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Posts posted by Sire

  1. Old Man Li was relatively easy, until he decided to crit one of my Melts to death (I could have reset the turn so she could use her NP, but I didn't). Luckily, due to the efforts of Euryale and Herc, he was defeated. Shoutout to Medea who helped get rid of his initial buff. // Team was Double Melt, Waver, Medea, Euyrale, and Herc Insurance
    -- Also, just noticed Euryale got an animation update. I don't use her a lot, so it was a surprise to see.

    Also, the final boss battle was a little rough, but that is likely due to me running a different team and fielding the Story Support instead of doing my usual. I had to rely on Herc Insurance to carry me through the last bar.
    * * * * * * * * * *
    Story-wise, it is definitely my favorite Lost Belt thus far. I enjoyed all of the characters and the over-arching storyline. Some detailed thoughts in the spoiler below.
    -- To recap, I disliked LB1 as my immersion was shot. The actions and feelings of the Master did not reflect my own (I was more in line with Billy the Kid). That said, I saw what they were trying to do, but just didn't enjoy the execution. // LB2 was enjoyable since I love Valkyries and like Norse mythology. However, LB3 just seems to resonate with me more.


    My only criticism comes from Mordred, as she mostly seems to be a supporting character for Spartacus and his arc. However, after Chapter 9, Mordred is "just there" as a Servant with no real story significance.
    -- Nezha at least is the first Servant summoned due to the Shadow Border and the similarities of technology between Nezha and Xiang Yu.
    -- Chen Gong and Red Hare serve as reinforcements for Chaldea after Spartacus' sacrifice. While they offer little in terms of the overall plot, I find their shenanigans to be a welcome break from the main storyline.

    I enjoyed seeing Liangyu and the Emperor all throughout, from their "friendly but reasonable" introductions to "I just hit the Confucius button", and to their final dialogues during their battle and defeat. I think I liked LB3 more than LB2 because I enjoyed the antagonists more. Heck, I loved almost everything in this Lost Belt.
    -- Despite this, it's still no Camelot, Babylonia, or the CCC event. I think I enjoyed Salem just a little bit more than LB3 due to its excellent handling of multiple characters with purpose. But LB3 is definitely one of the better story arcs in FGO.


  2. I already tossed a single grail on my Arash, that 10-level gain (60->70) is too good to pass up, especially since I use him a lot. Grailing him further seems a bit redundant since the first wave tends to be the weakest and he doesn't need that much overkill, unless you want him to reliably one-shot Lancers. I find simply giving him an "enhanced CE" for the extra attack to be more useful.

    The Lantern went to my own Waver. Since I have a Waver of my own, it allows me to field the "Fully Built" servants on my friend list instead of having to field a support and just run my own team. I'm finding Okita Alter to be rather useful when dealing with the "Cavalry" classes (Rider, Caster, Assassin), especially on mixed nodes.
    -- Next Lantern may end up going to either Arash, Artoria, or Ishtar (once she hits Bond 10).

    And now, to start marathoning through Lost Belt 3. While I know a bit of what happens due to Clairvoyance EX, I'm interested in seeing what actually occurs firsthand.

  3. Spent all of my remaining Quartz (~300) to get Ishtar to NP2. I didn't get Ishtar or any 5-Star servant. However, I did get a few 4-star servants, some new and others to NP2. Also managed to MLB Before Awakening and Origin Bullet CEs. 

    Bit disappointed that Ishtar didn't get NP2, especially since my Quartz stash is entirely gone. At least she seems to have rate-ups semi-regularly so I may be able to try again at a later date.
    -- Now its back to hoarding I guess for next November for Skadi. Gonna miss out out Illya, Miyu, Dantes, and Merlin though. I may also miss getting Ishtar to NP2 as her rate-up is in October and I need to have spare Quartz for Skadi.

  4. Sharing songs that was originally shared before, whether by our own post or others? Sure, I've seen it happen and did it a few times myself.
    -- Usually there is a time of a month or more, or at least they haven't been posted in the last 3 pages or so.


  5. 10 hours ago, Alexmender said:

    Still, for me Eresh is way more waifu than anything on the banner and as such I used those 13 SQ on her banner with little hopes why did I waste all I got from the anniversary on that 2nd Skadi and I got her...I really got her. The roll wasn't gold nor rainbow and had no lag, I'm still in shock about this...Still, I swore if I got Eresh she'd take priority over anything else so sorry Valks 2nd skill but right now I'm going all in for Eresh. Level 100, 10/10/10 and 2k/2k fous. 

    Congrats on getting Eresh!

    * * * * *

    Ishtar on Thanksgiving Banner, eh? I may try to get her to NP2 so she can use her NP more effectively (and to make her stand out a bit more in my Support List).

    All I know is that I need to get myself a Skadi for farming purposes, especially now that I have the Valkyries (and Atalante). A Merlin would be nice, but he's more for challenging content and I have other means to handle such things (like my Bond CE Herc).
    - - - - - - - - - -
    That aside, I'm starting to have doubts about maxing out Valkyries instead of Lancer Alter (or Eresh) for my Support Lancer slot.
    -- Lancer Alter is a unique pick and it helps I have her at NP2 and at 85 already. Her burst capability is great which is useful for a majority of content, but she expects a Waver or a support who can charge the rest of her NP.
    -- Eresh is a solid pick due to her 50% NP Charge and being an all-rounder, but everyone loves Eresh and has her on the support lists already. I like Eresh as well (and she will pair well with Ishtar already being the Archer support), but a part of me wants to be different for Lancers. // Also, my Eresh isn't maxed out in levels or skills yet, unlike Lancer Alter and the Valkyries.
    -- Valkyries seem to be built for NP Looping and survivability. While maxing them out will help me personally (whenever I get a Skadi of my own), fielding the Valkyries as support will be more for durability instead of damage potential.
    == I could go the route of simply maxing out two Lancers instead of one (to fill out the "All" slot), but a part of me wants to place Tamamo there as I'm not seeing many Caster Tamamos, at least in my friend list. Also, it will delay grails for the other classes.

    As for Georgios in my Rider slot, I'm tempted to place a different servant there that will see more use. I love my Georgios, but no one ever seems to use him. I can either have a unique list by keeping him there (and essentially wasting the Rider slot), or start trying to raise a Rider that is fielded more, such as Kintoki Rider.

  6. I think that scene with Awakened Zelda (with my limited knowledge of BoTW) may play out like...


    Zelda is driven away from the castle for whatever reason, and this is the last push to save Hyrule.
    -- So, it's essentially the "final battle" with Awakened Zelda, but it ends with her being locked into battle with Ganon and Link deep in slumber until BoTW starts.
    --- What happens to the generic soldiers and armies are unknown.

    * * * * EDIT * * * *

    -- So I did some research since the leaks are out. I discovered...


    Welp, despite everything, looks like AoC will end up being a happy ending. There's an ending cutscene leaked already (didn't watch it).

    AoC is apparently set in an alternative timeline. So, while it may mimic the events of pre-BoTW, it doesn't follow that path.
    -- Time Travel as a plot point is the main thing of contention.

    * * * * *

    Now, I don't know how well they pulled it off or if it's just another excuse, but I'm seeing angry posts about "AoC doesn't deliver on the tragic, canon ending." 
    -- While it sorta sucks that there isn't a "dark timeline," as I'm not too attached to BoTW, I'm not as affected by this news. I'm sure I'll enjoy the game regardless when I manage to get it for myself.

  7. Wrapped up the Christmas Re-Run with time to spare, finishing all lotto boxes and clearing out the shop of essential items.
    -- The Challenge Quest was relatively easy, even though Lalter wiped out my front line on her last bar (rip Support Lancelot). My Bond CE Heracles ended up carrying the rest of the fight, with the curse meaning nothing when I have Command Codes to dispel it.
    -- Was sorta surprised to not see a Grail at the end of the event (I missed the first time around), but I guess it makes sense in terms of the story. Was sorta counting on a grail so I can get OG Artoria up to 100 before the end of the year, so now she'll awkwardly be in the 90's.

    Man, a part of me can't wait for the actual Christmas Lotto for all the Bones and Embers so I can get back to ascending my Servants and leveling them up. I have 19 Servants to level and 11 others who are bottlenecked by Ascension.
    -- Of course, some Servants receive priority (such as Eresh and the Valkyries), and I'm looking into maxing out skills on certain Servants. The rest of the Servants are fine either at rank 4 skills (skill gems only) or rank 6 if I use them on the rare occasion.

  8. I had 749 Quartz saved for up for Eresh. I ended up spending 150 (Five 10-Pulls) and she showed up. I also got Ana (Medusa Lily) on my first 10-Pull. Rather happy with the outcome, although now I'm at loss for what to do next.
    -- I debated spending further Quartz to get Eresh to NP2 or to potentially get a Starry Nights CE, but I tend to stick with MLB CEs with most of them from events.

    Looking ahead, there's Illya and Miyu in January while Dantes appears in July. There may also be an unexpected NA surprise due to Thanksgiving, so I guess its back to hoarding Quartz again. I may end up tossing my Summon Tickets at the Story Gacha and see if I get anything exclusive.

    * * * * * EDIT * * * * *

    Did some more summons on Story on a whim, got Saber Alter (NP2) and Nitocris in the same pull. Then I got Saber Diarumuid.
    -- Was sorta fishing for the LB 2 Story CE as I would love to MLB it and place it on someone, but all these new Servants are nice.

  9. Prompt, eh?

    My prompt is "Journal/Diary Entry."
    For example, it could be an entry left behind for others to read, reflections of a soldier during a war, or the musings of a student after school. Alternatively, it could be a scientific journal.
    -- The work doesn't have to be limited to a single log, so it can tell a story over time with multiple entries.
    -- As long as the work gives the appearance of being read from an actual journal/diary, anything goes.

    Good luck to those participating!

  10. 10 hours ago, Jotari said:

    [Insert Sire's Entry Here]

    So first off on this one, be careful with tenses. This one blended the past and present a lot and it was pretty distracting. Which is a shame as I really like the mood conveyed in this piece. It manages to invoke feeling using very little. We are given the basic run down of the situation, but I almost think we don't even need to because the first half paints the scenario so well. You say you don't really like the fight in the second half, and choreography aside I'm not sure it was even needed. Then again without it it would have been struggling a bit to actually meet the prompt and it does tie in well to the ending.

    Yeah, tenses with past and present is something I do struggle with. It may have to do with my way of storytelling, specifically when sharing the tale aloud. I rather have it sound interesting than be correct with the tenses, which may lead to confusion when reading said work.

    The fight sequence is reflective of the source material which also had a fight sequence, but it also supposed to somewhat represent the knight fighting his inner demons before finding peace before he dies. Then again, my stories tend to be straightforward instead of having deeper meanings, so this aspect may have been done poorly.

    Thanks for the feedback!

  11. Just two entries, eh? I guess everyone gets somewhat busy around Halloween, but I'm not an active member in this topic so I don't know the intricacies. 

    Anyways, here are my commentaries on the submitted works, taking a "writing workshop" angle. I don't see myself participating in another one any time soon, but it was a fun exercise in writing something.
    * * * * * * * * * *
    Of Knights and Nightmares - Writer's Commentary


    Inspired by one of my older stories, specifically Chapter 0 (Comfort's Light) of my scrapped RWBY fanfiction, Of Knights and Nightmares is built from the ground up to be an original work. While it shares similarities at its core (A knight, nature's beauty, a battle, and a "princess/angel"), the actual story and its details differ significantly.

    I remember back when I was in school and college to always "show, not tell." My teachers always wanted to hammer descriptions that empower the senses instead of having generic statements. Here's an example of when I took one of my older works and added detail into it. While I do agree painting with words is a powerful tool, when used excessively it can ruin the pacing of a story. I guess the best approach is trying to find a compromise between pacing and descriptions.
    -- With that in mind, I loved the introduction to Of Knights and Knightmares and consider it to be the strongest point. It paints the scene with text while also carrying the story along.
    -- However, once the shadows begin showing up, the quality seems to suffer, especially the battle sequences. Sure, it gets the job done, but it isn't as exciting. Despite trying to be in "grounded/realistic" combat or leaning towards "Souls-like" battles, I guess the thrill here is more of the technique instead of what is actually happening. (I think writing some RWBY fight sequences ruined me for a bit, and I deliberately tried to steer away from over-the-top action for this story.)

    Sometimes I wonder if adding in the knight's backstory (the Princess sequence) was a good idea. While the ending ties everything up nicely, it does seem to come out of nowhere despite the scene with the fallen kingdom earlier. Perhaps the transition here could have been improved. Also, it doesn't help that a romance subplot wormed its way into one of my works, again. Back when I was in a poetry class, most of my work ended up being romantic in one way or another despite trying not to write them on a few occasions.

    Then comes the Dragon. Originally I wanted a more thrilling fight sequence as fighting "shadow clones" is rather dull as they can only do so much, but in the end decided against it. Instead, using inspiration from the intro for Warlord's Battlecry, the current sequence was made. While the scene itself is average in my eyes, a part of me likes it since it differentiates this story from Comfort's Light. In that story, the dream knight desperately reaches out to the female figure as it perishes, but here the dream knight simply accepts its demise. (Comfort's Light, 3rd page)

    I enjoyed the end sequence, especially since it calls back to the priestess and the refugees of the fallen kingdom. Having them come across the recently deceased knight wraps up the entire short story pretty well in my opinion. We even see the fate of the man who burned his hands trying to save his friend as well as one of the lost children who finally found his mother.
    -- I did consider writing in the princess disguised as one of the refugees to apologize and cry for the fallen knight, but decided it is best to leave her fate unknown (moving the role to the child with the shield instead). What happened to the princess of the fallen kingdom? Did she perish with everyone else, did the original plan to make her a puppet succeed, or did something else happen entirely? Who knows.
    -- If there is a criticism here, it is the sudden mention of the heraldry of the lion and dragon. While there are some nice parallels with the "Dragon Heraldry vs Dream Dragon," it does come out of nowhere as it was never mentioned or alluded to previously. Perhaps the Blue Lion could have been referenced earlier, either in the refugee sequence or the princess sequence, so this reveal is more grounded.

    * * * * *

    Overall, I loved the starting description of the setting, but man I wished I wrote the battle scenes better. It may have to be re-written entirely to be somewhat more exciting and interesting, but I was not happy with how that sequence turned out.

    What Dream? - Personal Comments


    A Fire Emblem Heroes work! Shame I stopped playing FEH back during Book II, although I think I came back briefly during the start of Book III.
    -- Luckily, I still check on the FEH Reddit regularly, so I'm not completely lost on what's going on.

    I'll start off with my general response to the story itself. For nitpicking and going full writer's workshop, in the another spoiler down below.

    * * * * *

    Personal Summary: Story seems to begin with M!Grima waking up from a dream where memories of "that tactician" (presumably Robin, the host of Grima) is plaguing the fel dragon. Grima's own memories have been culled, yet that of Robin's has not. He takes a nightly stroll where he encounters (presumably) the OC summoner, who is crying. After telling the summoner to cease crying, they begin to speak of dreams.
    -- She begins to confide in Grima about her happy dreams reminding her what she has lost to get here. It is revealed that Grima is (presumably) the Summoner's Support and the team is built around him, throwing in some references to FEH's gameplay. Grima himself seems to have confided in the Summoner as well due to his dreams. Also, Chroms for every occasion.
    -- The summoner pleads for "Grimmy" to stay, and she rests in his lap as Grima himself nods off as well, tolerating this for the time being.
    -- The story closes with the Fairies being present, and this part I may not fully grasp the importance of due to my lack of FEH knowledge. Peony may have learned her lesson with not interfering with the summoner's dreams. However, we are then hit with the reveal that the Summoner is apparently immune to Plumeria's lustful dreams, implying that the world where the summoner came from gave her that "resolve."

    - - - - -

    Personal Comments: Overall, a nice little story between M!Grima and a Summoner, talking about dreams. I don't think they were actively dreaming during the story itself, but it revolved around Grima being plagued by "memory dreams" of the tactician host while the summoner's "Happy Dreams" serve as a sad reminder. There were also mention of the fairies and their connections with dreams (which I think was a huge role in Book III), but the closing point about Plumeria went over my head.
    -- I'm guessing the world of the summoner has more exposure to lust, so when the Lustful Fairy comes around, her temptations aren't as effective because the dreamer may have already "seen everything."

    It was nice, and I appreciated the references to FEH itself with the gameplay mechanics (Summoner Support, making sure Grima has the best skills, all the different Chroms, etc.)

    * * * * *

    Writing Workshop Stuffs - Warning: Nitpicking Ahead!



    The memories plague him in the few hours he needs or more accurately is forced to rest.
    -- Wording seems off here, or comma usage?
    -- I imagine "The memories plague him in the few hours he is forced to rest," is the line.
    -- Alternatively, "The memories plague him in the few hours he needs, or more accurately, is forced, to rest."

    He'd much rather her...lewd noises than this.
    -- I have a feeling a word is missing here, or I'm missing the context of this line.

    To anyone else it was a harsh command, but to her, it had little effect as a harsh command and more logical conclusion to be drawn, crying for her was useless, she said so herself before
    -- I think is what is called a run-on sentence? I've been out of the loop for a while now, but it doesn't look right.
    -- I imagine "To anyone else it was a harsh command, but to her, it was more of a logical conclusion to be drawn. For the summoner, crying was useless, and she said so herself before."

    "She has a bad habit of trying to make happy dreams." Came the soft reply, "But the dreams that make me happy-"
    -- Not sure if there may be a punctuation issue here or not.
    -- I imagine "She has a bad habit of trying to make happy dreams," came the soft reply. "But the dreams that make my happy-"

    Her voice is soft, and despite the fact he wants nothing more than to continue his prowling looking for foolish worms to stomp, he finds himself sat beside her.
    -- Maybe add a comma after "stomp?"

    Jolting slightly as her head suddenly rests on his lap Grima looked down to see the Summoner resting in the least comfortable position humanly possible and heard her murmur, "Even if it's a dream...I feel...safer here."
    -- Another long sentence I think. I would add a comma after "lap" and a period after "possible," making the murmur segment its own sentence.
    -- Jolting slightly as her head suddenly rests on his lap, Grima looked down to see the Summoner resting in the least comfortable position humanly possible. He heard he murmur, "Even if it's a dream...I feel...safer here."

    "She's happiest with Grima." The other replied,
    -- Punctuation again, perhaps?
    -- "She's happiest with Grima," the other replied.

    Peony sighed, "How can anyone be happy with someone who spends most of their time talking poorly to them?!  Mirabilis, wake up!"
    -- Add a comma after Mirabilis? 




  12. For the 4* Ticket, I'm set on Valkyrie as I'm a sucker for Valkyries. I also plan on grailing them to 100, serving as my "100" Lancer servant. (I thought about grailing Lancer Alter up to 100, especially since she's already NP2 and Lvl 85, but I like the Valkyries more.)
    -- Other choices would have been Siegfried (I have my 90 Georgios, but no Dragon Slayer), Ana (Medusa Lily), or Herc (NP4, current focus for 2000/2000).

    Speaking of grails, I used to spread them around more and never really planned on going all the way to 100, until I started fielding Waver myself and hunted for Level 100 Supports, since they usually have a good CE and are maxed out (capped skills, at least 1000/1000 on Fous). Now I have Heracles and Ishtar serving as my 100 Berserker and Archer servants.
    -- Saber will likely be ruled by OG Artoria. While I personally like other Saber servants more (like Saber Alter), I cannot deny the power OG Artoria has with her NP and future skill upgrades.
    -- Lance will likely be Valkyries, as stated previously.
    -- Rider is forever Georgios at 90, and he'll probably never be fielded by anybody. At least he may surprise some people by being present.
    -- Caster will just be standard Waver at 90. I don't see the point in placing grails on Casters, unless one loves them very much or is using Illya to nuke people.
    -- Assassin may end up being MHX, since I have her at NP3 and she's sorta cool. (All Slot may be King Hassan, provided I ever actually get him.)
    -- Extra is currently unknown, although Summer BB works well as a hybrid support/damage dealer.

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