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Posts posted by Sire

  1. A short history to those who may be interested...

    I've been lurking around Serenes Forest for some time, originally trying to get into the ROM Hacking scene. To do so, one needs to learn the tools of the trade and work like an spriter, qualities that which I lack. Needless to say, the effort failed, and I ended up scrapping those projects. Since then, I've regressed and simply kept my trusty membership here to keep to date on the posts of others.

    However, I am a bit of a writer who enjoys conjuring up some imaginary universes that can be original or based off an existing work. While most of my other written works were either abandoned or archived, I still find time to create some decent ones every now and then. Since this forum has a creative board, I decided to share some of these works. After all, who can enjoy it if no one knows of its existence?

    This thread will serve as the primary base of operations for any written material that I write. Since my topics can vary, I'll group each into a convenient spoiler to conserve visual space and to help with organization. If I post any longer pieces or come up with new material, I will make an additional post and update the OP with either a link or the work itself.

    Short Works


    Should a man die an immortal death,

    What lies on the other side?

    Hearth and hold, heaven and the bold

    Or nothing but the abyssal sky?

    Alas, thy fate does not lie herein.

    What shell of a man, remnants, or scattered fragments

    Remain on the snow black as ash?

    Wasteland he lies, forever eternally alone.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Twilight of the Apocalypse

    “There are tales shared at midnight dark

    Of lost youth and bleeding moons,

    Of fallen angels and demonic boons,

    And forgotten treasures of the dead Ark.

    It is said when the moon bleeds red

    That all the townspeople will be filled with dread,

    Knights will shiver in their sleep,

    Lords and ladies shall fear their own keep.

    For when the moon cries tears of blood,

    Beware the unholy flood,

    Vengence is hers,

    The world's death is what occurs.

    For those with courage,

    And steel of heart,

    The battlefield awaits.

    You will die as nature dicates

    Innocence lost, of maidens long gone,

    Our mistress will shall be done.

    Musical Works

    Hymn of the Holy Knight

    “Praise to thee that brings balance unto me,

    Fear not the dark or blinding light.

    Go forth and cleanse thy soul in righteous fire,

    Thou shall not want or exploit thee.

    Do not bend thy knee to the winds,

    Thou must stay steady on thy path.

    Be reborn in holy water,

    Thou shall become a holy knight.

    Recall those who have brought you hither,

    Thou shall also become an earthly pillar.

    Remember the values three,

    Justice, Honor and Integrity.

    Leave behind a legacy,

    Eternity shall remember thee.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    A/N: Imagine an open field with an army arrayed on both sides. A general of one army begins to clash his sword and shield together while chanting the following piece, and then his men begin to follow his example. When the piece repeats itself, the army begins marching toward enemy lines, in tune with the shield clash and the chant itself.



    Come to thee.


    Our Enemies


    Come to thee.


    Thy Enemy

    Fire Emblem: Awakening - Reveal Story

    Original Topic: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=32864&page=1

    I'm going to need a drink after this...

    No Fire Emblem, no Monster Hunter, and I wasted an hour of me life.


    In the darkness of the room, a lone man is found slumped against his chair, illuminated on by the light from his computer monitor. It seemed as if he just come to the realization that there may be no hope for that which he cares for so deeply. As if, it was the end of the world. Sure, there have been songs and praise of other things, some what he even cared about. Alas, nothing could stop this gaping hole in his heart, one that could perhaps never be fulfilled...The 3DS conference was over. An hour was wasted, just goes to show how hope is such a futile emotion, as it tends to be crushed rather easily. The man gives it around round. He drinks his beverage, and decides to have just one more try, just one more look in the forum thread. He witnesses other cries of despair, agony, and anger. The others too, shared his pain. Some members stated their luck of already being allowed access or have even played said game, and..

    Wait just a second...

    A certain post caught his eye. It on an page 27, post 535... It was but a simple link to Twitter, but once opened, it would open up a whole new Pandora's Box...

    "Reggie just confirmed to us that Fire Emblem Awakening is coming to the United States."

    "Reggie just confirmed to us that Fire Emblem Awakening is coming to the United States."

    "Reggie just confirmed to us that Fire Emblem Awakening is coming to the United States."

    He had to read it several times. He took a healthy drink of his handy beverage (which can be whatever you wish), slapped himself in the face, and read it again. He remembered reading once that true happiness only comes to those who have experienced great sorrow, but in such short a period of time? It cannot be!

    The previous cries transformed themselves into a certain kind of happiness that is hard to describe. People begin celebrating in their own ways, others doubled check sources, and still a few doubted that such claims were actually real. It didn't matter anymore. All that mattered, is that Fire Emblem: Awakening, is coming to the United States.

    * * *

    Well, back to lurking for me. Sleep happily people.

    This is all the work I have for now. Updates will come irregularly for obvious reasons. Any comments or feedback is appreciated!

  2. Let's see here...

    Main File:

    Chrom / Sumia - As a man who prefers going for the "canon / good guy" ending and storylines first, I had to pair these two together. However, as others have stated, their support does seem a bit bland...

    Lissa / Stahl - This was mainly out of convenience, I didn't want to use Sully yet I wanted to use Stahl. (They both ended up getting benched later anyway)

    Frederick / Panne - They seem to complement each other well, and their support was enjoyable (Fredrick getting over his fears). However, they too ended up getting benched.

    Sully / Vaike - One of the last ones I paired, did it simply for child recruitment. However, they do fit well together.

    Virion / Olivia - I really wanted to use Olivia, but she was too frail to be of use, and she fell behind. Postgame, I wanted to recruit Indigo, and it turns out that these two work pretty well together. (Learning dances and Virion being Inigo's father.) I started to enjoy Virion more as well, but that may be because I reclassed him into a Dread Fighter...

    Miriel / Ricken - Again, child recruitment, and two mages seemed the way to go.

    Kellam / Cherche - Mobile Wall. Their support was entertaining, and these two also happen to be favorite characters of mine. Shame they couldn't keep up with Avatar(M) and Morgan...

    Lon'Qu / Cordelia - They just happened to be working together, so they got married.

    Maribelle / Gaius - Found both characters to be useless, but their support is adorable.

    Gregor / Nowi - Same chapter recruitment, and both are awesome as well. Also favorites.

    Tharja / Henry - Tharja can go obsess over someone else. Henry is a good character in his own right, and two dark mages makes Noire's personality rather fitting.

    Avatar (Mark) / Lucina - As previously stated, I felt it was necessary to pair these two together. It helps that Morgan turns out awesome (Aether!) and the scene with Lucina at Chapter 21. However, should I choose elsewhere, it would be Cherche or possibly Olivia. (Cherche seems to be right personality and appearance wise. Olivia, while shy and timid [traits I do enjoy to a degree], eyes could not override judgement as I found her somewhat annoying at times.) As for the name of my avatar, I took it from Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword, because I like that connection and it happens to be my first name.

    Owain / Cynthia - Don't judge, two crazy hero wannabes work well together. I reject reality, and substitute my own!

    Indigo / Morgan - Didn't really know to to pair Morgan with, and I ended up pairing her with Indigo. I loved their support, although another part of me has reservations about marrying my daughter off to a womanizer...

    Gerome / Nah - Wyverns and Dragons. Enough said.

    The rest are currently unpaired.

  3. In the darkness of the room, a lone man is found slumped against his chair, illuminated on by the light from his computer monitor. It seemed as if he just come to the realization that there may be no hope for that which he cares for so deeply. As if, it was the end of the world. Sure, there have been songs and praise of other things, some what he even cared about. Alas, nothing could stop this gaping hole in his heart, one that could perhaps never be fulfilled...The 3DS conference was over. An hour was wasted, just goes to show how hope is such a futile emotion, as it tends to be crushed rather easily. The man gives it around round. He drinks his beverage, and decides to have just one more try, just one more look in the forum thread. He witnesses other cries of despair, agony, and anger. The others too, shared his pain. Some members stated their luck of already being allowed access or have even played said game, and..

    Wait just a second...

    A certain post caught his eye. It on an page 27, post 535... It was but a simple link to Twitter, but once opened, it would open up a whole new Pandora's Box...

    "Reggie just confirmed to us that Fire Emblem Awakening is coming to the United States."

    "Reggie just confirmed to us that Fire Emblem Awakening is coming to the United States."

    "Reggie just confirmed to us that Fire Emblem Awakening is coming to the United States."

    He had to read it several times. He took a healthy drink of his handy beverage (which can be whatever you wish), slapped himself in the face, and read it again. He remembered reading once that true happiness only comes to those who have experienced great sorrow, but in such short a period of time? It cannot be!

    The previous cries transformed themselves into a certain kind of happiness that is hard to describe. People begin celebrating in their own ways, others doubled check sources, and still a few doubted that such claims were actually real. It didn't matter anymore. All that mattered, is that Fire Emblem: Awakening, is coming to the United States.

    * * *

    Well, back to lurking for me. Sleep happily people.

  4. The following is a somewhat long section about the author and his treatment with despair. The first part is the story, and the second part lists about how he deals with the condition. For all intents and purposes of this very thread, the second part details some opinions and methods about dealing with unhappiness.

    * * *

    I consider myself shattered for about two years now. The situation in question is rather trivial, and my stubbornness may very well mean the end of me. Alas, full details is for another topic.

    Each person reacts differently to unhappiness and depression. Everyone can provide the typical advice, but who truly means what they say? Many have their own methods with coping with harmful emotions, which may cause temporary relief, but may hurt more in the long run. Once, I've been sent to a school counselor. I'll give them an effort award, but it was the same, old, typical bs advice a common man would give. Due to the individuality and difference of factors in each person's life, it is extremely difficult to pinpoint the exact problem from another perspective.

    From my own personal experience, the first few months were the worst. After trying in vain to repair the damage, I eventually gave into deep despair. (In a sense, I was a doomsayer.) After a while, a friend said to simply eradicate it from my mind, which I managed to accomplish. However, this meant living in an isolated bubble. Silence is a virtue, and it served me well for the times that passed. I found myself mostly as a lone wolf, due to location issues, but my friends were still around.

    The situation itself never fully left as I had informers to tell me what was going on. A few months later and I received a report that there was a new factor through into the mix, which, after more investigation, proved to cause more trouble. A personal observation by myself confirmed such reports, but it only created more problems. Trying to be the person to do what is right and just, I gave warnings about this new factor, but instead of being thanked, I was thrown out by the very people I intended to save. In a year's time, my statement would prove to be correct, but the damage was already done. At this point in time I was still using the isolation bubble method.

    The worst and perhaps tragic part about the entire ordeal is that it will never be over. It is no one shot event, something a man can get over with time. With my condition, it only worsens as time passes. While I may have "recovered" from what may have been the worst of it, it will forever be there gnawing at the remnants of a shattered soul. (Whether this fate will be true or not remains to be seen, but hope is fleeting.)

    Throughout the entire situation, I managed to maintain a "cloak" so that others do not see into my suffering. There is no need for others to be worried, let them be happy in their own little universe. I managed through without abuse of substances such as drugs, alcohol, or similar risky activities, although in the early stages there exist traces of some physical punishment (bashing one's arm) and strong intents of suicide. Grades may have dropped a few points, but still retained the same high letter grades as in the past.

    * * *

    Dealing with the condition: (Or, some servings of typical advice)

    1: "Seeking Assistance"

    For the most part, I would have to disagree with going and finding help. The heart of the matter resides within the victim, others are merely there in an attempt to lead you back into yourself to find the solution. If one seeks assistance, they may rather be seeking guidance back to their core selves where the problem may be fixed.

    2: "Assisting Others"

    When all hope seems lost and one must walk the roads of life and death, a fate worse than dieing, at the very least the victim may be able to improve other lives. If a woodsman has this condition, he may craft wooden toys for children and hand them out for little or no cost. An artist may paint masterpieces mesmerizing all who gaze upon it. A writer may write in hopes to save another from walking down the same path. An online video gamer may give out free stuff to other players. The pattern continues.

    3: "Religious Guidance"

    While this may remain cliché to some, it may actually work for the victim. Whether you truly believe in it or not, this route may at the very least cure or lessen the condition. There exist stories of people being saved, and when most other routes seemed closed, why not give it a try? (This was an attempt to remain unbiased in the religious realm. It does not convey the author's beliefs.)

    4: "Activities / Hobbies"

    As some have already stated, getting into an activity or hobby may keep one's mind off the situation long enough to mostly forget about it. Other times, it is merely a helpful distraction so that the victim can forgot about life or anything else for awhile. Such things can include music, fishing, sports, and even sleeping.

    5: "Time Medic"

    Another often used phase, "Time heals all wounds." As time passes, depending on the situation itself, it may actually heal and the victim simply forgets or doesn't care anymore. One possible example is that of a drug addict having a child, but because he / she wants what is best for his / her child, he / she quits the substance abuse.

    6: "Avoiding the Problem"

    This may not be the best way on the route for a cure, but it may lessen the burden. "Cutting all ties" can sometimes work, but may leave scars that may or may not be worth this route.

    * * *

    Should one be able to overcome these trials...

    D*** it, can't write anymore. I'll just leave this post here for you guys to discuss. After reading through some of the posts in this very thread...

    I'll just leave it at that.

  5. *Dusts off thread*

    Made an update on Nickolas.


    Really don't know what to say, but I will NOT add in spikes (due to the portrait limit and other factors).

    In addition, I may or may not change the eyes. I like them as is (And they are a different color from Fado's).

    Issues Addressed:

    -Armor Color Changed!

    -Hair fixed?

    -Fixed lone pixels?

    -Fixed Borders? (For the border "changing colors", it may just be an illusion. I think they are exactly the same when I tested it.)

    Things to be fixed?:

    -Color Limit

    Probably going to work on another mug sometime this week.

  6. Edited Post From Original

    [Middle of Ediitng Progress I got sidetracked. Some images may be broken, everything will be fully updated soon.]

    Welcome to Sire's Sprite Works. I am by no means an artist or graphic expert, but hey, experience in a variety of fields can prove helpful down the road. (Besides, I'm mainly working on my own save for tutorials, criticism, and Q&A)


    [spoiler=Archives]First ever splice attempt, made for one of SF's splicing competitions. (Yeah, not much effort was put into this...)


    Simple second splice, using Fado and Duessel.


    [spoiler=Showcase]The single splice I'm proud of, using Fado, Erk, and Duessel. He'll be featured in the hack I'm working on.



    [spoiler=(Scrapped) FE: The Sacred Tears]The scrapped "extended" prologue of FE: Sacred Tears.


    Maps for Fire Emblem: The Sacred Tears as of 11-3-10.


    [spoiler=FE: Dawn of Darkness]

    Prologue Map (ver. 1) of Dawn of Darkness, an upcoming FE hack still in the planning stages.

    Any comments, criticisms, questions, etc. are greatly appreciated.

    [spoiler=Original Post]Now, the main reason why I made this topic...

    I was laboring over one portrait for, say about 4 hours now, and desired some outside criticism on the work in progress. I am still planning on changing the armor color and maybe adding spike-type objects to better match my reference, but I really had difficulty shading a few areas correctly.

    So, without further text, my references!

    Reference 1

    Reference 2

    And finally, the failure portrait!. (Third sprite I ever worked on)


    Needs that may need to be addressed:

    -Area around ear really needs to be fixed.

    -Area where the face and hair collide may need to be fixed.

    -Hair on the left hand side may be too far out.

    -Change armor color.

    -Maybe add spike-type objects to shoulderpads.

    ...I really should have been working on me homework instead of this. Alas, time for sleep...

  7. Triple Post! Wait! I got the documents here!

    *Shows proof of ownership*


    * * *

    I actually got a playable patch completed (besides the failure worth of the Demo.)

    You can find the patch here.

    Patch Notes:


    -Up to Chapter 4 is playable.

    -Placeholder portraits and palettes are still in effect.

    -New balancing formulas should be implemented. Please leave feedback on balancing.

    Known Bugs:

    -Inferno critical does not have the shiny magical things. However, it still works. (I may not fix it, I tend to like it without the magic energy. Also note that the class itself should get a unique sprite down the road.)

    -Robert's Scout Bow may not work correctly when attacking on the map.

    -In Chapter 3, if you look hard enough you can find that some of the "Walls" are "Fence", but they look identical.

    -In Chapter 4, a Shaman pulls off a Light Spell.

    -Luke still uses Moulder's portrait.

    Other Plans:

    -Actually get Olaf to open the door in Chapter 3 so he does something.

    Maps Screenshot:


    Any feedback and/or suggestions are appreciated.

    "If you stop staring at the pictures for a minute and actually read the text, you may get something out of it." -Lily

    "It helps trying to ignore the music too occasionally." -Nickolas

    "...Don't forget gameplay." -Nicole

  8. I did mess around with the characters a bit. As stated before, I changed the classes, names, weapon levels, etc. Eirika was not Eirika with swords and the Lord class. She was changed to a Mage-type class that uses anima magic.

    What I was missing was that there was an ability that had to be assigned to said character to unlock their PRF weapon. (Perhaps I removed the original Eirika unlock weapon when I was tinkering with it the first time.)

    Anyway, once again, many thanks for your contribution. I'm expecting a rushed patch to be released in about 6 hours. Just have to do more tweaks for balancing, fix some text bugs, etc.

  9. I think I have discovered why.

    In addition to messing around with the items, you also have the mess around with the character themselves in order to pull off PRF weapons. Going to test now.

    Edit: Works perfectly. Thanks for the contribution, otherwise I probably would sit around just staring at the screen blankly.

  10. Lily can use Tomes ever since the demo (I gave her a Fire, that is what she has been using for some time now). Weapon levels should not be a problem. (I already changed it from Swords -> Anima "E")

    * * *

    So what I am getting here is that the same "Eirika Weapon Lock" can be used multiple times, but to avoid PRF issues, all people involved can not use the item the other can. So, using my characters as an example...

    [Eirika Lock]

    Lily -> Anima Lock (She unlocks all schools of magic upon promotion, but no staves)

    Nicole -> Sword Lock (No matter where she goes, she can only use swords.)

    Robert -> Bow Lock (However, it is possible for him to gain Swords upon promotion)

    [Emphrain Lock]

    Roland -> Sword Lock (He is still stuck to swords upon promotion)

    * * *

    Needless to say, Robert presents the "dilemma" here. He can use Swords upon promotion, and both locks have sword users. Chances are I'll just give Robert a low level bow for everyone or something. Nicole is more important than Robert.

    I'll have to look again into Lily's lock issue and see if I can fix it with the answer provided.

    Thanks for the information Camtech.

    * * *

    * * *


    Based on the information provided, I did a test on said method. It doesn't work. (I also tried a few other locks as well)

    Eirika Lock:

    Lily -> Anima

    Nicole -> Sword

    Robert -> Bow

    All respective characters already have the weapon level. (All characters have "E", the weapons themselves are None, but even changing them to E doesn't work.)

    The weapons themselves are classified correctly. (Unsellable Weapon or Magic)

    When classifying the Unsellable Magic to Magic, the icon lights up but it still unusable.

    ...During the time of this writing, I just realized I could do research on some of the existing ROMS I have. Go figure.

  11. I'm thinking I'm going to end up with a rushed release...

    Item Question:

    Upon testing Eirika's Rapier replacement on the new Lord, it does not seem to work (It's been like this for some time). I changed the weapon into a tome for mages while keeping everything the same from before.

    Tinkering the item in Nightmare, I have removed the Locked to Eirika ability and now it works, but I still desire for the tome to be locked to Lily (Eirika's replacement).


    Lily completely replaces Eirika and her class. (Lily -> Eirika == Lord -> Sorceress)

    Even changing Lily's name back to Eirika doesn't work. I'm guessing its looking for specific pointers...

    Item Question 2:

    This goes with the above, as I am planning on making a few more PRF weapons. How can one accomplish this? (I am planning on replacing a few existing items that serve no function.)

  12. Hmm...

    About the 350 Growth: If I added up the growth rates for Erika correctly, they do come out to be 350. I guess I can lower them to 330.

    About the 8/9 Promoted Additions: I do not know if when the auto level feature is enabled that it takes in account the full 20 levels before promotion. This will require some testing. For now, I may change the numbers.

    About the Stat Growth Cap: I plan on having everyone nearly the same across the board, but for those who happen to end up below the cap, I'll keep this in mind.

    About Archers / Mages Bases: I'll look into it. In addition, I may end up making some extra weapons in the unused slots.

    About HP Stat: Good point. I may end up that every point into HP counts as two stat bonuses instead of one, and when promoted three instead of two. Some others may be excepted from this rule. [subject to testing]

    About the 270 Promoted Growth: I think I was going for if they were promoted, disregarding the fact if your normal army if promoted or not. I was getting mindset that promoted characters were generally weaker than the characters at start when leveled correctly, and prepromotes were generally just replacement characters when you lose your starters. (At least that is what I got from reading around in places.)

    I may end up doing something of the following...

    Seth - Joins at the start, usable for the entire game (I was planning on giving the replacement the 300 or 310 growths in addition to good bases, but I may change it to 270 for balance.)

    Innes / Duessel - Joins around Chapter 10 or 15 depending on path chosen. They may get the 270 growth because (without tower or skimirsh) not all units have the chance to be promoted at 20 quite yet. The Ch 15 version is autoleveled.

    Dozla - Joins around Chapter 11. He may have the 270 growth.

    Ewan - Ewan's replacement is a prepromote, and may have the 270 growth. Joins in Chapter 12.

    Saleh - Joins around Chaper 12 or 15 depending on path chosen. He may have the 270 growth. The chapter 15 version is autoleveled.

    Rennac - Joins in Chapter 14. He may keep the 300 growth.

    Mryhh - Her replacement is a Sage, and he joins in Chapter 16. He may keep the 300 growths as your army may have normal promotes by then.

    Syrene - She joins in Chapter 17, and the replacement may keep the 300 growth.

    Many thanks to all that has given their input. I'll see if I can get around to making a patch for tomorrow.

    Edit: Also made changes to first post to reflect changes made.

    Edit 2: New HP mechanic seems to place a big dent in balancing... Seeing if I can progress off-site.

    Edit 3: Changed it so that...

    Normal Character = 1.5

    Promoted = 2

    I'm thinking it'll be a rushed release...

  13. Before you make the same exact mistake I did...

    Start off very small. I suggest simply sticking to Nightmare to change around classes and numbers and FEditor to change text and portraits. If you want practice swapping around portraits, simply use the ones fro preexisting Fire Emblem GBA games. (This is frowned upon however, and you should try to get them palette consistent, a recolor, or new portraits.)

    If you feel like being a bit adventurous, get Mappy and the MAR inserter, as well as HxD. You keep the same exact troop positions but can change the terrain around a bit.

    Do not attempt to learn events or hex editing on your first run. Stick to Nightmare and FEditor until you get the hang of the basics.

    For tutorials, I would recommend Fire Emblem Universe. They have a small tutorial database there.

    Hope this helps,


  14. I know not where to put this. However, since it has to do with calculations and can apply to other FE ROM hacks, I decided to place it here. Move it should it be required.

    Recently, I decided to head into the balancing stage of my hack up to chapter 4 (Planning a release this weekend). However, calculations and balancing is not my strong point whatsoever. So, input on the likely inaccurate calculations I have sketched out would be greatly appreciated.

    Notes: Cap here means the norm for that unit. Everything across the board is likely to have the same total of growth rates, but are simply placed differently.

    Note 2: This is not trying to identify which stat is more important. I am merely concerned about totals.

    Note 3: A rare few will be excepted from the charts

    Character Growths: (Character overrides Class growths)
    Lord Growth Cap:                              330 [Originally 350]
    Boss Growth Cap:                              320
    Normal Character Growth Cap:                  300
    Prepromote Character Growth Cap       		270 (Only if the unit joins as a prepromote before chapter 13)
    Class Growths: (For generic enemies / NPCs)
    Normal Class Growth Cap:                      245
    Promoted Class Growth Cap:                    260
    Character Base Stats: (These are added on to Class bases. Luck bases are can only be alloted here.)
    Lord Base Stats Cap at Level One:     		15
    Boss Base Stats Cap at Level One:     		13
    Character Base Stats Cap at Level One:        10
    Add 4 stats per level to characters.
    Add 5 stats per level to lords / bosses
    Add 5 stats per level to promoted characters. [Originally 6]
    Add 6 stats per level to promoted bosses. [Originally 8]
    1 Stat into HP: Normal = 2 Stats [subject to testing]
    1 Stat into HP: Promoted = 3 Stats [subject to testing]
    Some classes / characters may be excepted from this rule.
    Class Base Stats:
    Normal Class Base Stats Cap at Level One:   	35
    Lord Base Stats Cap at Level One:       		40
    2nd Tier Class Base Stats at Level One:   	45
    2nd Tier Lord Base Stats at Level One:          50

  15. Hmm... (Going a bit overboard and into extra information.)

    Knight -> General: I've been dealing with a certain condition for years. Physical and mental attacks are normally shrugged off.

    Thief -> Assassin: It seems I have an innate Pass skill from FE 10. I prefer to stay in the shadows, not interfering with anyone's business unless given a good reason.

    Priest -> Bishop: Despite appearances, I am a religious man. I also assist people in need occasionally, but quickly depart afterwards.

    Inaccurate Information:

    HP 65%, STR 40%, MAG 55%, SKL 30%, SPD 50%, LCK ??%, DEF 40% RES 35%

    Biorhythm: Typically a straight, passive line, but occasionally can take extreme paths off of the line in either direction. (Normally passive, but can be dominated by emotions.)

    Affinity: Earth (Born into an Earth sign, tendency to be passive unless provoked)

    Support Path: Tends to be a loner and nonsocial. However, he will respond to people he has respect for.

    Commander Relation: Will follow orders, but will not hesitant to question them if it goes against his code.

    HP-With the condition I've been living with, it has made me slightly more resistant to things. However, I'm not exactly the definition of a healthy human.

    STR- Despite being able to shrug attacks off, I am not the strongest person around.

    MAG- Not quite sure how MAG converts to real life, so I'll use the strength of will / intelligence here.

    SKL- Accuracy is quite low. Don't ask me to toss something at you, it'll scatter elsewhere.

    SPD- Despite appearances, I can be agile in short bursts. However, constant drain over time will tire me out.

    LCK- Depending on who you talk to, I can be either blessed or cursed. If one believes in fortunes, there were two directly opposite paths: Premature Death or a Fulfilling Life. Basically, All or Nothing.

    DEF- I am able to take physical harm fairly well.

    RES-Verbal and mental assaults are generally resisted, but should they pass the barrier, it has the potential to inflict massive temporary damage.

  16. Base Conversations / Bonus Scenes


    -Base Conversation (Stars Here)

    =Bonus Scene (Unlock Means)

    --- --- --- ---


    =The Lone General (Beat the game)

    [spoiler=The Lone General]The Lone General

    (This is a brand new scene that is shown after Lily's escape from the castle, but before they arrive on the Prologue map. This explains the random closed Village and the Fortress. [should I learn more Hex Editing, the Village may be accessible.])

    (Generic General appears on the far right. Grass background at the brink of dawn. Reflection plays.)

    General: "…We stand no chance. There will be nothing but a massacre."

    (Female Myrmidon appears on the far left.)

    Myrmidon (F): "General."

    General: "Yes? What is it?"

    Myrmidon (F): "Renais is gone, isn't it? Grado will be coming in and taking over, destroying our homes. What will we do?"

    General: "I shall remain here. I will die defending this village. The villagers themselves will flee elsewhere before the main raiders arrive."

    Myrmidon (F): "But that's –"

    General: "This is decision I made. I will not turn back on it. Flee with the others to Mulan. Perhaps you can find safe refuge there."

    Myrmidon (F): "…You are not the only one staying."

    General: "Pardon?"

    Myrmidon (F): "Many of the able men and youth have discovered weapons in armor in the old Barracks this morning. They equip themselves for battle to defend their home. Others will act as a rear guard or escort the escapees to Mulan."

    General: "…You do understand the consequences of doing so, correct?"

    Myrmidon (F): "More than you ever know. All of us do. Look now, at the rising horizon. Some groups have already escaped before the order, watch as they stare longingly back here…"

    General: "Yes… At least some will survive. Pray that they will make it safely."

    Myrmidon (F): "…I think I hear the drums of war. They are coming… Give the speech, General."

    (Screen fades to black. Another background in front of a fort is shown, with the General on the far left, addressing his soldiers on the right and far right. The Commander plays.)

    General: "This will be our final stand. What happens here will likely be forgotten in the ages, but to those who are pure of heart, we shall not be damned by these invaders! Today, we defend our homes! Today, we buy time for those who are in the act of escaping the Empire's grasp! Today, we will fall, but not without cursing every Grado soldier in our path! All soldiers, man your positions! We await true judgment!"

    (End of conversation.)

    --- --- --- ---

    Chapter 1

    =Dismissal (Beat the game once)


    This hasn't been written yet, as I require a little more Event Editing to get the scene I desire into Chapter One (which again, involves the closed village). Dismissal is an expanded version of this scene, featuring O'Neill and his two Hero (previously Fighter) companions, as they arrive and witness what has happened…

    --- --- --- ---

    Chapter 2

    -Base Conversations (***)

    -The Caravan (***)

    -Bound By Duty (**)

    -Locals (*)

    =The Secret Passage (Beat Game Once)

    [spoiler=Chapter 2]Note: These are subject to change due to hack storytelling to better suit Lily's emotions.

    Base Conversations (***):

    (Lily appears on the far left, Nickolas on the far right. Camp background.)

    Nickolas: "Lily, a moment of your time?"

    Lily: "Of course Nickolas. What do you need?"

    (Nickolas moves to the right slot)

    Nickolas: "Since we have acquired a 'base' of sorts, Base Conversations are now available during the Battle Preparations."

    Lily: "…You lost me."

    Nickolas: "Due to technical issues, Base Conversations will not be shown in the actual game. Instead, they can be viewed right here, in this very thread."

    Lily: "Nickolas, you aren't making any…"

    Nickolas: "The Base Conversations are rated via three star ratings. Three Stars means it is pretty important. Two means it should be looked into. One means it barely has any important significance, but should be read nevertheless.

    Besides the placement of Base Conversations, everything is exactly the same as before. Formations and Units Fielded are for a different chapter."

    Lily: "Wait, how do you know of the 'next chapter'? What are Formations and Units Fielded!?."

    Nickolas: "Consult Anna on that one. The true tutorial is taught by the system on Easy Mode. The following chapter will explain a little bit more about how to play Fire Emblem if played on said mode"

    Lily: "Who is Anna!? And what is this Easy Mode?!"

    Nickolas: "That is all. All memories of this conversation shall be eradicated in…




    Lily: "Nickolas, have you gone mad!?"

    Nickolas: "2…


    (There is a flash, and both Nickolas and Lily are standing in the same spots as before.)

    Nickolas: "Lily, here is the documents you requested."

    Lily: "Thanks Nickolas."

    (Lily leaves the scene.)

    Nickolas: "You better have all that. I'm risking my reputation here trying to relay information to you, observer.

    And don't even think of getting near her Highness, or else…"

    (End of Conversation)

    The Caravan (***):

    ([Man] appears on the far right, with Nickolas on the far left, Lily on the left. Camp background.)

    [Man]: "Hail, Princess Lily. I control this caravan. As prior orders have stated, me and my men shall follow you to the abyss, carrying your supplies where needed."

    Lily: "Thank you. Anything I should know about a caravan's usefulness? I was not raised in the art of war."

    [Man]: "Of course. Everyone, including you and your army, can only carry so many items at once. Without a caravan, you normally have to discard one of your items, to be forever lost. We hold on to your excess items. In addition, my caravan does hold a modest shop should you desire the basic necessities in battle."

    Lily: "I see. I take it your men also handle the camps?"

    [Man]: "Yes. It is our duty to set up and dismantle base camps, as well as keep them protected from harm. We have a small but effective caravan defense force."

    Nickolas: "What should something be delivered on the field of battle? I remember occasions when my men would receive loot, but could not carry said item."

    [Man]: "That is not a problem. We have one of our runners head out and retrieve said item to deposit safely in the caravan. The methods to carry this out remain a trade secret. Also, should you ever require something, simply have Lily send a runner to get whatever item you need, or if you just need to check on what we are holding. Only Lily can do this, for we do not want something being stolen from the caravan."

    Nickolas: "I see. The caravan is a great asset."

    [Man]: "Indeed. Now, if you will excuse me…"

    ([Man] leaves the scene)

    Lily: "It was nice of King Hayden to send out a caravan to hold our supplies."

    Nickolas: "Yes… However, he can send us a fully armored caravan that can hold our supplies and will follow us to the abyss, but he cannot spare soldiers? Who keeps a spare caravan around for that purpose?"

    Lily: "Nickolas, you think too much. Come, we have other things to attend to."

    Nickolas: "Of course. Lead the way, Lily."

    (Lily leaves the scene)

    Nickolas: "Seriously, who keeps a spare caravan around?...

    …and why does Base Conversations cover what is already in the Easy Tutorials?..."

    (End of Conversation)

    Bound by Duty (**):

    (Nicole appears on the far left, Robert on the far right. Camp background.)

    Robert: "Hey, Nicole. Can you explain what exactly happened to Renais?"

    Nicole: "Long story short, it was overrun by Grado forces. Nickolas, Princess Lily, and I barely made it out alive."

    Robert: "Isn't Grado your home nation though? Why are you in Renais, or in its army for that matter?"

    Nicole: "I am bound by duty to Renais. Grado may be my homeland, but duty comes first."

    Robert: "And why are you bound by duty? Surely you have some memory of your –"

    Nicole: "Shut it. I rather not remember."

    (Robert does a portrait shift, as if struck.)

    Robert: "Well sorry! How was I supposed to know?!"

    Nicole: "You weren't. Go ahead on your scouting mission."

    Robert: "Wait…How did you –"

    Nicole: "I'm a spy for a reason. I hear almost everything going on in this camp. Apparently someone also caught you bathing in a river during one of our journeys here."

    Robert: "The heck? Who!?"

    Nicole: "Apparently some female that also happens to function as a scout. She let it slip once, and apparently the caravan is all over it, making jokes."

    Robert: "Crap. I guess I gotta settle this then. See ya Nicole."

    (End of Conversation.)

    Locals (*):

    (Man appears on far left, Woman appears on left, Old Man appears far right, Young Woman appears on the right. Village background.)

    Old Man: "Dark times we are in. Bad indeed, for all of us."

    Man: "Aye, couldn't agree more. I can't work in the mines because of Grado's crusade. They have overtaken the mine and forced some of us to carry out manual labor."

    Young Woman: "Where are the Renais Knights? Aren't they supposed to protect us?"

    Woman: "Have you not heard? Renais has fallen! They say that even Commander Roland is on the brink of falling to their men. Princess Lily fled elsewhere like the noble brat she is!"

    Man: "Hey now! Have you no shame? She is Fado's daughter!"

    Old Man: "Yea, and any daughter of Fado is a being of righteousness, tell you me."

    Young Yoman: "Lily… She's still young though. She's not like Roland."

    Woman: "Bah, Roland's a foreigner! What could he care about Renais? He left us to rot for all I know. He just wants to steal riches from Grado and make off with his merry band. I am sure of it."

    Man: "Watch your tone, woman. Commander Roland's a good man like Fado. Surely his late Highness had a plan when he named him Commander."

    Woman: "You are all idiots. I'll see you in… I'm leaving!"

    (Woman storms out of the scene.)

    Old Man: "Not of the village she was."

    Man: "I know. Something stuck me odd about it too. Perhaps she was spreading false rumors?"

    Young Woman: "I hope so. Roland seems so noble and dashing from the stories I hear about him."

    Old Man: "Back to home! Work to do you must!

    Young Woman: "I guess… Back to tailoring."

    (Young Woman leaves)

    Man: "Don't remind me. I hate taskmasters. Oh, and stop talking like Yoda, will you?"

    (Man leaves.)

    Old Man: "Old man not talk like Yoda, do I?"

    (End of Conversation.)

    [spoiler=The Secret Passage]The Secret Passage:

    Still unwritten, basically features Olaf as he discovers the hidden entrance and got to where he was.

    [To Be Continued...]

  17. "Welcome, observer, to the Fire Emblem Sacred Tears Lore Thread.

    Within these forgotten archives you will find character bios, information about the setting of the Sacred Tears, and other such information.

    Choose any tome, choose any seat. This area is open to all who wish to learn..."

    -Hugo, Dark Scholar of Renais

    I'll be posting background information about my hack, Fire Emblem: The Sacred Tears, here. This is an attempt to make the world of FE Sacred Tears more alive and real, and a shameless attempt to motivate people to play said hack. Of course, be wary of spoilers. They may or may not be marked, so read at own risk.

    There is much more information than posted here, but until I can get things fleshed out in the hack, I will not post them. Hack and lore progress should be somewhere along the same line.

    In addition, everything here is not final. Expect it to become more detailed and finalized as time passes. Pairing or story requests are also welcomed, but keep in mind I may choose not to pursue that route. My strength is storytelling and organization, not much else.


    1st Post: Intro + Characters

    2nd Post: Base Conversations

    3rd Post: Background, Backstories, and Glossary

    4th Post: Support Conversations

    Lily (Sorceress)

    Age: 18

    Appearance: [Pending]

    Backstory: [Pending]

    Supports: Nickolas, Nicole

    Description: Lily is the daughter of Fado and is the princess of Renais. She gets her magical talent from her mother. She can't bear seeing innocents be harmed and can be stubborn or emotional.

    Nickolas (Paladin)

    Age: 42

    Appearance: [Pic 1]

    Backstory: [Pending]

    Supports: Lily, Nicole, Neil, Olaf

    Description: Nickolas is an aged Paladin from Renais. He fights for honor and justice, and risen through the ranks to become Lily's personal escort. Alas, despite his ranking and rewards, he suffers from a secret burden.

    Nicole (Thief)

    Age: 21

    Appearance: [Pending]

    Backstory: [Pending]

    Supports: Lily, Nickolas, Robert, Taylor

    Description: Nicole is a mysterious spy for Renais. She is straight to the point and does not mess around whatsoever. Sometimes, it is said that she works for Renais unwillingly, but many dismiss them as common gossip.

    Robert (Archer)

    Age: 20

    Appearance: [Pending]

    Backstory: [Pending]

    Supports: Nicole, Sara, Luke

    Description: Robert is a Renais scout. He was out on his normal patrol near Mulan when he heard news from Nicole that Renais has fallen. He tends to be sarcastic and jokes around a little, but is stubbornly loyal.

    Sara (Pegasus Knight)

    Age: 19

    Appearance: [Pending]

    Backstory: [Pending]

    Supports: Robert, Luke

    Description: Sara is a shy Pegasus Knight who lost her parents at a young age. When she was a child, she always used to fly Magvel's version of kites with her parents. She can be seen staring into the sky, as if searching for something…

    Luke (Priest)

    Age: 19

    Appearance: [Pending]

    Backstory: [Pending]

    Supports: Robert, Sara, Neil

    Description: Luke is a calm and composed Priest. He is very wise for his age, many wonder how he got into the priesthood so early. Nevertheless, Luke has proven his faith time and time again, and tries to comfort any that are in pain.

    Neil (Knight)

    Age: 38 [Originally 44]

    Appearance: [Pending]

    Backstory: [Pending]

    Supports: Nickolas,Luke, Jill

    Description: Neil used to serve the 5th Knight Division of Renais, but has since retired and became a Peacekeeper. He finally realized what all the fighting has caused for the families back home, and vows never to kill again, save to protect the people.

    Jill (Cavalier)

    Age: 19

    Appearance: [Pending]

    Backstory: [Pending]

    Supports: Neil, Geneviere

    Description: Jill is a young peacekeeper under the tutorship of Neil. She is constantly eager to prove herself, and can be reckless at times. Alas, despite disagreements with Neil, she secretly thinks of him as a father that she never had.

    Taylor (Myrmidon)

    Age: 18

    Appearance: [Pending]

    Backstory: [Pending]

    Supports: Nicole, Olaf

    Description: Taylor is the daughter of the wealthy miner Olaf. She used to constantly push against her restraints to gain freedom, but has finally got her wish. She cares little for her father, only wanting to explore the world.

    Olaf (Fighter)

    Age: 41

    Appearance: [Pending]

    Backstory: [Pending]

    Supports: Nickolas, Taylor

    Description: Olaf used to own the Firestone Mines before it was overrun by bandits. He cares for his daughter and always tries to make her happy, but to no avail. He recently given her freedom, but it has drained him more than she knows...

    Hugo (Shaman)

    Age: 21

    Appearance: [Pending]

    Backstory: [Pending]

    Supports: Genevieve

    Description: Hugo is a scholar in the dark arts and prefers not to be bothered with his studies. In a sense, he is Genevieve's guardian, as she constantly gets into situations where the scholar must save her. He is knowledgeable of the monsters as well.

    Genevieve (Light Mage)

    Age: 18

    Appearance: [Pending]

    Backstory: [Pending]

    Supports: Jill, Hugo

    Description: Genevieve is a Light Mage that was sent to purge the corrupted forest seen in Chapter 3. However, she fears the creatures themselves and can barely muster the courage to fight them. Even so, if a person must be repaid, this overrides all else.

    [To Be Continued]

  18. Many thanks to all who have answered the questions and put up with me. Without you guys, I probably wouldn't get this far.

    The bad part is, this thread is also a mark of shame. Oh well...

    However, due to inexperience, even more questions seek answers.

    "Chapter Name" Text:

    -I wish to change the original name to a new one. (Example: Prologue: The Falls of Renais -> Prologue: Departure). I have FEditor, applied the changes and... nothing happens.

    (I may be using the incorrect method, if so, please enlighten me with the correct choice of action.)

    Screenshots in the spoiler.

    The file for my hack. It is saved and applied.


    The file for the original ROM. Both Inputs are exactly the same.


    In-game Screenshots of my hack, with the "Departure" name instead of "The Fall of Renais", Needless to say, it doesn't work.



    If anyone can uncover this mystery, it would be greatly appreciated.

    As of now, that is the only question that needs answering. I'll need to check Event tutorials again for (hopefully) some simple edits and additions in the existing events.

    Customized music is still on hold. I'm trying to get the maps, balance, and text working properly first.

    As for portraits and graphics, I'm completely screwed in that regard. (Pictures speak louder than words, and people rather look at graphics than pay attention to text a person works on.)

  19. Edit: A man has doubled posted. He has committed treason! Seize him!

    Part of me considered to post the new maps in some nonexistent Creative thread, but since the maps need criticism for the hack, it may be better off placed here.

    Two new maps have been created for FE: The Sacred Tears. I have scrapped the idea of expanding the original maps and having custom placed units at the current point due to inexperience in said field (although this may be possible following a different tutorial using Nightmare, but it may be better to place them properly via events / hex than manipulating the Nightmare tool.) . Instead, I will be using the original map sizes and unit placements instead. Due to units having to reach Point A to Point B, in addition to being located on certain tiles, these crossed tiles must remain open.


    This is the new Prologue map (overriding the larger one I have posted before). The overall layout and battleground is essentially the same as the original, but the mountains has been replaced by a forest and a village. The village itself currently serves no purpose save for off-game lore, although it may become accessible should I learn the more advanced parts of Event / Hex Editing.


    Extremely familiar map, as this is the replacement for Chapter One. Once again, I had to input a village for storyline reasons, but am currently unable to carry out my original plans due to inexperience in event editing (there existed plans for Mulan to be overrun before Lily left, so that she would witness the mercilessness of Grado's soldiers). Also, the random lone cliff above the left house may need to be tweaked. (I considered adding another cliff on the SW tile of that one, making a 90 degree turn. However, this makes the map even more littered with narrow passages.)

    * * *

    In other news...

    -Needless to say, no longer under Indefinite postponement.

    -First post updated.

    -Attempting to fix Text bugs up to chapter 4.

    -Attempting to implement maps up to chapter 4.

    -Attempting to get more Creative Thread material done so I can finally post said topic.

    -May release more screenshots for the next update.

  20. Currently my stubbornness keeps clashing with Reality. Needless to say, Reality wins.

    Basically, I will be putting Fire Emblem: The Sacred Tears on "Indefinitely Postponed" status. I will be shifting to Fire Emblem 7 to hack instead because no one ever writes tutorials for Fire Emblem 8 in an attempt to learn more from that realm of hacking, as it is more refined in terms of knowledge and tutorials. (Not to mention I'm really going overboard on what I want to do compared to the ability I currently have.)

    This puts a big dent in terms of my plans, but alas it can be fixed. Perhaps I can make a prequel of sorts to the Sacred Tears while learning. One shall not know unless one tries.

    For those who are remotely interested in the progress I have made, I have attempted to make a patch for the scrapped demo. See below.

    Scrapped Demo Notes: Link

    -Goes up to about chapter 3-4.

    -New unit classes and placeholder portraits are included.

    -In-game text has mostly changed (Supports / Conversations remain the same however.)

    -THE GAME IS IMBALANCED. The player units may be over / under powered as I have not reached the stage of balancing.

    -Lily's "Rapier" replacement does not work.

    -Taylor does not have the correct weapon level for the Killing Edge.

    -Other things may be broken because I do not remember everything.

    As of now, this project will fade away into the clutter until I gain the experience required to do what I must do. Or, I may just have to convert the entire project into FE 7 somehow (losing quite a bit of stuff in the process...)

    Progress on the new hack may be revealed sometime before the end of November...

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