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Posts posted by Sire

  1. Started clearing out some CQs since I now have my MLB DMG CE.

    1. Touta's rerun was handled the same way I did it last time, with solo Scathach. Took me a bit again to figure things out, with the slight RNG not really helping matters.
    -- Honestly, I didn't care much for this CQ. I get the mechanics of the rotating debuffs, but I guess I just didn't find it fun.

    2. 300's rerun was handled by Artoria and friends, with Lancelot acting as backup. The run went rather smoothly and was relatively enjoyable.

    3. Izo's fight continued to be a pain, and this time I simply said screw it and used Command Seals to charge NP for Melt (which I forgot he had NP resistance), as well as refilling her HP. This time I had Herc in the backline instead of using Summer BB and simply always ended with an Arts card.
    -- I tried a charm composition of sorts featuring Kama and Euryale, but it did not go well and took too long to even take down the first bar. The NP Resistance is something that slipped my mind when making the team.

    I have yet to do the other CQs and will get around to them later.

    * * * * * EDIT * * * * *

    Welp, been looking a bit at the new JP Updates and they are expanding the Support List.
    -- Specifically, you can now have up the 3 different sets of Supports active for Normal and Event nodes, so instead of the current 9 (one of each class), it goes up to 27 (3 of each class).
    -- At least, this is what I'm understanding from what I've been reading.
    == https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/pk6wsh/new_support_list/

    Time to start re-evaluating my own support list since I have more options...

    * * * * * EDIT 2 * * * * *

    Alrighty, got my supports down. Placed within the spoiler since this post is lengthy enough already, with some stuff being repeats.
    -- Hopefully the Summer Part II servants in JP don't mess with my setups too much...


    -- Valkyries (One of my favorite servants in the game, and placing her in the All Slot allows me to place Eresh in Team 1, alongside Ishtar. It helps that my Valkyrie CE will be something else than farming, although I doubt they will be picked often.)
    -- Artoria Caster, Merlin (I don't have these two yet, but if I do get them they are likely to be tossed in the All Slot as additional caster supports. Although, if I end up getting an Illya and/or Miyu, I'll need to figure out my slots again.)

    -- Artoria (Buster AoE Servant for farming and already built.)
    -- Lancelot (Currently NP3 and is serving as my primary ST Saber. However, not sure if I want to end up raising him in case I get a different ST Saber that I want to raise.)
    -- Salter (I love Saber Alter and she serves as my secondary AoE Saber. However, her niche is already filled by classic Artoria, so I'm not sure if she's worth a slot.)

    -- Ishtar (Another of my favorites, Ishtar is simple to use and deals ton of damage. She is currently on her way to becoming 2000/2000.)
    -- Kuro (Chloe von Einsbern, or Kuro, serves as my ST Archer. The 50% charge, ability to potentially loop, and her NP bypassing Evasion is great.)
    -- ??? (I don't know what to place on the third slot. EMIYA for crits, EMIYA Alter for potential loops, or Nobu for anti-divine work. I could get someone else later to fill the slot as well.)

    -- Eresh (Everyone has an Eresh, and I do too! My Valkyries were moved to the all slot to make room for Eresh, and after recognizing how useful her utility is I may build my Eresh to be more of a support instead of DPS.)
    -- Scathach (Serving as my ST Lancer, she does amazing work even at NP1 due to her damage and stun. I hope to raise her NP levels despite her being limited, but other priorities come first.)
    -- Fairy Lancelot (Something in the future, but I love her design and gameplay from what I have seen. Hopefully I'll be able to roll her when the time comes.)

    -- Georgios
    (He remains in his rightful place on my support list, never being chosen but present for those who want a tank.)
    -- Rider Alter (Maid Artoria Alter, I figured she can serve as my ST Rider for supports even though Kintoki Rider exists.)
    -- Santa Alter (One of my starter servants who helped me immensely in my early days of FGO. I keep her around due to her higher than average NP multiplier for farming purposes.)

    -- Waver (Standard all-rounder and outfitted with Command Codes, my Waver is good to go.)
    -- Skadi (I need to get a Skadi of my own to open up Quick Looping options, as the more options there are, the better it is.)
    -- Tamamo (She is given her trusty Caster slot for those who need a Tamamo Caster in their lives, drowning in the sea of other support casters.)

    -- MHX (Still debating if I want to invest in MHX or not. Her design is cool and skills are okay after her buffs, but there still just seems to be better options...)
    -- Scathach Assassin (My AoE Assassin who is already grailed to 90. The ability to ignore invincibility is niche for farming, but can be useful.)
    -- Koyanskaya (Her skills are too good to pass up, and it's another Tamamo. I was seemingly attuned to the Tamamos, having Caster at NP2 and Cat being my starting 4-star.)

    -- Heracles (Herc Insurance saves runs. While it is not as flexible as Cu Alter Insurance, Herc Insurance tends to be on the cheaper side allowing for a better frontline.)
    -- Morgan (She seems to be an interesting servant for farming purposes, even though I have plenty of options already. Lore would be nice though.)
    -- Tamamo Cat (An odd option for AoE Berserker, but she's here to be alongside the Tamamos. If that doesn't work out, she may be replaced with someone else, like Nightingale.)

    -- Summer BB (Faceless Moon and NP Drain on her NP is useful as a support, and I like BB as a character. While some may prefer DPS Summer BB, mine is more support.)
    -- Melt (My ST Alter Ego, although I feel Alter Egos may not be in high demand due to the multipliers and other options. Still, Melt was great in her event and she serves as my anti-assassin servant.)
    -- MHXX (Unsure about this one, she was mainly placed here since she is a Foreigner and complements MHX fairly well. Someone else may take the slot instead.)

    * * * * *

    Now, the main thing I need to do is start thinking about Command Codes for everybody, as well as how exactly I'm going to distribute Grails now since the Support List has expanded.


  2. Lotto Boxes are great, although I only have like 100 Golden Apples compared to last time where I had like 300. I'm probably gonna try to focus on clearing the shop with natural AP first, and then go all out with farming and the CQs once the final set of quests come in.

    For those who want a refresher on what we posted here during the last run (mostly for CQ setups), the link is below.
    -- https://forums.serenesforest.net/index.php?/topic/72691-fategrand-order-general/page/302/&tab=comments#comment-5680904


  3. Finally finished with everything...

    Doing all the Fever Tickets in Camelot was a bit tedious, but the QP gains were worth it in the end.
    -- The CQ went a bit smoother than expected, as I was thinking I had to use my Command Spells for a team revival. Luckily, Kama and Herc Insurance managed to handle it for me, with Herc managing to finish the match on the last turn possible.

  4. Man, this event was more grindy than I realized. I've been taking it easy day by day, although I did miss like 4 days (didn't start the event early and some missed days, but I did use some apples). Also, I've been using the Kaliedoscope guides by Lord Ashura, but they seem to be having less and less information as of late.
    -- Was rushing through the story yesterday since I was still at Jeanne's casino. Now I just need to burn through all my Fever Tickets, finish the CQ, and finish the Big Chance quest to be completely done.

    Story-wise, it had its moments, but it was slow in places (although this may be because of the grinding required to get to each part). Part II stories were great all around from what I've seen.

    Gameplay wise, screw the ViP node for Camelot. While I did manage a 3-turn setup, it forced me to use the Plugsuit and a specific setup (MLB Imaginary Element Artoria, Kaliedoscope Salter, DMG Bonus BB, Support Waver).

    * * * * * EDIT * * * * *

    Welp, I just noticed the Fever quests mostly reuses the same enemy patterns as regular quests, and I should be running the Bonus CEs for maximum QP instead of a farming setup. Then, Camelot VIP is the best place to farm...
    -- I am not looking forward to manually grinding out that quest if/when the Fever hits...

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