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Posts posted by Sire

  1. In terms of console and handheld development, I see the Nintendo Switch as a home console that has a gimmick of being able to play on the go as a handheld. So, the Switch is a home console first, handheld second. (Imagine a more powerful Wii U with a gamepad that can play games anywhere.)

    Nintendo is making progress on the mobile market, so it is possible that they may end up dropping a dedicated handheld device in favor for mobile games and the Switch. I personally like my dedicated, portable gaming system, so seeing that go would suck. I do not want to play hardcore video games on a phone.

    Of course, it is entirely possible that Nintendo may consider the Switch to be a home console and continue handheld development. The 3DS is still doing fairly well, and I can imagine Nintendo upgrading the 3DS or making its new successor (hopefully continuing with dual screens) after the launch of the Switch. In addition, I believe portable gaming is big over in Japan, especially with a hot title like Monster Hunter being on the 3DS. That alone gives me hope that Nintendo will still continue with handheld devices. (See the iterations of the 3DS - Original 2011, XL in 2012, New in Oct 2014)

    So, we have the Nintendo Switch for Home Console, the New 3DS as the Handheld, and Mobile for casual gamers. So far, everything looks good, and I still have faith in Nintendo and look forward to what they do next.

  2. I heard the original Corpse Party (the 3DS is an updated version) was pretty good, but I tend to avoid horror so I can maintain my sanity. However, sometimes I am intrigued by the story of such titles and want to know more despite the content therein.

    Regarding Corpse Party, I think it's more of the unnerving atmosphere that can make one sick instead of being in a state of fear or tension. I only watched an LP and just made it three episodes in before I stopped at a game over sequence because of how disturbing it was to me (and the LPer had voices off, so it may be more intense with it on), but a part of me wants to delve back in to continue the story.

    Then again, I'm not the type of player who regularly enjoys the horror genre, so it may be better to listen to an expert the matter.

  3. Sounds about right for not having dual screens, I didn't see how the console or controller could support more than one. Also, Touch screen and motion/gyro support have not been confirmed yet, so we still have to wait until next year or whenever Nintendo wants to give us new info.

    A small shame, but expected. Not many people use the dual screens to their full effect, most settling just for having one gaming screen and the other be a reference (mini-map, stats, hotkeys, etc.). One game that likely did it properly was 999 (I just saw an LP and never played it myself), but to think the brilliance of when it is used is just mindblowing. Also, games that make the DS held more like a book also probably took advantage of the functionality.

    I think any DS, 3DS, or Wii U ports that rely on two screens will just have two separate windows on the main device, or regulated between switching screens. The two separate windows is how they do DS games (Super Mario 64 DS, Mario Party DS) on the Wii U, and if they do continue with the Virtual Console, I see that as being how they implement it for the NSwitch,

  4. Please, when quoting a long post, cut it down (or just hit quote, delete all the text, and type in -snip- or something followed by your thoughts.)

    Realistically (What will probably happen)

    1: DLC will likely return for future installments. I'm sure that the "EXP DLC, Weapons DLC, and Gold DLC" will become standard, with each game putting its own spin on the formula. I would also hazard a guess that there will be "Special CG" maps as well.

    2: I see Avatar character sticking around. However, I would like to have game where the Avatar unit, while amazing, is not the main focus of the story. For example, I think of Xenoblade Chronicles X's player avatar, while he/she is "the awesome Rookie", the main story actually revolves around Elma (and Lin, and Tatsu). The player just plays as a bad*** character that just happens to tag along with the important people.

    3: My Castle functionality will likely return. I see this feature being the evolution of Base Conversations back from Fire Emblem 9 and 10 and the Barracks functionality from Awakening. Personally, I would like to see more personalized Base Conversations again, so hopefully they can implement this feature alongside the generic dialogues.

    4: I see the "S" Rank support system returning, but I hope that instead of just plain up marriage that "S" Ranks just mean a paired, personalized ending like in Sacred Stones. Also, I would rather see a low amount of quality supports than a lot that rely on cliches. Lastly, there doesn't have to be an "S" option for all characters, some characters just go up to A.

    5: I am unsure if children will return, and I hope they do not unless there is a justifiable reason for them to return. While I enjoyed them for what they were, there can be far more variety in character designs. In addition, as of late, the FE games need a little more world building instead of character building, and having a child character trying to build up the character of the parent gets old rather quickly. New recruitable characters can add in more information about the world instead of kids that are shoved away in another dimension.

    6: I think the new weapon system (Updated Triangle and addition of Daggers) may stick around and get its own evolution. I have a feeling that Fate's weapon system will become the new norm, unless they end up hybridizing durability with different weapon effects. I really hope they change Silver weapon's functionality, mostly because I'm more of an Enemy Phase player instead of setting up killzones for the Player Phase. Alternatively, upgrade the Forge to also allow for "weapon skins", so if I want my "Iron Lance" to look like a "Silver Lance" and vice versa, let me do so!

    7: Skills and Personal Skills will likely return. I love both, and Personal Skills is a great way to make a character different from others in that class.

    Dream Fire Emblem (What I would like to see)

    1: It is released on the Nintendo Switch. Console FE on the go!

    2: It had 3D models, animations, and graphics similar to Radiant Dawn, improved of course.

    3: The return of the Pegasus Knight Trio Attack. Sure, I may never use it, but it's a fun thing nevertheless.

    4: Improved lore and character motivations. What is the history of the world and each nation? Why are the characters fighting, and what do they treasure or fear?

    5: Practical armor designs sprinkled with some fanservice. Take Radiant Dawn for example, it had practical armor designs like Jill and Titania, but then you have Calil who wears an outfit that reveals her entire leg, Ilyana with a short skirt, or Nephenee as a Sentinel. As long as the outfit makes sense for that character and it is not blown out of proportion, the fanservicey designs are fine. (An example of fanservice done wrong is Camilla from Fates. The breasts are overly emphasized and there are battle panties. It doesn't help the game also intensifies her outfit when portraying her character. Nailah from RD does it better when portraying women with large breasts.)

    6: Removal of My Room and cheesy Confession scenes.

    7: Character Specific Paralogues. I would like these to expand on that character's story, or even a group of characters if they are all often together. If they remove children characters, they can replace the kid paralogues with this instead.

    8: Gameplay with varied objectives, like FEConquest and the Radiance series. Also include skirmishes and side areas like in Sacred Stones (Tower of Valni, Ruins). I would love a postgame challenge area that is accessible on the base game without DLC.

    9: A primary antagonist who is mortal. Sure, this person can be hungering for overworldly power, but the big bad is still just a simple man or woman. Yes, the final boss can be some insane monster, the big bad ascended, or something to deliver on that, but I want an antagonist who is just a normal human the majority of the game and NOT having redeemable values. I want a straight up villain who the player will hate, not sympathize with.

    10: Playable Transform characters, such as Manaketes and Laguz. Make sure they also have sufficient lore and backstory too!

    11: Playable Soldier class, like in the Radiance series.

    12: Expanded Magic like in the Radiance series. I want Light magic back, with proper Dark magic! While it would be cool to see a subset of Anima magic again (Fire, Lightning, Wind), I much rather have different classes that wield different variants like Light + Sword, Dark + Axe, Anima + Spear instead of Fire Mage, Wind Mage, Thunder Mage.

    13: Fog of War. Bring it back! Maybe even have one map in pitch darkness if one wants to be evil.

    14: World Map with Narration. Seriously, some of the narration builds on what is going on and expands the world, and offers a different perspective than just pure characters.

    Taken from Realistic List: Non-intrusive Avatar, Improved My Castle, Base Conversations, quality Support Conversations, expanded Character Endings, Weapon Skins, Skills, Personal Skills

    I'll stop here before I end up thinking of any more and start adding in the smallest details. Man, sometimes I just want to go out and make my own Fire Emblem like game, but then there is so much involved as well as a lot of other projects I need to finish...

  5. I had a long post that I was going to type out and put here regarding my pros and cons of FE 7-14 (minus 12 since it was never localized), but then the editor decided to quit on me and I lost all of my progress... So, instead of that, I'll try to be more general instead.

    Classic and Modern FE both have their ups and downs. The main points of contention of modern FE (Awakening and Fates) are the subpar story and the extreme amount of fanservice (My Room, Marriage + Kids, Unit Designs that show off panties or have boob windows, Character Designs like Nowi, Tharja, Ophelia, Camilla, and so on.) A minor point of contention is the inclusion of self-insert Avatars, which can improve or lessen the experience for players. (Yes, Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword did have an "Avatar", but I saw that inclusion was done fairly well as the Avatar mostly worked behind the scenes. When it had a story moment, it made sense, and it was cool to see characters talking to the "player".)

    Gameplay wise, Modern FE is still all right, with Conquest having some of the most memorable gameplay of Fire Emblem with its varied objectives. Awakening introduced Pair Up, which is an interesting mechanic, and Fates refined the concept further and also allowed the enemy to use it. The music is still amazing with memorable tracks, and the modern artist does a good job of portraying characters (It is said that the designs are from the art director, the artist simply draws what is asked). Fates brings back some of the over the top animations which is nice to see. The Skill System is fun to play around with... Again, Modern FE is still good, but the story and anime fanservice is a bit too much for some of us veterans, and some of us fear that this trend will only get worse.

    What I miss from the classic FE are the interesting support conversations, especially that from Sacred Stones which I believe may have the best Supports in the entire franchise. Not all character endings end up in marriage, one is a father & son ending, another is the old war veteran and the new recruit, and there is even the Male Guardian and the Princess, where the Princess is married off to someone else while the Guardian cries on how much she has grown. I much rather have a lower number of support conversations that are excellent in quality than a bunch of them that rely on gimmicks and cliches.

    Also, I miss the lore. Sure, Fire Emblem may not always have a good story told in game and may overly rely on "Big Kingdom invades Small Peaceful Kingdom", but having interesting background lore about the world is amazing. Tellius, for example, has a bunch of different countries (Daein, Crimea, Bengion, Gallia), with a whole backstory on ancient heroes, the Great Flood, and the different Laguz tribes. Fates just has two countries with some minor factions mixed in that are never really expanded upon. Maybe Fates lore is so secret one will die if they talk about it.

    Essentially, dial down the fanservice, make a good story, continue with the awesome gameplay of Conquest, keep the awesome music, and the next Fire Emblem should turn out fine. It's just that the anime fanservice (avatar, My Room, marriage + kids, character designs, etc) has been overbearing as of late.

    Edit: I was going through my posts, and I think this sums up my thoughts fairly well. It was made back in March of this year.

    The fanbase will need to sort itself out between the old players and the influx of the new generation. I started off with the Sacred Stones and played every game released stateside since (including Blazing Sword), but in the words of Honest Game Trailers, I saw Fire Emblem transition from a "balls hard tactical game to a balls hard tactical game wrapped in an anime visual novel." I don't mind fanservice, and I get a kick out of the nonsense every now and then, but I am worried about how far they will go. The "My Room" models were nice and the dialogue added a little more to their character, but I could live without the petting and cooling them off. I'll take the swimsuits over that, there are some armor designs that are somehow more revealing and suggestive than a simple swimsuit.

    I guess I suggest simply tread with caution. Swimsuits seems to be the easy way for fanservice, and that I can deal with. Having virtual characters proclaim their love to you and make suggestive remarks is when I start slowly backing away from my 3DS, saying "What did I get myself into?" That said, my daughter Kana is too adorable. I thought female Morgan was adorable, but Kana is another beast entirely. Please send help.
    Overall, I think Fire Emblem has a good future ahead of itself. They still have the gameplay mechanics down, as demonstrated in Conquest, and they still have memorable characters (Arthur, Benny, Felicia, F!Kana, the trio, too many list...) I would like to see them improve on story some more and maybe tone down the fanservice a little bit, but otherwise, I'm still fairly happy with the series as a "veteran" player.
  6. With all of the Nintendo Switch hype, I decided to take a trip down memory lane. Here's the original eShop music for the 3DS back when it first launched. (Man, I feel old. The Wii was back in 2006, 3DS in 2011... Time flies much faster when one ages.)

  7. Welp, looks like the hype train suddenly turned on the breaks. Nintendo may not release more information until 2017.


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    However, to discuss a bit more, since the NSwitch seems to be porting some games over (or making sequels), I would like to see..

    1: "Hyrule Warriors Ultimate" - Combining graphics of Wii U, 3DS content, and DLC. Maybe even have some new content, although that may be better for a sequel if it is made. Also, file transfer?

    2: New Fire Emblem - In the Path of Radiance / Radiant Dawn style of 3D models and over the top animations. Fates had some cool animations, and I would love to see the next Fire Emblem on the Switch.

    3: Xenoblade Chronicles X 2 - This has to be a thing. It must be a thing. I must know what happens next in the world of Mira! That ending is too open, answer me questions!

    4: "Smash 4 Ultimate" - With all DLC and stuff from both 3DS and Wii U. Although, if a Smash is made for the Switch, I am thinking tag team matches and the like to possibly feature (like in Marvel vs Capcom). Bonus points if the Story Mode made a comeback with all of the glory of cutscenes.

    5: New Monster Hunter - I haven't touched the series since Ultimate 3 for 3DS, but I would like to see it playable on the Switch, if just to play it on the big screen. I know some people that really rather play it on a console format instead of a tiny handheld as well.

    From what has been shown, the 3D Mario looks good (triple jump and long jump remind me of N64) while "Splatoon 2" is also on my list. I've heard some people talking about the possibility of Bayonetta 3 or a sequel to the Wonderful 101 because Platinum Games is around, which makes me need to purchase Bayonetta 1 & 2 at some point. Then, there are all of the possibilities from 3rd party developers (although if there is a PC release, I rather get that)...

    I also wonder what Nintendo will do next after this announcement. There is likely to be a "Holiday Direct" about all of the hot games coming out during holiday season, but I'm not sure how that will hold up to people wanting to know more about the NSwitch.

    Slightly off topic, but what will the proper "shorthand" term for "Nintendo Switch" be? I wrote "NSwitch" because it seems easy enough, and calling it the "Switch" is probably confusing when taken out of context.

  8. There's nothing wrong with a Day One purchase if one knows what he/she is getting into. I was one of the early adopters of the 3DS (I think I picked a few days after launch, N3D Ambassador reporting!). Yeah, it sorta sucked not having many games at the time, but Ghost Recon was pretty good and Samurai Warriors Chronicles got me hooked on the Warriors series. Granted, if something does awry, it is on the consumer for buying into the hype and getting it early if the product actually sucks or is not what they are looking for.

    As for the dual screen, they may be able to do it similar to the Wii U by just having the controller in your hands with its screen while the TV has something else. However, the problem with this is the Wii U seems to have two separate processors, one for the controller and the Wii U itself. The Switch just seems to be one, so I don't know if this is likely. DS Dual Screens will likely just be two separate windows on the big screen with various options (like playing on an emulator).

  9. We have Breath of the Wild, possibly a new Mario game, probably Skyrim remastered, several Wii U ports, and maybe some other things, too. Oh, and the two new Sonic titles. So there's a lot of good games coming to the Switch.

    Not that big on Zelda, but I may try Breath of the Wild.

    Skyrim I have for PC, and the main reason I play Skyrim is for the mods, not the vanilla experience.

    I haven't been big on Sonic games since Sonic Adventure 2. I did pick up Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog, but after that I stopped playing them.

    Mario is normally pretty good, and if it's a new 3D Mario game, then I may pick that up.

    * * * * *

    As for ports, since I don't see any real physical mechanism (The Switch is cartridge based, right?), I'm thinking Nintendo is going more and more digital. So, port-wise I'm hoping for a system similar to the Wii eShop to Wii U Shop. Essentially, there is a port, and if you already own the title, you can "upgrade" to the port by paying a small amount. Of course, it would be better if it was free and may even be free for early adopters, but otherwise they may just end up charging full price again for the game.

    If there is no true backwards compatibility, that will suck. However, if I can still play digital ports on the Switch, then it should be fine.

    * * * * *

    Edit: As for my hype, I consider myself a Nintendo man, so I am obviously biased.

    If I stood back and analyzed the Switch, people who wanted pure Console or Handheld experiences will likely question it and not bother. If one wanted a powerful console, they will probably go for Playstation or Xbox. If one wanted a handheld, the current products are the 3DS and the Vita, but most things on are mobile nowadays as casual experiences.

    Nintendo strives for innovation, which can either strike gold or be left in the dust. I think people rather stick with the tried and true stuff instead of jumping straight into new technology unless everyone else is using it. There's a marketing thing somewhere that demonstrates this (early adopters, early buyers, late buyers, those who will never care) type of thing.

    Granted, all of this is off of a 3 minute video. We should try and wait before jumping to conclusions, even though speculation can be enjoyable at times.

  10. Might as well write down thoughts while watching... (Not replying on anything else at the moment.)

    Start - Nintendo Switch? Okay, another odd name for Nintendo...

    0:10 - TV Support. Consoles ahoy!

    0:30 - Houston, we have an upgraded Wii U.

    0:40 - Science, we have a breakthrough! Console quality games are portable?!

    0:50 - Seriously, this probably is what will sell the Switch. Handheld gaming here!

    1:10 - Mini TV with mini "Wii Mote + Nunchuck" combo! On a plane! A PLANE! (Also, Skyrim, but that's old already.)

    1:25 - Handheld to Console Switch. I'm liking this more and more.

    1:40 - Mini-Splitscreen! Granted, it's on a small screen, but it's still there.

    2:15 - A Mario Title that I do not recognize, but that may be because I haven't touched a 3D Mario game since Galaxy 2. What is this one?

    3:00 - Splatoon on Nintendo Switch, I suppose.

    General Thoughts

    Looks like a superior Wii U, especially for those who like using the Off-TV Feature. It is a hybrid between Console and Handheld, so specifications wise I expect it to be more powerful than the Wii U, but probably still weaker than the next Playstation or Xbox who tend to go for hardware. (PC Master Race *cough*)

    From what I have seen, I'm sold on day one. The ability to "Switch" is such a useful functionality since I do play Off-TV a fair bit, and the ability to play the games anywhere like my 3DS is also a plus for me. The only question is, will there be good games on it at launch?

    Edit: Okay, but I wonder if the Nintendo Switch will have classic Wii Mote and Nunchuck support for older titles. Actually, I wonder how they will handle the older generation games...

  11. The Canon Runs - Always Azura (I like to do "canon" runs before delving into my endgame stuffs. If there is a pairing that seems obvious, I'll do it in these files and may branch out when I do my main ones. This is why I did Lucina and Chrom pairings in Awakening.)

    Main F!Conquest File: Xander (For some reason, it feels natural for F!Corrin to end up with Xander. No idea why, despite the implications.)

    Main M!Birthright File: Leaning toward Hana, but unsure. (I don't care much for Birthright's cast. Conquest is where it's at!)

    Female Birthright: Leaning toward Silas, but unsure. May end up going with Kaze instead.

    Personal Endgame - Revelations: Leaning toward Ophelia due to design and pair synergy, but also like Flora and Selena as well.

  12. Awakening (Detailed): http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=53982&page=3#entry3870406

    Fates (Detailed): http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=64073&p=4405041

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Class: Dark Knight (Magic oriented)

    Affinity: Earth

    Critical Quotes:

    "You should have reconsidered..."

    "You have met with a terrible fate..."

    "Farewell, and good night."


    I always thought of myself as a paladin-like character when I was younger, but then as I grew older I got more and more cynical. Who believes in honor and innocence these days?...

    I went Magic because I'm not really a physical fighter despite my martial arts training in me youth. Also, no affinity with horses in real life, but hey, my fantasy counterpart could ride one (although a dismounted Mage Knight would probably fit me more, and not the Tactician class).

    If I had to choose another class, probably Paladin, Great Knight (Honor and Virtue, all that chivalry stuff) or Hero (favorite class).

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