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Everything posted by Sire

  1. The basic premise at the moment is... "Eclipse is the guardian of Serenia with the Ban Hammer (which will probably become an infinitely durable personal weapon on par with Chrom's Falchion) being her main source of power as protector of law and order on the continent. However, AnonymousSpeed (Anon?) amasses a giant army and uses it to take over her home of Mod Castle while she is away fighting bandits (unruly shitposters). Their ultimate goal is to kill her, take the Ban Hammer from her, and destroy it, engulfing Serenia in eternal chaos. The game would follow Eclipse and her colorful group of friends as they try to stop Anon and battle an equally colorful array of villains on the way." - - - - - Anything further than that has not been planned. I believe Josh is waiting for the character and boss rosters to be finalized before working on a script, but is open to ideas. So, if you want your character/chapter to be a certain way, I would post the ideas. There's a good chance they will be used or at least factor in when the story starts taking shape. * * * * * As for staff of Serenes Emblem... Josh, Nightingale of Sacae is the main story writer and leader of the project. Von Ithipathachai programs the stuff in SRPG Studio. The rest (including myself) are just participants.
  2. True. Modern Fire Emblem does seem to sell due to the shipping side of the spectrum, so waifus and husbandos are the now the norm. The school setting for Three Houses probably doesn't help with that. Personally, I would love "S" Supports just indicating a paired ending instead of being purely romantic, but I may be in the minority for that one. (Add a small "heart" icon if its romantic, perhaps?) There's also the issue with Avatar characters, as every "S" option there may be expected to be romantic instead of platonic. Hopefully as FE grows the Support System will see more changes for the better, such as "choosing if a support is platonic or romantic" and "choosing the Avatar's relationship preferences."
  3. On the topic of paired endings, give me paired endings that are not always romantic. I want to see GBA style endings again, like as between a father and son (Garcia, Ross), between friends (Eliwood, Hector), or helping a recruit find her mother (Duessel, Amelia). Not everyone has to marry everyone and have kids.
  4. I've been taking DL slow. I didn't max out the friendship of the latest Raid Servant and didn't really do much of the raid itself either. I still haven't done the latest story chapter yet too. I don't mind the downtime as it lets me play other games instead.
  5. All right, got around to fleshing out my character a little more. I even made a mock-up of a theoretical scenario he may appear in! To summarize, "Sire" leads a group of mercenaries. For the majority of the game he will be off doing his own thing, only being recruited near the Endgame portion of Serenes Emblem. Their main objective is to search for the "Balls of Power" to see if they can help save "Serenia" (Serenes Forest Name Thingy) from whatever is going on. Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fqZi6j4RDUJ5R_7_KqCyc_W-qH2RIjNhcXRjetqDLSc
  6. You can. The basic premise of the 2nd game is that the player lost the "first war against the aliens" early on in the campaign. So, its almost as if the first game never happened. You'll miss some references (Bradford is the same guy in both games, Lily Shen is the daughter of the original Engineering guy, and so on) but nothing major.
  7. Both XCOM games are excellent, but if I had to choose one I would probably pick the 2nd because it is a bit more refined. However, the two games are different enough to warrant playing both (the first has XCOM defending Earth from Aliens, and the second has the XCOM resistance rise up against their Alien overlords). There are also some features and enemies in the first game that don't appear in the second, and vice versa. On a similar vein, Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle plays like XCOM from what I heard. If you can get past the Rabbids, I hear it is an absolutely fantastic game to play. If you want a complete free, open source, turn-based strategy game, I recommend Battle for Wenoth (Website, Steam). It has been around for years and has tons of single player and multiplayer content. If the official stuff isn't enough, there's also tons of User-Made Content (UMC) available as well.
  8. Sire

    Another Eden

    Man, I haven't posted here in almost a month! (This is now a disguised LP thread.) Regarding news, Another Eden is expanding to 32 new countries in Europe and Southeast Asia, so if it was not previously available for you, it may be soon! * * * * * Anyways, I finally got around to beating the main story. The plot twist was interesting enough and the substories continue to be fun and intriguing. At this point, I'm likely entering the beginning of the end-game portion of trying to get the best equipment for my characters and beat the superbosses. Like I said before, having a good healer is a must. I lucked out getting Mariel as she is one of the best healers, if not the best healer, in the game (even at 4* status). I believe I wouldn't have made it as far as I did in some fights without Mariel. I also have a decent Wind and Earth team going which helps a lot in farming content. In case you were wondering where characters fall off, 3-stars were level 25, and 4-stars were level 50. The main story end around level 55-60, while the max level cap is 80 (60 for 4-star units). Remember that some characters can "promote" can upgrade rarities, so be on the lookout for 4.5 star characters! 3-stars are worthless unless one is is doing a challenge run or for using them for kicks. 4-stars have some utility and usefulness, but 5-star characters basically outclass their lower star counterparts. At pure endgame, there comes a point where an optimized 5-star team is required, but I'm nowhere near that yet. This is due to increased level cap based on rarity and the unlocked "hero grids." As for pulls since I started, I did technically pull two 5* characters, but they were dupes so I only have one (Suzette). I don't mind though as she is carrying me though content, and it helps she is likely voiced by Skye Bennett (who is the VA of Pyra/Mythra in Xenoblade Chronicles 2). Suzette was on my main team at all times alongside Mariel, and the two of them could handle most content tossed at my party. I am still loving the game one month in and how laid back it is since there is no real pressure to log in and play constantly. It is an easy JRPG to pick up and play for short bursts or to go grinding for hours. I still recommend for others to try it! * * * * * * * * * * As an aside, I noticed there seemed to be some Xenoblade VAs who worked on Another Eden. While I don't know all of their roles as only the main characters were properly credited, their names did appear in the credits. I believe Suzette is Skye Bennett and Isuka is Samantha Dakin because of how similar they sound to their Xenoblade roles, but I don't have confirmation on them. All I know is I need to raise Cyrus more. At the moment he's my weakest story member because I haven't promoted him to his 4-star version yet... Janine Harouni: Amy - Newt (XC2) Timothy Watson: Cyrus - Metal Face (XC) Rebecca Kiser: Riica - Praxis (XC2) Skye Bennett: Suzette - Pyra, Mythra (XC2, Torna DLC) Samantha Dakin: Isuka - Haze, Fan la Norne (XC2, Torna DLC) Naomi McDonald - Obrona, Sheba (XC2)
  9. I guess there's not gonna be a Part II, as tommorow is Indie Day. In hindsight, it makes sense. They may want to be saving the timeskip and "war period" for a Fire Emblem Direct closer to the release date, perhaps in Early July. They've been pushing the Academy a lot with their marketing and focus, but that whole teaching students thing is not all that interesting to me. We finally get a taste of what seems to be classic Fire Emblem with a darker storyline, but there's no real substance to it yet. Guess we'll have to wait for the game to come out or new showcases to learn more.
  10. I have a feeling we may be seeing more of Three Houses later. Golden Deer (Claude's group) wasn't properly showcased, and they may tease a bit of the war time itself instead of the academy. If this is all we get, I'll be fine, but maybe a little disappointed. If we were to go frame-by-frame, that may sate my hunger for the game. I just want more and the for Three Houses to be released already!
  11. I feel like the "Golden Happy Ending" is standard and is expected. For Fire Emblem, I want one so I can recruit and use all of the characters instead of having them locked to certain routes. (Or at the very least, have a postgame sandbox mode, like Fire Emblem 8's Creature Campaign.) The story may not be as great as the other paths, but that's okay. Just because there is a happy ending does not mean that is necessarily the "canon ending." The other routes can be just as good, if not better, than the happily ever after path.
  12. If you are interested in Tactics Ogre, keep in mind there are two separate versions: the original SNES and the PSP remake. The remake is probably the better choice due to the new features and such, but diehard fans may recommend the SNES version (which was never localized). I only played a bit of the SNES version using a translation patch. I loved my time with it, but never got around to finishing the game. // I never touched the remake, so I can't really comment on it.
  13. I was waiting all day to see Fire Emblem coverage, but there isn't any today. Hopefully this means there will be more Fire Emblem time since it's going to be shown on a different day, but that's probably wishful thinking. Hype has been deflated since it's tomorow instead of today, but I'm believing that Three Houses is gonna be a good game. (Please don't be like Fates, where pre-release stuff looked amazing but the actual game was dissapointing...) * * * * * That aside, "leak information" may want to be put in spoiler tags. Not everyone has read up on the leaks or wants to know anything about them, whether they are true or not.
  14. Man, looks like Fire Emblem coverage is tomorrow. I was waiting for it all day... Oh well, hopefully that means it'll have a longer segment to showcase more stuff. I'm guessing tomorrow will be the "other big hits" with some repeats to showcase other stuff, while the 3rd day is all about indie games.
  15. Leak info in the spoiler. Anyways, can't wait to see the Fire Emblem coverage later.
  16. Banjo in Smash is real! Woo! Love everything in the Nintendo Direct thus far. It delivered a lot of what I was looking forward to. Now to see how the Treehouse Coverage goes...
  17. Pretty happy that the leak was real. Everything looks amazing thus far. Looking forward to the Treehouse footage whenever they get around to covering it.
  18. I stopped playing Langrisser Mobile (the time investment was too much and I couldn't support the company behind it due to their practices). Also, I never managed to fully immerse myself in the Trails series as my only experience is maybe 10 hours in the first game. It's good, but it didn't hook me enough to keep my attention away from other things... If I recall correctly, there are two "free" Trails characters one can obtain from the event. I think they are Oliver and Kloe. The rest (Estelle, Joshua, "demon loli, sword guy") are Gacha only and are limited to the duration of the crossover event. * * * * * Best of luck to those still playing or returning to LM for the crossover characters.
  19. I haven't really been playing the re-run. I probably should for the mats, but I guess I'm on a break from FGO again.
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