 80 boxes and leveled up all of my Servants. -- I'm debating if I want to farm further for materials, but transforming Gold Embers into Mana Prisms seems a bit of a waste.
  9. Origin: Mental Omega (Red Alert 2 YR Mod)
  10. Looks like my phone is getting up there in age as it is prone to freezing (graphics lock up but the music still plays), so I guess there will be no efficient lotto farming for me in the foreseeable future. // I was hoping to get my Shop Currency farm out of the way before tackling the CQ, then I would transition into lotto tickets.
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