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Everything posted by Sire

  1. I've been playing the Demo on the Black Eagles route. All I can say is how much I missed the setting and the characters. Considering I don't play FEH anymore, seeing them here again is great and I'm loving every second of it. I may end up disappearing for a bit when the game releases, as all I want to do is keep playing. -- I did notice not everything is voiced, unlike in Three Houses. Only certain camp ("monastery") dialogue is voiced, the rest goes Awakening style with some quips and the rest is read. I don't mind as I can read through the stuff faster and may cut down on some of the fluff. -- I do wonder how they will handle playing through multiple routes, as one of my complaints of the original Three Houses is that they really wanted you to stick to one playthrough to keep the NG+ chain going, instead of playing them all at the same time. // I did see the Renown system return, so I imagine there is some form of NG+ or gaining Renown present. -- EDIT: One of the surprises I had is when making Byleth in Three Hopes, it automatically read in the name I used in Three Houses (I changed it for one of the runs), which was pretty neat. I did change the name back to Byleth though and not the named avatar, as I plan on doing a "vanilla run," but it was neat that it was there. As for some random spoiler-ish thoughts of note...
  2. Man, sometimes I forget to post in this thread after checking it it once and then thinking "I'll do it later." Game: Chaos Head (Visual Novel)
  3. Finished the CQ, finally. Clearing out the board took a lot more effort than I thought. While the gimmick was initially enjoyable, completing it was not. As for the CQ, I ran NP3 Artoria, Waver, Support Merlin, Saber Alter, Mash, and Herc Insurance. I was lucky to get a MLB CE as well. -- I managed to clear at Turn 9, only losing Merlin to Erice's NP due to Instant Death. My Waver had MLB 2020 Fragments for crit stars. -- Artoria spammed her NP to clear the board and I slowly whittled down Erice's health, finishing her off with twin Excaliburs to the face.
  4. Finished the story for the event. Overall, still not impressed. Erice had some cute moments, I see why Voyager is seen as a good boy, and Kiyo is a dinosaur, but overall I wasn't feeling it. -- The best parts of the event were the alternative artworks for Marie and Mozart (at least, this is the first time I remember seeing those arts), as well as that "Orbat Duel" section (won three in a row, but I did use Command Seals to fire off an NP early.) -- The Monopoly board game gimmick is all right, I guess. It was interesting at first, but delving deeper into it for completion purposes seems like a chore. RNG Dice drops as well as the RNG of the Dice itself can make it difficult to 100%. // I guess one could spent currency at the shop to mitigate some of this, but eh... I haven't done the CQ yet, so we'll see how that goes. * * * * * There's also some news from the JP side of things, such as a 4-star Ticket for Servants an a CE. Things seem to be interesting over there.
  5. Man, I wish this event was better. I love the board game theme and the dice-rolling gimmick is fun (who knows if it will stay that way), but the story is lackluster. -- The small mini-events from the board spaces don't have any real impact. // I don't mind them being short, but I wished they had better writing/jokes. -- The main story (especially the one I'm currently on, Werewolves at the Haunted House) is frustrating. This may be because I play some tabletop games myself, but seeing how Guda reacts to some things takes me out of the experience. Also, the pacing of the dialogue is not good. I don't need to see 5 screens of each individual person going "!!!" or "Wha?!" Just do it all at once if there is nothing significant there. Hopefully it improves, but right now (especially since this is supposedly a Collab event), I'm not too impressed.
  6. Mostly finished with the re-run. While I probably should clear out the shop, I think I'll be fine without full clearing it. As for me, I finally got a MLB Kaleidoscope and the MLB Sweet Crystal (spent spare Rare Prisms for this). I don't remember if I was active during the Sweet Crystal Valentine Event run or not, but if I was, I likely got rid of the CE without realizing how useful it can actually be. -- MLB Kaleidoscope is great. I can save time by not using Arash's NP Charge, try the full NP Loop setups (Single Servant, 3 NPs), or just use other Servants to fire their NPs.
  7. Edit: Man, just noticed that the 31 HORAS MUSIC channel which had a lot of the Smash Ultimate soundtrack got wiped. -- Was looking for music to listen to and wanted to get some Smash Ultimate, and found out that their stuff was missing. I just wish companies that take down music would at least upload an official version with comments enabled, as reading the comments while listening was a rather enjoyable pastime. One could even learn a thing or two while going through them! -- Most of the time I would see an "automatically generated" version of the soundtrack, which disabled comments but allows one to just listen...
  8. Out of curiosity, how do the "Mega-Rerun Events" work? For example, I remember there was an event that ran multiple "Halloween Events" all at once or in a short period. -- Is it just story based, or is there also an Event Shop to clear out? The main reason I ask is that I tend to scrap the Event CEs that I don't use after the first re-run, as I could use the CE EXP for the ones I do regularly use. I'm wondering if I should try saving the Event CEs instead (although I doubt I'll end up doing that). * * * * * In other news, I ended up getting NP2 Waver as my 5-Star choice for that +10% DEF Down on his NP. Looking back at the x2 EXP for the 5-Star Servant (and the recent buff to Altera), a part of me may have gotten her instead, but NP2 Waver may serve me well in CQs or looking good in the support lists.
  9. Going Male/Male, since I'm a guy and I ran Male Byleth in Three Houses. (I may switch things up on further playthroughs/free mode.) -- I am tempted to run Male Shez / Female Byleth, since that seems to be the "canon" pick for this timeline, but if my suspicions about a playable Byleth is correct and its a golden route, I would like a Male Byleth so I can continue his journey from Three Houses into Three Hopes. As for route order, same as I did for Three Houses. I was always an Edelgard supporter from pre-release, and even after playing through the routes I still like the Black Eagles route the most. -- Black Eagles (Scarlet Blaze) -- Blue Lions (Azure Gleam) -- Golden Deer (Golden Wildfire)
  10. Just woke up briefly and saw this, but a random thought I had is thus. 1. The three routes we play as Shez, who may actually affiliated with the Agartha. This represents Agartha infiltrating the three armies and watching Fodlan tear itself apart. 2. The "Golden Route" we play as Byleth, setting things right with Divine Pulse and uniting all three warring factions. (They did not know what happened previous, and now that they do, they won't make the same mistakes again.) All the stuff shown off it cool. I'm hoping to pick up the game day one.
  11. I'm still working on the latest story chapter as I haven't had time to properly sit down and play through it. // Currently, I'm trying to get through all of my Interludes since the 1/2 AP event is going on. As for the SSR Ticket, my options are... -- Artoria, NP4: She is my primary AoE Saber, and getting another copy of her may help with the Servant Coins down the line. I don't know how much a need for her +20% charge, but the more coins she has, the better I suppose. Also, getting a Servant to NP5 would be kinda cool, especially when choosing her for supports. -- Altera: I love huke's artstyle and Altera is one of the characters I always wanted to get. It's just a shame her skillset is a bit "meh" for my needs, save for niche situations where I need to remove Invul or Evasion from enemies. Altera would be my "favorite" pick if I disregarded gameplay mechanics. -- Waver NP2: Going from 30% DEF Down to 40% DEF Down can be worthwhile, and makes him a more appealing support since he has a higher NP rank. -- Sanzang: I do lack a good, favored ST Caster, although personally I'm hoping to roll an Illya someday to fulfill that role. At the moment I just use Alter Egos or Berserkers (or use a support if I really need an Anti-Assassin). Alternatively, I run Circe and/or Medea. -- Tamamo NP3: Mostly for fluff, as a 250 HP increase is insignificant for her NP. -- Vlad: He's a cool Servant, it's just a shame he is a bit niche and I have an outfitted Herc for outlasting opponents. -- Jeanne Ruler: A support Jeanne helped me a lot in my early days, and a part of me would like to have another Ruler (aside from Summer Martha) on my team. Alas, time has seemingly not been that kind to Jeanne as other options seem superior at the moment.
  12. I guess it just depends on what you want to prioritize. -- As farming tends to be a heavy part of FGO, I would try and get Servants who have NP Charge, can loop, or can charge the NP of other Servants. All you technically need is one good team composition, getting other Servants are just a bonus. // If you haven't leveled Arash and maxed out his NP Skill, I would highly recommend doing so as I still use Arash despite having a varied roster. -- Having a Moon Cancer is nice, but I wouldn't go crazy about obtaining one as Avenger fights tend to be rare and they can be handled by other means (unlike Rulers and potentially Foreigners). Remember, you can always borrow a friend's Servant if you absolutely need one for a fight. -- Of course, you can never go wrong by just going off pure favorites. As long as you are having fun, that's all that really matters. For myself, I'm technically set as I have Waver, Skadi, and a fair amount of Servants who have NP Charge. -- In other words, I have various ways to 3-turn nodes (3 Servants to NP, or 2 Servants with one firing off twice, or even try getting 1 Servant to fire an NP three times.) -- I personally still use my Arash and opt for a repeat NP of the primary DPS (50% CE, 50% Self Charge, NP 1 // x2 50% Support Charge, NP 2) instead of having a triple NP setup. (Although I could run a Quick-Loop setup, it only works in certain circumstances and I still lack a MLB Kaleidoscope. I also rather not use the Plugsuit since it is already capped.) For banners, this year I plan on just focusing on Caster Artoria, although a part of me would like to get Kama to NP2. -- There are a bunch of Servants I would like to have, but focusing on Caster Artoria to open up more compositions is better for me (even though Space Ishtar will likely remain my primary DPS). Having a varied composition is nice as I may be able to run Event Servants instead of just relying on my classic teams. -- There's also the thing about next-year lineup being insane, so I'm also trying to save some Quartz for that. One thing to keep in mind is I believe future events deliberately try to set up battles to discourage Quick or even Arts looping, so having NP charge supports or another DPS Servant can be quite valuable when it comes to 3-turning encounters.
  13. I missed out on the first Apoc event, so doing this one and getting a Grail was much appreciated. I think I managed to get every grail save for one that was on Valentine's, so I think I'm good. It's just a shame that grails and the like are locked behind these events and new players may never get the chance to get the full amount of grails when compared to those who have been playing from the start. -- I did make a miscalculation regarding the final set of raids, as I thought they would open up on the 18th. Looks like I missed it, so I have to make up for it by just farming the free nodes to finish the last 25% of points and clearing out the shop. -- As for the story, it was actually okay. I guess the talk about Sieg being better than his anime counterpart is warranted, as his anime variant was one of the weakest characters in my opinion. The Challenge Quest was easily handled by Space Ishtar, using two Skadis and a Waver to finish it in two turns. * * * * * As for future thinking, I'm wondering if I want to go all the way to 120 with any of my Servants. That's a 10 Grail investment past 100, which can be used to get a more rounded lineup of Servants. -- My original plan was to get my support lineup to 100 (maybe leaving the support casters at 92), but then the support lineup got expanded to 3 "rows." Now I have to consider if I want to try and have my entire support lineup around 100 or not. As for potential 120 candidates, Herc Insurance is one for being the last man standing (and making him more impressive if others need him). However, he seems to function just fine, and increasing the stats on a Berserker doesn't seem as efficient as using a different class. -- Space Ishtar is a candidate due to her farming abilities, and farming is an important part of FGO. Even if some nodes can't be looped, I still have Arash to fire off an NP, then Space Ishtar can fire off two NPs to finish off a 3 round fight. -- Then there are my Valkyries, which is pure favoritism. I would also say Georgios, but I sadly don't use him enough and grailing a low rarity Servant seems to be a bad idea (unless its Arash, where a single grail can go a long way).
  14. Regarding the CQ, I also used Kama as my main DPS. Sure, the Assassin Offensive Advantage only works in the 2nd phase, but at least the defensive advantage stays active and Kama gets the +50% ATK from the event bonus. -- Team was Kama, Skadi, Support Skadi, King Hassan, Mash, and Herc Insurance I forgot about the evasion in the 2nd phase, but managed to make it through on my first attempt. In the end I had Kama, King Hassan, and Herc still standing.
  15. No Double Post Here, move along, citizen.
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