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Everything posted by Sire

  1. Laptop decided to break again, and now I'm certain I have a failing HDD. I'm going to keep bailing water out of this sinking ship in the meantime while I wait for a replacement (and upgrade to an SSD). Hard part will be reverse-engineering the laptop as I don't think the one I own was meant to be taken apart... - - - - - - - - - - In other news, I managed to finish the story! Even though I knew nothing about CCC, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Even though I followed a farming guide, I decided to go ahead and beat up Kiara since I didn't want to be farming "X" mobs forever. First attempt failed since I misused my Mystic Code, while the 2nd attempt had my Jalter barely gain a victory. Kiara wanted to get impaled, so Jalter complied with tons of spiky spikes. (My backline was still set for farming, so I had an Arash and a Hans back there with farming CEs.) MVP goes to MrSmokestack's Merlin who kept the team alive long enough and helped Jalter do her infamous Buster Crit combos. As for detailed story thoughts, they are in the spoiler below. For general thoughts though, I loved BB's character and ended up loving Melt and Passionlip as well. So, I decided to use some spare tickets and Melt ended up showing up at my Chaldea. No idea how great Melt actually is in combat (seeing all these Quick Servants makes me want a Caster Scathach when she becomes available), but I'm happy she's present. At the very least it'll help me with getting item shop mats as I'm basically clearing out the shop aside from the Monuments. I need Prisms for the Mona Lisa CEs that I missed... Overall, pretty happy with the event! I wouldn't mind seeing an anime adaptation of this event like Camelot or Babylonia some time in the future. The only thing that bothered me were dealing with the "monster rateup" Gacha CEs, as if one does not roll, it can be a bit tedious trying to grind out all the mobs needed to complete the quests. I want to say it wasn't that bad in the KnK event, but my memory may be betraying me. I had no issues killing them, it was just trying to kill enough of them.
  2. After some more thought, I'm probably going to end up dropping Langrisser Mobile completely. I'll probably keep playing until my Goddess Blessing expires, then uninstall the game. Playing the game hasn't been a complete waste as there are some lessons that I've taken from LM for my own projects (such as not having a lengthy daily routine, using animated portraits, etc.) and maybe adding the original titles to games I should get around to playing. In short, I find myself having far more enjoyable experiences elsewhere for my time. I enjoy playing Dragalia and how it takes care of its players, and enjoy playing FGO for its story and the IP. Then there's a different mobile game called "Another Eden" which is apparently also pretty good, especially if you are a fan of Chrono Trigger. (I never played CT, but watched a playthrough of it.) I haven't tried Another Eden yet as there are events going on in the other two mobile titles, but what I've seen of it looks promising.
  3. Ouch, Bond 15 is during Lostbelt 3, which isn't for another year? Hopefully NA gets it earlier like with other QoL updates so I can use my favorites more! (Also, 5* Embers in the FP pool so I can start burning through all of my FP...) * * * * * @JSND Alter Dragon Boner Thanks for the breakdown! Yeah, I figured NP gen would be rather slow and damage output generally lacking outside of strong bursts on rare occassions (Siegfried) since Georgios' offensive potential is extremely lackluster. When thinking about the team, I was leaning more towards in the "stall" direction instead of huge DPS, but then again I guess I aimed for the middle ground. I was thinking tossed Iron-Willed Training (MLB, +20% DEF) on Georgios to stack DEF on him (He gets 40% from his skill for 3 turns, and at least 20% when he uses his NP for a turn.) Siegfried will obviously want a Damage CE, but I may just toss Prisma Cosmos on him to reliably charge his NP Gauge. Tamamo is there to use her NP for the cooldown reductions and heals. Merlin can be used because Merlin since he provides a bit of everything: Healing, Attack Buffs, Invincibility Buff, Crit Stars, and Hero Creation on Siegfried. Granted, most of the crit stars will be eaten by Saint George which is not ideal, but maybe he'll be able to keep his extra defenses up from his NP effect this way. Putting a Crit Star Gather Rate CE on Sieg may help alleviate this somewhat, but I may just want to stick to Prisma Cosmos instead. - - - - - - - - - - Anyways, my current "go-to" team for bosses is running Saberlot/Kuro + Tamamo + Waver. Tamamo has some sustain with and has the arts buff, Waver is Waver, while Saberlot or Kuro deal damage. // I could go Buster Crit with Nobu/LancerAlter + Waver + Support Merlin, but at the moment I prefer fielding supports that help with event grinding instead of using them in battle.
  4. Quick question, when did JP get their bond expansions again? I want to say it was after EoR, sometime during the "2nd season." I dusted off my first 4* and trusty companion, Tamamo Cat, for this event. I've been hesitant to use her since her bond is capped, but upon fielding her again I realized how much I missed using Tamacat. She kills stuff pretty reliably! (In the meantime, I've been using Kiyohime for my Daily AoE clears.) - - - - - - - - - - On a related note, I wonder "Georgios + Siegfried + Merlin/Tamamo" would be like... Saint George tanks the hits and transforms enemies into Dragons, Siegfried slays Dragons, while Tamamo/Merlin provide heals and support. I have my 90 Georgios, but I haven't used him in a long time since "DPS, DPS, DPS" is still the way of things. Break bars make sustain a little more important, but generally it just seems better to have another DPS or Support instead of a Tank + DPS + Support setup. EDIT: Ruler Georgios when?
  5. Yeah, the playerbase for Langrisser Mobile is definitely getting smaller, at least from my perspective. I have guild members and randoms on my Friend List that haven't been logging in, and a fair amount of them are high level (50+). The guild I'm in is running into issues with recruitment as we are bleeding members and there's not enough players who are still playing at max level that aren't already in a guild (or even playing at all). Either way, I'm taking it casually. I'll log in for the daily bonus, sweep the Bonds for shards, and maybe do some Guild Battles. Otherwise I basically skip everything else. It felt nice not having to do the dailies completely. * * * * * In other news, I got myself a Luna, finally. I doubt I'll have enough for Shelf or Liana's Lotto skin when they come around, but then again I still don't know how much I'll actually be playing.
  6. Slowly making my way through the event. Even though I'm just starting Part III (following the Gamepress Guide), I am loving the event thus far. I also see why everyone loves BB and I'm definitely in the BB > Mashu camp. Speaking of Mashu, I almost forgot she existed. Meanwhile, Da Vinci at the start of the event "reminded me" about our missing Director, giving me feels that I didn't need. Man, this event makes me want to get into the CCC/Extra games at some point. Another list of games for the pile, I suppose...
  7. For the Goblin runs, the daily thing was more when I was leveling up to 60 (as I wanted to save all my keys for when they would be "best used"). Nowadays I do tend to stockpile them and run them all at once, but the fact one gets a key a day does lean it more towards being a daily in my opinion. As before, spoiler responses for the rest of it. The more I reflect on Langrisser Mobile, the more likely I find myself wanting to drop it or go "super casual." I suppose I'm just getting restless and want to try other things instead. To think I wanted to work hard on the Wiki with a revamp to all the character pages (which barely even got started due to complications), and now I'm just stepping away from it all. It almost feels like the entire ordeal was a giant waste of time.
  8. So I started the event and see why BB is loved by many. Yeah, that was one heck of a first impression. You keep being you and we'll get along just fine~ Also, I learned that this is not really an event but more of a "Singularity disguised as an Event." Here I was fielding all of my Bonus Servants while I did Story Mode and was cruising along for like 30 minutes until I ran into the "first boss encounter." Going for bonus loot was a mistake and I wished I had proper Servants lined up, but somehow I managed to win without having to use any Command Seals. (It didn't help I was down a CS. Melt told me to use one, so I did! How was I supposed to know a super hard encounter was coming, especially since I started doing this blind!) I also wish I had a Ruler to use. I keep seeing everyone saying to use Punch Saint to get things done, so I may have to check my Support List and see if anyone has one for situations where I need her.
  9. Welp, all the stuff I was saving for the next Gala was now spent on the Fire Emblem Banner. After a terrible, terrible start with my rolls, suddenly I started getting awesome stuff left and right... I got Marth which is nice as he seems to be the best out of the trio, but I was aiming for Veronica. Fjorm would have been a bonus, but I don't know if I'll actually use her much outside of a theoretical "FE Team." However, I'm fairly content with my haul. Here's notable stuff that I got... MUB Pheonix (Got my copy needed to MUB her.) MUB Silke (Got too many Silkes... I got 2 extra I don't need. On a related note, I got 2 extra Vodyanoys too...) 2 Ifrits (Now UB to Level 2) 2 Rocs (Now UB to Level 2) 4 Unicorns (New, UB to Level 3) 2 Juggernauts (New, UB to Level 1) Marth (Marth looks like he was made to slay Dragons. I do have my Euden built though, but I may raise Marth to handle HMS.) Naveed (Guy seems built for running Wind IO. While I run it just fine with characters without Sleep Res, raising him should help make clears smoother.) Lily (Lily's amazing for Water, right? At any rate, I'm glad to have an excellent Water DPS. Now I can run DY!Cleo, Eli, Lily, and a Healer!) Maribelle (If I recall correctly, Maribelle is an excellent Wind unit. She will be a fine addition to my Wind team which is a bit lackluster outside of Addis and Ku Hai.) Dupe Albert... (Elderwater, I guess?) Dupe Louise... (Man, I could've gotten a new 5* character. Rateup is a lie!) Odetta (Odetta looks cool, but I already have Juiletta [original MVP] and Albert. She's probably gonna be on the backburner.) Berserker (Blind Res! Maybe I can do Light IO without being blinded every 5 seconds.) Eleonora (Huh, she seems to be a pretty cool Bow character. I've been neglecting Bows since they usually suck, so I doubt I'll be using her anytime soon. I also have Louise too...) * * * * * Now to check out the Wrymprint shop and other things before I delve into the event itself. Just remember to start the event first before your dailies! EDIT: Okay, I am officially loving this collab. Everything, from the music on the menus, the skills, and the characters are just so well done! Now I'm sad I don't have the full FE collection (no Fjorm or Veronica). Hopefully I'll be able to get those two before the banner ends.
  10. Response in the spoiler so I don't clutter up the page. * * * * * EDIT: Welp, I might be jumping ship. Dragalia Lost just released an update that make their short dailies even shorter, and I'm starting to find the daily time investment to Langrisser Mobile to be unsustainable. I love the game, just not the time needed to play it. Maybe I'll keep it installed and become "super casual" and not care at all about daily quests and just do what I feel like. Otherwise, I may just end up dropping it.
  11. @david.nguyen First off, I would recommend looking into a faction. At the moment it seems you are running a Princess Team (Cherie, Freya, Sophia), so replacing Liffany with Shelf will work well. For a list format regarding your plans... Princess Team: Shelfaniel - Faction Leader Cherie - Flying DPS Sophia - Healer (Liana or Tiaris can replace, but Sophia is an excellent healer in her own right.) Angelica - Temporary DPS (Angelica will suffice Freya - Temporary Tank Liffany - Temporary Mage Empire Team: Bernhardt - Faction Leader + Tank Leon - Cavalry DPS Honestly, Bernhardt is not that good of a dedicated tank. He can off-tank since he has tanking skills, but otherwise dedicated tanks like Freya or Vargas are better. Leon can serve perfectly fine off-faction since he has Chivalry, so you can just run Shelf, Freya, Cherie, Sophia and Leon as a team. Freya works well as a tank for general content, its just her weakness is against bosses. If you want to take this team to end-game, you may want to replace Freya with Ledin as he can buff himself and is one of the best tanks in the game. For some guides if you are interested... - Hero Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ItmsOXSFcoKOdd1Q-GKovuOdAiUoEaEtXbaOam7Zk7g/edit - Faction Guide Part 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/langrisser/comments/amx9mb/i_pledge_allegiance_faction_guide_with_buffs_team/ - Faction Guide Part 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/langrisser/comments/ao9v1y/i_pledge_allegiance_part_two_hybrid_factions/ Hope this helps! * * * * * In other news, rolled 68 times (~30 Tickets, ~3000 Crysals) for Luna. Still don't have a Luna. There goes my saved resources, down the drain... // Then, I doubt I'll have anything left for Shelf when her banner appears since I'm going to keep throwing my scraps for Luna. All I wanted was a Princess Faction buffer (preferable both)... On the bright side, I managed to get Laird and Rohga to 6-Stars. Lester was my first. At least I use Larid a fair amount (I used to own the #1 Laird on my server, but now I hover around the top 5), so that's something, I guess.
  12. In case anyone was wondering what I was doing, I went off the deep end and starting writing essays for some reason. All of this was done over the course of the past three days. At least I can get back to playing my games now, right? Part One: https://www.reddit.com/r/langrisser/comments/bgl88l/retention_problems_in_langrisser_mobile/ Part Two: https://www.reddit.com/r/langrisser/comments/bh2z2r/suggestions_to_improve_retention_with_langrisser/? * * * * * Luna's banner should be up by tomorrow, and there's talk the Summer Skins may be coming "soonish." Personally, I'm not too keen on the summer skins. Lana and Luna look nice, but it doesn't seem right (and I got the Goddess Skin for Luna from the Macho Lotto). If I cave and decide to buy a skin, it may be for Varna, but I don't use her outside of Guild Wars as she isn't really invested into. A part of me wishes I tried buying more SSR Weapons with the Ore, but getting spirits to upgrade what gear I have just seems like the most efficient option. I want an Ullr's Bow to play around with...
  13. Honestly, if we condensed it down to "must-haves" they would be Ishtar, Eresh, and King Hassan. Merlin is desired because of how powerful he is, but I can live without him because everyone else seems to have him. MHXA is also someone I would like, but I'll have to rate for her next appearance which won't be for a while. Thanks for the offer for Archer Artoria! However, I find my support lineups usually fielding another Waver as my own still isn't leveled up enough yet. Maybe some day. (That's the one thing with FGO. If you don't have a good support servant, you are usually stuck using someone else's. If you have an excellent support setup, then you can start playing around with your friend's Grailed Servants who are completed maxed out. Until then, it's support friend servants all the way.) * * * * * Haven't started on the event yet as I'm trying to wrap up some other things before going full-throttle on FGO. I'm hearing good things though, so I am looking forward to playing it!
  14. We stating what servants we be saving for? Let's see here... May - Ishtar (I tried for Ishtar during her other rate-ups, but no luck. Maybe she'll appear for me in May [or spook me on my birthday depending when the banner starts.]) July - Archer Artoria (Mostly because of how broken she apparently is, but I have other priorities and won't mind skipping her. As an aside, getting Tamamo Lancer and Kiyo Lancer would be nice too, but are not high on the list.) August - Artoria [Rider Alter, Maid Artoria Alter] (I like my Artoria Alters. I think I got plenty of Riders as is, but it's Artoria Alter! Sadly, I'm probably still gonna save Quartz...) - Illya (It's Illya. That is all. Happy Emiya Family when?) September - Brynhild (It's hard to say why I like Byrn, but she warmed up to me over time. She'll be nice to have, but I have Scathach for a ST Lancer.) - Okita (I keep seeing Nobu x Okita comics and it keeps guilt tripping me. The two need to be together! Of course though, my available Quartz may say something otherwise...) - Merlin (I missed Merlin the first time around, so hopefully I'll get him here. That regenerative heal is extremely useful...) October - Tomoe Gozen (All right, I'm a Tomoe fan, especially after seeing all the fan art and comics of her being adorable. Not a fan enough to try for her immediately though. Be patient, and she will come. Eventually. Hopefully...) - Kato Danzou (I like Danzou's design. Not sure how she plays since she seems to be a Support Assassin, but her design is nice.) November - Ishtar (If I somehow miss Ishtar in May, she appears again here. I'm not missing Ishtar in May. Period.) - King Hassan (It's King ****ing Hassan. Heck, I'll NP5 him if I was a whale. I missed him in January because I had next to no Quartz trying for Ishtar. As is, I'm a poor, broke man, so my scraps will have to suffice...) December - Ereshkigal (I don't care if Eresh is Chaotic Evil. She is adorable and needs headpats. Problem is, I'm likely to be dry on Quartz trying for King Hassan in November, so I don't know if I'll be graced with Eresh being summoned to my Chaleda...) Others - Mysterious Heroine X [Alter] (Another Artoria Alter, and I warmed up to her quite a bit during the event and reading her story.)
  15. For Sakura Wars... Promotional PV: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av50120581 CN Patch Notes: http://mz.zlongame.com/jx/mzgg/20190422/6693.html Characters - Sakura - VA: Chisa Yokoyama (og voice of Cherie) - Sumire - VA: Michie Tomizawa (og voice of Sonya, also the voice of Brenda in langrisser 5) - Iris - VA: Kumiko Nishihara - [NPC] Ichirou Factions: Sakura = Empire, Protag, Collab Sumire, Iris = Empire, Princess, Collab Of note, they'll have their Mechs as their side classes. They are treated as "4 Mov Cavalry" if I recall correctly. Sakura is DPS who gets a permanent buff when she kills enemies (so like Sonya, but permanent). Sumire is a tank, while Iris is a SR healer. * * * * * For Freya, I don't mind. Freya is my main tank so I ignored the whole thing about "Freya's useless, replace her with Ledin." I was just stating why she does tend to fall off later in the game. * * * * * Next Focus Banners... Banner One: Dieharte, Tiaris, Luna Banner Two: Shelfaniel, Bozel, Lana I'm getting Luna and Shelf as I have the other characters already. Personally, I can't wait for the Luna banner to release. I've been needing her from near the beginning for the Princess buff...
  16. Prisma is coming back in June? First time I heard of it, unless you mean the Prisma "Carnival Phantasm" spinoff. A part of me wants to do a re-watch and compare it side-by-side with the original manga. I was in the process of reading the manga, but then I put it on hold for other stuff. Edit: Prisma Illya is actually pretty good. The fanservice does put me off at times, but other than that, I enjoy the series. Seeing Happy Illya and Iri (especially after coming from a Fate/Zero marathon) was a refreshing change of pace.
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