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Posts posted by Sire

  1. At first I was skeptical of listening, but it blew me away. Not only the music, but the presentation of the video as well.

    Sure, there are different lyrics to the English original. However, both this version and the original are excellent pieces. The original is good for its symbolism for the game while Amalee's is better for just listening in general.

    As for which one I prefer, I honestly have to go with Amalee's. It's a masterpiece!

  2. Laslow

    - Hero (Aether, Sol, Aggressor, Strengthtaker, Galeforce)

    -- I don't care if he can dance, but in my canon, Viron!Inigo married Lucina!Morgan (and Cherche!Morgan) and will carry on his legacy of kicking *** in Fates with a variant of what he had in Awakening.

    -- Sol remains, as well as the now nerfed versions of Aggressor and Galeforce. Strengthtaker replaces Limit Breaker, and Laslow was taught Aether by Lucina before he left (which I think replaces Astra).


    - Hero or Bow Knight (Swordfaire, Aggressor, Quick Draw, Life or Death, Awakening)

    -- I'm torn here, mostly because I prefer Lon'Qu!Severa to be a Hero, but her now "canon" class is Bow Knight (which makes some sense as her mother rode a horse, even though it flied). She was a Hero in my Awakening runs, and while she may not get a unique model in Fates, she still looks good as a Hero.

    -- Her skills are brand new for Fates, mostly because she will be working with Odin most of the time.


    - Swordmaster (Aether, Astra, Sol, Swordfaire, Bold Stance)

    -- Stahl!Owain returns with an all new skill-based build! Running three proc skills, Owain will show the world how his darkness is darker than their darkness while calling for aid from Selena due to Bold Stance. If Owain crits, Selena too must crit as she will not allow Owain to take all the glory. Aether was taught to him by Uncle Chrom because Owain thought it looked so cool.

    -- I am aware Bold Stance is not currently available and may not be, but it is my build nonetheless.

  3. I had an analysis of Azura back when Fates first came out, so I'll just repost it here. (Please note that some names may be different as I was relying on translated information at the time)

    I don't know if there is a "best" class, but I did have a fun making a theorectical "Nohr Hero Paladin Build" where Azura runs a lot of different auras to help with the frontline.

    [spoiler=Details]Character – Azura

    Disclaimer: I am working on purely theory and have no idea on how everything will actually play out as I have not played Fates or have sufficient knowledge of gameplay mechanics and its difficulty. These ideas are meant for end-game play with maxed out stats and skills. DLC classes are not taken into account for these builds.

    For the most part, Azura’s class choice will mainly depend on the player’s judgement on how important the Dance skill is. That, and trying to stick with more “canon” or “character-like” classes, it can be somewhat difficult to find a different class for Azura to use.

    The base class, Singer, can be argued to be easily outclassed by almost every other option. The main two drawbacks are the low HP (45 is the lowest HP cap), as well as a sad weapon rank cap of C in Lances. However, the class makes up in utility with the almighty Dance ability, so that command alone will practically make or break Azura’s class selection, especially considering that Azura is the only dancer available in Fates. In addition, with the weapons changes in Fates, Azura may not need a higher rank weapon, especially if she will mainly be regulated to dance duty.

    Now, it is possible to turn Azura into a frontline support unit instead. When Azura reclasses into something a little more formidable, her personal skill will help the frontline fighters stay alive for longer. In addition, Azura’s access to various other auras can also be a boon, so she can hold her own and support her allies more directly with auras instead of dancing just behind the front lines.

    Azura – Nohr Dancer Build

    [spoiler=Detailed Information]Marriage Seal – Any

    Buddy Seal – Elise

    Class: Singer

    Main Weapon 1: Guard Naginata (Grants +5 Def and Res) [if possible to obtain on Nohr]

    Main Weapon 2: Magic Seal Lance (Abysmal Attack, but +8 Res)


    *Healing Voice*

    - Allies within a 2 tile radius recover 10% HP at the start of the user’s Turn

    Special Song (Singer – Azura Base)

    - Skill, Speed and Luck +3 for one Turn for the unit who receives the user’s song

    Demoiselle (Rod Knight – Elise Buddy Seal)

    - Male allies within a 2 tile radius receive 2 less damage during battles

    Battle Command (Strategist – Elise Buddy Seal)

    - Allies within a 2 tile radius deal 2 extra damage and receive 2 less damage during battles.

    Sun God (Golden Kite Warrior – Azura Reclass)

    - Allies within a 2 tile radius recover 20% HP at the start of the user’s Turn

    Optional Skill

    - Throw a skill of your choice here!

    Optional Skills:

    Voice of Peace (Singer – Azura Base)

    - Enemies within a 2 tile radius deal 2 less damage.

    -- AN: Azura should be playing support and while near the front lines, and not exposed to danger. However, given somewhat poor synergy available for the Dancer Class and skills, Voice of Peace can be used to give Azura a small defense and resistance boost. The benefit to her allies is just the icing on the cake.

    Foreign Princess (Singer – Azura Base)

    -“Foreign Army” enemies within a 2 tile radius deal 2 less damage and receive 2 extra damage

    -- AN: Swap this one in if you happen to be facing Foreign Army enemies, otherwise have something else.

    Soar (Singer – Azura Base)

    - Hit rate and Avoid +30 when facing Flying enemies

    -- AN: An optional skill to take advantage of the Avoid +30 for survivability. If Azura is properly protected, she may still be exposed to fliers, and this ability helps to keep Azura alive.


    I am giving Aqua a defensive weapon as she is not meant to be a front line attacker, instead electing to dance and let her allies do the work.

    As for skills, as Azura is remaining to be the Singer class, it can be rather obvious to keep the Special Song skill which improves her singing ability. The rest I focused on auras so Azura can continue to support her allies as well as skills that will help Azura survive easier (especially considering Azura’s low HP cap and penalties to DEF).

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Azura – Nohr Hero “The Paladin” Build

    [spoiler=Detailed Information]Marriage Seal – Lazwad

    Buddy Seal – Elise

    Class: Hero

    Main Weapon: Varies


    *Healing Voice*

    - Allies within a 2 tile radius recover 10% HP at the start of the user’s Turn

    Sol (Hero – Lazward Marriage Seal)

    - Skill% chance of restoring half the damage dealt to the enemy

    Voice of Peace (Singer – Azura Base)

    - Enemies within a 2 tile radius deal 2 less damage

    Battle Command (Strategist – Elise Buddy Seal)

    - Allies within a 2 tile radius deal 2 extra damage and receive 2 less damage during battles.

    Sun God (Golden Kite Warrior – Azura Reclass)

    - Allies within a 2 tile radius recover 20% HP at the start of the user’s Turn

    Optional Skill

    - Throw a skill of your choice here!

    Optional Skills:

    Demoiselle (Rod Knight – Elise Buddy Seal)

    - Male allies within a 2 tile radius receive 2 less damage during battles

    -- AN: If you happen to be fielding a lot of male frontline units, then Demoiselle can be a good choice to use to increase their defenses.

    Foreign Princess (Singer – Azura Base)

    -“Foreign Army” enemies within a 2 tile radius deal 2 less damage and receive 2 extra damage

    -- AN: Swap this one in if you happen to be facing Foreign Army enemies, otherwise have something else.

    Axebreaker or Kunaibreaker (Hero or Bow Knight – Lazward Marriage Seal)

    - Hit rate and Avoid +50 when the enemy is equipped with an (Axe or Kunai).

    -- AN: If you are a fan of breaker skills, Azura can equip these two thanks to the marriage seal from Lazward. These skills can help Azura a little with offense and survivability. Personally, I would probably choose Kunaibreaker due to their 1-2 range and would probably have Azura wield a sword, which beats axes (and bows) but is weak to Kunai (and lances).


    Sharing many of the skills from my Nohr Dancer (or Singer) build, this set allows Azura to be on the frontlines supporting her allies more directly with auras and DPS instead of singing. Special Song is replaced with Sol for survivability (and she will not be singing as a Hero anyway). Battle Command and Sun God return to serve as auras, and now since Azura is a frontline unit, Voice of Peace is also a good addition to her skillset over Demoiselle.

    However, this build requires a lot more investment than the previous due to scattered skillsets and trying to transform Aqua into a frontline fighter instead of a support unit. However, it’s probably still a fun build to use when messing around in “postgame”.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Azura – Hoshido Singer Build

    [spoiler=Detailed information]

    Marriage Seal – Jakob

    Buddy Seal – Any

    Class: Singer

    Main Weapon 1: Guard Naginata (Grants +5 Def and Res)


    *Healing Voice*

    - Allies within a 2 tile radius recover 10% HP at the start of the user’s Turn

    Special Song (Singer – Azura Base)

    - Skill, Speed and Luck +3 for one Turn for the unit who receives the user’s song

    Demoiselle (Rod Knight – Jakob Marriage Seal)

    - Male allies within a 2 tile radius receive 2 less damage during battles

    Battle Command (Strategist – Jakob Marriage Seal)

    - Allies within a 2 tile radius deal 2 extra damage and receive 2 less damage during battles.

    Sun God (Golden Kite Warrior – Azura Reclass)

    - Allies within a 2 tile radius recover 20% HP at the start of the user’s Turn

    Optional Skill

    - Throw a skill of your choice here!

    Optional Skills:

    Voice of Peace (Singer – Azura Base)

    - Enemies within a 2 tile radius deal 2 less damage.

    -- AN: Azura should be playing support and while near the front lines, and not exposed to danger. However, given somewhat poor synergy available for the Dancer Class and skills, Voice of Peace can be used to give Azura a small defense and resistance boost. The benefit to her allies is just the icing on the cake.

    Foreign Princess (Singer – Azura Base)

    -“Foreign Army” enemies within a 2 tile radius deal 2 less damage and receive 2 extra damage

    -- AN: Swap this one in if you happen to be facing Foreign Army enemies, otherwise have something else.

    Soar (Singer – Azura Base)

    - Hit rate and Avoid +30 when facing Flying enemies

    -- AN: An optional skill to take advantage of the Avoid +30 for survivability. If Azura is properly protected, she may still be exposed to fliers, and this ability helps to keep Azura alive.


    This build is practically identical to the Nohr singer build, but instead of using a Buddy Seal on Elise, Azura marries Jakob and uses a Marriage Seal. The following information is a copy-paste from the counterpart’s build.

    “I am giving Aqua a defensive weapon as she is not meant to be a front line attacker, instead electing to dance and let her allies do the work.

    As for skills, as Azura is remaining to be the Singer class, it can be rather obvious to keep the Special Song skill which improves her singing ability. The rest I focused on auras so Azura can continue to support her allies as well as skills that will help Azura survive easier (especially considering Azura’s low HP cap and penalties to DEF).”

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    There are probably more builds for Azura (It seems Pupeteer is fairly popular for the Copycat Puppet skill, but the Pupeteer class does not really appeal to me), but I’ll let other users post their ideas and discussion regarding the heroine of Fates.

    As for what is the best class for Azura, I have to go with the majority and say Singer for practically everything. Even at endgame, if one can overlook Azura’s low HP and Weapon Rank, her other stats are somewhat competitive with other Tier 2 promotions, leaning more toward the “agile support” instead of a frontline fighter.

  4. 1: Gameplay is amazing all round. New weapon triangle, new durability system and reworked weapons, weapon variety, forging, Conquest's map design, there is too many to list.

    2: Arthur is amazing. For me, he's the "New Gregor".

    3: Lots of enjoyable characters, especially on Nohr's side.

    4: The new Reclass system, and more importantly, the new way to obtain skills. This is amazing for those who want really personalized armies.

    5: My Castle. I love almost everything about it, but I can live without the spa and My Room though, move character development there elsewhere.

    6: For the most part, the English voice cast nailed their parts.

    7+: There's too many good things to list. Honestly, it's easier to talk about the negatives because there aren't that many as the positives for Fates. But that is a different topic for a different time.

  5. I think I'll stick to "in general" lists in terms of attractiveness...

    Blazing Sword

    1: Limstella 2: Leila 3: Lyn 4: Karla

    Sacred Stones

    1: L'Arachel 2: Erika 3: Marisa 4: Syrene 5: Tana

    Path of Radiance

    1: Astrid 2: Nephenee 3: Elincia 4: Jill 5: Ilyana

    Radiant Dawn

    1: Micaiah 2: Nephenee 3: Jill 4: Elincia 5: Astrid* 6: Laura 7: Mist 8: Ilyana

    Honorable Mentions: Lyre, Vika

    *What did they do to your normal portrait! Your PoR one is far superior!...

    Shadow Dragon

    1: Linde 2: Caeda 3: Lena 4: Nagi

    Honorable Mention: Maria (Is she reincarnated as Sakura? I just noticed their similarity...)


    1: Cherche* 2:Olivia 3: F!Robin** 4: Cynthia 5: Tiki 6: Lucina

    Honorable Mentions: Sumia, Cordelia, Lissa, DLC!Celica

    Adorable: F!Morgan

    * I don't care much for the official artwork, but I ended up marrying Cherche on my main file.

    ** Default, the other options are nice too.


    1: Ophelia* 2:F!Corrin 3: Flora 4: Felcia 5: Hana 6: Caeldori 7: Azura 8: Selena 9: Elise 10: Sakura 11: Mozu

    Honorable Mentions: Scarlet

    Adorable: F!Kana

    * However, her voice is starting to get to me as of late, and I'm reconsidering if I want to marry her in my endgame file...

  6. Story wise, I want to lean more towards the trio.

    First off, they came from a ruined world (Think Future Past, but they all survived and went back in time like Lucina), so they are not strangers to combat and hardship.

    Second, and this point is debatable, is that they joined up with Chrom and fought in another war, eventually leading up to Grima. (This is debatable as child paralogues depend on how fast one can "S" rank, and some people don't get all the child characters until "endgame")

    Thirdly, and another debatable point, when we consider the DLC for Awakening. Sure, there were the massive Einherjar battles against the heroes and characters of old, but there existed the challenge maps, including Apotheosis. While I'm sure Fates may get its own variant, if the trio can survive that, I'm sure they can handle almost anything...

    However, it is true that in the world of Fates, Dragon Veins exist. Its power is capable of freezing units in place, reducing their stats, reducing enemies to 1 HP, constructing a personalized castle, etc. So, if Dragon Veins are around. I'll say the Royals may win. Otherwise, if relying on pure skill and equipment, the Trio may win, even against the unique weapons of Xander and Leo.

    Gameplay wise, I'm pretty sure Royals win in a general sense. While any unit can become amazing and kick butt in Fates, the Royals are the easiest to use due to their stats and unique weapons.

    Elise is a healer (and mounted), so she practically has her own role over the trio.

    Leo is a Dark Knight, and can be compared to Odin. While Odin can be trained to be powerful as either a STR or MAG build, it can be argued that a trained Leo fairs just as well.

    Camilla is Camilla. She loves Corrin too much to be beaten by otherworldly adventurers.

    Xander has his unique blade which practically trumps anything Laslow and Selena can do, in addition to his crazy DEF.

  7. So apparently there is more research that needs to be done...

    The one variable I did not thoroughly test is beating the game and registering them then instead of the Einherjar shop. They both function as Einherjar cards, but maybe the information is stored differently.

    There is also the variable of starting from the Prologue instead of the Branch of Fate point.

    If this is the case, it does open up the possibility of having an Avatar Army, but the work required to actually register them requires speedrunning through the entire game... (Alternatively, do a bunch of Avatar Log unit runs as they carry over, so your previous units get stronger as you register new recruits by beating the game or something)

  8. I want to say resources for My Castle are randomly generated per day.

    When I made three new characters to set up my Birthright runs, all three had the same resource (Pearls and Peaches). They had different genders, class choice, strengths, and flaws. However, I was lazy with the birthday, using the same one for all three, but I think I used that birthday before for a different character and the resources were different (although she was on Conquest instead of Birthright).

  9. I covered this in "I just want to know one thing" topic, but it is buried in the flood of posts there.

    Here are those posts in question. It also covers the other Avatar log units.

    [spoiler=Experimenting]Just an update on my question regarding the Avatar Log and making an "Avatar Army" in the hopes someone will find this useful.

    When registering your Avatar, your amount is limited. I believe it is separated by gender, so if you have one already, you will overwrite your previous Avatar!

    I found this out the hard way by...

    1: Rushing Female Avatar 1 on Normal Phoenix Mode (Branch of Fate -> Chapter 12 Nohr)

    2: Go to Einherjar Shop, Buy Avatar Card.

    3: Go to main file to check if the avatar has been registered.

    4: Delete rushed file, make new file, rush Female Avatar 2 on Normal Phoenix Mode.

    5: Go to Einherjar Shop, Buy Avatar Card.

    6: Go to main file to check if both of my avatars have been registered.

    7: Cry because my first female avatar has been wiped.

    8: Go to Einherjar Shop in main file, buy Avatar Card.

    9: My Male Avatar is separate from my Female Avatar. I think they are seperated by gender.

    This is a shame, I hoped to have fielded at least six custom Avatar units (F!Spear Master, F!Dark Falcon, F!Sniper, M!Paladin, F!Bow Knight, F!Berserker), not counting my avatars from previous runs. At the very least, I wanted my Spear Master and Dark Falcon avatars...

    All I can think of now is possibly brute forcing this method as they will all end up on one file. So, rush the unit, register into the log, recruit the unit on the save file, and repeat. Hopefully this creates a "usable clone" in the save file that I can use at the cost of not being able to use it in other saves. This will take a lot longer than I have originally anticipated...

    Anyways, just posting this here in case anyone else wanted to make an Avatar Army. I hope it proves to be accurate and useful.

    [spoiler=Avatar Army Notes]1: Battle Dialogue

    - Bosses have some grunt sounds when attacking, but are otherwise mostly silent.

    - Einherjar and Generics (Prisoners) are completely silent. This includes Avatar Einherjar.

    - Amiibo and Bond units are voiced.

    2: Maximum Amount

    - You can hold up to 99 units in the Avatar Log.

    - You can field up to 20 units in one save file.

    - When registering your own avatar, you will overwrite your previous registration of that gender. This means you can have a max of two avatars, one of each gender.

    - It seems like you can register other user's Avatars without restriction.

    [spoiler=Conclusion]Another update on my Avatar Log question, specifically about creating an "Avatar Army" in FE: Fates.

    I can safely say that it is impossible to create a personalized Avatar Army using only one system.

    I spedrun through the game again on a different difficulty, as per Frozenkappa's suggestion, to see if that will make any difference, but upon registration, it will still overwrite your previous Avatar character of that gender. Brute forcing the system is not possible as I recruited my previous character and attempted to register the new one in the shop, but the option was greyed out. In addition, as completing the game seemingly just gives you "5 Free Einherjar", I doubt the functionality would be different from purchasing it from the Einherjar Shop.

    So, if you really want to make an personal Avatar Army, you will need a friend or an spare 3DS, but I have a feeling that you will only be able to register one avatar per "Unique Game ID". Otherwise, you will only be able to have a max of "Three Personal Avatars" (One male, one female, and your current active file), not counting Avatars obtained from Street Pass or the My Castle functionality. If you wanted an army of random Avatars gathered from Street Pass and My Castle, this should still be possible, its just that the player won't be able to make a customized army of his/her own.

    Well, this revelation sucked out some of the fun for me as I had some builds planned out for my personalized characters. Guess I'll have to find another way to get them implemented..


  10. I'm just starting with Birthright now (after playing Conquest), and immediately Birthright!Corrin calls out Garon for what he is, a "coward and lair". He even foreshadows in the decision scene that Garon is no longer human and is pure evil! What is this?!

    ...I also see how people dislike Xander on calling Corrin a traitor, being blind and remaining loyal to Garon. This is going to suck.

    Also, there's more people in Birthright's version of Ch 6 than Conquest's. Let's see how they do this story...

  11. @ Karis

    Yeah, it is more of a DLC based build. However...

    Dread Fighter and Dark Falcon seals are can be farmed right now with the Royal Rumble DLC. Otherwise, yes, they are limited if one is using the seal from purchasing all three paths.

    So as of present, the only real limitation is the Great Lord seal for Awakening, which also restricts the build to a female-only character. This is not much of a problem for me as my Dark Falcon is meant to be an Avatar Einherjar unit, so she will not really affect my main file. However, I can understand this limitation for others as Great Lord seals can not be farmed until a much later date.

  12. Protagonist - A prince or princess whose kingdom was conquered by another. This character is initially out for revenge and tries to usurp the kingdom that conquered them, but...

    Villain - A conqueror with a purpose. He / she seeks to unite the separate kingdoms under one rule in preparation for the end times (think Walhart from Awakening). However, most of the other kingdoms care little for the prophecies and most diplomatic attempts have failed, so this character goes to claim the land by force before the "real bad guy" arrives.

    Real Bad Guy - Evil dragon, demon from the abyss, crazy god or goddess, the normal for any Fire Emblem game. Alternatively, perhaps have a twist where the Protagonist was possessed or serving the "Real Bad Guy" the entire time, and near endgame, the player character switches sides and has to kill the Protagonist (and perhaps even former allies if they can not be persuaded to defect). Or, if one wants an evil ending, stick with the Protagonist and the "bad guys win". It's a matter of perspective, right?...

    Deuteragonist - A mostly silent avatar character that occasionally has a small impact on the story. Think Xenoblade Chronicles X player character, a "bad*** rookie", but the overall plot revolves around someone else. In this case, perhaps the avatar character serves as a champion or something for the protagonist and has interactions with the main cast, but the main story mostly revolves around someone else.

  13. For my theoretical Dark Falcon build...

    Aggressor, Tomefaire, Vantage, Awakening, Galeforce

    Galeforce is the main component of the build, so there will be no pair-up for this unit.

    Aggressor complements Galeforce for additional DPS on the offensive.

    Tomefaire is a safe DPS increase as a Dark Falcon should be using Tomes.

    I personally prefer Awakening to Death Blow, as Awakening gives superior bonuses at the cost of being half health or less. If you want to play it more safe, you can use Death Blow instead for the extra crit chance when attacking.

    Currently, I have Vantage as a defense mechanism because I am running Awakening, but I may swap out Vantage for Magictaker when it comes out, for more DPS.

  14. I'm stuck with the default "Windows Live Movie Maker" for video editing, so I don't know how good are the others.

    For recording videos, I previously used the paid version of Fraps, but recently tried OBS. OBS may work well, but it seems for best results it should be used with multiple monitors as I have no idea when I am recording with OBS, unlike Fraps.

    For commentary, I use a regular headset and use Audacity to record and refine my voice and audio quality.

  15. I think I want a bit overboard with "some", but here is a list anyway.

    [spoiler=To save space]Ogre Battle Franchise

    - Ogre Battle 64 is my top favorite game of all time. I also enjoy the Tactics Ogre (played a translated SNES version) and March of the Black Queen, and I still need to get around to properly completing them. It is a shame that the franchise died off because they moved the team over to Final Fantasy Tactics instead. Ogre Battle should still exist, it has such a cool setting...

    Command and Conquer Franchise (including Red Alert)

    - I know everyone loves Red Alert 2 to bits, but a part of me still enjoys the old time classic of Red Alert 1. Red Alert 3 was a step in the wrong direction, and C&C 4 killed the series. C&C 3 was all right and I had fun with it while it lasted, but it didn't have the magic of the previous C&C games for me.

    - If you happen to like the original Red Alert and Command and Conquer, there's a free remake called OpenRA. There are some differences to the originals, but I find OpenRA to be enjoyable.

    - Also, special shoutout to C&C Renegade. I loved Renegade to bits and that was my shooting game for a long time. Now, there's Renegade X, an improved version of Renegade's multiplayer! Yay!

    Grandia II

    - The story was fun, but the battle system... I love the battle system of Grandia II to bits. Grandia II is probably my second favorite game of all time due to its battle system.

    Skies of Arcadia

    - This game, words can not describe how amazing this game is. Just play it, pick up Legends if you want to, but I played the original on the Dreamcast.

    Xenoblade Chronicles X

    - While I'm sure some people may know of it, this game is amazing for what it is. Sure, it has some flaws of its own, but the side quests caught me completely by surprise, especially after hearing the controversies with censorship. One sidequest reminded me of Resident Evil, while another turns a simple expedition into some far, far darker. One sidequest caught me by surpise, I was minding my own business (and was going to meet Hope for a Heart to Heart convo), when all of a sudden I trigger a cutscene and an alien falls out of the sky and goes splat on the concrete. They do not pull punches with the side quests, I tell ye!

    Gauntlet Legends and Gauntlet Dark Legacy

    - Arcade games at their finest. I loved the N64 version of Legends to bits, and while Dark Legacy adds more stuff, it does change some other things around as well.

    X-Men Legends and X-Men Legends 2

    - I think I was given these, but these games are also fun both in gameplay and story (especially the first one for story).

    Warlords Battlecry

    - I think people enjoy 2 and 3 more, but I've only played the first one. The idea of combining an RPG in terms of hero progression and an RTS for the overall gameplay is brilliant. It's a shame they don't do much with the Warlords universe anymore, I still got my Puzzle Quest thing on my DS (even though it seems to be a poor port).

    Populous: The Beginning

    - While not the original God Sim of previous, Populous: The Beginning was my first Populous game, it was fun to play. Essentially, you play as a tribal shaman who is a leader of a tribe, and you get to cast various spells (including spells that alter the terrain, such as making a land bridge, sinking settlements into the ocean, summoning a volcano, etc.) an an attempt to defeat your enemies.

    Battle for Wesnoth

    - It's a free turned base strategy game for PC that relies on community development. I'm in the process of making a campaign for it (which is currently on hold), so you can check that out in my signature!

    Planetside 2

    - My "modern" shooter of choice. The epic scale of battles and the combined warfare of infantry, tanks, and aircraft makes for an amazing game. It is Free to Play, but if you are concerned with BS deaths, you may want to pass on this because you can (and will at some point) be sniped Infiltrators that can use stealth cloaking.

    ... I can go on and on with this...


    Frozen Synapse


    Mount and Blade: Warband

    Quest 64

    Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume

    Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars (not a bad 3DS launch title!)

    Kid Icarus: Uprising (Amazing gameplay and fun humor, but I think the aesthetic and controls may put people off)

  16. I tried Youtube myself before, also wanting to do some commentaries and let's plays of video games, but I also ran into the same hurdle of motivations and "what's the point". I had several series, but I ended up wiping the channel because I was not satisfied with the content I was creating despite the gems in the rough. Sure, my friends enjoy the content I put out, but in terms of actually having an audience, I practically have none. Nowadays I look at Youtube as more of a fun hobby to mess around with, but I'll get to my personal thoughts later.

    For starters, the classic question on "how to stand out" is replied by the classic cliche saying, "Just be yourself". Sure, you may exaggerate a quirk or two of yours for whatever effect you are shooting for, but otherwise, stay genuine. As a man who somehow scored 100% on the Introvert scale (personality test, I am an INTJ), I still manage to give a great performance and entertain others, even if it can exhausting at times as I normally prefer to keep to my solitude instead of dealing with others. Just remember, no man is an isolated island. If one wants to be an island, that's fine, but make sure to have good shipping and receiving to the mainland.

    Also, getting into Youtube depends if you are making videos as a fun side hobby or if you want to try and commit to Youtube to make some sort of living off of it. From what little I have researched, it seems that streaming on Twitch is more lucrative than Youtube videos (subscriptions seem to pay more than ad revenue), but streaming has the factor of doing something in front of a live audience (and likely having a schedule) instead of the "detached uploaded video" and the comments section. There's also the fact that Patreon exists, but that arguably comes with real responsibility and reputation cost, which may or may not be worth the hassle.

    Motivation makes or breaks a venture. It may be stupid to say, but if you want to do something, just do it. Sure, it may be crap in terms of quality, but if you do it long enough, you will improve with time. I watch VaatiVidya on Youtube with all of his Souls lore, and if you compare his older stuff and setup to what he does now, there is a definite difference in terms of quality, while the soul of his content is still there. Start with something small and slowly expand.

    Looking on my Youtube channel now (shameless plug, even though the last video was 7 months ago), when I see an old video, I feel the urge to make something again. I see Youtube as a hobby for me, as my ultimate goal is to make video games, not record myself playing them. Particularly, I see my videos more as personal entertainment, like "recorded memories" or "baby videos", looking back at emotional moments in video games when I am playing through the first time. A part of me wants to make content, but I have a specific set of content I would like to make and the conditions for me to create them are not met. Originally, I was going to get back into Youtube by doing Darkest Dungeon, but because I was using new software (OBS), I lost out on two hours of footage because I did not set it up properly. Needless to say, this does not help with motivation, and currently my time is spent messing around with FE: Fates, either playing the game, theorycrafting stuff, or messing around in its subforum here.

    Long story short, if you want to do something, just do it. Shut down potential distractions and negative self thinking; try to be optimistic about what you are doing. If you are having fun, that's all that really matters.

  17. Hoshidan Unity is just a renamed Rightful King so I don't think it would be too inappropriate to have a Nihil-like skill (and there is no Nihil in Fates).

    I really like Encore for the Dancer. One of the things I don't like about Dancers is that they constantly fall behind because they give other characters second actions. It only gets worse after everyone promotes and they have even less Move than everyone else. That's why I don't feel bad about giving Azura Warp.

    True about Hoshidian Unity being a renamed Rightful King. So sure, let there be a Nihil-like skill in this hypothetical situation!

    As for me, I'm running out of class ideas because any more suggestions would practically overlap with what has already been said or already has a role in the base game. Maybe when I get around to playing Birthright and Revelations I may have some more ideas, but now it's just a wait for the next title for Fire Emblem and see what they come up with there.

  18. Lunatic Classic for the final main file because I like the shiny badge. Also, in theory, Lunatic skirmishes are probably better for pure endgame teams than Hard skirmishes, in case one wants some PvE replayablity.

    Also, one can always technically cheese Lunatic mode with DLC and the Avatar Log if you want to speedrun through just to get to the endgame PvP and skirmish stuff. However, I have not played Revelations, so I don't know how difficult it is.

  19. @ Azz

    Regarding the double "S" ranks in both Swords and Dragonstones for my Valla Noble variant, I can see where it can be a bit overpowered. I would like to keep the Dragonstone at "S" rank as this variant tries to focus more on transforming into a dragon, but maybe Swords can be left at "A". My justification for both "S" ranks is because this variant does not gain any new weapons and just tries to improve on the "base" class of Nohrian Prince(cess).

    @ NekoKnight

    I suppose "Silent World", which makes negates enemy skills (think Nihil) would work instead of Invisible Fang. I guess the only problem would be that Nihil exists, and something simple as a name change or giving another skill the same functionality may upset some people, but it's a cool idea.

    * * * * *

    In general, I also echo the sentiment that this topic has cool ideas. I like the idea of Lancers becoming Sentinels (I loved the Tellius saga), of proper Thieves coming back with the Steal command, Falconers, the Roy class, Griffins being expanded upon, etc.

    ... I also feel like every time I post in this topic I need to add another class to the pool. So, here goes!

    [spoiler=Dancer]Class: Dancer (Nohrian, Solo Class)

    Weapons: Lances "C"
    Promotion Path: Azura Only // Unlocks after Conquest 14 // Unlock conditions in Birthright and Revelations are unknown
    "A female who invigorates allies with her dancing. Can dance to cause various effects."
    Max Stats
    45 30 28 33 33 32 25 26 5, Foot (Dancer)
    45 28 27 31 31 35 27 28 5, Foot (Songstress Comparison)
    Pair Up Stats
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0
    - Class Command: Dance (Grants an ally +2 to all stats that decays by 1 per turn.*)
    - Level 1: Acrobat (All traversable terrain costs 1 movement point to cross.)
    - Level 10: Inspiring Dance (+3 to a "Boon" stat for the unit who watches the user's dance.**)
    - Level 25: Mesmerize (Enemies within a 2 tile radius suffer -10 to Hit.)
    - Level 35: Encore (The first use of Dance counts as a free action.***)
    * Turn of Dance = Full Effect. Next Turn, +1 all stats instead of +2. Next Turn, baseline. // This skill stacks with other buffs like from tonics and food.
    ** The stat declines at a -1 per turn, as per the Dance command, and stacks with the previous +2 // The "Boon" stat for characters not the Avatar is determined by their statue buff.
    *** This opens up many different possibilities. Azura can dance, then move somewhere else to attack, dance, or wait. Alternatively, Azura can move somewhere, dance, and either dance again or attack something.
    Author's Notes
    A part of me is still bitter that Azura does not have access to her dark outfit outside of the cutscene. So, here is an attempt to remedy that situation!
    First off, Acrobat returns as Azura has Tier 1 movement, so this should help her somewhat. I know that Acrobat is practically superior to Luck +4, but come on, she is practically an acrobat with all of her dancing and singing!
    Then, Inspiring Dance follows Inspiring Song. The important difference between the two is that the Dance variant slowly fades away while the Song is done after the turn is over. Of course, it will be a guessing game for the player to figure out what "Boon" each unit has, but I think it's a powerful skill.
    Thirdly comes Mesmerize, as the enemies will no doubt stare longingly into Azura's eyes, make groans of increasing discomfort, or just be distracted by her performance so that it is more difficult to land a hit.
    Lastly came Encore. I thought about having Dance affect all adjacent units, also granting Encore to the Songtress class (so Azura can transcend and become a Heron), but this seemed to go a bit overboard with power. Having a free move opens up more tactical strategies, as Azura can dance and attack something (or just dance twice) if the player wishes to do so.
    The biggest point of contention with this version of the Dancer is the fact that Rally skills exist. Sure, the dancer's buffs stick around and slowly decay instead of dissapearing, but for min-maxing, a rally bot is probably superior to using a Dancer. That, and I'm not sure how people will react between having the ability to move again (Songstress) or just having a buffed up unit (Dancer).

  20. I've seen my avatar in others' castles on several different occasions.




    It makes me wonder how many times she's gone through the main story lol

    Ah, so you are the owner of the Josephine character, the FE made of statues, and general skill shop stop. Yeah, she carried me through Conquest Endgame because I wanted to start my "Main Conquest File" instead of my canon run with Corrin and Azura. Thanks for the character and all the skills I bought off of you!

  21. Here is my end-game plans for Selena!Ophelia. I know its not optimal and also partly relies on a skill that is not currently obtainable, but here it is anyway. (Although a part of me is reconsidering if I really want to marry Ophelia in my end-game file, but I don't want to miss out on a second gen character if I end up marrying Selena instead. Decisions, decisions...)

    Marcus, Dark Knight // All Ophelia // Dragon Fang, Speed Drain, Tomefaire, Nohrian Trust, Bold Stance

    Ophelia, Sorceress // ??? Marcus // Aether, Astra, Sol, Tomefaire, Replicate

    * Marcus = Corrin (Avatar) // +MAG, -LCK
    ** Speed Drain = Lodestar // Tomefaire = Castle Skill // Bold Stance = Obtain Method Unknown
    *** Aether = Great Lord // Tomefaire, Replicate = Castle Skill
    Essentially, it's a proc build for Ophelia with Aether, Astra, and Sol, with Tomefaire for extra DPS. Replicate is present (because I discovered how broken it is), for the ultimate pair-up combo. Yes, I know Sorcerer is not the best class to be for a skill based build, but as I said, this is not an optimal build.
    The Avatar and Ophelia are paired up in Guard Stance, with the Avatar in the lead. The Avatar has Dragon Fang as a proc with Tomefaire to help with DPS, as well as Speed Drain to help offset the Dark Knight lower speed cap. But the Avatar has Nohrain Trust, granting him access to Aether, Astra, and Sol from Ophelia to proc. Finally, with Bold Stance, the Avatar also has Ophelia help with DPS at the cost of being unable to passively negate enemy Attack Stance. With Aether and Sol procs, the Avatar can keep his HP up while dishing out heavy damage from the other skills.
    Then, we have Replicate!Ophelia running around using her skills on whatever. Skill usage is important here (despite the Sorcerer's low Skill cap), and I expect Replicate!Ophelia to be getting crazy criticals, especially with her skill usage. Astra Criticals are fun.
    * * * * *
    Also, ChocoboBeach, you should be able to edit your posts in the bottom right corner of where you post is, next to the Quote buttons. This way you don't need to make multiple posts.
  22. I decided to put my own spin on the hypothetical Valla Noble class, so here it is.

    [spoiler=Valla Noble]Class: Valla Noble

    Weapons: Sword "S" Dragonstone "S"

    Promotion Path: Choose Revelations Route. You must forsake your Nohr Noble and Hoshido Noble promotion options if you wish to be a Valla Noble.

    "A royal whose heart yearns for peace. Has superior skills in swords and dragonstones."

    Max Stats


    60 34 31 29 32 33 31 32 6, Foot || Sword "S" Dragonstone "S" (Valla Noble)

    60 32 31 28 32 27 29 32 6, Foot || Sword "A" Dragonstone "A" Tome "A" (Nohr Noble Comparison)

    60 34 28 29 30 33 31 28 6, Foot || Sword "A" Dragonstone "A" Staff "B"(Hoshido Noble)

    Pair Up Stats


    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0


    - Level 5: Draconic Destiny (When wielding Dragonstones, +1 Range*)

    - Level 15: Invisible Fang (Skill x 0.5% chance adding half of the user's current HP as damage.)

    * This essentially makes Dragonstones a 1-2 weapon, but can still only attack once.

    Author's Notes:

    I was debating on Draconic Destiny on whether it will allow Dragons to attack twice or give the bonus range. In the end, I settled on the range as this functionality already exists in the game in the form of Draconic Rage, and a dragon double attacking, while fun, seems somewhat out of place in Fates new weapon system.

    As for Invisible Fang, Nohrian Trust allows the user to borrow other skills while Hoshidian Unity makes them more likely to proc. So, for Valla, I decided to go back to the basics and simply give Corrin a new skill to play with alongside Dragon Fang. Invisible Fang is powerful as it can add an additional 30 damage at full (capped) HP, but its power does decrease as the unit takes damage, essentially a reverse Vengeance.

    As for max stats, I chose the highest caps of the other two nobles and fused them together, to reflect the combined nature of the Valla Noble. This class does sacrifice Tomes or Staff usage, but gains in weapon rank of Swords and Dragonstones, as well as improving Dragonstone usage with the class skill Draconic Destinity.

  23. Just beat Elise on Lunatic Classic (if difficulty even matters).

    Yeah, this map is down to using Dragon Vein's and knowing all about Attack and Guard Stances. Our hero, Effie (Arthur is a sidekick) practically handles everything her way, provides she manages to get the hit in first. Elise is excellent at freezing enemies and healing up your party. My main goal was to reach the bottom left of the map to make use of the Fire Orb and camp out, and that's how I got my victory (although we mainly fought our enemies in the field instead of tanking).

    Here's my general turn-by-turn play in the run I just finished, alongside some general advice. Note that these strats are not 100% foolproof as there is some RNG involved, so manage your risks carefully, and I may have recalled some events incorrectly despite just finishing a few hours previous.

    Kill Order: Camilla // Takumi, Sakura, Leo // Ryoma // Hinoka, Xander

    1: All buffs go to Effie (Magic goes to Elise, of course).

    2: Remember, you can trade and attack in the same turn, useful if you have a full inventory with a lead unit.

    3: Know the ins and out of replicated units. They share HP, buffs, and debuffs, but only the real characters get support bonuses. The Guard Stance meter is also different.

    4: Remember to use Attack Stance every now and then. You can make up the "lost stats" by using those temporary item buffs, they are there for a reason! (This also applies to the Beach DLC)

    5: Remember that Dragon's Vein acts as a Freeze Staff. Not only are they immobile, but they also suffer -20 Avoid (you get +20 Hit when attacking them!)

    6: Your general objective, with Elise, is to go south to the Fire Orb Fortress. Eliminate all opposition.

    7: Remember, Elise can fight too. Don't be shy using Elise as an offensive unit and have her take a hit if she can get a kill, she's not that fragile of a princess!

    Turn 1: Give Effie Goddess Icon, use the icon, prepare for turn 2. Do not activate Dragon's Vein yet.

    Turn 2: Position Effie+Arthur in range of Camilla (on the edge). Position Elise next to Effie.

    Turn 3: RNG Time. If you positioned correctly, you will be able to kill Beruka with Elise with Effie's support. Otherwise, it'll be a reset. // Damage Camilla with Effie.

    Turn 4: Activate Dragon's Vein with Elise (who will likely be near death.) Use Replicate!Arthur with a Tomahawk to break the Guard Stance, kill Selena and Camilla with Effies. Use Replicate!Elise and heal up with her personal staff, you'll need that inventory space.

    Phase one done. Phase two is the hardest, in my opinion, and here's when things get a little more general.

    1: You will likely have to deal with Takumi's forces and the incoming Sakura force at roughly the same time. Also, to make matters worse, Leo and company will make a move and head towards your position while you are cleaning up. To solve this, use Dragon's Vein. Positioning will be key.

    2: Your forces will be clumped together save for Replicate!Elise. Park her on the northern Dragon's Vein just west of the river, that vein will save your life. (Doing this one act allowed me to run the rest of the map blind and successfully prevail.)

    3: Focus on taking down Takumi's forces first as Sakura and company are mainly just annoying insects. Keep in mind Hinata's personal skill, Triple Threat, so you don't accidentally take damage that could have been avoided. Feel free to take down Subaki when he arrives, Hana may get herself killed during the enemy phase, leaving only Sakura left for her team.

    Takumi: Blame Takumi, for he will make you cry and weep. Arguably, against Elise, he is the strongest force on the map to contend with as there is no real OHKO, and Takumi cares not for terrain and will hunt you down. Make sure he's out in the open and not on terrain, or you will have a rough time taking him down.

    Oboro: Dangerous because her Defense Seal, but manageable.

    Hinata: Dangerous because of Triple Threat and when on the offensive, but otherwise can be managed.

    Subaki: "Perfect" cannon fodder. One shot him with Beast Killer, preferably with Replicate!Effie

    Hana: She may have some Dodge, but you can one shot her as she clinks against the mobile wall known as Effie.

    Sakura: The most dangerous and perhaps annoying to deal with due to her dodge rates and Silence staff.

    Leo: You will likely have to use Dragon's Vein or try to tank his hit, but Leo is easily defeated with Beast Killer.

    Odin: Hit him first before he hits you and you will be okay. You may need to use the real Effie+Arthur team instead of the replicated one for that small support bonus.

    Niles: Has a Shining Bow (1-2 Range) and is likely the most dangerous individual on Leo's team. Luckily, if you can land a hit with the real Effie, you may be able to one shot him.

    After this insanity, take a breather and continue south. You next objective is Ryoma and his ninjas. Dragon's Vein is invaluable here as not only you prevent them from moving, but you also make them all easier to hit as well. Set up your kills and watch as they vanish into the night. You now have claim to the Fire Orb Fortress!

    Now, the rest of the map is practically easy as Hinoka and Xander come to you. Use the Fire Orb as you see fit with Replicate!Elise, use Beast Killer on the mounted units, and watch as Hinoka and even the mighty Xander fall to your forces.

    Hinoka: Beast Killer. That is all. Warning: Bolt Naginata

    Setsuna: Easy to deal with, especially if you have a spare Dragon's Vein around. I never went to the eastern side of the map after claiming the fortress as my own.

    Azama: Grant him divine punishment with Elise. Finish him off if necessary.

    Xander: Fire Orb and Beast Killer, or just general Weaken + Beast Killer. Effie can tank his hits easy.

    Laslow: A little more difficult to deal with, but will likely be the last enemy you slay. He is a lover, not a fighter, after all.

    Peri: Beast Killer. That is all.

    I beat the map in about 20 turns. The hardest part for Elise (at least for me) is dealing with the Takumi, Sakura and Leo assault. Everything else was relatively easy compared to that.

  24. I love these topics. I'll condense my classes into spoiler tags to save space. Hopefully these hypothetical classes are balanced...

    * * * * *

    [spoiler=Levin Knight]Class: Levin Knight (Nohrian, Solo Class)

    Weapons: Sword "A"

    Promotion Item: Thunder Emblem

    "A knight disciplined in ways of might, magic, and lightning. They have a fondness for wielding Levin Swords."

    Max Stats


    60 30 30 32 30 28 32 32 6, Foot (Levin Knight)

    60 32 31 28 32 27 29 32 6, Foot (Nohr Noble Comparison)

    55 31 33 33 29 26 28 33 6, Foot (Grandmaster Comparison)

    55 32 31 28 27 31 34 30 8, Horse (Dark Knight Comparison)

    Pair Up Stats


    0 +2 +2 +2 0 0 +1 +1 0


    - Level 1: Might and Magic (When calculating damage, use either STR or MAG to opponent's DEF or RES, whatever will result in higher total damage.*)

    - Level 10: Storm Call (Command, Attacks an opponent at 2-3 range. Can not follow up, trigger skills, or crit. Enemy cannot counter attack.**)

    - Level 25: Chain Lightning (When user triggers the battle, damage dealt is chained to an adjacent enemy of the target at half damage. Chains 3 times, cannot kill.***)

    - Level 35: Levin Master (Allows for criticals and skill activation when wielding a Levin Sword.)

    * This also applies to innate magic weapons, such as the Levin Sword. Might and Magic overrides the weapon, so Levin Swords can deal physical damage based off STR if the conditions are right.

    ** This skill is triggered via a command, so it can not be used during the Enemy Phase. In addition, the damage type depends on the weapon and if Might and Magic is in effect.)

    *** The skill can not chain on itself, so there must be 4 total targets (Main target, chain one, chain two, and chain three). Chain Lightning works with Storm Call.

    Author's Notes:

    I am a fan of armored magic-wielding knights, so I decided to make an incarnation for Fates with the Levin Knight, more focused on the lightning element and the Levin Sword. The unit will wield both sword and shield as well as be clad in full plate.

    [spoiler=Champion]Class: Champion (Valla, Solo Class)

    Weapons: Sword "S", Axe "S", Lance "S", Tome "S", Dagger "S", Bow "S", Staff "S"

    Promotion Item: Valla Seal

    "Mimicking ancient warriors from Valla, these Champions can master any weapon or situation."

    Max Stats


    70 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 6, Foot

    Pair Up Stats


    0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1


    - Level 1: Honor Guard (When the supporting unit, take half of incoming damage instead of the lead unit.*)

    - Level 10: Ancient Stance (Always blocks incoming attacks from enemy Attack stance, even when not in Guard Stance.**)

    - Level 25: Nihil (Negates enemy’s combat-related skills.**)

    - Level 35: Gloria (Gain +1 to all stats per enemy defeated. This effect wears off at 1 per turn. There is no cap.)

    * This skill can kill the Champion. Incoming damage is calculated for the lead unit, no separate calculation is made for the Champion stepping in.

    ** Only works when the Champion is the lead unit.

    Author's Notes:

    I always wanted a Fire Emblem class that can use every single weapon in the game, so I decided to make one! Yes, the Champion's max stats are very balanced and perhaps boring if one wants to min-max, but the skills a Champion has are pretty good. The Champion is also meant to try and promote usage of Attack Stance as he can take hits from other units as well as passively negate enemy Attack Stance with his skill Ancient Stance.

    It's also nice to have a Valla unit as well, and to bring back Nihil is just amazing in its own regard (until everyone runs Nihil, then it's just Nihil on Nihil, and then just stats and forges, but that's a topic for another day.)


    Class: Valkyrie (Outrealm, Female Only, Solo Class)

    Weapons: Sword "B", Lance "A", Bow "B"

    Promotion Item: Outrealm Feather

    "Mysterious maidens from the Outrealms, they are often found alongside Einherjar."

    Max Stats


    55 31 25 34 34 29 29 33 6, Flight (Valkyrie)

    55 28 27 30 34 35 27 35 8, Flight (Falcon Knight Comparison)

    60 34 25 33 32 29 30 29 6, Foot (Spear Master Comparison)

    Pair Up Stats


    0 0 0 +4 +2 +2 0 0 0


    - Level 1: Summon (Summons a Phantom to aid you once per map.*)

    - Level 10: Judgement (Command, has a percentage chance of instantly defeating an adjacent foe based off of remaining HP. If successful, the unit is registered as an Einherjar in the Logbook.)

    - Level 25: Ethereal Bonds (All Einherjar have "A" support bonuses with each other and the Valkyrie.)

    - Level 35: Redemption (Resurrects a fallen Einherjar unit once per map.**)

    * Think Fire Emblem 8 Phantom. These Phantoms have their own unique weapon and are not part of the Weapon Triangle, and are based off of the Valkyrie's stats.

    ** Only one Einherjar unit will be revived, not one revive per Einherjar.

    Author's Notes:

    Essentially a unit that takes advantage of the Avatar Log and all the Einherjar therein. Now if only the generics had generic voices and that Avatars managed to keep their voiced lines...

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