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Everything posted by Sire

  1. Changing Subjects Module, Engaged. So, when are all the Fate animes supposed to come out again? Babylon was a series if I recall correctly. Wasn't it supposed to start later this year (like Fall or Winter)? Camelot is going to be two separate movies I think. Odd that Camelot seems to be coming after Babylon (Part 1 in 2020, right?), but whatever. Also, when is the Case Files anime supposed to start? I want to say July (or sometime in summer) for some reason, but I can't remember. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Edit: For my future reference... [Reference Data] Sire's Summoning Ishtar Attempts: 128 (~28 Tickets, ~ 271 Quartz)
  2. Eh? There's something going on on the FGO Reddit again? // At this rate I really don't care much anymore. After the first couple things being overblown, I'll just sit here in me chair and relax. Maybe JP got more total quartz, but that may be because summons used to cost 40 quartz back then instead of 30. The total number of summons between versions should be similar. The new Quality of Life changes are nice though! As for my quartz, still sticking to my original plan in trying to get Ishtar in May. (Man, it's almost May already...)
  3. Well, if you like dubs, you can rest assured that the anime adaptions of FGO will likely be dubbed. I doubt the games will ever be dubbed though. As for me, I've gotten too used to the JP voices, so hearing it in English will be a little weird for me.
  4. Well, regarding new characters, apparently the Sakura Wars collab will have some great PvE characters. For Trails, the event SRs (Kloe, Oliver) are also pretty great. For Freya, her greatest weakness is her offensive potential and handling boss units (or enemies that only have their "hero" left). Since Barb and the like deals damage to both the Hero and the Soldier, if the Soldiers are already dead (or don't exist) she basically loses half of her damage potential. DEF Conversion tanks don't have to worry about this loss. As a side note, this is also why Fixed Damage (not Percentile Damage) tends to suck against bosses. Again, DEF Conversion doesn't have to worry about this.
  5. Hey, I get to use best boi Alfonse in Dragalia! Hopefully I'll be able to do him justice here since I dropped Heroes. (Sadly, he's probably gonna get the welfare treatment and not be a good as other heroes. Unless being a collab character puts him in a different category...) The new game mode looks interesting. I don't think it's the Labyrinth mode (I envision that as more of a randomized dungeon crawler), but the defense mode with the gate being the main focus and houses being bonus objectives sounds like fun! Thing is, it is Co-Op, and I tend to play Dragalia on Auto mode while occasionally shifting to manual mode. I'm still at 99 Co-Op feathers since I do not really do co-op in Dragalia. I should do Co-Op more since Elderwater will become far more important with the Wrymprint shop being a thing later...
  6. Going a bit crazy with the Ace Combat stuff at the moment. I never played the series. I heard talk of 5 and recently watched an LP of 7. Guess the Ace Combat franchise is something else to add to my ever-growing backlog of games I want to eventually play...
  7. So, I finally progressed a bit in the main story and came across the famed "Phoenix Escort" mission. **** that mission. One needs like infinite rewinds because without playing in advance, one has to guess where the Pheonix goes. Also, if one overextends (and keep in mind Langrisser Mobile is more player-phase focused than enemy phase, at least in my experience), then one gets screwed over by the map AoE gimmick. If one has an excellent tank (Ledin), or a unit that can hit targets and run back (Leon + Tactics Buff, or to a lesser extent Cherie or Sonya), then maybe the map won't be that bad. It would have been so much easier if the player gets control of the NPC. I know the tech is available since it happened with Epic Eatery quests. Sometimes man, this game... It's good, but it has so many problems that are "easily fixed," yet remain broken. /end rant * * * * * Man, I'm feeling that Runestone drought. I'm not spending my Crystals for the lotto stuff, so I need to wait for next month. At the moment, I plan on Runestones for... Bernhardt - Brave (I already have his T2 class for Shield Bash. Now I just need to master Brave so Bernhardt can off-tank for me if necessary. I should pick up Strong Arm from his other T2 class, but I have too many people who want Runestones.) Leticia - Knight Master (Leticia was one of the characters I made a "mistake" on when I first started. I put her in her T2 Flying class for Class Mastery and she needs a Runestone to swap back to her main line. The reason I want to spend one on Leticia is due to her Sprint skill. I tend to use Leticia to ferry my units around in Guild Wars, and I may end up using her in Arena too.) I eventually want to spend Runestones on Angelina (2, Aquatic Line) and Matthew (2, Ranger Line), but other priorities come first. - - - - - - - - - - Lastly, we got Lanford and Listell coming up. While they look interesting, they seem to be more PvP focused and I have enough characters to raise as is. I'm probably going to pass on them and save up for my guaranteed Luna (Dieharte, Luna, Tiaris) and Shelf (Shelf, Luna, Bozel) for the upcoming Focus banners. I want my Princess buffs, even though I'm running a Dark Team these days... After that is saving the the Liana Lotto skin... I decided to actually save and get the thing once I saw the actual full art.
  8. Been dealing with laptop issues recently, so there's not much in terms of posting. (Lost most of my data, but I managed to salvage the important stuff.) Anyways... Finally reached Level 60 and I'm now taking it easy. Got Altemuller from the summon and tossed some Crystals at the lotto for the lesser rewards (3 Bronze, 1 Silver. Silver Reward was the Tickets while the remaining Bronze was the Friendship Vouchers. Pretty good deal if you ask me). Now I'm back to saving up Crystals, especially since I don't see myself purchasing the Goddess Gift package anymore. Also got my first 6-Star Servant in the form of Lester. Was hoping for Laird, but maybe my guild lead's fascination with Lester made him show up in my summons. For SSR heroes, I'm working in 6-starring Cherie and Lana first though Memory Shard farming in Bonds. Afterwards, maybe I'll level Elwin a little bit before focusing on Bernhardt and Bozel. I've been making progress in the Time Rift, and man, Chapter 8 is really something else. Who decided it was a good idea to give out +2 range to skills to every enemy ranged unit? The enemy phase ambushes in Langrisser Mobile suck as is, and now we got super snipers as enemies. Luckily I run a team that tends to have high MDEF (Bozel, Lana, Liana - Cherie to a lesser extent due to Angels) so it doesn't affect me as much, but still. Also, some progress in the main story (30+). I'm definitely seeing the in-game shipping. I wonder how it'll actually turn out after its all over... // Oh, and 6-unit deployment slots now. I've been adding Bernhardt to my team. Although, I think I'm reaching the point where I need leveled SSR equips, because even leveled SRs may not be cutting it anymore.
  9. In the end I just did the absolute bare minimum for the event by only finishing the story. No point or mat farming (or hearing the glorious slaughter war of Nobus). I think there is a re-run of the event at some point, so maybe I'll be back into actively playing FGO at that point. Speaking of which, I'll probably have to get off me bottom and actually pay attention to FGO for the CCC event. I hear BB is a great welfare but it takes a lot of effort to obtain her.
  10. @david.nguyen I haven't played the original games, so I can't comment on that. As for the question of "Will the game get better?" Well, it doesn't really change. The core gameplay is the main draw, with the Story and Time Rift also being enjoyable. Events are hit and miss with their challenge maps and storylines. Endgame revolves around Timeless Trials which are challenge gimmick maps that change weekly, and then there will be an Eternal Temple game mode that pits players against bosses. (Think Dragons, but harder.) However, I do agree that the game can get repetitive real fast, especially if trying to keep up with the Daily Quests. Toss in Joint Battles and Guild Wars and it can become a hassle real quick. Dailies can take 1-2 hours, Joint Battles take about an hour, and Guild Wars have long maps (another 1-2 hours, depending on party strength and what's open). This is just the daily stuff, so progression in Time Rifts or Story mode is not counted. At the moment it seems I'm playing for at least 4 hours a day. I started shortly after launch, so I've been playing for about 2 months now and am near the level cap (Level 60). I'm at the point where I am wondering if playing Langrisser Mobile is worthwhile. I personally enjoy the game and have fun with it, but the time investment is starting to wear me down and become unsustainable. I could be having more fulfilling experiences elsewhere if I reallocated my time away from LM. I hear the grind and time investment does drop a little when one properly reaches Level 60, but I haven't experienced that yet and already feel a bit burnt out. I myself may end up quitting or just becoming a "super casual" player who doesn't care about efficiency or dailies. I play what I want, when I want, and how I want. I don't need "Quests" telling me what to do, even if there are "rewards" at the completion of these tasks. So, if you want to quit, go ahead. Finding what is fulfilling for your time is far more important than playing something you do not enjoy. If you miss anything of value, there's bound to be a Youtube video or something showcasing it (so Story Maps, or the Time Rift, Character Bonding, and so on).
  11. No problem. I haven't been active in FGO recently or been keeping up with the new Friend Codes. Not sure what will bring me back to active duty as I still haven't even started the latest main story yet. Langrisser Mobile is such a huge time sink so it leaves me with little time for other things. I am considering dropping Langrisser Mobile, but I am really enjoying the game even in its flawed state. It's the classic, "Too many games, too little time," scenario. At some point one has to ask if playing (or grinding) is worthwhile when other games that potentially have more fulfilling experiences are available.
  12. The Trails characters do have their own faction ("Space-Time Hub"), and their faction leader is Joshua. I think it's where all the collab characters go. The problem with Trails characters is that they are limited and are only available when their banner is up. No one knows if they will have a rerun. Man, I need to get around to making a Quickstart Guide, but here are my tips/pointers... Early Game 1. When you start, there should be a "newcomer" event called "Path of Light" or something similar. Upon completion, it will reward you with an SSR character, Cherie. Make sure you get Cherie as she is one of the best characters in the entire game. She essentially has built-in Galeforce, but on a cooldown. (I believe this event happens for new accounts, servers don't matter.) 2. You can choose your Matthew's secondary class at the start of the game via a quiz. At the moment, there is no way to change the secondary class, so make sure you get one you are happy with! Recommendations, in order, are Dragon Master (Flier), Strike Master (Cavalry), Ranger (Archer), and Shadow (Assassin). Shadow Matthew is best avoided while Dragon Master Matthew is generally considered to be the most useful. 3. Almeda and Matthew (Determinate on Secondary Class) are solid units and are worth raising all the way to endgame. Lance and Grenier fall off in terms of usefulness as you progress. Jessica also falls off, but she has utility with Teleport and can be worth leveling. Scott is worthless and best benched immediately. 4. Never do Equipment Summons (maybe one or two for quest, but otherwise skip it). 5. Never buy anything from the shop using Gold. Gold is a precious resource and easily disappears later in the game. 6. Story progression is important. Play through the main story as much as possible to unlock everything, including the ability to sell unwanted items (Alchemy). 7. Beware of the time commitment to Langrisser Mobile. If you are trying to maximize everything, doing normal Dailies can take 1-2 hours. Then there is Story Content, Time Rift Content, and Guild Battles on top of that. Don't feel pressured to do everything and play at your own pace, having fun is more important than efficient play. 8. Beware spending Runestones. Runestones are a valuable and rare resource, so it is best to wait and do research on who to spend them on before spending them immediately. Mid Game 1. The Leveling process will become slower here. The best way to level up and gain EXP is the Daily quests. Eventually it'll just be a single level-up a day, to a level up every few days. Level Cap is 60. (It can take about 2 months of play to reach 60, provided dailies are regularly cleared.) 2. Faction Buffs come into play around Level 35. In short, it's a super buff to everyone affiliated with the faction, and this buff becomes almost mandatory for mid-game and later content. Choose what characters you raise wisely, as leveling them past 35 starts to become expensive. 3. There is a massive difficulty spike at Level 40. While it can be overcome over a day or two, it will definitely slow down progress. (The problem is T3 Enemy Soldiers appear for hostile forces, but the player may not have T3 soldiers yet. This upgrade makes a huge difference.)
  13. Aether Resort? I guess this is like the village system that was proposed back in the day. I guess its basically FEH's version of Fate's My Castle. I wonder if there will be anything worthwhile to come of this... Wow, Rarity Changes. Only for 4/5 Star Heroes, but its something I suppose. Wait, what? Summon Pool changes? Instead of changing rarities, they just boot out the older heroes from the pool for later use? Guess they did this instead of demotions, eh? * * * * * ... Not impressed. Aether Resort looks cool and the Demotions are nice. However, the Summoning Pool change makes me think that FEH is becoming more like a card game with the way they distribute stuff (Divided by Books instead of Card Packs). I suppose it has its merits, but meh... Also not too keen on Pair-Up being restricted to Legendary Heroes. I guess they gotta have a draw somehow. (Then there is Pair-Up Arena. At least it's a separate mode, but I never cared much for PvP.) Overall, nothing to draw me back in. If anything, it solidified my desire to stay away from the game...
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