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Posts posted by Sire

  1. Not sure if I'm gonna take the plunge to 120, as it requires a lot of extra grails and far too many EXP Cards. At the moment I'll stick with my plan of getting my support list to 100, and then think about where to go from there. It seems far more valuable to have a balanced servant roster instead of going all in on one Servant.

    As for the skill upgrades, the 20% starting battery is nice I suppose, as well as the extra Attack (it will benefit solo servants the most, or those who use Summer BB to setup Extra Brave chains). The third passive is underwhelming for the most part, I'll need to see what Servants I use regularly have anything useful there.

    Koyanskaya looks good and since I've had the support of Tamamos since the start (Cat was my starter 4-star and Tamamo showed up twice for me. Didn't get her swimsuit version though), so she may be something I roll for in the future.

  2. Since the MHXX rate-up is active, I started rolling in hopes of getting MHXX and NP2 Summer BB.
    -- Tickets gave me a surprise Circe, but nothing else of note.
    -- Decided to do three 11 rolls, managed to get MHXX.
    -- Went for another roll, and then another (+1 MHXX, for NP2)
    -- Then decided to go all the way stating "BB is at the end of this road." Got a surprise Tomoe and a third MHXX.
    -- On my final 11 roll, on the last slot, was Summer BB for NP2.
    -- The cost? 23 Tickets and about 370 worth of Quartz. rip Skadi stash

    In other news, I got a copy of Prisma Cosmos and my first ever copy of Limited/Zero Over. While I've been playing since the first Halloween event (with a year and a half break), it's nice to finally get the 5-star Buster CE.
    -- An observation I had was getting CEs that were not event-related was slim, so unless one wants the Event CEs, it's better to roll elsewhere for the standard CEs.

    Still have to go the point grind though. I should get back to doing that at some point...

  3. 3 hours ago, ciphertul said:

    I don't keep up with the "meta", but did Merlin fall out of favor recently? Over half my friend list was Merlin and now I don't see a single one.

    With the advent of Skadi and "Quick Looping" (using the same servant's NP 3 times to 3-turn farming nodes, mainly using a Quick NP Servant and Double Skadi), many players have opted to place Skadi as their support caster.
    -- Merlin is still great, especially for challenge quests and boss encounters, but when farming nodes takes up the majority of the game it's easy to see why people place Skadi instead of Merlin as their support. Also, Break Bars lessens Merlin's one-shot potential due to Buster Crits, but he's still amazing due to his sustain potential.

    When Caster Artoria comes around, "Arts Looping" will become a thing (same as Quick, but using Arts servants and double Castoria). So, expect there to be more variety in the Caster slot as it competes for Waver, Merlin, Skadi, and Castoria. Tamamo supports are a rare sight as she has no NP Charge on her skills and is better suited for more challenging content using Art Teams instead of farming.

  4. Chiming in on the Valkyrie Chronicles anime, it's okay. Overall, the game is superior in almost every aspect, but the anime does have some points of its own (mostly by having the antagonist perspective and how it handles two plot points better than the game). If you have spare time and loved VC1's cast, I would give it a go. Otherwise, it may be better to just look at the "best of" scenes or something like that.
    -- Granted, I don't think there is an ENG Dub version, so if you played with ENG voices in VC1, you'll be listening to the JP voices in the anime.
    -- Regarding the plot points, placed in the spoiler.


    1. Isara's Death
    -- I loved the scene where Welkin returns home and has memories of Isara (with the reality of her gone also being imposed on the scene). This was an anime-only moment that deviates a bit from the OG game, but I loved this scene.
    -- Granted, a part of the reason may be because I wanted to create a similar scene in one of my own stories, and seeing the concept being executed fairly well made me happy.

    2. Faldio's Death
    -- They made him go out cooler in the anime, where they board the Landship but Faldio gets shot. He sacrifices himself using a grenade so the main party (or just Welkin, I don't remember) can continue forward.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    As for me, after recommending Prophesy of Pendor to another, I decided to re-install the mod for Mount and Blade: Warband and give it another go. I already had two all-nighters of simply playing the game and being re-engaged with the world. // Currently, I'm a vassal for the Fierdsvain and am simply biding my time for an eventual rebellion so I can found my own kingdom.
    -- The early game seems easier than before, although that may be because I'm experienced with the mod. Previously, you could run into top-tier Knight units (particularly Knights of the Dawn, a zealous order who burns heretics first and asks questions later) at the start of the game and be completely screwed if you are running around in Fierdsvain lands.

    Looking at the current development again, it seems the latest version of PoP may be the last for Warband. There is talk about potentially brining a new PoP mod to Bannerlord (the sequel to Warband), but there is a lot of work that needs to be done before that happens.

  5. 23 minutes ago, Reality said:

    Mount and Blade Warband 1  Looking at Napoleon DLC because I was bored during steam sale

    Playing M&B: Warband, eh? It's a fun game vanilla, but the experience is greatly improved with mods.

    Personally, one of my favorites was an "overhaul" called Prophesy of Pendor, which features a brand new setting and lots of other cool features. The main difficulty of Pendor though is that the early game is extremely unforgiving and the mod itself is often regarded as challenging. Make it past that barrier though and you will discover an interesting setting, the ability to create your own Knighthood Order (essentially a custom soldier with equipment chosen by the player), and more fantastical elements (demons, elves) down the line.
    -- While I haven't played the mod in years, a quick check their wiki shows that development seems to be still active (last major update in 2020). I last played 3.6 and they are now somewhere in the 3.9 series.

    If you want something a bit more vanilla, but expanded, I believe the Floris mod is regarded as the mod of choice. It expands vanilla gameplay with various features while keeping the setting and factions intact.

  6. Anniversary stuff went better than expected, save for the current "Server is too busy, please try again" prompt I'm getting. (Reddit confirms the issue, so I'll write this post instead.)
    -- Luckily I ran some dailies and drained my AP before it happened. I was just in the middle of depleting my Friend Points when the servers decided to do their thing.

    Random Reports:
    -- Spent 5 Tickets and did a 10-roll on the King Hassan banner, even though it doesn't have the bonus. I was rewarded with a spare Gorgon and King Hassan himself! // I'll probably just keep him at NP1 and have him out of favoritism instead of trying to build him for the support lineup.
    -- Also spent two 10-rolls on the Story Summon, as I like to collect Story Servants and plan on maxing out a certain Story CE. I got another copy of Salter, a Kaleidoscope, as well as two new 4-star Servants (Yagyū MunenoriMochizuki Chiyome).//  I also got excess Black Grail and Before Awakening, since I already have those two CEs MLB'd. All I need is one more Kaleidoscope copy to MLB it, and I'm tempted to keep rolling instead of saving for NP2 Summer BB and potentially MHXX. Out of the current lineup, the LB2 rate-up with Shimousa looks nice as I can potentially get NP2 Valkyries.

    Anyways, once the servers get back online, I'm likely to continue the Friend Point summons and consider rolling on a later Anniversary banner (or to save for other stuff).
    -- Not sure if I'm gonna try the GSSR, although a shot for an early Skadi is pretty tempting...

  7. Finished the CQ, although I just ended up using my Command Spells for a revival instead of dealing with it.
    -- Tried a Kagetora setup with Waver and Summer BB to set up crits (a support Skadi was present but was swapped for Summer BB). I didn't end up with the right cards and I didn't feel like resetting constantly, so I just kept fighting normally.
    -- Managed to get the boss to the final bar with around 700 HP, as his defense and damage reduction meant Herc Insurance didn't get to do much.
    -- In the end, I said screw it and used the Command Spells.

    However, I did think about using Emiya Alter as my main DPS since he ignores defense buffs and is supposedly a discount Archer Artoria, but I never tried that composition. // A failed comp I ran was Scathach since she does high damage and has a stun, but the difficulty of recharging her NP quickly ruled out that composition.
    The event itself was rather enjoyable, although now I'm on farming duty to try and clear out the shop. At least the summer re-run won't be too grindy for me as I have the CEs from the original run, so hopefully things will proceed smoothly on that front.

    * * * * *

    As for King Hassan, I would love to have him on my team, but I already has NP3 MHX (mostly a stat stick) and Kama (who I should use more). Then there's also Shiki and Kerry for single-target NPs.
    -- I also sorta want to get Avenger Nobu as well, since I rolled some on the banner and got Summer Nobu (and I still have the welfare Archer Nobu). I may just wait though as other characters have higher priority.
    -- There's also the question of when the "11-rolls" will be implemented, so I'm trying to hold off on any more rolls until I see confirmation on that.

    Then I already talked about wanting Summer BB (although MHXX would be cool too since I don't have a Foreigner servant), but there is still the case for saving for Skadi. I do still need two more Kaleidoscopes though to MLB, so Arash may still be my go to for the foreseeable future.

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