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Everything posted by Sire

  1. @Water Mage Gonna echo what the others have said here, just use who you like. Most content in the game can be done with any composition, even if some comps are generally better than others. // Difficulty tends to be rather easy until Camelot, where some bosses begin to have extra gimmicks to their fights. I recommend leveling Euryale (a 3* Archer) in preparation for Camelot as she performs well against one particularly difficult boss. (As an aside, I would watch out for the Prisoner Tower event coming soon, as that is meant for high-level masters with built teams.) For Siegfried, Saint George (Georgios) is a 2 Star servant who works extremely well with him. Essentially, Siegfried kills dragons. Saint George transforms anything he looks at into a dragon. If it is not a dragon, Siegfried does fall behind other Sabers, but he is still usable. If you need a level 90 Georgios support, I'm your man. Altria Artoria is also perfectly usable, but I believe she is generally tuned for farming content. She's great at clearing out waves but is poor at taking out bosses. Eventually she gets an upgrade to her Instinct skill which transforms it into Radiant Path, which gives an NP Charge. More Excalibur for everyone! (When it hits for NA I do not know.) - - - - - Putting the updated Friend List thingy here for those who may be interested. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Serenes FGO - Friend Code IDs
  2. I'm interested in Wargroove because I miss the Advance Wars series. I hope there will be a demo so I can actually try the game before just purchasing it. A highlight for me is how impressive their map editor is. I always loved making mini-campaigns for myself in Advance Wars, so I should be able to do that with Wargroove as well. I just want to know if the aesthetics will be nice (so far the pixel art looks amazing), and the actual gameplay.
  3. Never played the Shenmue games, but I am currently in the process of watching an LP of it. I see why it is a cult classic and how impressive it was for its time.
  4. Finally got around to emptying the shop of desired items. I left the monuments as I still have plenty, and the remaining 2 CEs are not worth the hassle. As for King Hassan, I got one of my special log-in bonuses and did a 10 roll. Got the absolute minimum (just the guaranteed 4* CE, rest were 3* junk). I turned in some Fragments to do a single roll, got myself the Prisma Cosmos CE. I guess I should be happy with what I got, but I still gotta try. I have some new interludes I could do for another single roll...
  5. *eats popcorn on the sidelines* Times like this make me somewhat glad I dropped FEH. I know heroes and the like are set in stone for months in advance, so I don't know how much longer it'll take for IS to integrate the feedback received (provided they listen any). I remember last year they revealed the dates for Radiant Dawn (now released) and Binding Blade banners (in March?). Due to how far ahead they plan things, I don't expect any overhauls until May or so. Still, I have little faith that FEH will "improve," at least from my perspective. On a positive note, at least we got Ryoma out of this banner. We had plenty of fanservice from female characters, so it is nice to see at least some from the male ones.
  6. I started the Moon Goddess event. Story was fun enough and I got a team prepared to farm Hearts. Now I'm onto the grind and considered MLB the Moonlit Festival CE for the "authentic experience," but the Castle of the Sun CE is better and also gained in an event. The less dumplings farmed, the better. The main reward though was the tickets. So, like any sensible person, I tried them for King Hassan. I mostly got fluff, but ended up getting another Fragment of 2030. I can MLB it now, but will hold off since 16 Crit Stars from 2 CEs is better than 10 from one CE. I also ended up getting a Gold Saber. I thought I was going to get a 4*, but nay. I got myself Artoria Pendragon, who is now NP2. Wat. I still have some Quartz left over, so I'll probably try using that to summon King Hassan before that banner expires. NP2 Artoria is nice, but unexpected. Back to the event though, I just hope that farming won't bore me too much. I gotten used to Draglia's Lost autobattle, which helps immensely when farming and doing dailies...
  7. Was originally gonna post a Grandia II song, then I ended up listening to Bravely Default. As I went on Youtube to get a link for Conflict's Chime, I ended up discovering the song below. I didn't know such a variant existed... Edit: Man, now I want to get back to playing Bravely Default even though I beat it already. I still need to purchase and play Bravely Second, but my 3DS is still busted.
  8. Necropost, this topic will rarely, if ever, be regularly updated... Today's post is what I managed to write for SF's Write Your Butt Off Competition (Topic: Mercy). Since that particular round is now over and that I'll probably never get around to finishing the piece, I figured I'll post what I have here. The story itself is in the spoiler below. = = = = = Serenes Forest - Write Your Butt Off Competition (Topic: Mercy) || Incomplete Submission = = = = = = = = = =
  9. I meant the savaging point at the Old Warehouse, so yeah. I edited my post to reflect it.
  10. I thought farming for gold was best at the Old Factory Warehouse Salvage Point in Mor Ardain? At least, I think that's where I farmed for gold when I played way back when.
  11. First Ticket roll, got myself some nice Extremely Spicy Mapo Tofu. As for further FGO progress, I'll probably be waiting for the Moon Goddess to go back to active play. Farming the Training Grounds never really appealed to me, even though I could use the gems and some mats.
  12. Between Hyrule Warriors and Fire Emblem Warriors... For content, I would say Hyrule Warriors. I also had a lot of fun with the movesets in HW since each character is unique, while in FEW is tied more to classes. I also found the OST in HW to be a bit better than FE (and it helps HW allows for music selection during free play). // However, if you are a completionist obsessed with getting max ranks, Adventure Mode will be a massive pain (Basically never get hit, unless they fixed that in Legends and the Switch Port). Also, the boss enemies may be considered a nuisance when fighting them for the "x" time. For general gameplay, I'll say Fire Emblem Warriors. They made a ton of quality of life improvements and getting through its version of Adventure Mode (History Mode) is much more bearable. Also, you can give commands to your AI companions to defend forts, attack enemy officers, and attempt objectives. Fire Emblem mechanics, such as Armorslayers, Bows vs Fliers, and the Weapon Triangle, are also present. // However, some movesets are shared between characters. While it does make sense in the context of Fire Emblem and classes, a part of me wished for more moveset variety. The remixes, while good, doesn't stand up to HW's. * * * * * Edit: Also, for what it is worth, I found HW's main story (never played Legends) to be a bit more enjoyable than FEW's. Neither are masterpieces as both basically try to justify the crossovers, but the OCs in HW are far more interesting than the OCs in FEW. // That aside, FEW's History Mode does pull off some fun stuff, as well as the Rank A Support Conversations (which are voiced!).
  13. First 3 Quartz roll on King Hassan banner. Got myself the 500-Year Obsession CE. // This is gonna be one heck of a ride, isn't it? For the CE itself, I am not really that impressed until I figured it may be useful for some Challenge Quests and the like. I guess I'll toss it into the Archives for now and bring it out should I ever need it.
  14. 2. Two Quartz. As I stated earlier, I also exhausted all available Free Quests and did Rank Ups + Interludes that were available to me trying for Ishtar. I'm basically relying on scraps Quartz Fragments, Daily Quartz + Tickets, and the Moon Goddess rerun to toss what meager resources I have at King Hassan. I don't expect to get him and figure I'll have to try again later around November. Still, I'm tossing whatever I have at him now anyways.
  15. If Heroes is going the route of adding these new things to address the current meta (which I have a feeling they are), then maybe that would be fine - if it was a large content update. This trickle-down effect, from my point of view, shows a descent into madness and "powercreep." The truth may be on developmental papers which has everything worked out to be sunshine and rainbows, but only once all this stuff is actually released. A large content update with tons of new and upgraded skills, not to mention units, would shake things up considerably and people would have to figure out what is the best again. Some units, such as "The Reinhardt" will likely stay near the top despite the changes. Others, such as various Armors, may be good for an update, then subpar the next. If most/all the existing skills got Tier 4 equivalents at the same time, it would be a bit more digestible than slowly dripfeeding them and leaving the players in the dark. The thing is, Heroes decides to balance things by tossing new things into the mix instead of modifying the old (and I wonder if a part of that is due to being a Gacha game). If all these shiny new skills were much more accessible (such as the theoretical Skill Refinery), then that may even the playing field a bit. The thing is, balancing older units solely on weapon refines and skill inheritance may not be enough. But I suppose there has to be a draw for the new guys, and IS decided on making them more powerful than the last. I will not be surprised if there is a Generation 3 of stat-boosted units when the next CYL comes along. Either way, I lost trust in FEH and don't see them "fixing" the problems they have created (or things I personally perceive as problems). They may apply band-aids (Fear not the FatesAwakening banners, for we have Binding Blade and Radiant Dawn coming up!), but I see them carrying on with this model regardless of feedback and possible revenue loss. Maybe my doomsaying is for naught and suddenly FEH turns around and becomes the best thing ever, but I'm not holding my breath for it.
  16. I love Tellius and Radiant Dawn, but the direction that Fire Emblem Heroes seems set. I'm glad for those who still manage to enjoy FEH, but I think it's time for me to send one last feedback and uninstall (again). Since FEH continues to move forward, I must begin to move in a different direction. I'll keep watch for the voice lines, official art, and whatnot through FEH content creators who enjoy Heroes far more than I. The stuff that the fans create are also cool to look at as I'm just here for the Fire Emblem stuff. Its just the gameplay aspect of Heroes has evolved into something I disagree with and I can no longer enjoy the game because of it. Usual pessimism in the spoiler, to protect those who love the game. Best of luck to those who are rolling on the banner!
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