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Posts posted by Sire

  1. Welp, couldn't help myself and looked at retail spoilers.

    The notes in the below spoiler is from what I've gleamed from the FMVs and CGs with regards to each route. While I won't spoil new/major plot points, I'll leave the warning here anyways.


    Looks like each primary route may actually be more unique than I originally thought. (Black Eagles, Blue Lions, Golden Deer)
    -- Aside from the demo's setup of the starting chapters, from what I'm seeing each route actually branches off and does its own thing.
    -- Sure, some events still occur in each route, such as Shez vs Byleth, but the circumstances around each meeting seem different.
    == Just remember these are just my thoughts looking at FMVs. It's possible they may be backloaded where each route will naturally be more unique for their respective endings, so take this with a grain of salt.

    As for the potential 4th route, I have no idea where it fits in or how it starts.
    -- I believe I know who the primary antagonist/boss is, but what all happens in the route it still a mystery to me.
    -- A part of me wants to guess that there may be a battle where if one does a certain thing during said battle, it may somehow lead to the 4th route off of the main routes? This is just speculation, I have no proof of how it actually works.

    Regarding Byleth in FMVs...


    I only seen the Byleths as an antagonist/rival in the FMVs, so I guess the "Recruitable Byleth/Friendly Byleth" is done via some other method as the normal story seems to lead to a Shez vs Byleth showdown.

    For some playable characters...


    Byleth, Jeralt, Sothis, Rhea (Serios), Arval, and GATEKEEPER seem playable as they have "Tutorial FMVs"
    -- As for how they are recruited... (SPECULATION IN SPOILER)


    ...I'm leaning towards Renown Rewards (NG+), as I have no idea how recruiting them story-wise would work.
    -- This is going off of what I've seen from FMVs and CGs.
    == Granted, there is seemingly an achievement for recruiting Byleth (Demo Datamine), so who knows if that's story-related or just a gameplay one.

    As for other stuff, I'll leave that to those dataminers and those who have early access.
    -- Personally, I want to know more about the support options. Do the bonus characters have supports, and if NG+ can potentially bring other characters to different routes, do new "non-canon" support options show up?
    -- I also want to know how in-depth the strategy system is for the main chapters, as from what I glimpsed from reviews, it seems rather interesting.

  2. I got monastery fatigue on my second playthrough of Three Houses, but this is due to my completionist tendencies and the desire to talk to absolutely everyone to hear every single piece of dialogue.
    -- It didn't help that Part One was similar on multiple playthroughs, and that Verdant Wind and Silver Snow routes were also practically identical. (It didn't help I did SS and VW back to back.)
    -- I still have yet to go back properly and replay all four routes to hear the Ashen Wolves and the Abyss' perspective on the main storyline...

    At any rate, guess its time to delve for some more info by checking around the Internet. I already got the game pre-ordered digitally, so I'm also wondering when the unlock happens (been hearing either midnight or noon depending on the title).

  3. Regarding character classes with the newfound info...

    Yeah, Linhardt still gets screwed over as he's a White Magic user, and going Dark Bishop may help his offensive potential, but I don't think that's his chosen path. Male characters not having access to Gremory sucks.
    -- This could be solved by added new classes, but then it detracts from the established lore of Three Houses. The things that could've been (classes for Master White Magic, Master Black Magic)...

    Dark Knight only being for Lorenz makes sense, as Lorenz is the only real hybrid STR/MAG character in Three Houses. Sylvain may appreciate the aesthetics of Dark Knight, but gameplay-wise he is better suited as the "more physical" Holy Knight.
    -- Granted, anyone could work with anything, but Lorenz has 40/40 for STR/MAG growths in Three Houses. Other characters tend to focus just on one, even if the growths may be close together.
    == Ingrid is an exception, being at 35/35, but she goes Pegasus/Falcon Knight instead of Dark Knight.

    Leonie was always weird, as she seems to have affinity for Bows yet desperately wants to follow in Jeralt's footsteps. I guess that passion for being a merc like Jeralt makes her lean towards Paladin/Holy Knight over Bow Knight.

    Warrior characters (Caspar, Hilda) going Wyvern Lord is also a bit off. Sure, it works with the way Three Hopes is using Three Houses classes, but I would have preferred a dedicated Master Axe Infantry class (Berserker or Reaver, for example). Alternatively, they just kept War Master as the Master Axe/Brawling class and allow access for females, as there is a case of a female NPC War Master in Three Houses.
    -- Then while we are at it, we could've open up the weapon options for other classes (Sword Cavalier/Paladin)...
    -- Alas, it was not to be so. I think the direction Three Hopes went is perfectly fine, locking classes to specific weapons. Trying to use the existing material and adapt it to a Warriors title can be difficult, while also making the game accessible and easily understood by newer players. 

    * * * * *

    As a random comment, I noticed that Mercenary to Swordmaster branches off to the side instead of going straight down. I would guess there is a hidden "Hero Class" slot there, as unique classes seem to automatically shift the tree around when necessary instead of taking up an invisible slot.

  4. Decided to look at the Datamine again, this time looking at the learned skills one can obtain from classes.
    -- As a note, remember this is just from the demo. The actual retail version may have much more information.


    1. Looks like Dark Mage/Dark Bishop is indeed gender-locked, as no skills are learned for female characters.
    -- And yeah, Gremory is also gender-locked, so no real Master Black/White magic class for male characters.

    2. Hero doesn't have anything, so I'm guessing its leftover code or NPC use only.
    -- Guess it just goes Myrmidon, Mercenary, Swordmaster, Mortal Savant as linear progression.

    3. War Monk, Valkyrie, and Dark Flier also have no learned skills. May be leftover code as well.

    Otherwise, it looks like it'll be interesting seeing how all the skills stack up regarding character builds.
    -- Not only there's Personal Skills unique to each character, but the Learned Skills from each class can also differ somewhat character to character.
    -- Toss in unique stat caps for characters as well, and there is likely to be good build variety despite the classes sharing movesets.
    -- This doesn't even count Combat Arts and Magic potentially being different across characters!

    While Vantage is a bit meh, the Desperation & Wrath combo is looking amazing for taking down enemy officers.
    -- Some characters may be able to use Battalion versions of those skills, which may be easier/harder to manage depending on strategy used.

    * * * * *

    As for normal gameplay, I learned that blocking may actually be worthwhile as if one managed to Perfect Block, it will briefly stun nearby enemies and immediately bring up the Stun Gauge.
    -- Guess Perfect Block may be better off thought as a "Parry" of sorts, especially if it can bring up the Stun Gauge.
    -- Personally, I'm used to dodging (rolling) around, so if I'm going to take advantage, it may take some getting used to.
    === As an aside, a Perfect Dodge makes all attacks "critical" for a short time. I imagine depleting the Stun Gauge to be much more useful though, so we'll see how this develops.
    === Yes, I'm starting to actually read through the tutorials to see if there's stuff I missed. Is it the 24th yet?

  5. 8 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    What new leak? I tried searching for it but couldn't find anything.

    My source was Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/vbptxe/potential_leak_for_next_mainline_fire_emblem/

    EDIT: Did some digging in the actual source (not Reddit), and found a potential leak for a different game near to me. It's apparently gonna be on Playstation.
    -- I know it's not FE related, but it is an SRPG. Just need a small outlet to let the world know.

    * * * * *

    Back to the FE Leak, a thought I had...


    I wonder if the story may be a reboot of FE:Warriors. The primary conflict will take place in the summoner's world, but other characters can appear and offer their input from their journeys on whatever is going on. This way, this new world is the primary focus, and not the past FE settings.

    ...or alternatively they just do "The Best Of FE" and toss in all the best maps and moments into one game for some reason. Who knows.


  6. 2 hours ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

    What do you think of the Emily Rogers new mainline FE leak?

      Reveal hidden contents

    I'm not at all a fan of the Heroes-esque summon gimmick. Sounds dumb. But it is a way to bring the characters I want into the Fire Emblem/Koei engine for a future Fire Emblem Warriors Ultimate, and I live for that.

    Just read it myself.


    I'm leaning on it being more of an anniversary game instead of an actual mainline, so this means there may be 3 FE projects going on at once. (Mainline, Remake, Anniversary)

    Either way, I'll have to see the summoning gimmick and how it is incorporated into the title. If it's a bonus like Awakening but with more flair, then I'll give it more leeway. If the summoning is the main component of the title, then I'll have a lot of questions on how the story will go.
    -- Some are saying it's basically Fire Emblem Heroes, but as an actual FE title. Who knows how the setting will be connected, if at all.

    Basically, give me a trailer and I'll see how things go from there. For now, I'll give it the benefit of a doubt of being good, and the summons thing makes sense if its an anniversary title. I just hope the core game and story will be good, as I don't want another Fates with an amazing premise but terrible execution. (Fate's story was terrible. Characters were average, but the music and the gameplay of Conquest are amazing.)


  7. 52 minutes ago, SearchingForGryphons said:

    Interesting. So speculation here.

      Hide contents

    First is the Myrmidon tree. Merc becomes Sword Master and Thief becomes Assassin. Any chance Hero is a promotion of SM or Assassin? That would give both sword movesets a home in master, and remove the oddity of having an extra class in advanced. Mortal Savant would share a moveset but be a hybrid.

    Next is Lancer. Pegasus Knight gets Falcon Knight as a master class, Paladin gets both Holy and Dark Knight as Master classes, one focused on light magic, the other on black magic as two different hybrids.

    Fighter, oh boy. Fortress Knight gets a new horsie moveset that can dismount into the old one. Same with Brigand and the wyvern. Same with Archer? That leaves Brawler as the only one to stay infantry without having to dismount.

    Monk is weird too. So Warlock and Bishop both become Gremory, what determines which moveset gets used? Then Dark Mage likely has a new moveset so it's not redundant with Warlock, but it might be the same.

    Only other weird thing to me is there is nothing between Pegasus and Falcon, which is just slightly awkward. Maybe Dark Flier will actually show up as master, knocking Falcon to advanced? Seems weird to be the only one that skips a tier if they are going with linear paths.


    Going off of the current info (Datamine Classes)...


    Hero is currently stated as an Advanced Class, so it shares Sword Advanced with Swordmaster (and Assassin.)
    -- So, Thief goes into Assassin, while Mercenary can choose between Swordmaster and Hero.
    -- Assassin can go further into Trickster. I believe Swordmaster leads into Mortal Savant, going off of the "Mercenary Wisdom" skill.
    == Going off of this, I wonder if Hero will receive a unique moveset that's different from Myrmidon, Mercenary, Swordmaster, and Mortal Savant. Return of Aether as a move, maybe?

    I imagine dismounted Bow Knight will use the Archer/Sniper moveset.
    -- Brawler/Grappler/War Master not having a mount makes sense.

    Monk uses the Priest/Bishop moveset (Light Magic) while Mage/Warlock have their moveset (Black Magic).
    -- I imagine Dark Mage/Dark Bishop will have its unique dark-themed moveset.
    -- I also think Gremory may have a mix of the movesets, a unique one of its own, or perhaps its class ability is changing moveset types (Light/Black/Dark Magic). Alternatively, it may just remain the upgrade for Mage/Warlock and use Black Magic for its combos, despite having affinity for all magic types.

    As for Pegasus Knight & Falcon Knight, it was that way in Three Houses. If Dark Flier makes it in, I imagine Dark Flier being a flying Tome class instead of being a hybrid like the Holy/Dark Knights.
    -- I guess legacy classes win out here and we just have to deal with the odd situation, even though adding new classes (Seraph Knight for Master while Falcon Knight goes down to Advanced) may have helped with this.

    * * * * *

    Yeah, it is a shame the demo doesn't allow us to try out the strategies in the first proper battle, but then again it also serves as a cliffhanger so players go out and purchase the game.
    -- The Demo provided plenty of content as is, and opening up another round of free battles on the World Map may be a bit too much. (They could've have CH4 be the point of no return or something, kicking the player to the title screen after beating it. This way the player remains on Chapter 4 while being able to experience the main chapter fight.)

    * * * EDIT * * * 

    6 minutes ago, Burklight said:


      Reveal hidden contents

    The data mine basically disproves the first one. it has Hero listed as "advanced," so I would take that to mean that merc probably splits off into Hero and Swordmaster just like it does in Three Houses.

    The more interesting case to me is an unidentified Master class that looks like an upgraded paladin. Great Knight, Holy Knight, Dark Knight, Bow Knight are all accounted for, and the stat spread says "Master Tier Paladin."

    30   800 5 (+2) -- -- 5 (-3) -- 3 (+2) 5 -- 167 --- --- 18A Cavalry (Infantry) 4: Master                  



    A Master Paladin class, eh?

    First thing that comes to mind is a potential unique class for Jeralt, but upon some reflection, it may potentially be Jeritza's Death Knight class.

  8. 43 minutes ago, Burklight said:

    It's been a long time since I played FEW, but I'm around 95-99% sure SPD never did anything like that. You had Astra from Royoma that you needed to grind up supports with, and I believe that was the only way to improve attack speed.

    Ah, you are correct. Speed increases Awakening duration in FEW.

    I guess I got it mixed up with Astra, as Astra was a must-have skill on everyone when I played FEW.
    -- I'll fix the post now.

     * * * EDIT * * *

    Looked in the Datamine some more. Looks like they got class info now.


    1. Dark Mage and Dark Bishop are in. They seem to have been bumped up a tier (Dark Mage = Advanced, Dark Bishop = Master).
    -- They also seem to have an Anti-Cavalry focus.

    2. While it has been stated already, Hero and Great Knight are in. // I guess Hero is an alternative upgrade to Swordmaster from the Mercenary, while the Great Knight is the master class for Fortress Knight.

    3. Looks like progression is linear, so Master Classes may actually be the best classes now instead of being an odd "side-grade" to Advanced.

    4. I guess Holy Knight is more of a traditional Lance Paladin with White Magic support, while Dark Knight focuses more on having Magic for its Combat Arts.

    5. They seems to be data for the Valkyrie and Dark Flier, although considering Three Hopes was likely built on the same engine as Three Houses, it may be leftover code. If they are in, they seem to be Master classes. // Also, there may be potential for War Monk/War Cleric

    * * * EDIT 2 * * *

    Some observations about classes and characters...


    I wonder if the reason Hanneman isn't baseline is that he is the only "Male Mage" present in the cast, and the females have access to Gremory which is the best mage class.
    -- Hubert doesn't count as a Mage as he prefers the Dark Mage/Dark Bishop line, leaving Hanneman alone at the Advanced Warlock class (assuming Gremory is gender-locked as in Three Houses).
    -- On further thought, it seems like Linhardt also gets screwed over, even though he's in the Priest/Bishop line. Males don't have a Master Class for Black/White magic, only Dark Magic (Dark Bishop). // At least Bishops have some useful class skills, unlike Warlock.

    Also, the same can be said for Alois, being that Warrior is an Advanced class and there is no Master equivalent as War Master seems to have been made into the Gauntlet Master Class.
    -- Warriors seem to be pushed towards Wyvern Lord as the "Axe Master Class," as the Fortress Knight line may be pushed towards Great Knight.
    -- However, this doesn't account for characters like Caspar and Hilda who also like the Brigand/Warrior line, so who knows.


  9. Eh, I would put this into a spoiler (datamine characters), but since the convo is out in the open...

    It's a shame that Hanneman and Alois may not innately playable. I like the two a lot and was expecting Hanneman to join up in the BE route since he appears at camp and was playable in Three Houses, but I guess the extra mage role may have been given to Monica. It also doesn't feel right that Manuela is playable, but Hanneman is not. // As for Alois, while Seteth may be more important, Alois sorta acts as the front end of the Knights of Seiros. In addition, given the story importance of Jeralt's Mercenaries, having Alois around for story interactions would also be interesting to see.
    -- Gilbert is also surprising, and while I don't care much for him, he does have some importance in being Annette's father and having some history with Faerghus .
    -- While I don't care much for Cyril, he may have provided some interesting information about the Almyrans, but I guess he can still do that and not be playable.
    -- Anna will probably just be DLC as that seems to be the standard for her if she's not baseline. I imagine the DLC may include characters that didn't make it into base, provided DLC is made.

    However, to keep some hope alive, remember that the datamine is just for the Demo version. It is known they scrubbed some info, and it is possible (for whatever reason) that some of these characters were simply not coded yet by the time the demo was built. While it is unlikely given that there's tons of other stuff in there, I'll leave it open for them actually being in the retail release.

    * * * * *

    As for combat, I definitely believe it's slowed down for Three Hopes to focus on the strategy aspect. I believe in FEW, the SPD stat actually increased the speed of regular combos*, making combat rather fast-paced and getting thousands of KOs the norm. In Three Hopes, SPD reduces the cooldown time on Combat Arts/Magic. So, the only way to have fast combos is to either get a class that has them innately, or use someone like Ferdinand or Felix that have skills that affect attack speed.
    -- Also, there are skills now that are "rhythm/timing" bases, such as Monica's skill. Having slower chains makes it easier to get these timings and may also emphasize the tactical element. (As an aside, melee Monica with the shockwaves from Wicked Impulse is fun.)

    *Edit: Speed stat in FEW increases the duration of Awakening, not combo speed. I likely got the SPD stat confused with the Astra skill.

  10. 10 hours ago, Metal Flash said:

    I have one theory currently.

    Spoiler warning, cause tag is failing

    In the small editor, you can spoiler text by highlighting the selected area and pressing the "Eye" icon on the right side, after "Size."
    -- Alternatively, you can just have the "text input" be in empty space and press the "Eye" icon, then write whatever you want after it.

  11. Man, it's a shame there's no Dark Flier and Valkyrie classes. It makes sense as they were originally DLC, there was no generic variant, and the four main armies never fielded them.
    -- At least Yuri got his Trickster class. I guess he managed to get his as he's basically the "Lord" of the Ashen Wolves, and Three Hopes may have made Trickster into the counterpart of Mortal Savant (Swords with Magic).
    -- I doubt we'll see War Monks/War Clerics in the base game. Perhaps these three DLC classes may be used for actual DLC for Three Hopes, who knows.

    Going off of my notes, I haven't seen Hero or Great Knights anywhere. I don't remember if I saw generic portraits for these classes in the datamine, so that's one way to potentially confirm their existence. While I don't recall anyone of note being a Hero, I do remember one of the boss characters being a Great Knight.
    -- As for Dark Mage/Dark Bishop, I'm wondering if they just merged the class with the regular Mage line. They may still use the model as a skin, but otherwise the default Mage works fine, especially when using Dark Magic/Weapon Arts.
    -- I'm certain Wyvern Rider/Wyvern Lord exists, especially since Seteth shows up as one during the Black Eagles demo, but who knows how one promotes into it. Considering Cavalier uses the Soldier moveset when dismounted (and presumably Pegasus Knight, as I haven't tried them yet), perhaps Wyverns are a promotion from Brigands.


  12. 4 minutes ago, Original Johan Liebert said:

    Are there actual support conversations for unit pairs that don't include Shez? I think I got a small amount of C's in my black eagles playthrough and I didn't see any way of actually having the characters talk it out. Just a stat bonus, right?

    Not trying to rain on the aspirational side of things.

    Yes, Edelgard and Ferdinand have one at C, for example.

    In Three Hopes, not every rank has a support conversation. You can see if there is one if there is a "talk bubble" above the rank, otherwise the support just gives the gameplay bonuses.

  13. At first I was on the classic Byleth train, but Shez won me over since they have more personality. It also helps a lot that Shez is voiced during supports and cutscenes, compared to Byleth's silence.
    -- Now, I know Byleth was written to be an emotionless being (The Ashen Demon), who changes over time due to interaction with the students. I guess this works when trying to go for a "blank slate avatar/self-insert avatar," but I rather play as an actual character instead of a player proxy. (Robin was great as they had their tactician gimmick to fall back on, for example.)
    -- Perhaps the Byleths would have been better if they had more voiced dialogue to convey their character, but right now Shez is just fun and I hope to see more "Avatars" like Shez in the future.

    As for Sothis vs Arval, I think they are about equal at the moment. Both have their quirks, and I haven't seen enough from Arval to form a solid opinion.
    -- Sothis was neat, but she did not get enough screen time to be fully fleshed out.

  14. All right, I'm clocking in about 12 hours in my BE file and I think I'm set for the actual release. I could keep pushing and try to max everything out, but I'll let others 100% the demo if they so desire.
    -- Managed to get 50 Achievements during my run.
    -- I do have one Intermediate Seal left, was saving it for Petra to go Pegasus Knight, but I think I'll save that for when the game comes out.
    == While I did briefly delve into Blue Lions, I did not touch the Golden Deer. I'm saving proper runs of those for NG+.

    I'm absolutely loving this game, even if its just a demo. I dare say it's one of the best Warrior games I played, and I love revisiting the Three Houses setting and characters.
    -- Now just to find something to do for two weeks before the game properly releases...

  15. Guess I'll place my thoughts here.
    -- EDIT: Updated this post with more present thoughts. Outdated opinions have been strikethrough.

    Not Tried: High Lord (Dimitri), Wyvern Master (Claude), Pegasus Knight, Brawler // Brigand, Archer
    -- Haven't tried these yet as I'm saving BL and GD for NG+. I am training Petra to try out Pegasus Knight, but haven't finished that yet.
    -- While I have tried Axe Fighter and Bow Fighter, I have not tried the proper classes for them with the expanded movesets.
    == Axe Fighter: Fairly standard and not memorable.
    == Bow Fighter: I think my issue with Bows is trying to figure out the optimal engagement range. I'm slowly starting to get used to the moveset, but still need to experiment more.

    Fluegel: ++
    -- Shez's unique class. I enjoyed the moveset when I used it, but I quickly mastered the class and started leveling Shez in others.
    -- I did like the slashing rush attack and the blade tornado, as they were rather useful in moving around and gathering enemies respectively.
    -- I'll probably toss in that Fluegel is the most fun playstyle since its fast and has fun combos, even though my time with it was relatively short.
    -- Trying it again to refresh my memory, the Fluegel is definitely the most fun class. The ability to extend the duration of strong attacks is amazing, and it just has a great moveset.

    Armor Lord: ++
    -- Edelgard's unique class. As I am currently leveling El as an Armor Knight after mastering Armor Lord, I may get the movesets mixed up a bit.
    -- The shield bash explosion and the AoE Axe Throw are neat, as well as just firing off flame arcs with the class skill. The alternative launcher with Smash 4 is also useful.
    -- While Armor Lord has the same rating at Fluegel for enjoyability, Fluegel wins out since it can zip around the place faster.

    Thief: +
    -- Spin to Win. Thief is fast and fun to play, and Petra works well with Thief.
    -- The Slashing Forward class attack is also neat.
    -- After replay, no real changes. It's just a fun and quick class!

    Mercenary: -
    -- Merc needed some time to get used to as they move rather slow for some reason, same with their attacks.
    -- Otherwise, their AoE Strong Attack is reliable, and I haven't had issues playing Mercs. However, I don't use their class attack ("Whirlwind Spin") as much as I should.
    -- At the moment, Mercs may be my least favorite class due to their slower movements. They aren't bad, but if I had to choose a class to be my least favorite, its likely the Mercenary at this point in time.
    -- Replaying the Merc, I think I might have been projecting some of my early-game difficulties onto the class instead of the difficulty of the levels. The fact I went from the fast Fluegel to the slower Merc probably didn't help my initial impressions. The moveset of the Merc is still relatively standard, but is nowhere as bad as I originally thought.
    -- The usefuless of the Merc may depend on how well the player is able to combo attacks into its Class Action. While I can do so during mock combat, during actual battles I'm not sure if I'll be doing many class action combos.
    -- With my new thoughts, I would change the worst class to Soldier, although that would be unfair since Soldier is a tier below the other classes. I think I'll stay with Mercenary being my least favorite class. It's not bad, but I'm not feeling its playstyle like the other classes. It's a shame since I usually love Mercenaries in FE...

    -- Also serving as the dismounted Cav movement, Soldiers are like Mercs. They play just fine, but is nothing spectacular.
    -- Playing Soldier again, I do love their Smash 3 skill (the AoE Lance Slam). Otherwise, fairly standard moveset, although their upgraded variants can be good (Dismounted Cavalier).

    -- While I still haven't gotten used to their standard combos, I will admit running around the map quickly and attacking with their class attack is really fun.
    -- Cavalier is something I just need to test and play more.
    -- After messing around more with the Cavalier, it's another fun class. I really need to make use of Smash 4 for duel engagements, while making use of Smash 2 and Smash 3 when necessary. I guess when I'm in the thick of it, their moves doesn't feel as impactful as other classes, although gameplay-wise they work just fine.
    -- Also, the Soldier (dismounted) Lance Moveset is updated here as well, so seeing Smash 4 here was rather interesting.
    -- As an aside, Ferdinand attacking extremely quickly once he gets going makes any class fun. He's definitely going to be one of my favorite characters.

    Armor Knight: +
    -- I forgot what their class action does besides making a large zone. It makes a Physical DMG Reduction zone, which is pretty neat.
    -- Gameplay wise, Armor Knights are actually fairly fun to play. They are more fun than Mercs and Soldiers in my opinion with a solid Direct Strong Attack and AoE Strong Attack.
    -- Yeah, the Shield Slam on Smash 2 and the simple Axe Cleave on Smash 3 is great. The 4th is a mini-whirlwind attack that launches foes, which is interesting.
    -- Definitely a fun class for me, although it is a bit on the slower side.

    Brigand: +
    -- A fun but slow class, especially with Caspar charging up attacks further. It's moveset is definitely enjoyable, however due to it being so slow it is extremely easy to take damage.
    -- So, while a fun class, probably not the best to use if going for S-Ranks since Brigands will likely take lots of damage when attacking. At least this class may make easier use of HP Threshold abilities, such as Desperation (break guard on strong attacks if below 50% HP.)

    Archer: +
    -- I finally get how Bows work, and a part of that is because Bow Fighter lacks an important Strong Attack. The 4th Strong Attack for Bows has the Archer jump up into the air and barrage the ground with arrows, which is a fast and efficient AoE move that is better than their Strong 3 (Stationary Arrow Rain). Also, making use of Strong Attack 2 (The "Burst Arrow) is also vital.
    -- Essentially, Archers is another class that rewards using the right moves at the right time, unlike the usual single-attack spam of regular classes.
    -- With the 4th Strong Attack being available, I'll just wade Archers right into the horde of enemies, even at point blank. My Bernie can handle herself really well.

    Brawler: +
    -- All right, confession time. I haven't actually unlocked the Brawler yet, but from trying Gauntlet Fighters, their rapid attacks is rather fun!
    -- I think they may be focused on breaking guards and trying to break the Stun Gauges, as I find their "Direct Strong Attack" to be rather useful.
    -- Their class action does a frontal sweep and buffs regular attacks for a bit, but I'm not sure how useful this will actually be.

    -- Priests play slightly differently than Mages, although I haven't played Priest enough to form a solid opinion.
    -- The class was easy enough to understand and play though, so there's that.
    -- Priests play similarly to FEW's mages in my opinion, being a straightforward magical class with its combos. Heck, if you want heals, just use the class ability and attack the enemies with the debuff to heal yourself. So yeah, Priests are the "easy spellcaster" class to play, while Mages are more of a setup one.

    Mage: +
    -- Once I got that Mages is more of a setup class vs spamming the same Strong Attacks, I found their playstyle to be rather enjoyable.
    -- Firing rapid energy orbs is fun, as well as casting a tornado to gather everyone up to blast them away with a flame burst.
    -- As an aside, Mage Monica is amazing. Casting magic is also rather fun, so Mages are up there in my favored classes.

    * * * * *

    Also, next time you look at the classes, take a closer look at the class skills per character.
    -- Some characters get different skills, such as getting Miracle for going Priest or a skill that increases Bond Points faster.
    -- Another example is getting Deathblow for Brigand instead of a "Life and Death" knockoff.
    -- There's even Wisdom and Ploy versions of class masteries, which have different effects!
    -- This is not counting the magic changes, as different characters can learn different magic spells.

    Random Notes:
    -- Yeah, I'm convinced Special Attacks are unique when the character is in their preferred class, otherwise they will just use the class defaults. Not sure if they are any stronger or not though.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

    Quite the opposite. AoC's dlc was apparently totally unplanned. They apparently didn't expect the game to be that successful, didn't expect there to be demand for dlc, and actually brought devs back from other projects to make dlc.


    For our purposes, that means they listen. If you want dlc, ask for it!

    Huh, so it was unplanned.

    I never got around to actually purchasing/playing AoC proper aside from trying the demo, so all I saw were the various trailers they put out for stuff.
    -- Honestly, if I was to pick up a Hyrule Warriors for Switch, I'm tempted to get the first one even though I have that already on the Wii U. The first HW was fun and they added a lot of stuff to that game over time, and I want to know the ending of the Cia/Lana story.

  17. If I were to guess, perhaps Maddening difficulty will be tailored for NG+ playthroughs (although those who really want a challenge may try it without NG+ benefits).

    I personally love my post-game sandboxes and was disappointed Three Houses didn't have one (I loved SoV's postgame). I imagine the appeal of replay here is going for different builds, doing ironman runs, and deciding to use the gimmicks/strategies for the primary chapter battle that one can obtain from the side missions.

  18. Yeah, I'm thinking the base game will mainly be focused on replaying the routes over and over with different builds (with potential ironman and using/not using the gimmicks from the side areas in the main chapter battles). A shame, since I personally love post-game sandboxes, but it is what it is.

    As for DLC, I'll shoot for the moon and hope for some historical/"What If" battles. Perhaps there's time shenanigans that allows characters to experience them or something.
    -- Say there's a map that recreates Seiros vs Nemesis, or perhaps creating the Tragedy of Duscar with Feral!Dimitri.

    Although, with this close to release, I don't recall hearing any DLC plans for Three Hopes. I could've swore Age of Calamity started promoting DLC before the main game was even released, so I wonder if there are any plans for DLC for Three Hopes.

  19. 12 minutes ago, Azurixx said:

    I want to avoid story spoilers so I won’t read the document. But does it mention anything about a New Game+ and if we’re able to combine different save datas for routes? Or must all houses be done in the same save file to reach a “golden” route ending? ( ‘cause I feel it’s obvious that all routes will eventually combine.)

    NG+ Answer


    Yes, there is NG+.

    As for combining different save data (I assume separately instead of the chain like in Three Houses), I do not know.
    -- Personally, I'm just going with the NG+ chains to stay safe, instead of playing all the routes in parallel. Perhaps when the game nears release this question can be answered with more clarity.

    Golden Route Answer (with speculation in a spoiler of a spoiler)


    While my initial investigation didn't show anything regarding a 4th/golden route, apparently there is a 4th route that is locked to NG+.
    -- Whether this is the golden route or not is unknown, but current speculation is...

    Speculation in Spoiler of Spoiler


    ...that it will feature Byleth and the Ashen Wolves in some capacity.

  20. Looks like there is some datamined information from the Demo lurking about now, so be careful if you want to avoid spoilers.

    As for me, I went into it as I like learning about things. The spoiler below has potential datamine information, please proceed at own risk!


    1. Yes, Byleth is recruitable. There's an achievement for it.

    2. There seem to be 15 chapters per route, although Scarlet Blaze may have an alternative finale which is interesting.
    -- No indication of a 4th secret route/golden route, although it was said the demo may have scrubbed most of the important stuff.

    3. There doesn't seem to be S-Rank in this title. Some users have mentioned there's no "Romance Rating in JP" for Three Hopes, unlike Three Houses, so make of that as you will.

    4. There is NG+. (Guess it's back to mono-routes for me, which I was leaning towards anyways.)

    5. There is a Maddening Difficulty.


  21. 1 minute ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

    Okay, but like... how do I get from point A to point B without dying horribly, a lot. Is there a way to replay Chapters 1-3?

    Not that I know of. Free play only opens up after the map is available which is during Chapter 4.

    I never had much of a problem with S-Ranks, although I admit the enemy's damage output can be crazy at times (Black Eagles, haven't tried Blue Lions or Golden Deer open maps yet).
    -- Perhaps it may be to me playing somewhat cautiously if I'm really low level (like fielding a level 1 in one of the CH 4 maps), or making sure I try to dodge out of enemy blows. I never block, so maybe its just enemy composition or something.

  22. Tinkered some more with the demo, reaching 9 hours on my Black Eagles file (Standard Demo play is about 4 hours for one route, I'm just milking the demo at this point). I'm starting understand the mechanics a lot more, and I'm really liking the inclusion of Combat Arts/Magic into the usual Normal Attack/Strong Attack system.
    -- So far I enjoyed the movesets I've been exposed to, although I haven't properly tried Archer, Grappler, or Priest yet. I also haven't tried Pegasus Knight at all.
    -- I'm not really feeling the Bow Fighter and Cavalier movesets, although it does feel amazing when Ferdi just starts moving at the speed of light when attacking everything due to his personal skill. // I have a feeling Cavalier I'll just have to get used to, same with Bows. Its just I think Bows felt better in FEW for some reason, or I may be misremembering, or its just the early-game moveset that's lackluster.
    -- Mages took a bit to get used to as I'm used to Strong 3 being a good AoE, but theirs is a burst of flame around the character. It does combo well with Strong 4, so I guess Mages are more of a setup class compared to spamming the same Strong Attack over and over. (My understanding is that usually the 1st is a Launcher, 2nd is Single Target, 3rd is AoE)

    To recap and give some new info for Demo Caps...
    -- Level is capped at 15, but you can reset levels at the Training Grounds. (Note: You get nothing for resetting levels, so any gold spent on leveling is lost.)
    -- Supports seemed to be capped at C.
    -- There are a limited number of Intermediate Seals available, so maxing out all classes on everyone will not be possible in the demo. (There is still a fair amount available and trying to max out everything possible here is overkill, but the option is there.)
    -- At present, I have reached 41 Awards. I doubt I'll be able to reach 100 and somehow get a Battalion before I'm supposed to, and I don't think I'll be going that far.

    * * * * *

    As for story stuff, the supports are stellar here from what I have seen. While it is true that not every rank gives a conversation, it does mean that the supports that are present are meaningful instead of just being fluff.
    -- I really enjoyed Edelgards and Ferdinand's support in Three Hopes as it was rather lengthy for C and it even touched upon main story events a little.
    -- I imagine it will enjoyable comparing supports from Three Houses and Three Hopes to get a full understanding of these characters.

  23. I think I read the Special Moves ("Musous" in Warrior terms) are unique for that character when in their preferred class, and they may "gain class EXP" faster in their preferred class. (In other words, Specials use class defaults that are shared across characters. However, when a character is in their preferred, they get a unique animation is is presumably stronger than the defaults.)
    -- Otherwise, I'm not sure.

    As a random note, the level cap in the demo is 15. It will take a lot longer to master all the available classes if one wants to go that route, but doing so while losing EXP is a bit of a waste.
    -- Edit: I just remembered one can reset levels through the Training Grounds. I wonder if this refunds gold...

  24. Tinkered a bit more with the demo as I reached the story limit with my Black Eagles. This time I rushed a bit through the Blue Lions to see any differences, and some details came to mind. I placed it in spoilers for those who want to run blind or discover it for themselves in the demo.


    First off, this has to be a brand new timeline. Aside from the basic worldbuilding and lore from Three Houses, the events and circumstances are changed in Three Hopes, so things unfold differently. For example, there is no Student Arc as events call the house leaders home, and TWSITD are ousted and separated from the Empire instead of working with them.
    -- I was slightly surprised when the first mission of hunting Bandits and saving Monica was the same for BE and BL, but I guess it makes sense in context for establishing a new timeline. The next mission and beyond seems to be more unique per route.

    Second, I have a feeling the stories of the three houses will be running in parallel, and may either merge at some point or diverge into their separate routes. I say this as the actions in the Empire Route are still referenced even in Dimitri's, and I learned some stuff here that may shred some light on what's going on in the Imperial Route.
    -- As always, I imagine Claude and the Deers to be more focused on worldbuilding and other matters, so I'm guessing its another setup for Edelgard vs Dimitri.
    == I am curious on how they will handle multiple playthroughs or NG+, but that's my completionist side talking. Right now I should just be concerned with the demo (and maybe maxing out the Black Eagles since they will be my main file once it releases.)

    Man, it's not the 24th yet. I want to keep playing my main route...
    -- Not sure how far I'll go with Blue Lions or if I'll even start Golden Deer out of curiosity, as I'm still hesitant about the whole multiple-playthroughs thing and NG+ benefits.

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