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Posts posted by Sire

  1. Finished the missions and the CQ. For the CQ, I used Kama, Waver, Support Skadi, Mash, Melt, and Herc Insurance.

    The CQ had me on edge for a bit since I forgot about the final break bar effect, but I had Mash to help stall out the 3 turns evasion. In the end though, it wasn't Herc who finished the match. Melt took the nuisances off the stage but it was an extremely close battle. I did have to reset a turn once or twice (was forced to use Kama's NP for a charm effect while Alexander was still evading), but otherwise managed on my first try.
    -- Kama is my other MVP for surviving for so long. Her kit is built for CQ with the charm, guts, and healing.
    -- Poor Herc didn't get to do much besides be a punching bag. This is partly because he was drawn out before the rest of the party died, which decreases his Guts CE effectiveness. Also, the curse effect didn't help him much either since he went down before I had the chance to activate his regular Guts effect. (Guts normally do not stack, but at least he gets an upgrade which allows him to do so.)

    As for the event itself, I'll likely use natural AP to see what else I can get from the shop.

    * * * * * EDIT * * * * *

    With the Meihousou event underway, there is a wonderful break period for FGO where I can catch up on other things (such as Interludes and finishing up the LB Free Quests). We are currently at the voting phase for the ending of the "movie," so I wonder what everyone chose?

    My rankings are...
    1. Arash <-- Sire's Vote
    2. Ryoma 
    3. Tristan
    4. Jalter
    5. Salieri

    Reasons in the spoiler.


    ===== Arash =====

    His suggestion felt the most natural way to end the movie. Sure, it is also the safest option, but I find the prince plotline to be rather intriguing and sorta makes the movie have a little more "action" with its mystery aspects. // Also, Arash is amazing and I still use him regularly since I can't do Quick Looping.

    ===== Ryoma =====

    This one ties in more with the initial prologue sequence with elements of Arash's idea tossed in. I like the idea of Ryoma's character and Arash's character working together, but I'm partial to the prince storyline instead of the missing friend one. // Honestly, best case scenario would be to combine both Arash's and Ryoma's ideas as it sticks close to the movie that was filmed while also allowing for more character development.

    ===== Tristan =====

    Going the Meta route could be interesting, transforming the movie from being about the the characters to also be about the actors and the director. I doubt Tristan has an actual shot, but I'll look forward to reading his ending in the archives.

    ===== Jalter =====

    I can sorta see why she won by a large margin in JP. The twist that the cameraman was a character the entire time and is the mastermind is an intriguing one, as well as Jalter's character just wanting to see her childhood friend.
    -- However, this approach presents problems with the Ozzy vs "Salazar" scene since it was only supposed to be those two who went, and the fact the "many Servants" are never seen on camera. While a cute idea, I see flaws in it that make me prefer the others overall.
    -- I think she'll likely win again in NA because she is the only female voting option as well as the only option where the Master becomes a part of the movie (although as the mastermind).

    ===== Salieri =====

    He worked with what he had and I'll give him kudos for the effort. However, his storyline mostly revolves around his character and not the other events that occur at the Meihousou, so I'll have to rank him last.

    * * * * *

    Overall, a mix of all the main four (aside from Tristan, poor guy), would be best as it fleshes out most of the characters and stories instead of focusing just on one. Of course, being a rushed production means nothing is perfect.

    Either way, I look forward to reading the other endings in the archives once the stuff is all voted for. 

  2. Spent 100 Golden Apples on Barbatos, think I had about ~540 runs by the end of it. My QP stores are now restocked and I got some good materials out of the raid. Alas, my Golden Apple stores are now at a mere 50. Hopefully they can break 100 again before the next lotto.

    The thing I don't have are EXP cards as I now have enough grails to get another character up from 90 to 100. At the moment it is a toss-up between Summer BB and the Valkyries.
    -- I use Summer BB as a general wave clearer since she is neutral against everything, has good buffs, and has utility with Faceless Moon. // However, now that I have Ishtar at NP2, I tend to use her more and then swap her out when dealing with Lancers.
    -- Valkyries is more of a favoritism pick, although right now they are NP1 and I don't have a Skadi of my own for proper Quick Looping. I do have Atalante as an alternative and both perform okay with a single Skadi setup (other servant has a 50% charge with a 50% Starting NP CE).

    As for other options and explanations...


    Classic Artoria was grailed because her of wave-clearing capabilities. Her NP is amazing, she has a 30% charge, and her mana burst gets upgraded to further make her NP ridiculous.
    -- While personally I prefer Saber Alter, OG Saber is too good at her role for me to pass up. It also helps I have OG Artoria at NP3.

    Ishtar was grailed due to favoritism and her AoE NP. While her Mana Burst (Gems) skill takes some setup to use, having a 50% charge and high attack is pretty great. She also gets an NP upgrade down the road which further improves her damage output as well as granting extra Crit Stars.

    -- Eresh is great, but everyone has a grailed Eresh and I want to be different (says the person who grailed Ishtar). Her low attack power lowers her favorability, and the Valkyries have Quick Looping capabilities. Also, Eresh is limited and I only have her at NP1, while Valkyries can appear at any time to upgrade their NP.
    -- Scathach is amazing at single target, but she is limited and I only have her at NP1. Alas, since FGO is more of a farming/wave clear game, it is typically better (in my opinion) to focus on AoE NP servants if going for gameplay.
    -- Lancer Alter was my original plan for grails since I have her at NP2 and she's a rarer Servant (Story Summon), but she doesn't seem as effective as the others. Even with her NP buff and the skill upgrade for Mana Burst, other servants just perform better.

    Georgios is forever in my Rider slot. I know no one will ever use him (I rarely use him myself these days), but I'm keeping him there because Georgios is an amazing Servant. One of these days I may even grail him up to 100, although a part of me will always be asking "why" and rather be using those grails elsewhere.
    -- If I didn't have Saint George as my Rider, I may end up going Maid Alter or Santa Alter. Maid Alter is more of a favoritism pick, while Santa Alter is already 90 and she helped me a lot as an AoE Rider due to her higher NP modifiers and my lack of higher rank AoE Riders. Santa Alter carried me during the early days of FGO, and right now she is enjoying Bond 10 retirement.

    As for Casters, I'm unlikely to grail any as I find grailing supports to be a bit of a waste. While I'll happily give them Command Codes for utility, I'll save my grails for "moar deeps" instead.
    -- I'm likely to stick to Waver and Tamamo as my Casters, with Tamamo being in the "All Slot." I know Merlin and Skadi are useful in their own right (with Skadi likely more useful due to the advent of Quick Looping), but I don't have either and will just stick to the two support casters I have in terms of Support teams.
    -- In other terms, other Servants come first. If somehow I manage to grail each other class to 100, then maybe I'll start grailing the Casters.

    -- Mysterious Heroine X is likely to be my Assassin choice, but that's mainly because she's NP3 (somehow), and decent stat spread. Problem is, while MHX is cool, a part of me rather grail another Assassin instead because her "Anti-Saber" niche doesn't really work as an Assassin. (Now, if she had a skill that gave her class advantage for a time, she would instantly shoot up in terms of usefulness.) MHX's main draw is that she's NP3 and is likely a unique choice.
    -- Kama seems pretty good from the few times I managed to field her, although she suffers from being a limited NP1 and is already a popular choice.
    -- Summer Scathach is already 90 as she was my "AoE NP Assassin" for the longest time. I'm sure Gray outclasses her in terms of NP due to skillsets, but Summer Scathach may be a unique choice since newer players won't have her and veterans may dislike her all-rounder skillset.

    Heracles has the Castle of Snow CE, which allows him to revive 3 times after being defeated. There's a reason I call him Herc Insurance, having potentially 3 extra turns to Buster Brave Chain an enemy is rather useful.
    -- Also, Herc is the strongest Servant and I'm partial to Illya. He's my first servant to be 2000/2000.

    -- Jalter is a classic pick, but everyone has a grailed Jalter, so no.
    -- In the past there was a tossup between Melt and Summer BB, although Summer BB ended up winning out. While I love using Melt, especially when dealing with Assassin bosses, discovering that the Alter-Ego multiplier is basically the same as Berserkers (1.5) ruined my enthusiasm a bit. Melt was amazing in the CCC event, but I think the Melt Virus hinders her a bit since I can't unleash all my NPs in one turn.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Now back to farming missions and to see if I can clear out the shop in time...

  3. 10 hours ago, DehNutCase said:

    My friend code is : 896,232,609, in game name is: DNC. Give me your in game name before you send me an invite, though.

    Sent a request. IGN is Sire.
    -- Pretty sure I had you friended before, but that was before I took a year-long hiatus.

    * * * * *

    As for the raid, I'm debating how many apples I should use. I know its limited and has access to good materials, but I wonder if Lottos have a higher return for AP costs.
    -- I guess it just depends on the materials and what all is needed.

    I can handle the raid with my Scathach setup, so one-turn battles are good on my end. The question is how much I should invest in it, especially since I haven't cleared the shop yet.

  4. Looking over a handy Google Doc I found for the Case Files raid, I may be better off using Scathach instead of Melt. Not sure if I'll be able to do the one-turn clear since my Scathach is only NP1 and I don't have a Skadi of my own, but I do have a level 50 MLB Black Grail and a Waver.
    -- Alternatively, Summer Jalter may also be good.

    Looks like I'll have to run alternative tests once the raid comes up to see what team comp I can use to try and 1-turn the raid. Looks like I'll be using standard BB for debuff clear as I don't have other options.

    * * * * * EDIT * * * * *

    Looks like I have a reliable one turn setup using my NP1 Scathach, Waver, MLB Black Grail, and the Plugsuit.
    -- Mata Hari, Waver (Kaleidoscope), Support Skadi, Scathach (MLB Black Grail, Lvl 50), Extra, Extra

    1. Since the debuffs only affect the front line, I place Scathach on the backline. This way I don't need to worry about debuff cleansing.
    2. I use Mata Hari to debuff the boss with DEF Down skills. (She isn't maxed out, just 7,4 on the respective skills.)
    3. I swap Mata Hari and Scathach.
    4. Buff Scathach (Scathach Buffs, Waver Buffs, Skadi Buffs, Plugsuit Buff)
    5. Use Waver's NP first (With Kaleidoscope, he gets himself to 100%) to further lower the boss's DEF. Follow with Scathach's NP and a third card.
    6. Scathach's NP deals over 500k damage, one-shotting the boss.

    Mata Hari is there mostly as insurance for the extra debuffs on the boss for a more reliable one-shot since my Scathach is only NP1.

  5. Been making significant progress on the event. Man, going down memory lane is great. Fighting all these previous battles from the various stories and events is amazing, even if some of them are altered.
    -- Although watching the Case Files anime really didn't do much as this event mostly seems to focus more on FGO's storyline instead of the collab. The only real tie-ins are the investigation angle and the characters involved, otherwise the story mostly seems to be FGO related.
    -- Bullying Gawain was also fun. I brought out Euryale for old time's sake and I finished him off by turn 2. Guess they didn't want to put us through Camelot hell again.

    As for the raid itself, I'm planning on using Melt, Np2 Saber Alter, Waver, and Support Skadi in an attempt to take down the boss in one turn. I'll have to do some tests to see if I can do a one-turn clear reliably with my team setup, and I don't mind losing out on Mystic Code EXP to do so.
    -- A part of me wants to see if I have any Illyas in my Friend's List to see if she can just nuke the boss on her own with minimal support. However, finding an Illya is much harder than a Waver or Skadi, so I doubt I'll be able to do Illya runs reliably. 

  6. I've went back and rewatched Prisma Illya series, as well as finally getting around to seeing the three Heaven's Feel movies.

    Prisma Illya was more for seeing a lighthearted Fate anime while I was sick since the others tend to be more serious. Watching it for the second time made me appreciate Miyu a lot more since I have context of her past due to Season Three and Oath Under Snow. I still loved the adaptation, although I could do without the fanservice scenes. I remember them existing, but I did not remember them being so "detailed" when they do decide to appear. // Also, I didn't remember the "Erica" character at all, and I do not like that character. My dislike of the character brings down the brilliant Season 3 a bit, since Season 3 is when things get serious.
    -- I still plan on getting through the original manga at some point as I am interested on what made it through the anime adaptions and the future of Prism Illya. I hear talk the upcoming movie will have an excellent stopping point before the next arc, and I look forward to seeing what happens (although I already heard in passing what occurs).

    As for Heaven's Feel, it was interesting seeing another route that is not UBW. I haven't seen Deen's version of Stay Night as I keep hearing conflicting reports, but I may end up watching it someday anyways. // The main thing that stuck out to me is how much I should actually read the original VNs. There's so much stuff to unpack and I know adaptations usually cut stuff for pacing, but I want to know how deep the rabbit hole goes.
    -- But man, seeing a different route and perspective really is something else. Seeing certain characters fates be changed depending on the route had a profound impact on me. It mostly makes me want to rewatch UBW again so I can compare and contrast things.
    -- As for Sakura herself, I have some more appreciation for her character (as well as her FGO counterparts, OG Sakura did some horror before Summer BB did). However, I think I still prefer Rin and Illya. Rin is always there helping out, and I'm a sucker for Illya's backstory and the ties with Kerry.
    -- Overall, while I enjoyed the films, I'm not sure if its my favorite anime adaptation. I feel like I have a stronger connection to UBW and Zero than Heaven's Feel, although that may be because those two were the first ones I've watched. Babylonia was great, although that ties more with FGO instead of the original lore.
    -- As an aside, I see why Miyuverse Shirou is often compared to HF's Shirou. I personally like Miyuverse Shirou more, but that may be because I'm a bit more biased towards Miyu and her character when compared to Sakura's. 

    * * * * *

    As for FGO itself, the event is all right thus far (section 4 or so). Luckily I watched the anime adaptation of the Case Files, so I have some reference on what is all going on.
    -- I just hope I have the proper time to dedicate to its story and be able to grind out the event after doing so.

  7. Man, this event took forever to complete. While I did enjoy the story, the mechanics (6-7 turn clears instead of 3), did not help matters. I don't even think the KnK event which was similar in structure to be this grindy.

    For the CQ I used BB, Waver, Support Merlin, Melt, Mash, and Herc Insurance.
    -- I accidently removed the DEF buff early due to my Waver's Command Code, but my strategy remained unchanged.
    -- I used BB and Art Chains to spam NPs as long as possible. Nobu started getting in some crits though which started to devastate my team, but I never feared her NP as I had Merlin to invul through it or managed to keep it delayed.
    -- In the end Herc Insurance won the day, as usual.

  8. I started the game around the first Halloween event in October of 2017. Back then I relied on an OG Jeanne support to carry my teams, as well as using Georgios to tank for my frailer DPS servants (namely Tamamo Cat since she was my starter 4-star). I remember farming the daily quests to get my allies leveled as well. I was also a complete newcomer not knowing certain terms and the like, and now I'm sitting here theorcrafting compositions for servants I don't even have. (I still don't have a Siegfried to synergize with my Georgios.)
    -- I did take an extended break around 2019-2020, specifically missing the Menji Restoration event (managed to get Np1 Chacha on the rerun), Semi's valentine event, and the Apoc event for their grails. I managed to get the other missed grails due to re-runs. I came back after watching the Babylonia anime, right around the 2020 Summer event with Jalter.

    These days I have Herc Insurance, rely on events (specifically lottos) to keep my materials and QP high, and can typically do 3-turn clears with Arash and two AoE servants.
    -- Here's my Support List and Friend Code if anyone is interested.

    * * * * *

    As for the current event, it'll be my first time doing it since I wasn't active during its initial run. I hear its grind heavy and requires apples to 100%, so this is gonna take a while...
    -- At least I can use MLB CEs from the support list to hopefully make the process a little faster.

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