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Posts posted by Sire

  1. Let's see... *opens up a word document with over 2 pages of games that need to be fully completed*

    However, for some of the top and more relevant ones...

    Fire Emblem Fates: Revelations - I got burned out on Fates, and the gimmicks in Revelations were not helping matters. I marathoned through Conquest then Birthright, all the while making other "ultimate" files for later use. I also wanted to do Revelations on my ultimate file instead of my "canon" file, but could not get the resources I wanted for My Castle, so I ended up dropping it.

    Xenoblade Chronicles - Funnily enough, I finished X before I finished Xenoblade Chronicles, and I had the original first for years before getting immersed in X. It's that completionist in me, I want to do the sidequests before finishing the final boss, but the sidequests tend to be a little boring, so I just end up postponing everything. I'm right at the final boss too and could finish at any time, but those sidequests, man...

    Valkyria Chronicles - An odd story that started out by marathoning through Youtube LPs. I saw Project X Zone, Project X Zone 2, Resonance of Fate, Valkyria Chronicles, and Valkyria Chronicles 2, after which I decided to pick up the game. However, I was then somehow derailed into watching 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors, Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward, and Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma. After of which I ended up watching a Stein's Gate Visual Novel, which went into the anime, the movie, the spinoff VNs, and even the Drama CDs. Stein's Gate Zero is probably next on my radar, after it gets localized and the anime of it gets made.

    So, yeah, Valkyria took a backseat during the crazy marathons. I'm still somewhat in Stein's Gate phase, but then Earth Defense Force 4.1 took over...

    Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun - Once upon a time, in a world so long ago, I got pretty far in the original campaigns. I think on NOD I was at the last level, and GDI had significant progress. However, I still never got around to finishing the vanilla campaigns, even though I finished Firestorm, the expansion pack.

    Cthulhu Saves The World - Another lifetime ago I tried running a Youtube channel and used this as my first public game. However, I no longer do Youtube and never got back to playing this, even though it's pretty good for a retro style RPG.

    Volgarr the Viking - Another Youtube game that was a difficult action platformer. I need to get back to it, it was pretty good!

    Frozen Synapse - Love the concept, but never held my attention long enough to properly sit down and beat the campaign. The soundtrack is amazing though and I listen to it regularly.

    Medieval II Total War - I mostly picked this up on whim because of the mods (specifically Hyrule Total War at the beginning) and the fact it was on sale. I never got around to properly finishing a vanilla campaign, even ones from the expansions.

    Warcraft 2: Beyond the Dark Portal - I loved Warcraft 2 and would spend lots of time messing around in the editor creating my own maps and creating an imaginary story and campaign. While I did manage to beat the vanilla campaigns, the expansion seemed to be harder as I was stuck on the second level or so for the Alliance but managed some progress as the Horde. A shame I can't really run it properly anymore...

    Tactics Ogre, SNES Version - I picked it up one day after a friend was asking how to get it working. Sadly, while I managed to beat Act One, I think I got to a point where my units were not powerful enough to handle the enemy without losses. Since I didn't want to lose anyone, I stopped playing...

    Super Mario 64, Star Road - Google it up, but it is a fun adaptation of Super Mario 64. However, other games soon took hold of my interest, leaving this one behind waiting to be completed.

  2. Well, I tried out the prototype... EDIT: See added text below for more details.

    I ended up quitting out of frustration on the second prototype level, the one where one can finally build units and face the enemy. It devolved into Infantry spam, and since hitting and taking out targets seem to be random, I just ragequit. Sure, I still had my tank, but they had superior infantry numbers, and since one can only deploy one unit per turn, as soon as one side as an advantage is might as well be game over.

    It's definitely Advance Wars inspired, but if one is looking for a more vanilla Advance Wars experience, you probably won't find it here. Personally, while I appreciate what they are doing and they may have their hearts in it, I'm probably gonna have to pass on this one and just stick to the classics instead and wait for a more faithful Advance Wars game.

    1: Graphic Style - Not too big on the 2D style. It's passable, especially the story art, but the character portraits are just okay. The battle models and battle map are also just okay as well. One cricticism of the battle map being crowded has merit at first glance, but upon trying the prototype one can make out the different units.

    2: Initiative Turns - Instead of going by one side's turn and then another, there seems to be some initiative system involved where faster units go first. Ending a units turn without doing anything (Hasten) seems to make that unit go first in the next turn.

    3: Combat Style - It's way different from Advance Wars. There's a flanking system and different units have different ranges. There does not seem to be healing on properties. There are no counter attacks. Not to mention, it also seems to be unreliable as I have no idea if my unit of 10 will kill a unit of 1 or not. This was the most frustrating element as the second prototype level devolves into infantry spam, and with only one production structure, it takes forever to get anywhere...

    4: Fog of War - Cities grant vision and it is almost impossible to see anything unless one is right on top of the enemy.

    5: Building Units - Units seem to be built from the HQ and not anywhere else.

    6: Capturing Properties - I don't know if just the AI or what, but when they capture properties they seem to keep previous capture attempts where the player does not. So, they can chip away at your properties and than instant capture them later, even though the player can "force them out" with the Assault command.

    Some complaints...

    1: It takes far too long to move a unit. First, it seems you are forced to use a unit it gives you instead of choosing one. Second, one has to move to a space. Third, choose direction. Forth, you can actually try to do something. || Some smart gestures and optimization may cut down some of this, especially with continued development.

    2: Why only build one unit from HQ at a time? This will probably lead to a snowball effect where the winning player keeps winning (being able to build better stuff) while the losing player has to build whatever unit to try and hold off the enemy.

    Granted, it's just a prototype and a proof of concept, but my hopes are not high for Tiny Metal. I'll wait for a different game or perhaps see it more developed down the the road, but right now, Tiny Metal does not sate my desire for Advance Wars. It is too frustrating a game to play.

    * * * * * EDIT * * * * *

    Well, I gave the game a whirl again and managed to beat the second mission with different tactics. Now that I know what I was doing and what to expect, it was much easier.

    1: You can't repair units on properties, but merging units together is still a thing in Tiny Metal. Leftover units remain on the field, so excess units won't turn into money.

    2: Lock-On and Concentrate Fire are extremely important commands. Using these will help immensely in killing units. However, even 6 infantry units don't seem to dent a tank...

    3: By reading the map and looking at the "Initiative Bar", you can make a guess on what is likely to move next. Use this to your advantage.

    However, despite earning victory and messing around with the prototype a little more, it still does not sate my desires for an Advance Wars. If you want a game like Advance Wars but a little different, then feel free to try out Tiny Metal and help it out Kickstarter. I much rather have something closer to Days of Ruin style in terms of gameplay, and I am not getting that here.

    Either way, best of luck to the developers and those who back the project. Who knows, maybe it'll develop into something amazing in its own right.

  3. Dungeon Keeper technically has a spiritual successor in the game War for the Overworld. If I recall correctly, it even has the same narrator / advisor from the Dungeon Keeper games. I believed it started out as a fan project to make a spiritual successor the Dungeon Keeper and eventually evolved into what it is today.

    As for other older RTS, I would like to see Warlords Battlecry return. While I only played the first game (and enjoyed the story campaign), I heard the later installments were pretty good games of their own. Something about having a customizable, powerful hero leading an army is enjoyable to me and I enjoyed Warlord's lore and mythos.

    I would also like the see classic Valkyria Chronicles make a return, with the last one being made in 2011 and was not released outside of Japan. Granted, there's Azure Revolution coming out, but from what I hear it's not like the original titles...

    Another series I would like to see is Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. While the first one seems to practically top everything, Ring of Fates and Echoes of TIme had their moments. Crystal Bearer was unique and enjoyable for what it was, and even the spinoffs weren't that bad. The themes, music, gameplay, and aesthetic always stuck out to me, and I would love to see another game of it.

    Then if I start digging into my old console games I'll probably make even more of a list, so I'll stop here for now...

  4. Earth Defense Force 4.1 - The Shadow of New Despair is my latest game, clocking in at 83 hours or so as of present, and will likely go for more as I haven't touched the DLC yet.

    A part of me wants to say it's like "a Warriors game with guns", and with a setting of "B Movies, giant insects, robots, and total carnage." Grab a gun and shoot at giant insects! Yes, a spider is an insect! Dragons are the ultimate evolution of insects! There's a Mothership with a massive Genocide Gun that annihilates everything, but then there are massive ships that cover the entire sky. Call in tanks and robots from Pacific Rim! Call in a coastal missile that is practically a nuke! Punch Not-Godzilla in the face! Blow up entire cities to save Earth from alien attack! Sing with your squadmates while in combat! Everything is insane and dialed up to 11. Oh yes, it is a fun time. Join the EDF, it's all fun and games! Point and shoot, it's simple as that!...

    Of course, playing the higher difficulties and later levels will show some complexity, and some strategy may be required to beat them. Overall, it's a fun game to turn one's brain off and blow stuff up.

    To save our mother Earth from any alien attack ~

    From vicious giant insects who have once again come back ~

    We'll unleash all our forces we won't cut them any slack ~

    The EDF Deploys!

  5. Male Vote: Arthur - Can not resist "FOR GREAT JUSTICE!" Essentially, he's just a guy always trying to do the right thing, even if his luck fails him or if the world is against him. Also, his design is amazing.

    Honorable Mentions

    - Leo: A well written character and cool character overall. It's Leo, mate, not much else to say.

    - Xander: He has his moments, but I'm more of a fan of his design and usage than his story presentation.

    - Laslow: Biased since I had Morgan marry Inigo in Awakening, and he was a beast back then. I also enjoy his more mature portrayal in Fates.

    - Odin: While I prefer Owain's design more than Odin's, it's still the same guy at the end of the day. One of my favorite parts about his character is when he drops the act and is serious for a while.

    - Benny: It's the classic gentle giant character. It's Benny. He's an honorable mention. Now go cuddle with the bears.

    - Takumi: I would mention Takumi, but I honestly forgot what was good about him character-wise. It's been a couple months since I touched Fates, so...

    Female Vote: Flora - While I ended up marrying my male Avatar to other characters (Azura for canon, Ophelia on my endgame file), I think Flora is probably the best one out of all of them. Torn between loyalties, she is somewhat of a tragic character who reacts somewhat realistically given her situation. Her sendoff in Birthright could use some work though, and where is that Jakob support! (although he's still a jerk.)

    Honorable Mentions

    - Elise and Sakura: They reeled me in on this one as I tend to be a sucker for adorable things. Between the two I'll go with Elise due to her more fleshed out character and storyline importance.

    - Selena: Awakening bias and another character I like in general. It's nice to see her mature a little, but still keep her old self intact.

    - Mozu: It's the farmer girl who kicks butt! Sniper Mozu best Mozu.

    - Oboro: It's been repeated countless times, and here I go again. One of the best written characters in Fates. She has a hobby, a dream, a desire for vengeance, a love interest, even hatred toward Nohr! Name some characters that have that many different things going for them aside the "one-stop gimmick" train.

    - Felicia: She grew on me as I played throughout the game, and part of it may be the voice actress. She sounds real for some reason, while clumsy she tries her best to serve Corrin. It is this "realism" of sorts that lands her being an honorable mention.

    - Ophelia: Essentially a female Odin. I'm a fan of the design (especially if she is blonde, callbacks to Lissa), but the voice is something I still question to this very day.

    Gender Vote: Male

    As a guy I tend to main a male character, but I tend to play with both 50/50 most of the time. Honestly, I have no real preference, but I tend to like the more mature forms of Corrin than the younger ones.

    Path Vote: Conquest

    Gameplay, music, and characters are the main reasons for Conquest. Birthright has its moments and Revelations is the "ultimate route", but I see more mentions of Conquest's Chapter 10 than other chapters in other routes. Seriously, if Conquest became standalone and its story was fixed, it may be one of the best Fire Emblem games out there.

  6. "Boy, playin' these complicated games makes me about as antsy as a frog on the freeway with his hopper busted. "

    Gameplay Time: 1 Hour: "What is this?" || 10 Hours: "Eh, it's somewhat catchy." || 100 Hours: "I can't hear you, I can't see you..."

    In all seriousness, I didn't expect this track to catch up with me as it did. I actually enjoy it now, although that may be hours sitting around in NLA doing one thing or another...

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