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Everything posted by Sire

  1. I figured I may try to throw my hat into the ring, but I have a question first. Q: In regards to rule 5, I have some concepts and characters laying around that I would like to use. While I have written things using these characters in the past, the entry that I am submitting is new. (I have an idea for what it is, but I haven't put it down to paper yet.) Is this okay? For further information, I plan on using some ideas I had for a RWBY story for my entry. I originally planned a 10 chapter tale, but only managed to get to chapter 4. I want to write about a particular subplot that I laid the foundations for, but never got around to actually writing. The entry may reference events that I have already written (which I may rewrite for the reference), but the main story remains "new." ... The more I think about it, the more I think the answer is no since I am using some of my older work for the entry. I thought at first the rule was simply "do not submit a previously written story," but it may apply to using old characters, concepts, and references to older work. Even if I revised the concept and placed it into a different (but similar) setting, it'll probably end up being classified as an edited or rewritten piece. Technically all of my concepts and ideas can be considered "old work," so I'll have to come up with something completely brand new instead... (Overthinking it? Probably, but it pays to be safe and ask.) - - - - - - - - - - Anyways, if it doesn't work, then I can probably come up with something else. I just want to know before I start writing something.
  2. Got some extra Quartz from my login streak and new Tickets from the shop! ~30 Quartz and 6 tickets, go! Guess what I got?
  3. 16 Tickets and ~140 Quartz got me no Ishtar or any 4* Servant. There goes me fund for Merlin (as I suspect everyone else will have him, so I just use a support one instead of my own when required). Per usual though, I got plenty of CEs. I got one of the 5*, four of the 4* (The game mocks me), and plenty of the 3* CE. I will probably continue spending on the banner until I MLB that 4* event CE, since I am just one short. Afterwards, all will be spent on attempts for Merlin. Who needs savings when they don't actually matter?
  4. Better be careful about the Smash stuff. I also heard that the Nintendo Ninjas got Crunchii, so that channel will be shut down in about a week.
  5. Copying my impressions of the story from the Book III thread... * * * * * * * * * * As for how I would actually fix it, I'll need to sit back and think on it. But for some quick thoughts... 1. More text. I found the character interactions in the Prologues to be more interesting than the overall plots of both books. The main reason for this is the amount of text. 2. Flesh out the characters more. At the moment Alfonse has the most development, Sharena is all about friendship, and Anna is a gag character for seasonal events. Anna only shows off her commanding skills once, and that is in Book II where they cover up their tracks when facing Laegjarm. 3. If one wants to kill Gunnthrá, at least give us a reason to care. At the very least, a CG of Gunnthrá dying would be better than just a flash of red on the screen and boring boring boring words. 4. More Fire Emblem references, like in Blazing Shadows. The worlds of the various games have important landmarks and items, make use of them in Heroes! If I get around to it, I may post more details on how to "fix" the story and writing.
  6. I sent some feedback for Aether Raids, most of it what I said previously (I like the mode, Anti-Dancer Anti-Assist Tower, concerns about rewards and rankings). However, I also tossed in the idea of an Unranked Aether Raid mode which uses a separate Aether Keep, so players can create "for fun" maps instead of competitive ones. Unranked does not cost any Aether, but doesn't give any rewards either. It also seems like my main Team Comp has changed. While I still use my classics (Ryoma, Ephraim, Nino, "Extra"), I now tend to use Black Knight, Veronica, Gunnthrá, and the Extra (currently Smolzura). Black Knight kills things, Veronica kills things, and Gunnthra debuffs and repositions things. I guess I'm late for finding out how powerful Veronica is.
  7. Blessed Gardens are now mandatory. (Insert personal salt and complaints here.)
  8. Decided to spend 10 Tickets on the Scathach banner for kicks. Got absolutely nothing of value and everything was of 3* rarity. I then peeked at the summoning rates and decided to say "screw it" and go another five. It doesn't matter when I spend the resources, it just determines the possibility of getting a particular person. I ended up getting Scathach on my 11th pull. One of my initial goals is accomplished since I believe I wanted to pull her since I started. Now I have a 5* ST Lancer in my roster! The other limited characters sound appealing (I would love to get Illya and the Miyu CE. Raikou would be a useful Berserker and Iskander is a bro), but I need to save for Ishtar and Merlin. King Hassan would be cool to get too...
  9. Got a flashback to the evil Nino team today, this time against Flier Emblem (NY!Camilla, Summer!Camilla, NY!Azura, F!Grima). It uses the classic Spring Breeze map and keeps all their forces in the top left corner. It is difficult to initiate without taking losses. I also did have not level advantage because the opponent took necessary measures. Brave!Lyn with Mulagir, alongside PA!Azura, Smolzura, and the Black Knight (who had Attack Tactic) took them out. It took some time to set everything up, but then Brave!Lyn shot everything out of the sky. F!Grima was kind enough to let us destroy the Aether stores before finishing her off. It was the greatest feeling of "**** you" since I got owned last time. I should build a panic manor over there just to counter these blade-buff comps. Spring Breeze is probably the best overall map due to the walls, unless one somehow one manages to make use of forts on the other maps. The upper left corner is easily defensible, but it is also predictable... Speaking of Spring Breeze, I decided to become a tryhard and switched over to it, fielding a Veronica and a Brave!Lyn (alongside my Black Knight and the bonus, which is Smolzura). I am having far more success than I did previously. I do miss my Snowdust and Bright Grassland castles though, and a part of me wants to have a "fun castle" where I can do various themes or just making the place look nice instead of trying for maximum efficiency.
  10. I am currently reviewing FEH's story scripts so I can send detailed feedback on the story. Here are some a lot of thoughts I have after the review, which are spoilered to save space. * * * * * * * * * *
  11. Managed to clear 7 our of the 8 boxes. Didn't have time to farm for mats for the shop, but that is more for a bonus thing for me. Now to sit back a bit and see what else I need to do...
  12. Welp, I was one match away from reaching over 3200 lift (Tier 9). I ran into a Blade team with two dancers, and they had a Desperation Nino. Guess where my Bolt Tower was located... Needless to say I was rather salty at losing the match since it was all I needed to advance. I could have probably handled them if not for my Bolt Tower triggering Nino's Desperation. Nino helped me against armor teams, then turns against me on the one match I needed most. Thanks Nino.
  13. I envision unit borrowing in FEH to be similar to Fate/Grand Order, so there will be one wildcard (the current showcase unit) and then one for each color (Red, Green, Blue, Colorless). As for their restrictions, I'm of the insane mindset of "open the floodgates" and allow everything. Heck, make a team full of supports (save for one member needs to be the player's own) if they want to. It's a great way to play with built units the player does not have access to or resources for. Arena defense will remain player-only without supports, but Arena offense can use supports. Tactical superiority should rule Arena and not how much one can invest into an Arena team. Honestly though, they'll probably just keep it to the single showcase unit and restrict one support per team (unless its Rival Domains). PvP Support (Arena, Aether Raids) is likely disabled.
  14. Didn't we have a topic like this last month? (checks) Welp, I don't think my opinion changed since then, so here's my picks.
  15. I started watching an LP of the DS version of TWEWY. Now I'm hooked on it and gotta get it at some point for the Switch...
  16. Ran into a supreme Armor Emblem team (Legendary!Tiki, Halloween!Myrrh, Hardin) led by a nearly invincible Fjorm. All were highly merged and had defensive skills, and the fortress layout was impressive as well. (At times like this, I would like a replay for offensive battles too...) I ran my classic Arena Core team (Ryoma, Nino, Ephraim + Fjorm). Despite the enemy advantage, Desperation Nino still deletes everything when properly supported. I did make a mistake with the enemy Fjorm and lost my own, but I was still happy with the outcome. Overall, while I should be caring about getting extra Aether, I can't be bothered to go out of my way and incorporate it into my strategies. If it is convenient and possible, I'll do it. Otherwise, I'll skip the Aether stores and just win the match. It does suck that Aether costs get completely insane and I foresee raids costing more than 50. I guess I'll try and be content with the daily free offensive if I ever get that far...
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