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Posts posted by Sire

  1. I had a wild theory and wondered if the opponent F!Byleth is fighting is a corrupted form of M!Byleth, but looking at the arts more closely I don't think this is the case. I haven't kept up with FE in other media (Heroes), but I'm guessing F!Byleth is the face of the avatar of Three Houses, much like how M!Robin is for Awakening and F!Corrin for Fates. I just wonder if there will be a M!Byleth option for the story, or if it will stick to F!Byleth.

    As for speculation, I agree with that this is likely the Golden Route of Three Houses, but told through the Warriors lens instead of the FE gameplay. Timeline-wise, while there is some academy stuff that occurs, there also seems to be a minor timeskip where the characters age. Perhaps this will explore an alternative path if Byleth managed to stick around without being sealed away for 5 years, as well as featuring everyone working together.

    Gameplay-wise, I'm hoping there will be more variety with the movesets when compared to FE Warriors, which mostly just made a moveset for a class and assigned everyone that moveset with little to no divergence. While having shared movesets may be easier and may give an excuse to go ahead and make everyone playable, having them all play similarly would be rather dull.

    For playable characters, I'm sure the main lords and their retainers are guaranteed (El, Hubert, Dimitri, Dedue, Claude, Hilda) as well as Byleth. I'm hoping Jeralt is playable here, as well as Rhea and potentially even Sothis. Of course, there are also the OCs of Three Hopes who may become playable as well.
    -- As for the other students, I'm hoping they all make it in since they can contribute their own stuff to the story. If I had to pick one by house, it would be Ferdinand von Aegir, Felix, and Lysithea. Hapi would be great, but I have a feeling the Ashen Wolves may be DLC again.
    -- I do hope the Church members/monastery faculty return. I love practically all of them, although I personally hope for Alois, Hanneman, and Shamir.

    Either way, this game will likely be a day one purchase for me. I enjoy the Warriors games and still love Three Houses, despite its imperfections. Man, and now I can also look forward to the new music/remixes Three Hopes will bring!

  2. Overall, I love what they are doing with Reboot Camp. Everything in it still screams Advance Wars to me, so needless to say I am quite happy with what I have seen so far.

    My only potential issue with it are the unit models and animations. It seems they may be going for a "Toy Box" style look, which works, but a part of me still misses the classic AW sprites for the units and their animations. I'm sure I'll get used to it over time though, just like how I got used to Days of Ruin's art style for its units.

    Personally, I'm hoping AW Hard Campaign is still comparable to the original, while I'm hoping AW2's campaign gets modified slightly in terms of gameplay and potential difficulty. While I haven't made my way entirely through the AW2 campaign yet (or even touched Hard Mode), I'm not a fan of plain "War Room" type maps with some gimmicks added in to justify calling it a campaign mission. Also, I hear some of the Hard Mode maps in AW2 just aren't as good as the Normal mode variants in terms of design, so I hope those get improved.

  3. I am convinced I saw Melia and Nia in the XC3 Trailer, or at least something that resembles them. I'm guessing they are the heads of the respective nations and are in conflict with one another (so XC1 with its tech and Mechons are fighting XC2's tech and their Blades, perhaps even potentially Titans).
    -- I was also wondering if the eyepatch guy was an older Dunban, but then my thoughts shifted to a potentially older Zeke. Of course, it could just be someone else entirely.
    -- I also wondered if the two Nopon showed had any relation to the two Nopon that appeared in Future Connected, although I haven't played FC myself yet and the colors seem to be different upon closer inspection.

    I'm personally wondering how Shulk, Alvis, Pyra, and Mythra may be involved in all of this. As for Rex, unless Pyra and Mythra (or Nia) did something, I am uncertain if he will be around if there is a significant timeskip.

    Either way, I have all the hype for XC3. I still need to get around to getting XC: Definitive Edition to replay the game and experience Future Connected, while I have yet to fully complete XC2 (although I have finished the main storyline).

  4. Was playing Final Fantasy XIV a while back, taking full advantage of the Free Trial. I finished the AAR storyline completely and began Heavensward, but decided to take a break to play other games and do other things.
    -- A Realm Reborn (AAR) is considered the weakest point of FFXIV, so much so that players may drop out during this phase before they "get to the good stuff." However, while AAR definitely has its faults, I didn't find it that bad. Consider AAR as an entire "setup arc" that establishes the characters and setting, and it becomes much more manageable.
    -- Gameplay wise, AAR (and FXIV in general), treats the starting experience as your first ever MMO of all time. This means that almost everything early-game is simplistic and hand-holdy, which gets tiring real quickly if you want to play on alts. Problem is, FFXIV doesn't really support alts as much as other games, in fact it is much preferred that you create one character and do everything on said character. This has pros and cons, but as an alt-a-holic, it sorta sucks that having multiple characters is not as supported.
    -- Story-wise, its like your standard JRPG. When one remembers that AAR was rushed on time and was trying to salvage the trainwreck that was FFXIV 1.0, it makes sense that the main story is nothing noteworthy. There are indeed some amazing moments (including some fun sidequests), but overall the "AAR Arc" was relatively average.
    -- As a Free Trial player, my main issue was the Gil Cap and trying to find stuff to spend Gil on. Not having access to the Market Board (Auction House) sorta sucked, but then again I tend to be a self-sufficient player anyways. Not being able to be in a guild or form a party may also be a detriment to some players, but since I tend to play solo this did not affect me at all. // I plan on sticking to my Free Trial until I finish Heavensward, and perhaps do everything I can as a Free Trial player before potentially getting a subscription down the line.

    After taking a break from FFXIV, I got sucked back into the void of Path of Exile with its newest league launch.
    -- Gameplay-wise, PoE is amazing since it has so much depth to its combinations and builds. Do you want one, massively huge Fireball, do you want to launch multiple Fireballs at once, or just have a Totem launch Fireballs for you? The depth and build customization on PoE is seemingly second-to-none.
    --- However, PoE suffers from the grind treadmill, and this becomes more apparent each league launch due to the shuffling of the meta, new mechanics thrown in, and the endgame Atlas being reset (even in the Standard league). While you could mess around in Standard after the resets, it is very easy to become lost with all the new features, especially if one takes an extended break from the game. PoE doesn't respect the player's time as well, meaning if you really want to cool stuff you will spend a while grinding out what you need to get what you potentially want.
    -- Story-wise, PoE is fairly standard, but it suffers from lore being cut from the game when it no longer suits their needs gameplay-wise. For example, the original "Forsaken Masters" were allies and had daily quests to break up the monotomy of the leveling process, only to have all that dialogue and lore removed when a new league expansion released that transformed them into unique enemies to fight. Recently, the endgame portion of PoE changed, and the original endgame NPC Zana is now gone, replaced by another. // Sure, this can represent the passing of time, but then there's no history to experience. It's there one moment, and and soon as it is not relevant, it is tossed out the window. It's a shame to me since I enjoy the setting of PoE, and there is so much "lost lore" out there.
    == I think PoE is currently on the throne because it is easily accessible (free to play), although I'm hearing good things about other ARPGs such as Last Epoch. However, as someone who does not have much money to spend on games these days, I make do with what I have.

  5. Reviewing my progress on the event, it looks like I will actually be able to finish everything. I cleared all 100 extra floors, and the Raids are not bad as I thought they would be. I took out chunks of their HP with whatever I had left, and I'm sure once my ST DPS get off cooldown I'll be able to blitz through the raids with little issue.

  6. Rumors of Tactic Ogre remasters? I know of the Let Us Cling Together remake for the PSP (from the original SNES title), but I wonder of the other Tactics Ogre titles will be remade.
    -- If they ever remake Ogre Battle 64, I'm there before Day One.

    I've heard of the FE rumor of a remake title, but not about a brand new one. If I were to guess, they would be readying the remake for release while the new title gets a fancy trailer or something.

    As for Triangle Strategy, I still have the original demo downloaded to my Switch, but I never got around to trying it. I've read mixed feelings about it, but apparently some of those concerns were addressed in one of the "Feedback Videos" made by the team.
    -- Off-Topic, but I can't shake the feeling they rush out the demo with some of the "missing features" already planned for the full release, and when they read the feedback on things that they "already were gonna implement," they can just say it was due to fan feedback instead of what was already on the roadmap. Of course, the feedback is valuable and can generate new ideas, but I can't help but feel the majority was already discussed at some point during development/testing. The public demo just serves as an indicator of what should be prioritized, I guess.

  7. Welp, not sure if I'm going to be able to fully clear this event with the rate I'm going at. I might be able to clear out the floors, but am not sure if I'll be able to clear the Raids as well since they also put Servants on cooldown.
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    As for the JP news, it seems like ever since they went to new management a lot of positive changes have been coming out for FGO.
    -- The "Events" locked behind Rare Prisms are now unlocked, with any Rares being spent being refunded.
    -- There's a new CE that increases the drop rates of Void Dust!
    -- There's a "Story Prism" that can be exchanged for materials, making it easier to level up skills and ascend Servants.
    -- ...among others.

    I look forward to how FGO continues to develop under the new management. Hopefully some of these changes/additions hit NA sooner rather than later!

  8. At first I was just fielding 3 Servants expecting to speed-run through the thing, but as I got the Event Bond CEs I've been slowing down my pace so I can farm Bond Points.
    -- I think I'll manage 10-20 floors a day, and if things start to get down to the wire I'll look at rushing through the event. I've just been focused on other things instead.

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