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Posts posted by Sire

  1. Oh man, this is a hard question...

    I like both F!Morgan and F!Kana (and dislike the male variants, but that may just be because I enjoy the female counterparts much more). However, I have not really played enough to unlock F!Kana's supports, but I hear that her supports may be lacking in comparison to F!Morgan's supports (I enjoyed F!Morgan and Inigo a bit too much). However, if I were to go off solely on the Parent / Child convo, Morgan wins. (A ring for Kana versus Morgan becoming a tactician.)

    Unit wise, both are still OP. I find Kana to be better suited for Physical while Morgan for Magic, and Kana has a bit more in the animation department because of Dragon Fang and the Noble classes. Of course, there is also the consideration of differing game mechanics from Awakening to Fates (Pair-Up to the Stance System), but Kana probably has Morgan beat in terms of being a unit with the different skills and options available.

    I find Kana to be adorable to the Avatar, but I think Morgan is a better character all round. It does help that I know more about Morgan than Kana, so this opinion may change, but like I said before, I've read that Kana's supports seem to be lacking (especially "S" Ranks).

    I guess my final verdict is F!Morgan. She kicks ***, is still adorable with her traits, and perhaps is a more fleshed out character than F!Kana who seems to solely revolve around Corrin. Also, Morgan's bloodline is cooler than Kana's, even if Kana can transform into a Dragon.

  2. Here be a list of various games.

    Base - Fire Emblem (Tactically difficult SRPG that focuses on characters. As of late, getting more and more accessible and arguably fan-servicey. Story is hit and miss.)

    Ogre Battle (There is a massive difference between the gameplay of Ogre Battle and Tactics Ogre, despite sharing the same universe. Ogre Battle's combat is done more automatically, the player sets up a unit, gives them general orders, equips them with items, and moves them around the battlefield. I recommend Ogre Battle 64, which is my favorite game of all time.)

    Tactics Ogre (I personally have a SNES version. The mechanics seem a bit more complex than Fire Emblem, but it still remains fun to play. The stories of the Ogre games are also pretty good.)

    Final Fantasy Tactics (A refined Tactics Ogre, reskinned into Final Fantasy. While some like their FF, I say this move killed the Ogre Battle franchise, which I loved. I wanted more Ogre Battle, man...)

    XCOM (Tactically difficult game where one goes up against Aliens in ranged combat engagements. One can get attached to their squad members, especially when they are customized, giving a hint of an RPG aspect.)

    Battle for Wesnoth (Not really an RPG and more of a tactics game, it is free and available on PC. It relies on RNG and troop positioning, and well as proper countering, to win the day. Link)

    Advance Wars (Made by the same people who made Fire Emblem, is more of a tactics game than an RPG. Use your CO powers and soldiers to capture cities, gain more funding, and use a variety of units to crush your opponent.)

  3. I was going to post this in a different topic, but figured this may be a better place.

    I have both Xenoblade Chronicles and Xenoblade Chronicles X. Oddly enough, I "finished" X first before the original, even though I can initiate the endgame in the first one. Actually, I still need to get around to doing the endgame on the first, but I'm holding back because of my completionist self wants to do all of the sidequests...

    Both games are good and share similarities in the gameplay mechanics, but otherwise the similarities end there. If I were to break them down into simple categories, I would say pick up the original for the story and character development while obtaining X for the gameplay and exploration. Both games are a completionist nightmare due to all of the content available (especially if one wants to see all of the different branching dialogues and options), but I'll say the original is harder for completionists due to the timed nature. Overall, if I had to recommend over the other, I would say pick up X because of its gameplay and sidequests. Otherwise, pick up XC for the characters and story.

    [spoiler=Xenoblade Chronicles X Details]

    As for me, I was stuck to X from start to finish, but got burned out after completing the main story and obtaining the "ultimate" Skell after 177 hours, all within the month of January. Note that I still have yet to finish all of the sidequests and fight the super bosses, even after clocking in 177 hours of playtime. The gameplay and sidequests, as well as the goal to obtain the ultimate skell, kept me going even after the main story was completed. However, after obtaining the Skell, I ran into the classic problem where I was practically one-shotting everything and there was no real challenge to be had, and without the Skell, I had no idea what exactly I should be fighting. Being lost and tiring of grinding lower level characters for their special Affinity quests, I stopped playing.

    Xenoblade Chronicles X sets itself up for a sequel, and I really want to know more about Mira and everything that is going on. I also want to see if save data transfers, because I want to run around again as my amazing character who is totally not an agent of the Brotherhood of Nod (Seth. Just. Seth.) and see the actions that he took effect the next installment. I want to know more about some NPCs and how they are getting along, X does a good job of making memorable NPC characters, even if they are mostly just there for one quest or two.

    That aside, X leaves a player wanting. For the most part, Elma is in the spotlight, and that is not necessarily a bad thing (I enjoy being the bad*** rookie who just happens to be tagging along), but the main story is so focused on Elma that the other playable characters do not get developed as much. Yes, there is only one city and hub area unlike the original, and are technically less areas than the original, but the gameplay and sidequests held my attention for X. The world of X is an interesting one, and there are so many other unanswered questions that needs answering.

    The gameplay is an improvement upon the original, and I enjoy the expanded class system. However, as I played, a part of me wishes I could customize my party members as well instead of them being locked to their class, especially for endgame purposes because Ghost Walker (Dual Guns) is immensely OP and breaks the game. (I don't use Ghost Walker, Assault Rifle for life!) The ability to have cosmetic armor is wonderful, and I ended up having most characters wear their default skins instead of whatever I equipped them with for lore reasons. I did end up customizing some outfit designs for some characters (Doug wears shades, Hope wears trek pants, Irina has a hybrid of Candid and Credible gear, Elma wears Trek Gear after beating the game [eventually I plan for the special armor set, but I gotta farm for that...], etc.)

    The sidequests are also amazing for me, and their stories blow the original out of the water. I don't even remember much about the special original sidequests (sure, there was one that was voiced, something about adventurers, and one lengthly Nopon one that was good), but X has so much more. One of the quests reminded me of Resident Evil, another has an alien fall from the sky, and yet another has your party meet another on a simple mission that soon turns south and dark rather quickly. The Definian quests were memorable, and... there's just too many good side quests in X!

    Overall, I loved X. It is the better game than the original, but the main story, characters, and music of the original are superior to X. I guess it also helps that voice acting was done somewhat differently for the original, making it more unique.

    [spoiler=Xenoblade Chronicles Details]

    Now for the original, I had bursts of playtime, but did not stick with it from the start to the end. One time while playing our "entertainment multi-system" broke, leaving me unable to play XC for some time. Then there were multiple bursts where I would play and have a blast, but then those accursed time sidequests would halt my progress and I would stop playing because I wanted to do those before the main story, even though I truly just wanted to play the story and do the sidequests later. My last play session had me go all the way up to the endgame initation, but stopped because I wanted to do some side quests before continuing...

    A certain cutscene near the start of the game had a large impact on me, since I did not experience that sort of event in another game that many have likely played or know about. I loved Shulk's quest, and when the game transforms into something else (the ending of Bionis, the Mechonis arc, and of course endgame), everything just has a purpose in the original. I loved revisting Colony 9 to see what was going on, alongside other city hubs and see what all was going on.

    Honestly, the story and character interactions makes Xenoblade Chronicles amazing, as well as the superb music. The villains are fun, the side characters (Squaretache) are amusing, and the main ones have amazing development all round (Melia and Shulk, Dunban being himself, Riki being the superior Heropon, etc.) If I said any more, I feel like I would spoil the game, and XC is best experienced for yourself. Yes, the gameplay is fun in the original, but X does improve upon it immensely (although X does do some odd changes here and there - why is the affinity chart different? The original Affinity Chart is superior to whatever this new system is!).

    In the end, the original has an amazing main story and main cast of characters, best experienced for yourself. X focuses more on the gameplay aspect, and character building is more done in sidequests, but is still not enough for the main characters.

    [spoiler=Comparison Chart]

    Xenoblade Chronicles

    - Is far more story focused than X, has a superior story to X, and arguably even better characters all round.

    -- Has Riki. Riki is superior to Tatsu from X in every aspect. Riki is the true Heropon!

    -- I dare say Shulk is a better protagonist than Elma, but Elma's story does not seem done yet...

    -- Dunban. That is all.

    - Is a completionist nightmare due to timed quests. Granted, it does warn the player and gives more than enough ample time to complete them (the triggers are moving too far into the story), but as a player who likes to finish the main story first then do all the sidequests, this sorta sucks.

    - Personally, I liked the music from the original more than X. While X has its fair share of nice tracks, I'm not too big on the vocals and rapping. Sure, it did grow on me after a while, but it still doesn't beat the original OST in my opinion. (Help me, I still have NLA in my head.)

    - The side quests can become tedious and boring, not to mention hard to find and complete without using an external guide. Sure, the game may tell you where to go in NPC text, but not necessarily in the quest text itself! This is problematic if one takes a break from the game and wants to go back into it.

    Xenoblade Chronicles X

    - Takes the mechanics of Xenoblade Chronicles and improve upon them. The Fashion Gear is amazing (I mostly ran with the default outfits for most characters, but some I do have some more custom fashion builds.), and I enjoy the class feature of X.

    - Has an avatar character to mess around with.

    - Has some of the best sidequests I've seen. X can go real dark at times with some of these, as well as an in-depth quest chain that deals with a certain enemy-oriented race. Seriously, try the sidequests in X, they are amazing. The original had some fun sidequests here and there (one was voiced), but I found the original sidequests to be more frustrating and lean more toward "Kill X and get Y", even though X has its fair share of generic questing.

    - The world and lore of X is amazing. Technically, both the original and X have amazing worlds and lore, but X leaves so much open that I want to know more about everything.
    - Despite the world building and lore, the lack of main character development and story progression is lacking. The main story in X can be completed rather quickly, so you will want to do the sidequests (which are amazing) to supplement your experience. If one plays just for the main story, I dare say one will be disappointed with X.

  4. Here we go with skills that are probably overpowered, even though some a deliberately meant to be so. Also, if Bond Units can get "class skills" as personals, why not take that a bit further?

    Avatar Character Skills

    Personal Avatar - Mastery: Can proc multiple skills at once. (Combined Astra, Luna, Sol, anyone?)

    Personal Avatar - Forsaken Vow: During battles, damage +5, damage received +5 (A weaker Life or Death)

    Personal Avatar - Restored Vow: When paired with a "S" Rank partner, lead unit deals +5 damage and takes -5 damage. (A stronger "Supportive" skill, replaces Forsaken Vow upon reaching "S" Rank with one particular character.)

    F!Dark Flier - Canto: User can use their leftover movement after attacking or performing other actions.

    F!Spear Master - Impale: SKL% chance for an instant critical attack. (Based off of an OC.)

    F!Bow Knight - Disable: Command. Allows a free action that debuffs an opponent by 1 in all stats. Stacks with Seal skills. (OC, gives Seal skills some more use.)

    F!Berserker - Relentless: Allows the user to attack twice in a single turn. (A variant on Galeforce, she cannot move but can attack the same target again if she so desires.)

    M!Berserker - Frozen Blood: When user’s HP is not full, damage taken -4 (A member of the Ice Tribe and a reversal of Rinkah's personal.)

    Boss / Bonus Character Skills

    True!Garon - Rightful King: Adds 20% to skill activation rates

    True!Garon - Conquest: Negates enemy weapon advantages (Includes Weapon Triangle, "Slayer" weapons, "Reverse" weapons, etc.)

    Mikoto - Infusion: All attacks are inherently magical and scale off of MAG. "Magic" weapons change the user's damage type to Physical and use STR instead.

    Mikoto - Devotion: Healing from staves affect units adjacent to the target for half effectiveness.

    Sumeragi - Adept: SPD% chance for another attack in combat. Cannot stack with itself.

    Dragon!Lilith - Astral Savior: If an attack would deal lethal damage to Corrin, the user warps in and takes the attack instead. || This skill can kill Lilith. Incoming damage is calculated for Corrin, no separate calculation is made for Lilith stepping in. Originally from the "Create a Class" topic.

    Amiibo Character Skills

    Robin - Tactician: Passively gives off the benefits of his rally skills to all allies at half effectiveness.

    Lucina - Fate and Destiny: LCK% chance to reset and recalculate a battle that would have resulted in Lucina's death. This can proc multiple times during the same battle.

    Ike - Challenge: Command. Fight opponent to the bitter end without skills from both sides. (Similar to Arena Battles)

    Marth - Persuade: Command. 0.5LCK% chance to persuade an enemy unit to join your team (joins immediately and will be registered to the "Prisoner" Log). Follows the same restrictions as Kidnap and Capture.

  5. Man, I would like another Advance Wars game.

    While I am nostalgic about the originals (1 & 2, Dual Strike), Days of Ruin was arguably the best gameplay-wise. The art style I had to adjust to, but I miss my Advance Wars games...

    Now I wonder what Advance Wars would look like if Kozaki (Awakening and Fates artist) did some of the art...

  6. As a person who doesn't know much about Star Fox outside of Smash Brothers, looking at the Completionist's video makes it look somewhat interesting. While I look at the Completionist's reviews (since I'm somewhat of a Completionist myself), they do toss in other things to make it amusing which may put some viewers off who just want "pure facts, nothing else", despite the reviewer's points.

    One of the important things about the review is that if you want the amiibo content, you can unlock that content by completing everything in the game if you don't have the amiibo. Using the amiibo allows you to get it early without having need to "complete" the game.

    Here's the video if anyone is curious.

  7. The Depraved (I thought it was Deprived) is a lie. It is not completely balanced in all stats!

    Now I feel like I gotta make my own variant, I like this idea a little too much...


    Class: Deprived
    Weapons: Sword "D", Axe "D", Lance "D", Tome "D", Dagger "D", Bow "D", Staff "D"
    Promotion Item: None. This class is found as a unique, nameless unit in an Outrealm. This unit can be named by the player, and is randomized between being a male or female.
    "Naked and of unknown origin, but branded with the Darksign. Can wield almost any weapon."
    Max Stats
    45 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 6, Foot || Avoid +10, Hit +10, Dodge -10 (Sire's Revised, read further on why class caps are low)
    60 30 28 36 27 30 29 26 6, Foot || Crit +10, Dodge -10(cgRIPPER's Original)
    Pair Up Stats
    0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 || (Sire's Revised)
    0 2 1 4 0 1 0 0 0 || (cgRIPPER's Original)
    - Class Passive: Darksign (Upon death, lose all EXP gained this map as well as all souls collected, but return alive at starting location at -4 to all stats [normal recovery]. If the unit moves back to the space where it died, regains lost souls and levels. This process is infinite.*)
    - Level 1: Soulforged (Upon killing a foe, gain +1 in a random stat, including HP. This ability stacks and is considered a buff, separate from class caps, and is "permanent". This skill can not be transferred to another class.*)
    - Level 10: Jolly Cooperation (When supported by or supporting an einherjar unit, lead unit gains damage dealt/taken +3/-3.***)
    - Level 25: Lord of Cinder (Upon killing a boss, gain a separate +2 buff to all stats. This effects stacks, but is lost with the Darksign. This skill can not be transferred to another class.****)
    - Level 35: Lord of Hollows (Upon death, raise the stat cap of all stats, including HP, by 3. This effect stacks. This skill can not be transferred to another class.*****)
    * Upon death, the Deprived loses all levels gained during that map. However, the Deprived also loses all total souls [the buffs from Soulforged] as well, but can gain them back if the Deprived reaches its death location. Should the Deprived die again or the map be finished before reaching the location, the "body" is lost.
    ** The Deprived is the only class that can reach 99 in every single stat, including HP, due to a combination of buffs from Soulforged, Lord of Cinder, and class caps (affected by Lord of Hollows).
    *** Save for the name, this skill is the same as the original variant.
    **** As the unit continues to kill bosses, the unit will begin to emanate embers from its body, growing in intensity.
    ***** As the unit continues to die over and over again, their form will decay more and more. This effect is removed as soon as a boss is killed, where the unit becomes human, then the Lord of Cinder's cosmetic effect takes over. The actual effect works on "Class Stat Caps", which are not directly affected by the Darksign. This process is repeatable.
    Author's Notes:
    Going off of the basis of CgRIPPER's idea and some of NekoKnight's suggestion, I created a variant on the Depraved class. (I have also been watching too much ENB lately since I don't have DS III. I still need to get DS II, SotFS. I missed out on the DLC for DS II.)
    I wanted the class to be as much "Souls-Like" as possible, so I transferred that idea into Fire Emblem through the idea of stat caps and "leveling up". I could have also thrown in other Souls elements such as Dodging and Parrying (Parry, 0.25*Skill to completely block an attack and counter with a critical hit), but I decided to mostly stick with stat effects.
    The main idea is that the Deprived deliberately has lower "stat caps" than other classes, but makes up for it due to the various "permanent" buffs it can receive. A Deprived starts weak, but can easily overpower any other unit stat wise should it grow stronger enough. It is also versatile due to the various weapons it can equipped, but is held back due to "low weapon rank caps".
    As for the original idea, I enjoy the concept, and I guess that particular Depraved decided to go more towards a STR build instead of a balanced one. I like the idea of Soul Collector for gaining EXP, which is more in line with Dark Souls. Praise the Sun, while a good name, I felt could be renamed to something that reflects more on the nature of the skill. However, like NekoKnight suggested, I feel the 25 and 35 skills could change. The "Return to Bonfire" is essentially the Darksign, and death is a core component of Souls games, so I made it a core component of the class. Like I said previously, I could have added rolling and parries, but decided to stick with the whole "stat" theme.
    I hope you guys enjoy this variant. Thanks to cgRIPPER for the original idea and concept, and NekoKnight for the suggestions that I later used.

  8. I enjoy Fate's soundtrack overall much more than Awakening, mostly because Fates does a much better job with ambient and event music. However, Awakening still has good themes of its own, but suffers because the enemy themes are not that good to my ears, and I didn't care much for the Festival themes either.

    Currently I'm debating if I like Radiant Dawn or Fates more...

    [spoiler=Click Me!]

    Fate's Favorites

    -Nohr Dance (I'm unsure if this has a official title, but this is the music that plays during Azura's Nohr Dance sequence. I wish there was a full version of this variant, without Garon's discomfort.)

    - Lost in Thoughts All Alone (Come on, its the main theme of Fates. I enjoy the JPN, ENL, and AmaLee's versions.)

    - A Dark Fall (Nohr Endgame, folks! Commence the invasion!)

    - Abundant Solace (A nice My Castle theme.)

    - Alight (Hoshido's "Final Maps" theme.

    - As All Stars Fall (A sad piano piece. It's hard to screw up one of these!)

    - Condemnation (A boss theme versus a Nohrian NPC.)

    - Dance in the Dark (A fun Nohrian event theme.)

    - Dusk Falls (A beautiful introductory Nohr song.

    - Egdelwonk (Eno sekil siht gnos. gninoisufnoc, on?)

    - End of All + Variants (The "Finale" map themes. Azura's are good and I like Below the most, but Shigure knocks it out of the water. Feel the music ripple through you!)

    - In the Stars (Lilith's theme! If only she actually did something besides being a throwaway character...)

    - Justice RIP (One of the better Hoshidian map themes.)

    - No Justice (But Nohr does it better. To quote a youtube comment, "Nohr does what Hoshidon't.")

    - Pray to the Dark (It's a calming tune. )

    - Premonition (Another sad piano piece. I like these.)

    - Resolve (One of the better pre-battle themes in a while. I prefer the Dark variant above the rest.)

    - Road Taken (One of the more laid back pieces in Fates. It is an amazing track.)

    - The Water Maiden (I think I'm seeing a trend here...)

    - Thorn in You (Prepare to Cry - Fire Emblem Edition. I think this song is better than Awakening's Don't Say Her Name.)

    - Vanity Judge (Specifically the "Roar" variant, it gives me vibes of Ogre Battle music.)

    - Warmth is Gone (*tears*)

    - Woleb Tsap (Why do the reverse variants sound better than their actual counterparts? Just me?)

    - You of the Dark (Amazing battle theme against the Nohrian royals.)

    - Paradise Scramble (A superior DLC "festival" theme. I think it also combines elements of both Nohr and Hoshido.)

    Awakening Favorites

    - Id + Variants (One of the major themes of Awakening, specifically being that of the Avatar. I dare say I like Id more than Lost in Thought All Alone.)

    - ... (...)

    - Don't Say Her Name (It is a beautiful piece, what's more to say? Also, Slam.)

    - And what if I can't. What if I'm not worthy of her ideals? (Another piano piece)

    - Dry your tears, love. This is not good bye (A variant on the above)

    - Divine Decree (I enjoy me choirs and chanting, so Divine Decree wins for me.)

    - Mastermind (See above. The intro is nice too.)

    - You have power... like mine (Tiki's Theme.)

    - Chaos (In addition to choirs and chanting, I'm also a fan of dark temples and cultists in video games, and the music that typically accompanies them. Both Chaos variants are good, the normal being more eerie while the Ablaze version meaning that stuff is going down.)

    - Run all you like. You can't escape fate! (Here be voices and darkness.)

    - The life force here will renew me! (Did I also mention I enjoy organs? I suppose I'm a fan of both holy and unholy music.)

  9. For most of my runs, I do Cavalier as it seems to make the most sense for Corrin as well as my own personal avatar (despite having him as a Dark Knight, I am not having my guy wear a Dark Mage outfit. Not happening.)

    That aside, I ran Samurai on M!Corrin and Shrine Maiden for F!Corrin when they follow Hoshido. But overall, I just like the basic Cavalier, winning out over Mercenary since Corrin is supposed to be more of a noble sort instead of a sellsword.

  10. Do whatever makes you feel happy. Personally, I go more for "fun", so I use the skill system, especially if they are characters I myself have ported over from another file. I get a kick out of Camilla one-shotting stuff with Axefaire, making Hana stronger with Swordfaire, or making Xander more ridiculous with his own Swordfaire skill. I may also buy skills to "rush endgame builds", so I don't have to bother obtaining the skills the hard way and have some fun with them.

    Of course, if challenging yourself is more appealing, then don't buy skills. Or, just do two separate files, one with buying skills, one without. You can buy skills first, and once you have an understanding and want a challenge run, then try doing it without buying skills.

  11. Time to update all of my forged weaponry names!

    Forsaken Vow (Brave Sword) - Marcus // A forgotten Grandmaster's blade, meant for my main, endgame avatar in Revelations. Trivia: In Awakening it also had a Silver counterpart named Lost Vow.

    Duskfall (Levin Sword) - Marcus // Sister sword to Dawnbreaker, this blade was originally created for a forgotten tactician.

    Fated Eclipse (Ginnungagap) - Marcus // PlaceholderFlavorText. This item sounds cool, but I wonder if I will actually end up using it...

    Spark (Thunder) - Marcus // The most basic of Lightning spells, some spellcasters refine their art to make the magic even stronger.

    Lightning Fury (Lightning) - Marcus // A more advanced Lightning spell, focusing more on devastating speed than pure firepower.

    Dawnbreaker (Levin Sword) - Kana // Sister sword to Duskfall, this blade was originally created for a forgetful daughter.

    Invisible Fang (Silver Sword) - Kana // A sword forged from Vallite materials, meant for a hero of Valla.

    Storm Call (Mjölnir) Kana // An advanced Lightning Spell that requires mastery to harness the true power of storms.

    Wyvern Fang (Iron Sword) - E!Kana // An Einherjar blade whose owner was the union between a dragon and songstress.

    Hoshidian Fang (Venge Katana) - E!Kana // An Einherjar blade formed from the light of Hoshido.

    Nohrian Fang (Brave Sword) - E!Kana // An Einherjar blade formed from the darkness of Nohr.

    The Punisher (Steel Axe) - Camilla // "You've been naughty!" - Camilla

    Thunderball (Thunder) - Camilla // "But he thinks that the fight is worth it all. // So he strikes like Thunderball." || What Camilla thinks Corrin is.

    Skyfall (Brave Axe) - Camilla // "Let the sky fall // When it crumbles // We will stand tall // Face it all together" || Revelations.

    Eros (Camilla's Axe) - Camilla // Come on, just look at Camilla. The meaning should be obvious. (Could also be Goldeneye to reference Camilla's Camillas as well go with the James Bond theme, but eh.)

    Passion (Killing Edge) - Laslow // "I'm a man of passion!" - Inigo

    Bravery (Brave Sword) - Laslow // A sword created in honor of bravery of a shy, male dancer.

    Kingmaker (Laslow's Blade) - Laslow // Inigo's old Alm's Sword, meant for Laslow.

    Memoria (Tomahawk) - Laslow // A Tomahawk with otherworldly origins, it is said it originally belonged to a female Wyvern Lord.

    Morgan's Axe (Silver Axe) - Laslow // Morgan's old Hector's Axe, meant for Laslow.

    Owain (Selena's Blade) - Selena // An older sword kept in surprisingly good condition. Only a dedicated few know the sword's name, fewer still what is carved in the handle.

    Odin (Brave Sword) - Selena // A new sword created from the finest materials in Nohr. No one knows the secret carved in the hilt.

    True Promise (Venge Katana) Odin // A sword that surprisingly has a more simplistic name when compared to the owner's naming habits.

    Pointy Stick (Spear) Lucina // Said to be the spawn of a princess who knows not how to name weaponry.

  12. Here are some builds I came up with. These may be reposts from elsewhere, but here they are again for your viewing pleasure.

    Avatar Builds

    Mycen, Paladin (+SKL, - MAG) || Luna, Sol, Pavise, Aegis, Hoshido || Classic Proc build, nothing special here.

    ???, Bow Knight (+LCK, -HP) || Sol... Strength, Speed, Defense, Resistance Seals || A Seal Build. Sol is put in for survivability, but can be swapped out for Magic Seal. (Honestly though, it may be better just running a dedicated shuriken user [or just use Draconic Hex] than try out a seal build, but I digress.)

    Elysia, Sniper (+STR, -LCK) || Astra, Bowfaire, Point Blank, Vantage, Awakening || The Vantage & Awakening combo, put on a Point Blank Sniper. Astra and Bowfaire are for DPS. Note that this build can also be used on Sniper Mozu or Setsuna.

    F!Berserker (+STR, - DEF) || Axfaire, Vantage, Death Blow, Gamble, Awakening || An attempt to maximize as much Critical as possible.

    M!Berserker (+STR, -RES) || Aggressor, Quick Draw, Line of Death, Axefaire, Galeforce || An attempt to maximize as much Damage as possible.

    Corrin, Nohr Noble (+STR, - RES) || Dragon Fang, Draconic Hex, Draconic Ward, Hoshidian Unity, Nohrian Trust || The "Canon Corrin" build.

    Pair-up Builds

    Kana, Nohr Noble (Azura) || Aether, Swordfaire, Draconic Hex, Hoshidian Unity, Nohrian Trust

    Corrin, Nohr Noble (+STR, - RES) || Dragon Fang, Astra, Luna, Sol, Replicate

    AN: A Nohrian Trust build. The main feature of this variant is Replicate on Corrin so all of his procs are not "wasted" on just being pairup fodder. Kana has Draconic Hex to debuff enemies that survive, and she has a variety of offensive procs to choose from that is buffed from Hoshidian Unity.

    Marcus, Dark Knight (+MAG, - LCK) || Dragon Fang, Speed Drain, Tomefaire, Nohrian Trust, Bold Stance

    Ophelia, Sorceress (Selena) || Aether, Astra, Sol, Tomefaire, Replicate

    AN: Another Nohrian Trust build focusing more on magical DPS, Marcus has Speed Drain to offset the lower speed of the Dark Knight class. Like before, the pairup unit (Ophelia) has Replicate so she can also cause carnage herself while also lending her skills to the main unit, and Bold Stance (currently unobtainable, unsure if will actually be released), is used for extra DPS.

    Odin, Swordmaster || Aether, Astra, Sol, Swordfaire, Bold Stance

    Selena, Hero || Swordfaire, Aggressor, Quick Draw, Life or Death, Awakening

    AN: A Bold Stance build that attempts to take full advantage of Selena's personal skill, as Odin has better crit chances due to his personal skill. Odin has a general proc build, using Aether and Sol for survivability, while Selena racks in the DPS with all of her raw damage increasing skills, as well as Awakening thrown in for kicks. Should Odin crit, Selena crits as well, which should result in massive damage.

    Other Builds

    Takumi, Sniper || Aggressor, Bowfaire, Quick Draw, Life or Death, Galeforce || Fear Takumi, for his wrath knows no bounds. This build takes advantage of Takumi's natural mobility due to his personal weapon, and goes crazy with damage boosts so that Takumi can take out targets with ease.

    Kagero, Master Ninja || Lethality, Astra, Kunaifaire, Vantage, Awakening || An Vantage + Awakening combo on a unit that can reliably attack from 1-2 range. This build is meant to be used during the enemy phase as enemies come to attack Kagero, who attempts to dodge tank. Those who survive her attacks are debuffed. Kagero's personal sklll also comes in handy when fighting shuriken users due to the EP nature of this set. For my purposes, Kagero will be paired with Saizo for defense, but she can be paired up with whoever you like.

  13. There are limitations to using the Einherjar Shop, mainly being that it seems to be limited to a single male and single female avatar. Also, like Roflolxp54 has stated, the Einherjar Shop will only save the five skills you have equipped.

    Saving characters at the end of the game allows you to save multiple avatars as well as gain access to all of their learned skills instead of just five. Of course, this involves completing the entire game, which can be rather tiring unless one really wants an Avatar Army.

    For further reading you can read this topic for more information. The main new source of information (for me at any rate), is the ability to save multiple avatars at the cost of having to complete an entire campaign.

  14. Hmm... So I guess Male Corrin does both Birthright and Revelations while Female Corrin does Conquest? I guess I missed or forgot about the other two, as the only one I remembered was the one supposed to be done by Kozaki, which was announced back in July of 2015. However, it seems to have disappeared. (quoting from SF's FE retrospective of 2015 - Link)

    "During the concert, Nintendo announced the production of a Fire Emblem manga, with Yusuke Kozaki and Shin Kibayashi manning the helms. Originally scheduled for serialization during Fall 2015, the manga has since fallen off the radar..."
    * * * * *
    The artwork does look beautiful though. A shame I don't understand Japanese or do much in terms of importing, so I guess I'll have to dig around to see if there will be scans or translations available somewhere at some point.
  15. I feel like I've done this before in a different topic (Canon Pairings), but I guess I can post them here again.

    Azura x M!Corrin - It's practically canon, but even so, they have fairly good supports!

    Azura x Arthur - Past history, featuring the little boy of justice!

    Mozu x Arthur - Originally thrown together for a pairup run featuring Sniper!Mozu, but it turned out to be an all right support for justice! Ah, curse my luck...

    Mozu x Practically Anyone - Seriously, Mozu can go with almost anybody. I was going to put her with Xander in my main run, but she also does all right with Benny as well.

    Odin x Selena- This may not be the most efficient pairing, but if one also knows of their interactions from Awakening their support is rather heartwarming.

    Odin x Elise - Elise enjoys Odin's shenanigans, and it gives a blonde Ophelia!

    Laslow x Azura - Two dancers, working together. Also, blue-haired Soleil!

    Laslow x Mozu - It's a cute support, showing that Laslow can actually care for people outside of his teatime habits.

    Laslow x Peri - The reasons are already stated, although I probably won't have a file where these two are actually paired.

    Takumi x Oboro - Guess who?

    Takumi x Hana - Past history where Hana and Takumi trained together before Hana bashed Takumi's face in. However, it also seems to be somewhat natural leading into their "S" support.

    Charlotte x Xander - Xander calls out Charlotte for what she is, before somehow falling for her. Honestly, I'm here for the pair-up bonus than the support, I feel Charlotte's better off with Benny.

    Charlotte x Benny - A natural support pairing where Charlotte can be her true self. Benny is Benny. (BENNY! GO BENNY!)

    Beruka x Arthur - Beruka needs some JUSTICE! in her life, and I feel Arthur is the right man for the job. It may also give some explanation on why Percy rides a Wyvern.

    Ryoma x Scarlet - It was slightly touched upon in Birthright, but it was pracitcally obvious in Revelations. Why is this not a thing?!

    Jakob x Flora - Not as pushed as the above, but it can help develop Flora's character more.

    Felcia x Niles - Mostly just thrown together as leftovers, but Niles can use an angel in his life.

    Hinoka x Kaden - Pegasus Grooming 101

    Saizo x Kagero - This may not be an efficient pairing (especially since I care little for Asugi), but I enjoy the concept of their reunion.

  16. If I remember right, there was some interview with Fates about the whole skinship thing.

    Originally, I think it started off as a simple request to make confessions feel more "alive" instead of a static CG. So, they made the models, but then someone said it was a waste if they were only used for confessions, so they wanted to use the models elsewhere.

    Then skinshipping was born, and originally it was far more "interactive" than is is now (the icon was a hand instead of a stylus, one can touch anywhere on the model instead of the face, etc). Team "A" was uncomfortable with this direction while Team "B" was all for the skinshipping stuff. While, Team "B" won out in the end, I think Nintendo of Japan did say to tone it down a bit.

    Of course, when it was localized, it removed the whole touching thing (which I am actually relieved for. Using the stylus to wake them up is a little weird, but blowing air into the mic, especially if its a person of the same sex, feels really off to me.)

    As for me, I enjoy the high detailed models (it's like they are in a cutscene!), but I could live without the entire skinship thing. Give me more practical character development instead of fanservice, please.

  17. Might as well post what I got down (and that will probably never see the light of day, but nonetheless)...



    - This retelling tries to keep most of the Birthright and Conquest vanilla storyline intact, but tries to be more logical with its actions, as well as some creative liberties thrown in. Revelations has some shared points with the original, but will be rewritten.

    - As for format, the retelling will take the form of an actual game. So, instead of normal fanfiction and words of text, the format will be more of a game script with music cues, backgrounds, and character actions. There are also planned to be Base Conversations (like FE 9 & 10) that expand on various things, such as world building and character development.

    - Deep Realms still exist, but are more used more as a justification for challenge maps instead of harboring children.

    - The “S” Rank support now just means a paired ending, opening up more options. These paired endings can still end in marriage.

    - Child characters have been changed or revised as the Children mechanic has been scrapped. 3 Children have been turned into NPCs while 2 have been cut completely. The two cut characters have OC replacements.

    Main Characters - Changes


    Corrin – Still remains the customizable Avatar character. His personality has been streamlined and remains constant in all three routes.

    Azura – Azura practically stays the same as before, guiding Corrin.

    Gunter – Now has supports in Revelations.

    Kaze – He no longer had a death condition on Birthright, as he will always survive. As for Conquest, it is more difficult to recruit and keep Kaze, but otherwise no changes.

    Silas – He is now more difficult to keep in Birthright, but otherwise no changes.

    Laslow, Selena, and Odin – They have a slightly larger role in the overall plot, as per Hidden Truths. Otherwise, mostly the same.

    Lilith – Now a playable character and has a slightly larger role in the overall plot.

    Flora – Can be persuaded to survive in Birthright (instead of sacrificing Kaze). Has a support with Jakob.

    Scarlet – Can be recruited in Conquest under specific conditions, no longer dies in Revelations. Has a support with Ryoma.

    Yukimra – Joins the party normally on Birthright instead of using a My Castle gimmick. He now joins in Revelations at endgame.

    True!Garon – The Rightful King of Nohr, he is locked up away in Valla. He is a broken man, having lost his wives, children, and kingdom to Anakos. He can be recruited under specific conditions in both Conquest and Revelations, requiring a paralogue to unlock.

    Characters not listed here remain practically the same as their vanilla counterparts. However, they may have expanded (and revised) support options.


    Slime!Garon – Still presents as himself as the King of Nohr.

    True!Anakos – The true enemy of the entire game, his role is still fairly similar from before.

    Heart!Anakos – The “human” part of Anakos. He helps from behind the scenes, but is never really seen in the main story.

    * * * * *

    Children Characters - Changes


    Kana – A “true blood” sibling of Corrin, he/she is the youngest out of all of the family members. Hair color is shared with Corrin. Usually cheerful, but often feels lonely and cries.

    Shigure – Lost brother of Azura. He too can sing with special powers, but he needs to use the Pendant that Azura has. Recruitable only in Revelations.

    Sophie – A Cavalier in training under Gunter’s watch. She is distantly related to Silas. Follows Corrin on all routes, available from the start.

    Midori – A war orphan saved by Kaze, she has skills with herbs and medicine. Kaze put her in a Deeprealm for her safety, and he must be present to recruit her when her paralogue opens. Should Kaze leave in Conquest, Midori will also leave if she is present.

    Siegbert – An inexperienced ruler in a Deeprealm that resembles Nohr. He is found assaulting a rebellious fortress. Otherwise, mostly the same as his vanilla counterpart, even sharing some form of connection with Xander.

    Forrest – A cousin of Siegbert, providing both counsel and support for his rule. Otherwise, mostly the same as his vanilla counterpart, sharing some form of connection with Leo.

    Velouria – Keaton’s niece, and she is zealously devoted to him ever since her father died. Otherwise, the same as the vanilla.

    Percy – He remains as Arthur’s son, but is now in the real world instead of being shipped off to the Deeprealms. Has a paralogue to unlock, requires Arthur to be present.

    Ophelia & Soleil – The daughters of Odin and Laslow respectively. After Anakos took the Awakening trio to Fates, Naga (from Awakening) found it suitable that they would receive aid from their children from the future, much like how they helped their parents defeat Grima.

    - Soleil may have some revisions to dialogue, but her overall character remains the same.

    - Selena comments on why she doesn’t have a child to help her out, which the other two respond rather humorously. (If there is Awakening save data and Severa has an “S” support with either Inigo or Owain, the dialogue will change to reflect this.)

    - As for hair color, the default is blonde for Ophelia and pink for Soleil. However, if there is Awakening save data, the hair color will change to reflect that of the “S” rank partner of Owain and Inigo respectively.

    - The author knows this is “Fates BS”, but what is a FE game without some nonsense? andauthorbias

    Nina – A young thief from the slums and thoroughly acquainted with Niles. She dislikes Niles for attempting to be a father-figure to her. Otherwise, the same as vanilla.

    Shiro – A ruler of a Deep Realm that resembles Hoshido, he does not give off any sense of royalty. He is found defending a village from bandits, and has some connection to Ryoma.

    Kiragi – A cousin to Shiro, he enjoys hunting and life in general. He has a connection to Takumi.

    Selkie – A friend of Kaden’s. Otherwise unchanged from her vanilla self.

    Mitama – A shrine maiden who enjoys poetry. Otherwise unchanged from her vanilla self.

    Caledori – A freelance Sky Knight, she bears a resemblance to Awakening’s Cordelia and is rather competitive with Subaki. Caledori also has some form of bond with Selena. She is the same as her Fates variant.

    Chiyo (OC: Diviner -> Basara) – A member of the Wind Tribe, she is quite a tall woman with a master of scrolls.

    Isamu (OC: Oni Savage -> Blacksmith) – A wandering Oni in search for rare materials. He dreams of opening up his own weapon shop someday. Note: Not a ninja because there are already 3 ninjas, and we don’t have a male Oni Savage.


    Dwyer – A Butler in training at the Northern Fortress. He is lazy and dislikes work, but does the best job out of all of the staff present, even senior staff, much to Jakob’s chagrin.

    Ignatius – The son of Benny, he is a border guard much like his father.

    Hisame – A brother of Hinata. Otherwise, he is like his vanilla self when he appears.

    Cut Characters

    Asugi & Rharjat – Awakening reincarnations. The only reason Caledori makes it in is that she has connections to Selena. andauthorbias

    [spoiler=Developer Notes, Spoilers Ahead!]


    - Azura has become an unwilling pawn of Anakos. If the player follows the Conquest or Birthright path, she accomplishes her duty and fades away. The world is thereafter conquered and destroyed by True!Anakos, but the player is sent back to the “Branch of Fate” by Heart!Anakos in an attempt to break the cycle (Revelations).

    - If the player does the Revelations route, Azura will eventually betray the party. Her “role” will be replaced by Shigure, her lost brother. When Azura is finally defeated, she will thank the party for freeing her before she dies.


    - On Birthright, Kaze will always survive. This moment has been changed over to Flora to persuade her to join the party instead of sacrificing herself.

    - Conquest specifics are currently unknown. Kaze will switch sides, but may not remain in your party without certain conditions. (Perhaps if the player executes Shura, Kaze leaves?)


    - To serve as a foil for Kaze being difficult to maintain, Silas will be more difficult to keep in Birthright than Conquest.

    - Silas will be blackmailed and turn against Corrin (out of concern for his friend’s safety, “for the greater good”). However, having an A support with Silas will prevent this as Silas sees through the ruse.

    Laslow, Selena, and Odin

    - They are now more aware of their mission to find Corrin and bring peace to the world of Fates, referencing this in the main story.

    - In Birthright, they lament that they could not persuade Corrin and that they were on opposing sides. In Conquest, Corrin does not listen to the trio, not believing what they have to say. In Revelations, they back up what Shigure has to say, further damning Azura’s plight.


    - Lilith still serves as a “True Blood” sibling to Corrin.

    - She will still sacrifice herself on Birthright and Conquest, but this is (hopefully) done in a more meaningful manner. When she does fade away, she leave behind items called “Lilith’s Tears” which are gained per every level Lilith has. This item will grant a level to any unit that uses it, so essentially the player can transfer the EXP of Lilith to other characters to make up for her loss. Normal level up rules apply.

    - As for My Castle interactions, whenever Lilith appears in human form (whether she is fielded in battle, working in a shop, or just walking about), an ethereal variant of her Dragon form will appear at the shrine. When Lilith passes, the interaction is the same as vanilla.


    - She can be spared in Birthright if Corrin has an A rank with the “late servant” to the party. So, if the avatar is female, Corrin must have an A rank with Felicia, but if male, an A rank with Jakob. This will require grinding supports as there is only one main story chapter between their join time and Flora’s event.

    - The character who has the A rank will successfully convince Flora to stand down and join the party.


    - In Conquest, Scarlet can be spared if the player finishes her map quickly enough. She will sneak out alongside a few loyal soldiers, and will come back to help the player during the later chapters (which has a revised arc). If the player is too slow, Corrin will still attempt to free Scarlet, but she gets caught and is made an example out of by Hans and company.

    - In Revelations, Scarlet no longer dies, but is knocked out of commission for a chapter (to mimic Elise and Takumi’s roles in Conquest and Birthright).


    - In Birthright, he will successfully defend Hoshido and then launch a counteroffensive on Nohr. The player meets him after Chapter 24.

    - In Revelations, he will hold the fort down as long as possible, but the Vallites overpower his forces. He will then make his way to Valla and join up with Corrin to finish the fight as quickly as possible.


    - Kana is kept locked away in the Deep Realms by Lilith. When she sacrifices herself in Birthright or Conquest, she tells the Avatar about Kana, opening a paralogue to recruit Kana into the party.

    - In Revelations, when Azura betrays the party, she will go after Kana. This will open up a special paralogue, if not completed before a certain chapter, disappears and has consequences. (Kana will fall under Azura’s influence and become an enemy unit. Kana will not be able to be recruited after this point.)


    - Shigure is stuck in Valla and has to handle his own.

    - When Corrin goes to Valla during Conquest, Shigure meets him, but Azura commands Corrin to strike Shigure down. Corrin, being manipulated by Azura’s song, kills him in Conquest, preventing the truth from being known.

    - However, in Revelations, Shigure meets Corrin alongside the rest of Corrin’s army. Azura is powerless in this situation and she is exposed by Shigure, and she is replaced by Shigure as a playable character.


    - During Conquest, True!Garon’s paralogue opens at Chapter 27 after the main campaign has been completed (You must complete Conquest before True!Garon’s paralogue opens). In addition, Selena, Laslow, and Odin must be alive to attempt this chapter, if they are all dead, the chapter is inaccessible.

    -- The Awakening Trio (or the survivors) are found in Valla as they discuss how to handle their mission. They find Garon stuck in his cell and in despair. The trio defend Garon and escape with him, and upon reaching the surface, the Nohr Royals are in disbelief seeing Garon again after he was defeated in Chapter 26. However, they quickly learn that this Garon is the real one, and there’s a happy reunion as Garon finds himself again and promptly kicks ***.

    - During Revelations, the paralogue opens up after the main campaign is completed at Chapter 27. The player can choose their units for the paralogue, and it plays differently than the one with the trio. However, it has the same effect of True!Garon finding himself, reuniting with his kids, and then kicking *** as any endgame character does.

    Chapter Dev Notes


    - The Hoshidian Invasion arc has been rewritten. After the massacre at Fort Jinya, Corrin becomes disillusioned with Azura’s plan and makes his own path to rebel against Garon (and try to gain Hoshidian support). He tries to convince Takumi, but as he is possessed, he does not care. Corrin does manage to successfully convince Hinoka, and Chapter 25 is when Corrin rebels instead of fighting Ryoma. During this time, if Scarlet is still alive, will she come and join up with the party.

    - Chapter 25 has Corrin fight Hans and Iago. Chapter 26 is when Corrin fights King!Garon.

    - The battle is thought won, so the party goes to the Throne Room during Chapter 27 where they see Slime!Garon sitting on the throne. Filled with anger, Ryoma charges at Slime!Garon only to be effortlessly dispatched alongside his retainers. Ryoma dies due to this blow.

    - The Endgame with Takumi remains mostly the same, but Takumi’s anger is amplified on seeing the corpse of Ryoma.


    - One of the Revelations chapters have Corrin face off with Ryoma, like in Conquest Chapter 25, due to that chapter being rewritten.

    - Chapter 27 is when the player faces off against Azura. During this chapter, the game will read if you have any cleared Birthright and Conquest saves. Using data from the latest clear file from both paths, that Avatar will appear as an opponent in this chapter with the same stats, skills, and items in their inventory.

    -- Of course, should the player try to cheat the system (having no skills or items, and low stats), the game will compensate by giving the player the appropriate equipment. (Endgame Yato, Dragonstone +, all default skills, scaled stats, etc.)

    -- If there is no cleared data, a “default” Avatar will be used with the appropriate equipment.

    -- When fighting Azura, “End of All – Below” plays. The entire party is debuffed due to her song, and Azura breaks the limits of her Songstress stat caps.

    - As for Endgame, the party fights against Anakos properly. The music that is played is Shigure’s variant of “End of All”, as he now has the pendant and can properly weaken Anakos.

  18. Also throwing in the "hidden bonuses"

    Sorcerer: Hit +5, Crt +10, CEv +5

    Witch: Crt +10, Avo +10

    * * * * *

    As for the poll itself, I like both as they serve different purposes. Sorcerers are more of a mage tank, having more DEF/RES than Witches, but the Witch have more SPD which makes them a little more suitable for offense. Also, Witches are gender locked, so there is also that to take into consideration.

    As for skills, Warp seems to be the best one out of them all. Otherwise, the Sorcerer has a better set of overall skills than the Witch.

    Shadowgift is, currently, a bit pointless on the Witch. If you want a mage tank, go Sorcerer. Alternatively, you can also carry over Shadowgift to another class

    Witch's Brew is a proc based item finder, which does little for combat.

    Warp, as already stated, is amazing. Offense, Defense, Azura, it matters not.

    Toxic Brew has its uses, provided the Witch doesn't just outright kills her target.)

    Heartseeker may be underrated, but dropping an adjacent enemy's Avoid by 20 is pretty good (especially when dealing with enemies on Forts or Throne tiles). Even if the Sorcerer (or Dark Mage) is too weak, the effect still applies so that another unit can finish them off.

    Malefic Aura is another underrated skill, why add +2 MAG when you can drop enemies within 2 range with "- 2 Resistance"?

    Vengeance still has its uses for risky builds, and its an offensive proc skill to boot.

    Bow Breaker depends on the situation and is best used on a different class, but it can work on Sorcerers as well.

    Again, both have their uses, so I like both. Their designs are also aesthetically pleasing as well.

  19. From my limited testing, it seems to be random when you make a new file.

    Choosing "Branch of Fate" however does not change what you end up with so you'd need to do the six chapters from the beginning again.

    Figures. Of course one has to start over the hard way instead of using Branch of Fate (especially since I want to do a Lunatic Classic file).

    Guess I have have to start from the very beginning and hope I get good resources, find an alternative method, or just live with what I got. Thanks for the information.

  20. My Castle Question...

    1: Is there any documentation and research on how resources are determined for your save file? I would like a particular set of resources, but my testing so far has netted me the same ones.

    -- For the past few days, I have rushed a Revelations file to see what resources are on My Castle. However, no matter the day, gender, birthday, asset, or flaw, it does not seem to change.

    -- However, I do have two separate Conquest files that have different resources (One is Topaz and Wheat, the other is Crystal and Meat). I am using a Conquest cartridge, but I have no idea why these two files are different compared to my Revelations one.

    -- I understand, of course, I could just go and research some hacking methods, and I may need to do so just to get the resources I want. must resist using all resources

  21. Just posting another trick here as well, the Avatar Log min-maxing from Awakening is still present for Fates.

    1: You will require two save files for this method, as well whatever you want to put on the unit (stat boosters, classes, etc).

    2: Open up the main save file, apply your stat boosts to your Einherjar..

    3: Save the character to the Avatar Log and save the game in a different save slot.

    4: Exit the game or do a soft reset.

    5: Load up your primary save file.

    6: Dismiss your current Einherjar, do not update the log.

    7: Recruit the buffed Einherjar, apply statboosts, save to log, save in a different file, and repeat.

    This way you can add classes such as Dread Fighter and Dark Falcon to your units without "really" consuming a scroll, as well as easily giving them maxed out stats.

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