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Posts posted by Sire

  1. Mario, starting with Super Mario 64. I'm more of a fan of the 3D titles than 2D, but Mario has always been a reliable franchise. The spinoffs are also great (Mario Kart, Mario Party [until 9 ruined everything], the RPG Marios, and so on).

    I would say Warcraft, since I did get started with Warcraft 1 back in the day, but as World of Warcraft is the main source of that franchise now, I can't really say I'm still into it. Warcraft 2 & 3 were amazing games.

    Command and Conquer. I played C&C (and Red Alert) alongside Warcraft when I was younger, and while mainstream C&C is dead, the community lives on with modding and remakes of the classics.

  2. My current game of choice is Dungeon Fighters Online, after giving it a second chance. It is a Free to Play 2D brawler set in an anime fantasy setting, using various characters and their skills to beat up the enemy.

    I originally left DFO because of a poor starting experience. The Town UI is information overload to newcomers and I really couldn't understand the Combat system properly. Combat works on either using hotkeys for skills (press button, be awesome) or manual inputs (Down, Right, Attack). The problem I had is that default manual inputs were not intuitive and using hotkeys usage was clunky. So, after three hours, I deleted DFO.

    Much later on a whim I went back to DFO, because I heard it was a good game and still wanted to try it out. After learning to properly digest the Town UI and reassign my manual inputs to a more personalized state, DFO became much more enjoyable to play. Gunning down enemies with the Gatling Gun or grappling them is quite fun!

    It does have a fatigue system, which limits play time on a single character, but DFO does reward players for having multiple characters (which is important for altaholics and completionists like myself), allowing higher level characters to aid others with a support skill or even be sent out on timed missions for loot while the player messes around with a different character. The difficulty does increase as one gets further into the game, as one expects it to, and all the flashy skills are a sight to see.

    So yeah, DFO is fun. It'll probably remain my main game until I get burned out on it or something else interesting comes along.

  3. Going back through my games, it mostly seems like Console Nintendo is suffering while 3DS is still going strong, despite mine being somewhat broken.

    [spoiler=Game Library]

    NES: Probably 20+ games. mostly hand-me-downs. I never really got to playing or beating most of them since I enjoyed the newer stuff more.

    SNES: A couple games, I think I picked up the SNES when N64 was coming out, and I was more of an N64 kid. The only memorable games off the top of my head are Donkey Kong Country 2 and Killer Instinct.

    N64: Likely more than 20 games. Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Ogre Battle 64 (my favorite game of all time), Donkey Kong 64, 007: Goldeneye, Perfect Dark... (Granted, I picked up Perfect Dark many years later, but still.)

    Gamecube: I have 25 GC games. I got lots of Mario (Mario Party, since I used to collect them, not anymore since 8 and especially those "things" they call 9 and beyond), Pikmin, Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, X-Men Legends... There's so many good games, and I hear there are still some excellent GC games that I missed too!

    Wii: I got like 12 games. Some of them are military shooters, which I can't really care much for, but I picked up some classics such as Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, Brawl, and Xenoblade Chronicles. I missed out on the Mario Kart of this generation. However, I did delve into the Wii Shop Channel, so there are those retro and indie games. Fluidity is a highlight of one such game. Also, I liked Operation Rainfall back when it was doing its campaign and have yet to pick up The Last Story and Pandora's Tower. I still follow them today as my video game news site.

    Wii U: I have 10 real games: Warriors Orochi 3, Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, Smash Brothers 4, Mario Kart 8, Nintendo Land, Xenoblade Chronicles X, and Hyrule Warriors. I got Pikmin 3 digitally and also have the Wonderful 101. I either get really invested into the games or I don't. I know I want to spend more time with Smash Brothers, Mario Kart, and Super Mario Maker, but there are other games that hold my attention. Splatoon I had a decent run, but could probably play more Splatoon as well. // At some point I wanted to try and pick up Bayonetta 1&2, but after playing the Wonderful 101 I wasn't sure if the gameplay was really my style...

    Game Boy: Never had one, although I had a friend who did.

    Game Boy Advance: I got like 10 or so. I have two Kirby Games, two Fire Emblem games, two Advance Wars games, Super Mario World...

    DS: I think I have about 11. Several Mario Games (Mario Party DS is amazing and a call back to the older games in my opinion), three Final Fantasy games, Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, and the underrated Clubhouse Games (Essentially, real life board and card games. It's an essential for me since it never really gets old.)

    3DS: Five physical games. I got Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon, Samurai Warriors: Chronicles, FE Awakening, Kid Icarus, and Dead or Alive: Dimensions. // However, if we go digital, I got a lot more, such as Bravely Default, Monster Hunter, FE Fates, Project X Zone, Shovel Knight, Azure Striker Gunvolt, Crimson Shroud, and more... Sure, they may not all be triple A titles, but these games are good! I also got a couple more games lined up on my wishlist, but since my 3DS is in less than stellar condition (I had it since launch, the L&R buttons are broken and won't work and the C-Pad's grip fell off), I am avoiding investing much into my 3DS until I can get a new one. Also missed out on Mario Kart 7.

    I never really got into Pokemon (save for when I was really young, I liked the show and picked up some spinoffs like Pokemon Snap and Hey You! Pikachu!), so that franchise is mostly irrelevant to me.

    I got into Legend of Zelda late, but while I enjoy it, the games really don't hold my attention unlike other titles. I have Majora's Mask on Virtual Console and still need to get back to it eventually, and I want to try out Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess at some point.

    Same thing with the Metroid series. I know a friend who was really into the Prime games, but I myself never bothered with Metriod. I think the only game I own is Fusion because of the Ambassador Program for 3DS (buying the 3DS when it first launched, before they reduced the price.)

    There are some franchises I do want to get into, such as Ace Attorney, Professor Layton, and the Mario and Luigi RPGs, as well as some classics such as Ghost Trick and Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, perhaps I should even pick up the original 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors for DS because of that one mechanic that will make one cry once one figures out the symbolism (although there's a remake or an updated port coming to PC at some point, so I may get that instead). I still consider myself a Nintendo man, even though my Nintendo library is getting smaller through the years.

    * * * * * Personal Tastes * * * * *

    A part of the reason is that my tastes are shifting to PC. While I did play PC games when I was little, more and more I am discovering games on PC that I enjoy, and for some reason I believe that playing console games disturbs other people in the household (the big ones are in the living room), so I don't play console as much as I used to.

    Also, PC games tend to be cheaper and have free to play games, which is good for someone who wants to save money. I'll still go to Nintendo when they release a game that is relevant to my interests (3D Mario, Mario RPGs, Mario Kart, Smash Brothers, Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, etc.) but if I can pick up a game on PC, I rather get the PC version.

    That, and Playstation is looking somewhat interesting since it receives lots of Japanese titles. While I don't own a Playstation and thought myself an Xbox person, Playstation seems to have more JRPGs and the like, so if I ever have control of time and could play everything, I may pick up a Playstation to mess around with as well.

    * * * * * Nintendo Wishlist * * * * *

    Back to the topic at hand (long post is long, I know), Nintendo is releasing games I don't really care much for. I want a classic Paper Mario game instead of what happened with Sticker Star and Color Splash (Super Paper Mario was good for its story and setting, so I'll look past that one). I want Advance Wars, which has been dead since like 2008. I want a sequel to Xenoblade Chronicles X that has more story (Does H.B. take over BLADE? What happens to Elma? Where will my bad*** rookie factor in? Can there be a save transfer? Can Dual Guns not be broken and "required" because of Ghost Walk?). Maybe even Hyrule Warriors 2 would be cool to see. I want to see a new 3D Mario game, be it in the style of Galaxy or Mario 64 (heck, even following the 64 DS version with multiple characters could be awesome!). I would ask for a Fire Emblem, but I'm still burned out on Fates, unless they end up releasing something super amazing with a jaw-dropping story and graphics.

    * * * * * Ending Stuff * * * * *

    I'm still a believer in Nintendo, even though they make questionable decisions. (See the milking of the "New Super Mario Brothers", all those 2D games back in the day... // Nintendo and Youtube // recent controversies such as Paper Mario Color Splash and Federation Force, Localisation & Censorship, etc.)

    They seem to be doing well that Pokemon Go thing, which seems to be a worldwide phenomenon. Nintendo makes plenty of mistakes, but they also still strive for innovation and occasionally hit a gold mine. I guess we are just waiting to see if the Nintendo NX will be a hit or miss scenario, because right now there does not seem to be much for Nintendo news.

    I seriously need to stop writing walls of text when I reply to things...

  4. Well, this looks interesting. Considering the only SM64 hack I played was Star Road and I hadn't beaten it yet, this is a nice surprise. After finishing up Star Road, I'll definitely will need to try out Last Impact. There's stuff in there that I didn't think possible for a SM64 hack, such as some powerups from Galaxy and new enemy types. I guess time does allow for more evolved hacking...

    Thank you for bringing this to my attention!

    Wiki Pages: (Information only, obtain the stuff elsewhere)

    Star Road - http://mario64hacks.wikia.com/wiki/Super_Mario_Star_Road

    Last Impact - http://mario64hacks.wikia.com/wiki/SM64_Last_Impact

  5. I picked up Factorio after playing the demo for it a long time ago.

    Initially, for the first 20 or so hours, I was immersed in the mini-campaign and building my factory, trying to automate everything as much as possible. It was fun fighting off the native aliens who were angry at my industrial efforts as well as watching the factory naturally expand and make new materials.

    However, when I went into the true meat of the game in Sandbox, that magic faded away. It just turns into "make everything more efficient", and as one progresses, there are more materials to keep up with and distribute around the factory. I thought I was doing good with Copper, Iron, and Coal as my main products, but then they add in Oil which requires a whole different set of processing and setup to do.

    I followed a guide that creates a "highway" for my major materials, allowing one to branch off to make the products, but I'm just not feeling it anymore.

  6. Technically this is from the movie and not the series of games, but it is still good. However, there is no real quality version of it on Youtube, so I have to settle for this video instead.

    Song: The Eternal Diva

    Source: Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva (Movie)

    Game Series: Professor Layton

  7. Main Tips (Audio & Recording)

    1: Get a good mic. While a proper mic is preferable, I just used a headset during my short attempt at recording LPs.

    2: For better voice quality, record in Audacity (or some other audio program) and edit the file to make your voice clearer. (Reduce noise feedback, "popping" noises, making your voice louder, etc.)

    3: For computer games, I suppose most people use Open Broadcast Software (OBS) these days. Look up various guides on how to optimize it for video recording, but I believe it's main purpose is streaming, which I have not tried.

    4: For consoles and handhelds, I have no idea.

    Channel Tips

    1: It's a classic, but just be yourself. Each person has a unique way of approaching things, whether it be comedy, doing voices, sharing knowledge (lore, enemy stats, etc.), or just sharing one's honest reactions with the game. Find whatever method suits yourself the most.

    2: Be consistent. Whether it be a regular schedule when one streams or putting up a video daily, being consistent will greatly increase your chances at gaining and maintaining an audience.

    3: From what I have seen, handheld and console games are better if you want to grow an audience. While there may be plenty of PC games that have been recorded, recording console games is a bit more involved and not many do so.

    4: If you are serious about LPing, be in it for the long haul. It may take years of consistent uploading before you try out a certain game that may boost your popularity.

    5: Just have fun and enjoy yourself. Whether LPing is just a hobby or done seriously, if one is not having fun while doing it, then what is the point?

  8. Starbound - A few friends and I were going to do some Youtube content on Starbound back when it was hyped, so we purchased a bundle and split the difference. It was pretty much just hype, messing around with Starbound just made me want to play Terraria instead. Our planned series never happened either.

    Empire Total War - An old friend of mine was obsessed with Empire and gifted me a copy. I didn't care much for Empire though, so it was archived.

    Medal of Honor, Something for Wii - Was gifted this game. It was okay, but I didn't care much for it. I think it was Airborne and Heroes 2? Call of Duty: World at War was a better gift, even though I'm not big into that franchise.

    Dues Ex: GOTY Edition - Never could get the hang of how the game works, even though I heard it is good and I somehow managed through Invisible War. I can't aim, and sneaking up to punch people is sometimes difficult...

    Dues Ex: Human Revolution & Missing Link DLC - Picked it up when it was on sale and intended to play through it, but just messed around a little bit before shelving it. I did watch a full LP of this game beforehand, so that may be another factor in shelving it.

    Sanctum 2 - Bought it since I enjoyed Sanctum 1 a fair amount, but I was never that big on the series. Other games soon took hold of my interest.

    Mario Kart 8 - I really want to get back playing Mario Kart 8 as it feels like I haven't shown the game enough appreciation. Alas, other games have my interest, and I recently discovered Factorio...

    Super Smash Brothers 4 - I own both the Wii U and 3DS versions and while I played a bit, I haven't played enough of them to feel satisfied with the experience. Honestly, the 3DS should have been a "mini" port and the Wii U have everything. Smash Run being exclusive on 3DS sucks, and that board game mode for console is not a worthy replacement for it.

    The Wonderful 101 - I redeemed this for points when Club Nintendo shut down. However, while I tried to get into it, it didn't really hold my attention. I do want to go back to it at some point though and beat it.

    Honestly, while I have plenty of games, I have messed around with them in some form of fashion and never had any game that was shelved for later without trying it first. Granted, I still have a large backlog of games I want to play, replay, or go back and complete them, and that is not counting the games that I do not own.

    In a way, I avoid this problem by simply not owning the game, even if I want to eventually play it down the road. There's just a finite amount of money and time in the world...

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