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Posts posted by Sire

  1. I played it.

    Built out of my "hidey-hole" (check Youtube Tutorials for reference, heavily assists new Minecraft players.) and basically expanded from there. (I also got the Snow tilelist on my first world.)

    Features of Note:

    -Expanded first base.

    -Mining Quarry (actually reached the bedrock too.)

    -Underground Stairs to the Overlook / Skyway.

    -Skyway Walkway to my Fortress I had going on a hill.

    -Skyway Walkway had a small "Gravel" elevator to the side. (Check tutorials for this tip)

    -First Floor Fortress complete with master chamber, mini-kitchen, mini-prison, and three servant rooms.

    -Small farm area complete with bunker and greenhouse, near Fortress.

    -2 small underground passages digging through hills.

    -A bunch of Dirt pillars with torches on top as beacons (Torches will run out however in the next update, due for Halloween.)

    From there, I messed around in the ocean and screwed stuff up (died). So...

    I deleted the entire world that I spend 12+ hours on.

    I really wish there was a manual save function so you can backup your world before you run around and screw stuff up. Autosaving everything, while helpful, can be annoying when it saves when you are busy messing around with lava streams in the middle of the frozen ocean...

  2. Not much in terms of news.

    Currently trying to learn Event Editing and overcoming my laziness. (This is harder for FE 8, since most tutorials are FE 7 oriented)

    I am still uncertain about customized music, although I did find two Midi sources.

    Also slowly making progress on character background and "base conversations" off site. Base conversations will not actually exist, but act as a distraction of a thread that relates story to this hack.

    However, I did get one map done, so... (May head back and revise the dirt stuff near the bottom mid, turning it into lighter grass instead or simply making it smaller.)



    -Expanded version of the original Prologue.

    -Woods is the starting point, you must "seize" (escape) via that small dirt tile in the upper left.

    -O'Neill returns with his two followers, but are unbeatable. You should avoid them at all costs. (O'Neill remains where he is at, but his two original "Fighters" head out after some time.)

    -Southern part of map tells the story a bit more than just a simple escape. (NPC vs Enemy)

    -Getting to the village in time should net some bonus for experienced players.

  3. 1: FE 8 Modules

    2: Scrolling down may be necessary.

    3: Palette Association Editors may be what you were looking for. (If it is not included, you may want to redownload the FE 8 Modules elsewhere)

    Now, for how to use it, I do not know. Hopefully this should be of assistance.

    * * *

    Edit: Further reading on the replies above results in the following:

    Custom Palettes: You will require other programs and other materials. Tutorials can be found on FEuniverse.

    Swapping Palettes: It is said that this can be done via Nightmare. However, I do not know exactly how to carry this out.

    Using NIghtmare' date=' you can change who has what palette.(for example, you could give Serra's palette to Lyn) If you want to create custom palettes, you need other programs and stuffs, you can find tutorials on FEuniverse forums.[/size']

    * * *

    It may be wise to start keeping track of tutorials people throw at you. You never know when they might be useful...

  4. Inserting the music isn't the problem. I haven't even got to that point yet. I'm trying to convert files into Midis first without losing much quality and somehow hoping it'll work in Fire Emblem GBA. Alas, what I'm aiming for may be too complex for the GBA to handle. (It's sad, I had a good theme for one of the main characters too.)

    The thing that puzzled me though is that the file sizes for both the original and the replacement is roughly the same.

    Current roadblock on music:

    Converting them to Midis from MP3 while maintaining a decent quality.

    Probably I just need to tinker with it more...

  5. News: (9-26-2010)

    -Demo is scrapped in favor of starting all over and trying to do everything right the second time around. The stuff that was in the demo may be released as a patch when I get around to balancing. (Balancing from final can just be moved over to the demo.)

    -Expect a Creative thread coming from me sometime this week. Going to attempt splicing, recoloring, map-making, and other stuff...

    -Customized music may be scrapped or done by another. My own initial attempt failed at this.

    Note to self: Stop spamming this thread with useless information. Next news may actually contain something useful and become more sparse.

  6. Ran into a problem with Mappy and the FE Mappy Converter.

    I managed to successfully convert the map using the converter, but trying to implement the map into Mappy (not the game), doesn't seem to work.

    -I know there is a Mappy Data .txt file. (I tried using Read Textfile on Mappy, but it doesn't work. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong here?)

    -I do have not access to useful guide for this FE Mappy Converter (Access denied, although it can be fixed by making a dummy account. I don't like Dummy accounts much though...)

    Can't really progress without a map to work with.

    (Someone really just needs to make a massive tutorial database that spanned across most of the FE sites in each location...)

  7. At the current rate I'm working I'm about to say screw it and just request sprites and for someone to convert music files. (When one man can't do a job, find a professional or someone proficient willing to do it.)

    In addition, I'm also considering stopping the demo at chapter 4 instead. The further I move along, the greater the difference will be between the demo and final product (should that ever be reached).

    I'm also going to jump the gun and try to learn Events, in addition to starting back on square one.

    The reason for this is simple. Practice is good and all, but learning is the most important aspect. I think I got the basics down for a decent hack (barring custom graphics which is something I lack).

    General Questions:

    1: How does one make a patch? (I think I may already know the answer to this one...)

  8. I have been using the Ultimate Tutorial since the start. (Mostly for skimming for information than reading the entire thing, which I have yet to do...) [The FE 7 orientation leans me away from said tutorial. I'm worried about FE 8, not 7.]

    So, questions. Alas, these are probably better suited elsewhere...

    Spriting Questions:

    1: How does one exactly make a custom portrait of a character? (Splicing and Custom methods exist as far as I know, but I know not the methods.)

    2: Changing "palettes". How does one accomplish this for battle sprites and portraits?

    3: Anything else I may need to know about splicing, spriting, customization, and other stuff?

  9. Well, to answer the few questions about my little project. (In no particular order)

    General Answer:

    1: And as said before, this is my first time doing this. I have little next to nothing experience in this task I am undertaking.

    (I was expecting to be gunned down a bit more or ignored, but people around here tend to actually comment. In addition, this is why I'm doing things step by step here. The Demo is more or less trying stuff out and learning, while the real version tries to be a bit more advanced [if I can ever reach that point]. If I was an expert, each chapter may have already been polished and finished, then work on the next one.)

    Portrait Answers:

    1: Did any of you read the word "Placeholder"? I plan to change the portraits and sprites with edited versions at a later date. (Hopefully custom versions will be included in the demo.)

    2: I have never tried splicing, recoloring, or custom stuff (I am no artist). However, I've been looking at said competitions / threads and is already seeing similarities on how it is done.

    3: I originally planned on requesting said sprites, but apparently the trust still needs to be gained. Looks like I'm mostly on my own here...

    Music Answer:

    1: I did not have the chance to implement music just yet. I'm busy trying to get the text working right first. However, I do already have songs that are ready to replaced, they just need to go through conversion / insertion. (Most of them come from preexisting video games, part of me wonders how mixing them all together will work out, even though I personally think it all fits.)

    * * *

    Current Progress:

    -Prologue -> Chapter 3 storyline more or less done. Polishing is still required.

    -Started work on balancing player characters.

    If you guys want, I can try to work on getting custom mugs in before the next set of screenshots... (Back to question thread...)

  10. Notice: Hack has been scrapped in favor of doing a hack on Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword, due to lack of tutorials on FE 8.

    This project is being done by a first time hacker. It has been moved public to gain more input on said project.

    Other Links:

    [Question Thread] First Timer + Inexperience = Ask Questions!

    [Lore Thread] Where lore and stuff can be found about the hack.




    Scrapped Demo: Link [Filled with bugs, basically a failure.]

    1st Release: Link [up to Chapter 4]

    True Progress:


    # "Completely" Finished (Lacks material for true final version, but otherwise fine.)

    (#) Implemented, but needs tweaking

    Chapter Progress:-------------4 /9 [start] == 0/7 [Lily's Route] == 0/7 [Roland's Route] == 0/8 [L's Endgame] == 0/8 [R's Endgame]

    Balancing:--------------------4/9 [start] == 0/7 [Lily's Route] == 0/7 [Roland's Route] == 0/8 [L's Endgame] == 0/8 [R's Endgame]

    Portraits:--------------------None whatsoever. I am no artist. [Current build uses GBA FE Placeholders]

    Palettes:---------------------None whatsoever. I know little of this field. [Current build uses default "Blue Player" palettes]

    Custom Classes:---------------None whatsoever. I am no artist. [Current build uses normal classes.]

    Why Play This Hack? (Points of Interest):

    -To benefit the Noob Hackers Foundation, motivating new hackers to accomplish more and later become experts.

    -To experience a more story-driven game with Warlords Battlecry I slightly intertwined.

    -A hack with off-game lore. (Check the Lore Thread.)

    -Custom Support Conversations are planned in-game. (Haven't even touched that yet however, unsure about execution...) [Note: May end up using the Support Conversations for extra text instead, Supports will still be listed in the Lore Thread.)

    -Way down the road, there will be a "completely new" endgame boss and two more recruit-able characters. (Planned, but unsure about execution...)

    Changes from the Sacred Stones:

    -Most maps have been edited, but unit placement remains the same. (Hopefully event editing can be learned to allow more customized maps.)

    -Trainees will be removed.

    -Monk will be replaced by Light Mage [F]

    -Gorgons, Gorgon Eggs, and the two creature Horsemen may be removed / replaced.

    -The original Demon King is planned to be changed into a normal mob.

    Sacred Tears Log:

    DEMO Progress:

    (9-21-2010) Prologue and Chapter One are more or less complete.

    (9-25-2010) Chapters Two and Three more or less complete. Also started on balancing.

    (9-26-2010) Demo has been scrapped. Attempting to gain skills to pay the bills.

    (10-20-2010) Scrapped Demo made public. Link [Note: Filled with bugs and basically a failure.]

    Public Release Progress:

    (10-22-2010) Decided to give the entire project a spin again. Changed the map for the Prologue, other minor changes to come.

    (10-23-2010) Working Edited Maps inserted for Prologue and Chapter 1. Trying to fix text bugs up to chapter 4. Also planning for next update to have screenies. In addition, I may end up just inserting the maps and having a "public test" to find errors / balance issues.

    (10-24-2010) More progress on fixing / adding chapter text. All maps up to 4 have been inserted. Prologue and Chapter 1 are more or less done as far as my current abilities go.

    (10-31-2010) First public release besides the Demo. Patch


    [spoiler=Prologue / Chapter 1 (9-21-10)]Note: The current build has placeholders for some portraits. I may have used your favorite character as a placeholder. Please do not yell or flame if I abuse said character, it is only a placeholder. Thank you.

    Note 2: There aren't any character information screenies yet. I'll address this next time around when I get around to balancing.

    Disclaimer: I do not own Fire Emblem in any way, shape, or form. Fire Emblem was created by Intelligent Systems.


    [spoiler=P-Ch 4 Maps]Disclaimer: I do not own Fire Emblem in any way, shape, or form. Fire Emblem was created by Intelligent Systems.


    [spoiler=Sire's List]Just a personal list I threw here for my own reference.

    And yes, if you haven't noticed, I use Spoiler Tags. A lot.

    Tutorial Databases [Fire Emblem Universe]

    Learn Dissembling Events / Adding More Units. [Tutorial 1 , Tutorial 2]

    Map Stuff [Mappy Converter , Mar Inserter]

    Patching [Tutorial 1]

  11. Got around to working on it again. (Many thanks for the questions answered and to the authors for those tutorials! Know that all your work was not in vain.)

    I have obtained FEditor Adv. , and made some text changes. (The recruit's emotion for finally mastering just one part of his training is shown.)

    Dummy gameplay is first priority, then start working on the more complex stuff.

    A public playable version may be released when...

    1: Units have been changed. Graphics will use generic placeholders or default. [status: In Progress...]

    2: Placeholders for Levels 1-5x done. (Mainly just placeholder text events, edited / custom maps and stuff may be made later...) [status: In Progress?]

    3: I feel confident enough so that I won't leave this place with shame.

    Optional Stuff:

    1: Getting some of the customized music inserted if possible. (Going to have to go through the learning / converting process...) [status: On Hold]

    2: Start requesting for customized graphics. Before I start here though, have to learn how to insert them properly first... [status: On Hold]

    Also, even though you may not as experienced as others, I thank you for your answers and putting up with the new recruit, Camtech.

    [spoiler=Sire's List]Learn Dissembling Events / Adding More Units. [Tutorial 1 , Tutorial 2]

    Map Stuff [Mappy Converter , Mar Inserter]

  12. Actually got started messing around and made first progress. Turned Eirka into a mage of sorts with higher stats than normal to see if stuff works. (She had some leftover stuff from the original Lord, like her standing sprite, items, and weapons, but some of the normal map and movement showed the one I placed in.)

    Despite the very small adjustment, I was happy I was making progress. (Yay.)

    General: (Responses)

    1/2/4: Oh well. Size may no longer be an issue (I hope), at the current status.

    3: Promotion Editors and erase one of two choices. Should be easy... (Actually,this has been done by the time of posting. Haven't tested if it works though...)

    Characters: (Responses)

    1: I'm probably going to end up just replacing characters, hex editing sounds a little complex... (I'll just have the original characters portray themselves as generics for that one chapter...)

    2: Well, that was easy...

    3: Custom Events? I can't just add extra units to the map, flag them as "Ally / Neutral"(?) and use the AI provided?

    Music: (Responses)

    1: Song Editor? I think I'll look into that...

    * * *

    * * *

    Alas, more questions arise. If I'm going to work on my hack, might as well try to do it right the first time around...

    It also seems I may need to acquire something called an "FE Editor". This requires more research...

    (Current arsenal: Nightmare 2, Mappy, FE 8 Modules... Just got the Song Editor, haven't looked into it yet...)


    1: How does one create a "custom" character by replacing then? I wish to replace Erika's Lord class with a custom Sorceress one, as well as change the name, description, and all that other fun stuff... (Importing graphics I'll do way down the road, I do not wish to request sprites that will never be used or be mutilated by a new recruit that knows not what he is doing.)

    1 Notes: I slightly have the knowledge to manipulate the current data (just class stats and a little bit of graphics) to suit my needs, but how does everything get replaced exactly?


    1: Is it possible to import existing FE 8 maps directly to Mappy, or must I recreate them from scratch?

    2: I have tinkered with the map editor a little bit (Mappy). How does one insert the map into the game?

    Text (Event?) Editing:

    1: How exactly does one accomplish this? I heard of stuff called pointers, but I have not fully grasped said concept.

    2: I desire basically to change the text, the portraits the show up and speak, and maybe how the map does stuff.

    3: World Map events is also something I'll need to learn soon.

    Thanks in advance for your assistance,


  13. First post here. (yays!)

    I'm still in the planning phase of a little failure project of mine, however, I lack complete knowledge whatsoever of the tools required and the limits the game may place on you. Thus, question time!

    [Note: I have skimmed through a few sections of an "Ultimate Tutorial" located somewhere here. So I have basic book knowledge of some things.]


    1: Is there a max size limit for a .gba file?

    2: Is there a max size limit for a patch?

    3: How does one get rid of branched promotions? (Trying to go for a slightly more traditional Fire Emblem)

    4: Can I remove the multiplayer "Arena" mode? (To save space)


    1: Can I expand the character slots? If so, then how far? (Originally, I planned on replacing all existing characters and try to add one more, but I also came up with a "bonus" chapter of sorts that requires the original Sacred Stones characters in addition to the new ones.)

    2: This may go in hand with the one above. I also wish to add more boss-type characters for the enemy in certain chapters. How does one achieve this? (I also know this exists near one of the endgame chapters, with the Bishop and Dragon. I'm planning on having five "bosses" in one single chapter)

    3: Is it possible to have an "ally" (neutral) army fighting alongside your forces? I have planned several maps where NPCs are abound fighting the opposition. (I know this is already present on a few defense maps, but I'm planning when they are actually aggressive and do something useful)

    4: How many "custom classes" can I input? (I am planning on adding only 1 original, one edited, and two others that replace the respective Lords)

    Notes: Trainees are going to be scrapped, but most of the branched classes will remain.


    1: I am planning on substituting most of the original music tracks with ones from other sources, so the "game" can have a semi-custom soundtrack. Is this possible?

    2: Is it possible to scrap the Multiplayer Arena music and use those slots for elsewhere?

    Thanks in advance. Perhaps this mini-project may turn into something more for a first timer's attempt.


    PS: Should I actually make progress, I may post a few things here (in the respective subforum) if this ever leaves the concept / planning stage.

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