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Everything posted by Sire

  1. I'm planning on getting the Luna skin. I got the lower tier rewards already and plan on having to spend all my crystals to get it. In short, I'll need to come up with another 3000 crystals before the event ends (if I can get the skin and the runestone first, then I can stop earlier). I know I can get 1000 by just doing the normal logins (I have the Goddess Blessing) and another 1000 if I went for the daily discount deals (total ~$15 if I bought them daily for 7 days). This would leave me with the remaining 1000 crystals that I'll need to farm elsewhere (Bonds, Time Rifts, etc.). As for the wiki, it is a mixture of CSS, HTML, and the MediaWiki markup code. I've just been learning the stuff as I go along.
  2. Well, most of it is just I ended up with the keys and responsibility to the Wiki. I am not being paid for my work at all, which is why I brought up Patreon in the post. When I applied for Admin, I just wanted to tinker around with things that was locked behind Admin access. The main guy left because he's having a kid (which is understandable), but I knew nothing of that beforehand. Now it seems the responsibility with the Wiki is suddenly thrusted upon me since I'm the sole active admin there. It is a step up from writing Langrisser guides on Reddit and a part of me wanted to work on the wiki anyway, but technically I get nothing out of the arrangement. // It doesn't help that I am still unemployed and have no source of income either. I was hoping I would have been able to actually make money for my efforts, but I guess that is something foolish to hope for. * * * * * Back to Langrisser Mobile, after 50 or so summons, I got myself an Elwin! Now I just have to build up his equipment, level him up, and hope he fairs well against the Thunder Dragon. I'm probably gonna save up my Crystals for the upcoming Macho Lotto event which should have the Luna skin available. I also want Zerida, but I doubt I'll be able to get her with the resources I have. (I have been cleaning up the previous Time Rift stages for their rewards.)
  3. Langrisser Mobile apparently has a PC version. You can download it from their official website: https://langrisser.zlongame.com/ Just note that your Anti-Virus may pick up a Trojan file called IsChineseStr.dll. People are saying it is likely a false positive. That aside, from what I hear on Reddit it performs wonderfully on PC. I haven't tried it yet myself though.
  4. ...Right, so I actually played a bit more of the event (as in past the first Challenge Map.) I really wish the translations were better. I didn't notice anything immediately off on the first map, but afterwards it becomes a bit of a trainwreck. At least what was present was enjoyable enough, but it did kill my enthusiasm a little. Speaking of the event, that one optional mission that gives out Bond Keys for spending Stamina in the Secret Realm is getting me to grind the event a bit more. I guess its nice to have some incentive to do the event after I did my dailies (besides the point rewards).
  5. Man, getting Class Materials after Level 45 is rough. I'm glad I'm in an active guild to alleviate some of the grind, but I'm really starting to fall behind in Time Rift and Story progression. There's so much stuff to to and so little stamina to do it all. Hopefully I'll start to feel better once I actually reach the level cap and max ascending my guys (not counting those who need to branch to other classes for Class Masteries.) Also, three 10-Pulls on the "Three Guys" banner and I got nothing of real value. I got Liffany to show up twice while Sophia appeared the third time. I don't think I'll be getting Varna to join my roster any time soon. // As for my target, I really, really need Elwin for Thunder Dragon. Lewin sucks and gets oneshot by the AoE in Thunder Dragon 45. This is after Lewin gets a Faction Buff while the Dragon is in his default state! Bernhardt doesn't have enough DPS for Thunder Dragon and he can't bring his utility due to Dragon Immunity (Shield Bash + Fixed Damage). I could run Hero Matthew, but I've sorta been neglecting him. * * * * * As for the event, I'm actually enjoying the story so far. It just sucks I probably won't be able to see it in its entirety because of the high level requirements near the end. I tried soloing the Level 55 map. It ended miserably. I have a feeling it expects the party (all 8 members on this map) to have mastered its T3 class and for the player's soldiers to be well trained.
  6. I never got around to actually finishing Skyrim completely. I beat the main two story arcs (The War and the Dragonborn), but never delved into the DLC as I got sidetracked with the various mods. Problem with mods is if one gets tired of them, getting rid of them and trying to keep a stable save file is difficult. I think I ended up having to reroll, but trying to get back to where I was would've taken up so much time. All I wanted was to just experience stuff I didn't get around to...
  7. The couple is terrible because of their stats and skills. Apparently they are a "jack of all trades, master of none" type character, but end up just failing miserably. At least with DEF or MDEF conversion the stat actually does something. Relying on ATK & INT to complement each other is a bit of a waste as you either do Physical Damage (ATK) or Magical Damage (INT). Their terrible, terrible HP also does not help them at all. // Later their talent gets buffed, but even that is not enough to really salvage them. Basically, the SSRs we have are really, really good. The couple relies on their gimmick but fails to utilize it in any meaningful manner due to poor skill selection and poor stats. Heck, just use Lance as a Royal Knight. He's an SR and beats their Black Knight class in every stat sans INT. Alternatively, just use Almeda (or healer Imelda) instead of building them as a Royal Envoy. - - - - - For Vice Leader, it's basically depends on how much one wants to be invested in the guild. At the very least the Vice Leader can work with Guild Battles and kick out members. If one wants to be more involved (writing down spreadsheets and organizing stuff), yeah that'll be a bit more work.
  8. Man, it's difficult to find compiled assets for the game. I'm trying to see if I can get my hands on higher quality Soldier Icons (It shows the soldier, their type, and their tier). Looking through the datamine I couldn't find any as everything seems to be disassembled. It's being a bit of a roadblock on my work with the Wiki. Also, the SSR Pity Couple are coming a month early. I was hoping to roll on some banners without getting spooked by them (since any other SSR is superior to them). Oh well, it is what it is. I guess I'll just have to leave it to luck and see what happens when I keep rolling anyways... In other news, I'm now a Vice Leader for the guild I'm in. Yay, I suppose? I don't mind, but it does mean more responsibility and work for me...
  9. So I kept rolling on the Princess Banner in hopes of getting Luna. (Recap: I have Lana. Hoped for Luna, got Tiaris.) I got an SSR. It's Tiaris. Again. IHAVELIANADAMNITWHYYOUSHOWUP If we were to look on the bright side of life, at least healers are always useful for Guild Battles. Tiaris is good for enemy phase because her talent can proc after every engagement, but Langrisser is more player-phase focused. Tiaris also has Attacking Blessing and Miracle which is great if you need to hit something really, really hard. (But I really needed Luna for the faction buff! I suppose I'm sticking with Bozel, Lana, Sonya // Liana [Gospel], and Cherie for now.) - - - - - Anyways, I'm gonna stop with the Princess Banner so I can save for the "Three Guys Banner." I may save up for the next lotto event as well as it (presumably) has a Luna skin that looked pretty good from the previews. Leon, while OP, requires investment and I have Sonya for now. Elwin will carry me through Thunder Dragon although I am starting to raise Lewin. So, Ledin is probably my best choice so I can properly bench Grenier. // After that, a part of me wants to get Zerida. Then, the plan is to get my guaranteed Altemuller because I have Bozel and Bernhardt already. Man, why does raising heroes take so much class materials? I wonder if I'll feel relieved once I max out my main team in terms of class mats (although then I need to focus on SSR Gear, optimal enchant values, and Bond Bonuses)...
  10. Went for the new Princess banner (have Lana). I needed Luna. I got Tiaris... // Kept rolling anyway to try and get Varna as an SR. I got Liffany instead. So, 4-ten pulls down the drain. I already have Liana so Tiaris is not as useful to me at the moment, while Varna was desired as a character. Liffany can be good with her Talent, but her INT is naturally low (Why is Liffany an SR unit but she has R stats?) Currently torn on whether to keep trying for Luna (next show she appears the "worst SSR" duo will be available for spooks) or save up for the guys. I could use Elwin the most (Dragonslayer), with Leon second (Leon OP). Ledin can replace Grenier.
  11. Eh, mat farming is not for me. The only time I farm for mats in Free Quests is if I really, really want to upgrade a particular Servant and I'm close to doing so. Otherwise I'll just sit back and wait for events. Still haven't tried out the newfangled EoR yet... Maybe I'll eventually get around to it (and updating the Friend Code list.)
  12. Man I really am falling behind in the Time Rift and Story missions. I keep focusing on leveling up side characters so I can use them in Guild Battles instead... (Also, a note on Guild Battles: For the Guild Rewards due to progression percentage, you only get the highest tier of reward, not all of them. I didn't know this and made a miscalculation on my Guild Points. Getting my Runestone will be cutting it close, but luckily the guild I'm in is pretty awesome with an active "vice leader." He'll probably replace the original after a while.) Main reason I want to progress in the Time Rift is so I can start upgrading my gear again. I'm seeing some heroes on Co-Op that have better stats than mine, so it looks like my equipment is falling behind. Good news is that I'm starting to level up my lesser-used troops. I leveled up Lancers a fair amount (had to use a Gym Daily for Bronze Mats), and now I have to see who else needs Bronze and Silver materials before I start doing 45+ where Silvers no longer exist. From experience, I believe Bronze is best farmed at 30 while Silvers at 40.
  13. 1: I probably should reword that to say "Weekly Resets refresh the amount of Guild Attempts to 2." There is a max of 2 new attempts a week, and if the guild did not use up all attempts from the previous week, those attempts are lost. 2: Tell the guild to forfeit and claim the rewards. My guild seems to be somewhat competent (we got 4-5 guys actively working on Guild Battles and teaming u[, with the rest of the members chipping in here and there). // As for the rewards, I believe they are immediate after the "forfeit."
  14. For Guild Battles... 1: Previous rounds will carry over into the new week. (This was news to me, I thought it would automatically end.) 2: When the week "resets," it gives your Guild 2 more "rounds" to attempt. it will refresh the amount of Guild Attempts to 2. (There is a max of 2 new attempts a week [2/2]. Unused attempts are lost, so try to get in all of your rounds!) 3: "Forfeiting" a Guild Battle is a giant misnomer. What it actually does is retreat and reset the round (and this can only be done by the Guild Leader or Vice Leaders). You will not lose any accumulated rewards and will be rewarded accordingly to your progress. So, if the guild managed to clear 40%, you'll get the 20% and 40% Guild Bonuses when the round is reset. All that happens is you can no longer progress in that round. // Personal rewards are given immediately, Guild Rewards are received through mail. 4: Guild Battles are sorted by difficulty, which essentially determines the levels available. For example, the highest levels on Easy is 40 while Normal is 45. It is best to join a guild with a similar power level to yours so you can get them most out of Guild Battles. The idea is to clear as much as possible as fast as possible so the guild can reset the round for more rewards. // At the moment, I think full clearing easier difficulties gives more rewards than making some progress in harder ones, but I'm not sure. Hope this helps!
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