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Posts posted by Sire

  1. If you are playing Fire Emblem or just tactics games for the first time, I would recommend playing on Normal. There's no shame playing Normal, and if you plan on sticking to Classic, don't worry about if some of your units die (this way you know you can funnel EXP to the characters that do survive). You can always try for no death runs later (or just play on Casual to rid of characters dying). Of course, you can still stick to Hard difficulty, but if it gets too difficult, you always have the option to drop down to Normal.

    As for Birthright, take your time. If you start finding the main story battles too difficult, you can always do the challenge maps or My Castle battles to level up your units. For the most part, just don't worry about making the optimal plays and just have fun, if you beat the chapter, then you have done something right.

    The biggest advice I would give is to focus on a small group of units, the "core team". However, be aware to spread the kills around to your team and not have one unit hog up all the kills as EXP gain diminishes the larger the level gap between your unit and the enemy. So, if your guy is like 3-5 levels higher, I would suggest giving the kill to a unit closer or lower level on your core team to maximize EXP.

  2. I still need to play more and look up on all the child characters, but...


    Kana(F) - All right folks, put down the pitchforks. I like Kana just being adorable in general, but I haven't delved into her supports to see how they are handled. However, a part of me is still debating if Morgan(F) or Kana(F) is better. Morgan has her good moments in Awakening, while Kana I have yet to see any beyond her general nature.

    Kiragi - I honestly expected not to like this guy at first due to his design, but his optimism just rubbed off on me. He's a simple, carefree character from what I know about him, so he's good to me!

    Shiro - Don't know much about him save for the fact he seems to have one of the better voices out of the male children characters that I feel comfortable hearing most of the time. I plan to pair him with Kana.

    Ophelia - It's a female Odin, and she is a beautiful as well. However, I must admit, her voice is starting to get to me and I wonder if she can also get serious like Odin does every now and then.

    Least Favorite

    Asugi - What happened to Gaius? His real counterpart is far better than his reincarnation, and I didn't care much for Gaius to begin with.

    Rhajat - Don't care for Tharja, don't care much for Tharja 2.0. Simple as that.
    The rest I haven't really delved into or I just don't care that much about on either end of the spectrum.
  3. Fate's story being pointed out for its flaws seems to be in a feedback loop since it was first released in Japan, because I remember the conversations about the story then as we are having now (and no doubt there will be another revival when it gets released in the EU). As for me, it has been released in the US and I started playing and finishing the games, so I started giving out my opinions on it as well, which happens to align with the negative feedback regarding its narrative.

    Some may complain and point out flaws for the sake of it. Others may do so because they notice there's a bandwagon going and they want to be on the "winning team", so they make up something to say. Others still perhaps just do it as a method to make themselves feel superior.

    The important point, however, are those few who attempt to reveal these specific points in an attempt to achieve a positive outcome. Saying "Well x sucks" is terrible because it has no real meaning, and if repeated enough, its negativity will start rubbing off on the viewers. Saying "Well, I disliked x, but I think it can be improved or fixed with y or z", is better, as there this a foundation offered for future works.

    Criticism is a doubled edge sword that must be wielded carefully. Used incorrectly, it will build up constant negativity and not solve the issue that is trying to be addressed, and will likely cause problems for the critic, the party being criticized, and those who are exposed to the criticisms. However, if worded correctly (softening and trying to rephrase into something more positive), the "complaint" will still get the point across but without the negativity.

    Another method amidst the negativity is to try to understand where the developers and writers were coming from. Maybe they did have an amazing story in mind, but the superiors said "Remember to add in the Fire Emblem tropes, and you have to add in x because of sales, and simplify y to broaden our audiences and potential revenue, etc." I believe this scenario happened with Paper Mario Sticker Star, was was supposed to be like Thousand Year Door, but instead became its own thing. Or, perhaps there were too many writers and the narrative got mixed up along the way. Who knows?

    At the end of the day, everyone will have different opinions. There may be some common ground, but there is no real way to make everyone happy. Is there a great deal of negativity surrounding the story of Fire Emblem: Fates? Yes. Are there people having fun with the games despite the negativity? Yes. Are some people expressing their complaints with the game in a manner that may be funny or humorous? Yes. Will there always be jerks to ruin a perfectly good day? Depends if you allow them to. How did this whole conversation start? I have no idea.

    * * * * *

    Back to the topic at hand, I look forward to the analysis of Revelations and the Xenologues. I believe the criticism is handled well alongside the various other references thrown in.

  4. One possible problem when writing stories is having too many writers involved.

    Sure, one writer may create the foundation, but then that foundation is then used for other writers (Support Convo writers, Main Story writers, Unit Description writers, etc.) There may be too much variability, and because there are multiple people working on the same project, aspects may become streamlined and simplified. In theory, there should be an editor of sorts that checks everything to make sure everything flows smoothly and the story is consistent so there is no real "Out of Character" behavior.

    Then, of course, we have to consider the localization aspects, as they not only translate the game, but may also change up the dialogue to make it more appealing to their local audiences (such as possibly changing cultural references, so on and so forth).

    Another factor may be cultural differences, as I think Eastern cultures value group cohesion and obedience to the overall group instead of the more Western approach of being an individual and doing what one believes is right. While we can see Nohr!Corrin easily rebelling or wanting to take more action, the writers and their culture may not necessarily see it that way.

    Alternatively, they just put gameplay first for Fates and maybe threw in some memorable characters while the overall story took a back seat even though they said they wanted to improve the story from Awakening. Again, being a broken record, the gameplay is amazing, the concept is amazing, but the execution of the story was rather poor.

  5. If I recall correctly, there are two transformations.

    The second transformation occurs somewhere in the middle of the story, but I think Conquest gets its upgrade (much) earlier than Birthright. I am unsure about Revelations as I have yet to play that route.

    The final transformation happens at endgame. I think if you want to keep the final sword outside of the final battle, there's something about exiting the battle preparations screen and then saving.

  6. Another classic, "help me with my pairings" question for my endgame Revelations file. For the purposes of categorization, I am going for both optimal builds as well as "good support convesation" builds, as I am unlikely to pair two characters together if they have a poor support conversation.

    Avatar: +MAG, - LCK

    Class: Dark Knight

    [spoiler=Main Pairs]

    Marcus (Avatar), Dark Knight // All Ophelia // Dragon Fang, Speed Drain, Tomefaire, Nohrian Trust, Bold Stance

    Ophelia, Sorceress // ??? Marcus // Aether, Astra, Sol, Tomefaire, Replicate

    AN: I am aware that Bold Stance is not yet implemented for player usage, but two of my main builds revolve around usage of this skill. For the sake of builds, I will say that Bold Stance is allowed and present. // The idea for this build is a classic "proc" build, and Replicate!Ophelia can act separately from the main duo and also take advantage of her various skills.

    Odin, Swordmaster // ??? Selena // Aether, Astra, Sol, Swordfaire, Bold Stance

    Selena, Hero // Setsuna Odin // Swordfaire, Aggressor, Quick Draw, Life or Death, Awakening

    AN: I am aware this is not the most optimal pairing for a Sorceress Ophelia, but I am doing this more for personal reasons. This is a locked support. // The main idea is to stack as much damage on Selena as possible, for if Odin crits, Selena should crit as well due to her personal skill. While I could try to build Odin to be more of a crit build, I enjoy my skill procs.

    Laslow, Hero // ???, Azura // Aether, Sol, Aggressor, Strengthtaker, Galeforce

    Azura, Songstress // ???, Laslow // Inspiring Song, Demoiselle, Inspiration, Amaterasu, Warp

    AN: I considered pairing Laslow with Mozu because of their good support chain, but I feel like Azura also has Laslow for "good support conversations". // This also works out well as I want Laslow to use Galeforce and try to mimic his counterpart in Awakening instead of being stuck in Dual Guard all the time. Also, Soleil has blue hair.

    Kana, Nohr Noble // ???, Shiro // Dragon Fang, Sol, Draconic Hex, Hoshido, Nohr

    Shiro, Swordmaster // Asugi, Kana // Lethality, Astra, Luna, Pavise, Aegis

    AN: Another proc build. I would use Shiro as a Spear Master because that is his canon class, but using him as a Swordmaster pairup bot seems like a better choice for a Kana that runs around and kills everything.

    * * * * *

    Saizo, Master Ninja // ???, Kagero // Ninja, Samurai

    Kagero, Master Ninja // ???, Saizo // Lethality, Astra, Kunaifaire, Vantage, Awakening

    AN: An incomplete build, but mostly relies on Kagero being in the lead and going crazy with a Vantage + Awakening combo wielding her Shurikens. I enjoy the Saizo and Kagero support, so chances are these characters are locked down. // As a side note, I don't care much for Asugi.

    Hayato, Onmyoji // ???, Orochi // Diviner, Oni Savage

    Orochi, Onmyoji // ???, Hayato // Diviner, Apothecary

    AN: It seems like these characters are practically stuck to each other. For me, it doesn't really matter as I consider both Hayato and Orochi, alongside Rhajat, as "forever benched" units.

    Azama, Great Master // ???, Setsuna // Monk, Apothecary

    Setsuna, Sniper // Hana, Azama // Astra, Bowfaire, Proximity Shot, Vantage, Awakening

    AN: Another case of characters that are benched and that I really do not care for. Setsusa's skill set was originally planned to be an avatar build, but then it got transferred to Mozu if I decide to make her a Sniper in my main file.

    [spoiler=Undecided Pairs]

    AN: Note that skills here are subject to change, but the main factor for optimization here are marriage pairings. Remember, both "optimal" and "good support conversations" are being used as factors for pairing up units.

    Elise, Strategist // ???, Kaze // Rally Defense, Rally Resistance, Demoiselle, Inspiration, Live to Serve

    Kaze, Master Ninja // ???, Elise // Lethality, Astra, Poison Strike, Shurikenfaire, ???

    AN: I really have no idea who to pair Elise with because Odin is with Selena. I settled down on Kaze because of their supports together.

    Camilla, Malig Knight // ???, Silas // Ignis, Aggressor, Savage Blow, Trample, Warp

    Silas, Paladin // ???, Camilla // Luna, Sol, Aggressor, Armored Blow, Galeforce

    AN: This pairing is subject to change, as Silas and Hinoka seem to have good chemistry and it may be good for Sophie.

    Leo, Dark Knight // Odin, Nyx // Astra, Ignis, Aggressor, Heartseeker, Malefic Aura

    Nyx, Sorcerer // ???, Leo // Heartseeker, Malefic Aura, Vengeance, Warp, Toxic Brew
    AN: This paring seems rather boring, but it seems to make the most sense for efficiency. Although, I hear talk about Leo x Sakura, and it may be nice to have some cross pairings (as my current setup does not have any crossovers).

    Xander, Paladin // Ryoma, Mozu // Aether, Astra, Luna, Swordfaire, Strengthtaker

    Mozu, Merchant // ???, Xander // Profiteer, Spendthrift, Quickdraw, Certain Blow, Bowfaire

    ---, Sniper // ---, --- // Astra, Bowfaire, Proximity Shot, Vantage, Awakening

    AN: I know this is not the infamous Charlotte and Xander pairing, but I must admit, those stat boosts (Berserker + Charlotte Mods) that make Xander even a more powerful unit is slowly drawing me to the dark side. That, and I would like Mozu to be her own unit on the battlefield instead of a pairup bot, so I may end up swapping Mozu with Charlotee and give Mozu Benny instead.

    Benny, General // ???, Charlotte// Knight Fighter

    Charlotte, Berserker // Rinkah, Benny// Aggressor, Axefaire, Death Blow, Gamble, Awakening

    AN: Thrown here due to the above note. Charlotte may be swapped out for Mozu.

    Sakura, Priestess // Elise, Subaki // Miracle, Counter Magic, Demoiselle, Inspiration, Live to Serve

    Subaki, Falcon Knight // ???, Sakura // Sky Knight, Samurai

    AN: Mostly just thrown together to get a red(ish) hair Caeldori. These characters could probably change.

    Hinoka, Falcon Knight // Camilla, Kaden// Rend Heaven, Savage Blow, Trample, Seal Speed, Lancefaire

    Kaden, Nine-Tails // ???, Hinoka // Kisune, Diviner

    AN: Thrown together for their support conversations, but these characters can be moved around. I thought about Hinoka and Silas being paired up instead.

    Takumi, Sniper // Ryoma, Oboro// Aggressor, Bowfaire, Quick Draw, Life or Death, Galeforce

    Oboro, Spear Master // ???, Takumi // Aether, Lancefaire, Defense Seal, Speed Seal, Awakening

    AN: You know the reasons here folks, but I am considering pairing Takumi up with Hana instead. Oboro's skill set was originally created for an avatar build.

    Ryoma, Swordmaster // Xander, Hana // Aether, Astra, Luna, Swordfaire, Strengthtaker

    Hana, Trueblade // ???,Ryoma // Astra, Duelist’s Blow, Swordfaire, Vantage, Awakening

    AN: Mostly just thrown together due to leftovers and a decent support. However, I would like Hana to be her own unit instead of a pairup bot, but I suppose I could use the two in Attack Stance as separate units instead.

    * * * * *

    Arthur, Hero // ???, Beruka // Aether, Sol, Heavy Blade, Veteran Intuition, Strengthtaker

    Beruka, Wyvern Lord // ???, Arthur // Wyvern Rider, Fighter

    AN: Mostly done for support reasons as Beruka could use some positivity in her life. However, I'm not sure how optimal this paring is.

    Felicia, Maid // ???, Niles // Demoiselle, Inspiration, Live to Serve, Tomebreaker, Shurikenbreaker

    Niles, Adventurer // ???, Felicia // Locktouch, Movement +1, Lucky Seven, Pass, Lifetaker

    AN: Honestly a leftover, but the support has its own charm to it. They can probably be changed around.

    Jakob, Butler // ???, Peri // Luna, Aegis, Elbow Room, Armored Blow, Tomebreaker

    Peri, Great Knight // ???, Jakob // Luna, Vengeance, Heartseeker, Malefic Aura, Lifetaker

    AN: Another leftover, I paired up the Butler to the One Who Kills Butlers. Eh, I guess it works.

    Keaton, Wolfssegner // ???, Effie // Wolfskin Fighter

    Effie, General // ???, Keaton // Luna, Armored Blow, Pavise, Natural Cover, Wary Fighter

    AN: I think I was trying to be optimal here, giving the extra STR to Velouria.

    Rinkah, Oni Chieftain // ???, Hinata // Oni Savage, Ninja

    Hinata, Trueblade // ???, Rinkah // Samurai, Oni Savage

    AN: Leftover, but they seem to have good chemistry. (I think you see a pattern where the Hoshido characters I mostly just pass over.)

    * * * * * Child Characters * * * * *

    For this it's mostly for pairup bonuses for optimization, as well as support conversations.

    Siegert, Paladin // Cavalier, Wyvern Rider

    Soleil, Hero // ???, ??? // Aether, Sol, Dual Striker, Charm, Awakening

    AN: A decent support conversation on two characters I would like to use in battle.

    Shigure, Falcon Knight // Sky Knight, Troubadour

    Caeldori, Falcon Knight // ???, ??? // Sky Knight, Samurai

    AN: Two characters I would like to use, so I pair them together.

    Percy, Wyvern Lord // ???, ??? // Wyvern Rider, Fighter

    Sophie, Paladin // Cavalier, Mercenary

    AN: Read the above.

    Dwyer, Butler // Troubadour, Cavalier

    Nina, Adventurer // Outlaw, Dark Mage

    AN: Leftover, likely benchwarmers.

    Forrest, Strategist // Troubadour, Dark Mage

    Midori, ??? // Apothecary, Ninja

    AN: Mostly in it for the support, but could change around.

    Ignatius, General // Knight, Fighter

    Velouria, Wolfssegner // Wolfskin, Fighter

    AN: I think this makes sense statwise for Velouria, but I'm not sure.

    Hisame, Trueblade // ???, ??? // Samurai, Oni Savage

    Selkie, Nine Tails // ???, ??? // Kitsune, Diviner

    AN: Leftover pairing.

    Kiragi, Sniper // ???, ??? // Archer, Spear Fighter

    Mitama, Priestess // ???, ??? // Shrine Maiden, Apothecary

    AN: A questionable pairing, now that I actually have Kiragi and his optimism is rubbing off on me. I am thinking about giving him a better support partner.

    Asugi, Master Ninja // ???, ??? // Ninja, Samurai

    Rhajat, Onmyoji // ???, ??? // Diviner, Oni Savage

    AN: Both characters are benched, so their fates I care not for.

  7. I loved seeing the Awakening kids again, since Inigo, Owain, and Severa were part of my main crew when I played Awakening. However, I will admit their inclusion is a bit hand-waved, and the Hidden Truths DLC (alongside the many other story matters, but that is for a different thread), does not really help matters. I loved seeing the callbacks to various Awakening conversations and watching as these three characters develop further while still keeping their gimmicks intact.

    A part of me would have liked if they went a bit further, having a connection to your Awakening save file (if you have an Awakening save file), and that the trio would make references to what has happened in your game. So, they would know who their fathers were, who they were paired with, etc. Of course, this leaves a lot of open possibilities that is probably not worth the effort in the grand scheme of things, but it would have been nice to see.

    As for the reincarnations however, I'm really only a small fan of Cordelia and don't care much for Gaius or especially Tharja. This seemed extremely out of place for me, as I can imagine the Awakening kids traveling off to other worlds, but having reincarnations (and Severa giving birth to her reincarnated mother, the heck man?!) just doesn't sit well for me.

    * * * * *

    Now for kid ideas...

    Owain - He's already in Fates as Odin. His ending (the quest to stay his sword hand) leaves room for interpretation that he could have ended up in Fates, so I don't mind his transition that much. Although, in my headcanon, I wonder what happened to Cynthia...

    Inigo - Inigo traveled the world, and his ending also leaves room for the possibility of entering the realm of Fates. Headcanon wise, WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY DAUGHTER INDY! WHAT YOU DO!?

    Severa - Severa's solo ending makes the most sense in heading to Fates, but in my headcanon she discovered Fates through one of her adventures with Laurent.

    Brady - As some as already mentioned, I like the idea of Brady being part of Elise's group. The "real tough guy" needing comforting by Elise when he breaks down, I can see him possibly being a Butler due to all the training his mother put on him to be a "proper gentleman". I can see Brady leaving the Awakening world to help others as well, so that helps. (Also, Brady being part of Elise's group somewhat subverts the terrible things that Nohr does, since Elise tends to distance herself away from such activities or approach them "with peace".)

    Gerome - I can't really imagine Gerome leaving the Awakening world, as his ending has him settle down near Wyvern Valley. Also, he seems like the type to keep to himself and probably wouldn't be interested in going to another war-torn world to save the day. However, if for some reason he was convinced, I can see Gerome serving Xander as a mostly silent retainer that just follows orders.

    Yarne - I also doubt that Yarne would want to leave the Awakening world and head into another war because he does not want to go extinct. Also, I don't think Anakos has the power to suddenly make the Taguel face flourish again, so I don't think Yarne will be interested. However, if Yarne was to make it into Fates, I can imagine him being an unwilling pet of Camilla's. Camilla would constantly cuddle with fluffy Yarne, despite his objections.

    Laurent - Considering his distant approach to the Awakening world and a desire for further understanding, I can see Laurent taking up the opportunity to go to another world, even if it is purely scientific in his mind. Laurent would obviously be under Leo's leadership, and may become a Dark Mage (maybe with a hat, or just his spectacles) to transition properly into Fates. (Also, if we go off the board with ideas, perhaps Chrom knows of Fate's universe because of Laurent's involvement as he may have written about his adventures in Fates and published it in Awakening's world. See Laurent's solo ending. // Off-topic, but if Laurent writes his account about Fates, we can blame Laurent for poor storytelling.)

    Lucina - While it may make more sense for Lucina to head back to her war-torn future, it is also possible that she set out for other worlds to prevent them from suffering from a terrible fate. I can see Lucina serving under Xander, where she can keep a close eye on how things develop as she tries to influence events from the shadows.

    Morgan - Unlikely due to all the crazy possibilities and the fact there can be a male Morgan and a female Morgan, but that can be decided on what Avatar gender the player chooses. This character would probably have no idea where he or she is, but has some good tactical ideas. Honestly, best encountered out in the wild, bonus points if Corrin finds Morgan passed out on the open plains.

    Kjelle - She would likely be in Camilla's service due to her strength. Other than that, I have no idea, as I didn't care much for Kjelle in Awakening.

    Cynthia - Cynthia has to be in Elise's group, for Cynthia and Arthur are practically perfect for each other in terms of their heroic antics. It also helps that Cynthia probably would not like how Nohr does some things, and being with Elise allows Cynthia to unleash her inner justice.

    Noire - Noire can be in a variety of different positions. I can see Noire being Xander's retainer because Peri, or Noire reclassing herself as a Dark Mage and serving under Camilla's service. Alternatively, she can serve under Leo as he tries to understand her personality.

    Nah - No doubt her position as a Manakete would rouse suspicion in the world of Fates as she can transform into a dragon (and a different one compared to the ones Corrin and Kana transform into, I mean, Nah shoots fireballs and has 1-2 range, can double, flies [or at least hovers] and is practically a superior Dragon compared to Corrin, but I digress), but I have no idea where to put Nah.

    Trio Ideas:

    Inigo, Owain, Severa - Already present in Fates.

    Noire, Laurent, Cynthia - Noire would serve Xander, Laurent would serve Leo, and Cynthia may serve Elise (alternatively Camilla as she may find Cynthia's heroism adorable).

  8. I would like to use Silas, but in my playthroughs he constantly falls off compared to my other characters. (Although, I probably should just promote him earlier instead of trying 20/x with him).

    I enjoy the childhood friend trope (and the voice actor gives me callbacks to Kid Icarus), but I have not delved into his character to see his other qualities.

  9. I see both sides of the digital fence. In short, Physical for home consoles, Digital for practically everything else (mobile consoles and PC).

    For me, I like having a physical library of video games, especially for home consoles. There's nothing like having a shelf full of your favorite games on display, and it's easy to pick up a game and load the disc in since it's a home console. Also, if you don't like the game, you can always resell it or trade it for something else.

    However, as for mobile consoles (and the growing digitalization of PC gaming), I prefer those to be digital downloads. On mobile consoles (such as a 3DS), I like having a library on the system itself so I don't also have to carry around all of my cartridges with me everywhere I go. All I need to do is open up my 3DS, pick a downloaded game, and play. However, the collector and traditionalist in me still wants the physical versions of video games I really enjoy (such as the Fire Emblem series), so my 3DS gaming habits is a hybrid of physical and digital.

    On the PC front, practically everything is a digital download these days, especially for indie titles. Sure, if you don't like a game, you are probably going to be stuck with it in your virtual library because it can be rather difficult to "trade, sell or refund" a digital good that is tied to your account, but otherwise, digital gaming is just how it is on PC. I really don't mind as I've gotten used to using various "game libraries" to manage my games as well as the "solo games" that need to be accessed through the developer's website instead of an existing store, like Steam.

  10. I first learned of Fire Emblem via Smash Brothers Melee. I enjoyed the music that was played, but otherwise really didn't pay too much attention to Marth and Roy at the time.

    Then, when Brawl was doing its PR Hype Train, they showed off an assist trophy of Lyn. Being the young teen that I was, I went "Hey, it's a pretty lady!", and then I promptly did some research and made the connection that she was in Fire Emblem, like Roy and Marth.

    So, I somehow ended up going to Game Stop looking for FE: Blazing Sword, but they didn't have it in stock. So, I ended up getting Sacred Stones instead. Afterwards, I played every FE game that was released here in the States.

    Play Order: Sacred Stones, Blazing Sword, Radiant Dawn, Path of Radiance, Shadow Dragon (remake), Awakening, Fates

  11. I'm not sure about the misconception, as I understood that these weapons will alternative between using full stats and half stats if one decides to use the same weapon.

    ...And now I'm stuck crunching numbers instead of asking someone else to do so (or find one already done). I should be sleeping...

    [spoiler=S Rank Weapon Details]

    Name Rank Mt Hit Crit Avoid Rng Worth Description

    Aurgelmir S 22 75 15 0 1 0 After the battle, Strength is halved for the next attack

    Iron Axe D 8 70 0 0 1 1000 Standard issue axe

    Iron Axe +4 D 16 76 3 0 1 1000 Standard issue axe

    Iron Axe +7 D 19 90 15 0 1 1000 Standard issue axe

    Berserker STR = 40 (20 when halved)

    22+40, 22+20 = 104 Aurgelmir

    8+40, 8+40 = 96 Iron Axe

    16+40, 16+40 = 112 Iron Axe +4

    19+40, 19+40 = 118 Iron Axe +7

    Verdict - Aurgelmir is a crap weapon if min maxing. More so because Berserkers (who have an "S" Rank in Axes), rely on their immense STR, losing out on 20 STR every other round. I guess this weapon depends on how much you value its Critical rate for baseline, but I think there are other weapons that do the job better.

    Name Rank Mt Hit Crit Avoid Rng Worth Description

    Waterwheel S 19 85 0 0 1 0 Critical Evade +20, Defence and Resistance +5; after the battle, Strength is halved for the next attack

    Iron Naginata D 6 80 0 0 1 1000

    Iron Naginata +4 D 14 89 3 0 1 1000

    Iron Naginata +7 D 17 100 15 0 1 1000

    Guard Naginata C 5 75 0 -10 1 2700 Defence and Resistance +5

    Guard Naginata +4 C 13 84 3 -10 1 2700 Defence and Resistance +5

    Guard Naginata +7 C 16 95 15 -10 1 2700 Defence and Resistance +5

    Spear Master STR = 34 (17 when halved)

    19+34, 19+17 = 89 Waterwheel

    6+34, 6+34 = 80 Iron Naginata

    14+34, 14+34 = 96 Iron Naginata +4

    17+34, 17+34 = 102 Iron Naginata +7

    5+34, 5+34 = 78 Guard Naginata

    13+34, 13+34 = 94 Guard Naginata +4

    16+34, 16+34 = 100 Guard Naginata +7

    Verdict - Waterwheel has its uses, especially if you want to take advantage of the Critical Evade and the fact that forging up a Guard Naginata will be a long journey indeed...

    Name Rank Mt Hit Crit Avoid Rng Worth Description

    Hagakure Blade S 18 95 0 20 1 0 After the battle, Strength is halved for the next attack

    Iron Katana D 6 90 0 0 1 1000

    Iron Katana +4 D 14 99 3 0 1 1000

    Iron Katana +7 D 17 110 15 0 1 1000

    Sunrise Katana D 3 85 0 20 1 0

    Sunrise Katana +4 D 11 94 3 20 1 0

    Sunrise Katana +7 D 14 105 15 20 1 0

    Swordmaster STR = 30 (15 when halved)

    18+30, 18+15 = 81 Hagakure Blade

    6+30, 6+30 = 72 Iron Katana

    14+30, 14+30 = 88 Iron Katana +4

    17+30, 17+30 = 94 Iron Katana +7

    3+30, 3+30 = 66 Sunrise Katana

    11+30,11+30 = 82 Sunrise Katana +4

    14+30, 14+30 = 88 Sunrise Katana +7

    Verdict - The Hagakure Blade is probably the best out of them all, especially when using it over the Sunrise Katana (as forging that will also take a long while).

    Forge Notes (Weapon can Crit)

    +4 = 8 MT, 9 HIT, 3 CRIT

    +7 = 11 MT, 20 HIT, 15 CRIT

    That's all for now. Someone else can do the other weapons, but I doubt they will be worth it compared to the alternatives.
  12. The gates are open...

    [spoiler=Campaign Avatars]

    [Canon Files] Corrin, All, Cavalier || +STR, -RES || Azura // Hard Classic // Nohr! Hoshido Truth

    - Dragon Fang, Draconic Hex, Draconic Ward, Hoshidian Unity, Nohrian Trust

    -- AN: Meant to represent the classic "Canon Corrin", relying on the unique Noble classes for skills.

    [Main File] Anya, Nohr, Cavalier || +SPD, -HP || Xander // Lunatic Classic // Nohr Truth

    - Dragon Fang, Aether, Draconic Hex, Charm, Awakening

    -- AN: Represents the "Canon Conquest" avatar. Due to personal preference, I have her dip into the Great Lord class for skills.

    [Main File] Isamu, Hoshido, Samurai // White Blood, +STR, -MAG // Hana // Lunatic Classic

    - Dragon Fang, Astra, Duelist’s Blow, Swordfaire, Hoshido

    -- AN: Represents the "Canon Birthright" avatar. I headcanon that he is more of a Samurai than an actual Hoshido Noble, so he dips into those skills while remaining that class.

    Kamui, Hoshido, Priestess // White Blood, +MAG, -DEF // Silas // Hard Classic

    - Draconic Ward, Counter, Magic Counter, Swordfaire, Renewal

    -- AN: An alternative file for Birthright to play it through with a female avatar. She is meant to be more of a support unit instead of the classic "frontline avatar that kills everyone".

    [Endgame File] Marcus, Truth, Cavalier // Dark Knight, +MAG, -LCK // Ophelia // Lunatic Classic

    - Dragon Fang, Speed Drain, Tomefaire, Nohrian Trust, Bold Stance

    --AN: My own personal avatar as my main endgame file. Headcanon wise, he is the reincarnation of my Awakening endgame character.

    [spoiler=Einherjar Units]

    ???, Dark Mage // Dark Falcon, +MAG, -DEF // Aggressor, Tomefaire, Vantage, Awakening, Galeforce

    -- AN: An avatar that is close to my endgame avatar. She also appeared in my Awakening endgame group.

    Mycen, Cavalier // Paladin, +SKL, -MAG // Luna, Sol, Pavise, Aegis, Hoshido

    -- AN: A classic proc build. He looks like the stereotypical Fire Emblem Lord (blue hair, etc.)

    ???, Mercenary // Bow Knight, +LCK, -HP / Sol… Strength, Speed, Defense, Resistance Seals

    -- AN: A classic seal build. She has Sol for survivability.

    Crystal, Spear Fighter // Spear Master, +STR, - ??? // Aether, Astra, Lethality, Quixotic, Hoshido

    -- AN: Another proc build, this character also comes from my Awakening endgame group. It may be possible to make an Avatar Army, but it will probably involve speedrunning the game to do so...

    Elysia, Archer // Sniper, +STR - LCK // Astra, Bowfaire, Proximity Shot, Vantage, Awakening

    -- AN: The amazing Vantage and Awakening combo, combined with Proximity Shot. Astra is present for extra DPS and cool factor while Bowfaire is a safe DPS increase.

    F!Berserker, Fighter // Berserker, +STR, - DEF // Axefaire, Vantage, Death Blow, Gamble, Awakening

    -- AN: A theoretical Berserker build that tries to maximize as much Crit as possible. I will probably need to work on the hit rates though... // In my head canon, she is more aligned with her Hoshido siblings, having red hair. However, her short statue and innocent demeanor betray her true prowess on the battlefield...

    M!Berserker, Fighter // Berserker, +STR, - RES // Aggressor, Quick Draw, Line of Death, Axefaire, Galeforce

    -- AN: A theoretical Berserker build that tries to maximize as much Damage as possible. He has Galeforce to allow for additional aggression. // In my head canon, he is from the Ice Tribe and is attracted to Flora.

    * * * * *

    Scarlet, Wyvern Lord - Luna, Savage Blow, Trample, Awakening, ???

    -- AN: A work in progress build and one that is unlikely to see the light of day due to min-maxing (and she is not really available in Revelations), but it tries to take advantage of her personal skill.
    Yukimura, Mechanist - Apothecary, Samurai, Monk
    Izana, Onmyoji – Monk, Samurai, Apothecary
    -- AN: No builds as of yet, but they are in the log because they are not obtainable in the Revelations route.
    Kana, Nohr Noble – Dragon Fang, Luna, Sol, Swordfaire, Draconic Hex
    -- AN: My "Canon Corrin Azura!Kana", she is STR based.
    Nichol, Malig Knight || Aether, Ignis, Savage Blow, Trample, Clarity
    -- AN: I like the boss' design and wish he was actually more fleshed out. I am unsure if he gains any special skills if one waits to fight him on Lunatic, but right now this is the build I have planned with his limited skill set.
    “Lancer”, Ballistician || Survey, Opportunity Shot, Rifled Barrel, Surefooted, ???

    -- AN: A captured Lancer unit will theoretically act as my Ballistician, thinking that the generic portrait works well for the class. That is, provided I can reclass a Lancer into one...

    [spoiler=Endgame Builds]

    Marcus, Dark Knight // All Ophelia // Dragon Fang, Speed Drain, Tomefaire, Nohrian Trust, Bold Stance

    Ophelia, Sorceress // ??? Marcus // Aether, Astra, Sol, Tomefaire, Replicate

    -- AN: The first pairup team, Marcus in the lead while Ophelia acts as a backup. I am aware Bold Stance is not currently available, but the plan of the build is to focus on offense as much as possible. Marcus gets additional procs from Ophelia due to Nohrian Trust, and Replicate!Ophelia can run around the map causing carnage of her own. Speed Drain is present to offset the Dark Knight's lower speed cap.

    Odin, Trueblade // ??? Selena // Aether, Astra, Sol, Swordfaire, Bold Stance

    Selena, Hero // Setsuna Odin // Swordfaire, Aggressor, Quick Draw, Life or Death, Awakening

    -- AN: Another pairup team, relying both on Bold Stance and the personal skills of both parties. Selena is built to deal as much damage as possible while the sword-hand returns to kick butt in Fates. I headcanon that Owain was taught Aether by Chrom before he left.

    Laslow, Hero // ???, Azura // Aether, Sol, Aggressor, Strengthtaker, Galeforce

    Azura, Songstress // ???, Laslow // Inspiring Song, Demoiselle, Inspiration, Amaterasu, Warp

    -- AN: Inigo returns with a variant of his previous build I used for Awakening. He retains Sol, Aggressor, and Galeforce (despite the latter two being nerfed), Limit Breaker is replaced by Strengthtaker, and Aether replaces Astra. Before Inigo left, Lucina (the mother of Morgan who was originally paired with Inigo), taught him Aether. // Azura is just Azura, and her build is subject to change as she is separate from Laslow.

    Kana, Nohr Noble // ???, Shiro // Dragon Fang, Sol, Draconic Hex, Hoshido, Nohr

    Shiro, Spear Master // Asugi, Kana // Lethality, Astra, Luna, Lancefaire, Flamboyant

    -- AN: My endgame Kana, relying on procs for DPS. Both characters are flexible, being able to switch being lead in Guard Stance or functioning as allies in Attack Stance.

    * * * * *

    Xander, Paladin // Ryoma, Mozu // Aether, Astra, Luna, Swordfaire, Strengthtaker

    Ryoma, Samurai // Xander, Hana // Aether, Astra, Luna, Swordfaire, Strengthtaker

    -- AN: The eldest brothers share their respective skills (Luna and Astra), while both also have Swordfaire and Strengthtaker. I also give them Aether, because why not, these guys are broken anyway.

    Takumi, Sniper // Ryoma, Oboro// Aggressor, Bowfaire, Quick Draw, Life or Death, Galeforce

    -- AN: Player Phase Takumi, focusing on dealing as much DPS as possible with his bow and Galeforce.

    Oboro, Spear Master // ???, Takumi // Aether, Lancefaire, Defense Seal, Speed Seal, Awakening

    -- AN: This was originally my build for Crystal (Avatar), but it transferred to Oboro when I thought that making a personalized Avatar Army impossible.

    Arthur, Hero // ???, Beruka // Aether, Sol, Heavy Blade, Veteran Intuition, Strengthtaker

    -- AN: Who said Ike was the hero? Make way for the true Hero of Justice! (It's just Sol with all of Vanguard's skills.)

    Kagero, Master Ninja // ???, Saizo // Lethality, Astra, Kunaifaire, Vantage, Awakening

    -- AN: My enemy phase build, meant to take out as many enemies as possible due to the innate 1-2 range of Daggers and Shurikens. If any survive, they are debuffed for easy cleanup.

    Soleil, Hero // ???, Siegert // Aether, Sol, Dual Striker, Charm, Awakening

    -- AN: She thinks she's a Great Lord because she got blue hair. I don't think Laslow has the heart to tell her...

    Gunter, Great Knight // Luna, Sol, Aegis, Savage Blow, Trample

    -- AN: If Gunter can get better stats to be used properly, here is his endgame build. Shame he has no supports in Revelations...

  13. And now for more ridiculous class ideas. Please note that these classes can be somewhat of a spoiler, so be wary when reading!

    * * * * *

    [spoiler=Rightful King]

    Class: Rightful King (Nohrian, Unique Class)

    Weapons: Axe "S", Tome "A"

    Promotion Path: True!Garon Only (Complete Paralogue "The Rightful King" to recruit True!Garon. Unobtainable in Birthright. Becomes available in Conquest after Chapter 26. Revelations unlock condition unknown.)

    "The true King of Nohr. One wonders if he sets out for vengeance or redemption."

    Max Stats


    80 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 6, Foot (Rightful King)

    Pair Up Stats


    0 +3 +3 +2 +2 0 0 +3 0


    =Personal Skill: Nohrian Charm (If a friendly unit within 2 spaces has a C+ support with the user, that unit has +15 Hit and +15 Avoid.)

    - Level 1: Blood of Dusk (At the start of each turn, enemies within 2 spaces lose 10% HP. Cannot kill.)

    - Level 10: Draconic Blow (When user triggers the battle, damage received -10*)

    - Level 25: Relentless (When user defeats a unit, move to its space and allow for another attack.**)

    - Level 35: Rightful King (Debuffs from using weapons are ignored.***)

    * Essentially a combined version of Armored and Warding Blow.

    ** This ability chains, so if there is a crowd of enemy units, the Rightful King can theoretically kill them all if they are chained correctly. // When dealing with Guard Stance, the survivor is relocated to Garon's original space.

    *** So, if using a Silver Weapon, Garon will not have reduced stats. If using Brave Weapons, Garon does not suffer from -4 DEF & RES. Steel weapons do not suffer from -3 SPD, and so on. // Limitations like "cannot crit" or "follow up" are still in place.

    Author's Notes:

    I really like our "expanded universe, revised" Garon we have been discussing over the message boards and in fan art. In addition, I thought it would be fun to control a boss character in Fates (Sacred Stones did it with Lyon, and Radiant Dawn with the Black Knight), as well as expand more on the True Garon instead of the boring Slime Garon we have.

    Rightful King is deliberately meant to be overpowered. His max stats are taken from his Boss counterpart and his skills take inspiration from his various Boss forms, as well as some of the stories told by Leo to Elise of True!Garon. His personal skill, while broadened to include all units, is meant to reflect on "Garon the Ladies Man" in his younger days. Draconic Blow combines his skillset as a boss of Armored Blow and Warding Blow, Blood of Dusk reflects the Dusk Dragon in Garon's veins, Relentless is due to Garon's prowess on the battlefield, and Rightful King is Rightful King (changed for Fates as its original functionality has been moved to the "Hoshido" skill).

    Support List:

    - Nohr Royals (Xander, Camilla, Leo, Elise)

    - Hoshido Royals (Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi, Sakura)

    - Azura, Corrin

    - Gunter, Shura

    [spoiler=Astral Guardian]

    Class: Astral Guardian (Other, Unique Class)

    Weapons: Breath "A", Staff "A", Lance "B"

    Promotion Path: Lilith Only. (Unlock conditions unknown)

    "An individual who has received the blessing of the Astral Dragons."

    Max Stats


    60 28 35 29 33 35 30 35 6, Fly (Astral Guardian)

    Pair Up Stats


    0 +0 +0 +0 +0 0 0 +0 +2


    =Personal Skill: Astral Savior (If an attack would deal lethal damage to Corrin, the user warps in and takes the attack instead.*)

    - Level 1: Astral Vein (Command. Summons a Dragon's Vein. Effects vary.**)

    - Level 10: Astral Warp (Command. Allows user to warp to Corrin and then take an action.)

    - Level 25: Astral Summon (Command. Summons a unit from My Castle to assist.***)

    - Level 35: Astral Mastery (+2 Range to Astral Breath and Astral Blessing.)

    * This skill can kill Lilith. Incoming damage is calculated for Corrin, no separate calculation is made for Lilith stepping in.

    ** Summons a random "generic" Dragon's Vein. Effects include, but not limited to, firing off a projectile that does damage in an area, heal nearby allies, replicate the user, or temporarily change the surrounding terrain. This skill can be used multiple times per map.

    *** Depending on the route, you will get either Puppets or Stoneborn (or randomly chosen between either if you are on Revelations). You can use this skill as many times as you have units in My Castle (so max 3 Stoneborn and max 3 Puppets, for a total of 6 summons). // If this unit is defeated, it will take a Dragon Point to repair it. // If nothing is built, the option is greyed out.

    Author's Notes:

    Make Lilith playable! The main reason I added in "Lance" proficiency is because I remember reading somewhere that she was to be a Sky Knight at some point before changing her character.

    Lilith is predominately human in this class, transforming to her dragon self for her Breath attacks and her unique "Staff" Astral Blessing. Otherwise, when using lances and normal staves, she remains a human. Maybe she can have some more story development besides the start, My Castle interactions, and the cheap sendoffs...

  14. There are a lot of good choices here... (Note that I still haven't done Revelations yet, so probably not much in the cross-kingdom category.)

    M!Avatar x Azura (Come on, it's almost as pushed as Lucina or Chrom in Awakening)

    F!Avatar x Silas (The classic childhood friend trope)

    F!Avatar x Xander (I support this pairing.)

    Odin x Selena (It's a wonderful support conversation, and saves some problems when returning home. It especially heartwarming if you consider their interactions in Awakening.)

    Odin x Elise (Elise is adorable and her supporting Odin is amazing. Also, Ophelia Lissa!)

    Laslow x Azura (Both are dancers in their own right. I also think Azura may have some understanding when the time comes...)

    Laslow x Mozu (Mozu practically has amazing supports across the board, and Laslow's is no exception)

    Kaze x Elise (Hide and Seek buddies.)

    Kaze x Sakura (Doll buddies.)

    Arthur x Beruka (Beruka can use some positivity in her life. Educate her in the Nohrian way, with Justice!)

    Arthur x Azura (Past history. Little boy of Justice!)

    Takumi x Obroro (A classic pairing that has been discussed many times before.)

    Takumi x Hana (Shared history and overcoming a small hurdle.)

    Camilla x Silas (Both harbored thoughts for one another, despite the rough supports before)

    Xander x Mozu (Mozu is still amazing with her support with Xander.)

    Benny x Charlotte (A natural support pairing)

    Ryoma x Scarlet (I keep hearing about this paring, and the more I look into it, the more I wish it was a thing. I even used both of them together when I was doing Birthright!)

    Jakob x Flora (Hopefully Flora may be able to achieve her happy ending, and perhaps even cool down Jakob a bit...)

    Felicia x Niles (Niles can use an angel in his life, and Felicia serves exactly that.)

    Hinoka x Kaden (Pegasus Grooming 101)

    Saizo x Kagero (Ninja Reunion!)

  15. Looking for some rarer skills in preparations for my master file...

    Ophelia - Replicate

    Selena - Life or Death

    Shiro - Lethality, Luna

    Just in case if people were wondering about my builds...


    Marcus, Dark Knight // All Ophelia // Dragon Fang, Speed Drain, Tomefaire, Nohrian Trust, Bold Stance*

    Ophelia, Sorceress // ??? Marcus // Aether, Astra, Sol, Tomefaire, Replicate

    Odin, Trueblade // ??? Selena // Aether, Astra, Sol, Swordfaire, Bold Stance*

    Selena, Hero // Setsuna Odin // Swordfaire, Aggressor, Quick Draw, Life or Death, Awakening

    Laslow, Hero // ???, Azura // Aether, Sol, Aggressor, Strengthtaker, Galeforce

    Azura, Songstress // ???, Laslow // Inspiring Song, Demoiselle, Inspiration, Amaterasu, Warp

    Kana, Nohr Noble // ???, Shiro // Dragon Fang, Sol, Draconic Hex, Hoshido, Nohr

    Shiro, Spear Master // Asugi, Kana // Lethality, Astra, Luna, Lancefaire, Flamboyant

    * I am aware Bold Stance is currently unobtainable and may remain as an Enemy Only Skill. However, I have hopes that it will become available like Point Blank, so I'll keep it here.

  16. Hmm...

    I'm a bit hesitant with the whole "same world, parallel universe" thing. Sure, they may want to portray Anankos being a powerful, dimensional hopping world eater that annihilates planets for breakfast., but for some reason, it just seems off. Maybe I'm not feeling it because this sort of thing has been done before (Bravely Default, how the latter half of that game was a pain...) Why did not Shigure just get all the kids from one universe from that timeline (Birthright and Conquest) instead of picking one kid across different ones (Birthright 1, Birthright 2, etc.)?

    I think I would be more satisfied if there were three worlds for this "Future Past" scenario. All the Hoshido kids came from Birthright, all the Nohr kids came from Conquest, and Shigure came from a failed Revelations. Maybe the multiple worlds thing was meant to be a plot twist, but by just going off the text, but again, perhaps I'm just not feeling it.

    Of course, I can't really pass final judgement until it is released stateside and localized, and when I'm immersed in the story we'll see where the trip takes me. However, right now, this really does seem to be a rehashed version of Future Past, an expanded story, but standalone in that we can't use our main characters.

  17. I managed to finish both on my first attempt, blind, and everyone alive (On Lunatic Classic if difficulty counts, but I don't know if it does for DLC). Here's some advice from my playthrough.

    General Advice

    - I fairly sure that Hidden Truth 1 does not transfer to the second, so use the consumables as you see fit.

    - Remember to trade items. If you happen to pair up Selena and Laslow together, give Selena the Killing Edge so she can make use of it.

    - Owain is a Samurai (Myrmidon) in Part One and a Dark Mage in Part Two. Adapt accordingly.

    - EXP is not important, so use your units for maximum potential.

    Hidden Truths 1 (Grants Fell Blood Seal, Grandmaster Promotion Item)

    - While it looks like Awakening, its not. All Fates rules apply. Take note that the trio do not have their personal skills yet. (I called the tree level with the background!)

    - Seems easy at the start, but soon you will find you may be overwhelmed by enemies as they attack you seemingly nonstop.

    - Make good use of chokepoints and Owain with his Levin Sword. I paired up Selena and Laslow and had Owain solo, normally placing him near the pair for that Attack Stance bonus.

    - The hardest part of the map after surviving the onslaught is trying to take on the boss. He has a Dawn Katana, so landing hits is difficult. May be RNG be with you!

    Hidden Truths 2 (Grants First Blood item, allows usage of Dragon's Vein)

    - I'm not sure if extra First Blood items transfer or if you get one from just finishing the map. (I had Laslow keep his in his inventory.)

    - When using the three initial Dragon's Veins, the buff only seems to apply once. You cannot stack buffs and become a super soldier (I tried with with Selena, but it seemed it did not stack)

    -- In addition, activating a Dragon Vein will create "harmful terrain" that debuffs units on it. Use this to your advantage.

    - Activating the final, forth (hidden until you do the 3), will grant that character even more power in the terms of skills. I used Selena and she got Counter, Luna, and Warding Blow skills.

    -- Also, you will detach the starting island and it will blend with the island up top, making easy access to the boss. However, the boss summons an army, so be prepared for this.

    -- If you go this route, beware of fliers from the rear.

    - Note that you don't technically need to kill the boss. You will, however, need to break the wall the boss is guarding. As long as your units escape, you win.

  18. Looks like the Scrambles and a Future Past scenario have already come to pass. I doubt there will be more DLC planned afterwards besides possible challenge maps, but here goes...

    * * * * *

    Apotheosis 2.0

    - The most likely DLC to be made, the completionist in me wants the ultimate challenge for my characters. Although, I still haven't finished the "true route" for Awakening...

    - If the Awakening cast beat Apotheosis, will they be the ones running it this time, alongside Anna, or just the normal generics?

    Garon Backstory

    - I want to know more about Garon, especially the whole concubine war and the entire situation before the start of Fates. More world-building for Nohr, please.

    - A far-fetched wish, but I would like an Einherjar Garon, with proper supports with his children. This would be the Garon Leo used to know when he was little, not the Garon depicted in Fates.

    Sumeragi Backstory

    - I have yet to learn more about him, but a backstory about him may be cool to see. This may also expand upon Mikoto's as well.

    - Going off of the above, have an Einherjar Sumeragi (and maybe Mikoto) with supports. More world building!

    An "After Awakening" DLC.

    - We have one before the events of the game, so why not one after? Corrin and Chrom wanted to talk again about their kingdoms, after all. (Although this calls into question into what Awakening ending is canon, but that's a thing for another time.)

    - This may also allow for more crazy crossovers. Is this the timeline where the Awakening kids originated? How will the parents (or just mothers) interact with their grandchildren? How will the reincarnations interact with their "real selves"? What are the consequences of the Trio interacting with Chrom and Co in "Before Awakening"? How will Xander, Leo, and Camilla react to meeting their retainer's parents (and how young they are)? The possibilities here are endless...

    - Give me Chaos and Divine Decree back pls. I loved those two songs in Awakening. (Maybe even Id Purpose, but that is more Robin's thing...)

    Anankos DLC

    - Play an alternative timeline where the bad guys win. Most of the DLC doesn't even use our main characters, so why not.

    Support Patch

    - Adds in additional supports for various characters, mainly CorrinSexuals. They need not have children of their own or even S ranks, just supports up to A.

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