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Everything posted by Reality

  1. Absoultely anyone can beat both Judgral games in a week and a half, maximum, and on their first blind runs. Thracia 776 can be played with the same big enemy phase oriented gameplay from the GBA games up to about chapter 16 due to awful enemy stats at that part of the game. The Freege arc in Thracia takes up too much time, un-doing the dramatic build up of Leidric. It's similiar to PoR's focusing on the Black Knight in favor of Ashnard. Olwen cripples the pace the player plays at unless you commit one of the 2 angelic robes to her. Except for 24, 24x, and 25, Mounted units are still pretty safe and have enough statlines for use in all indoor maps despite the weapon rank problem. Dismounting on outdoor maps can actually be useful. Leaf is a good combat unit, and reasonably tanky as well. Without scroll modifiers. Judgral Seizure Magic Animations are the worst in the series. Fatigue buildup is too generous for (non staff) units.
  2. The 2003 Kino's Journey. 13 episodes. The 2010 Sound of The Sky. 12 episodes. Live action - The 2000 Tenth Kingdom Miniseries - 7 hours. Kino's Journey - I mean you could argue that their are underlying themes going on that require "paying attention" but honestly, since the episdoes are episodic, you can enjoy the series in a very light way if you want to. It also feels like a slower, more reflective show, even though it doesn't have many episdoes. Sound of the Sky - you shouldn't have to pay much attention to things, the big stuff is basically highlighted for you. Has a more upbeat and comedic side than Kino's Journey. Does have some serious moments, but is kind of slice of life overall. Tenth Kingdom - This would be like 14 - 30 minute episodes, although I think most people watch it as a movie in one go instead of the original format, which cut it into 5 episodes. You can totally still enjoy it, since the divisions are pretty obvious (they travel in each location about minutes) - It's the funniest of these by far, and the fairy tale aspect makes it easy to follow it's setting compared to Kino/Sound - Can feel goofy and teenager oriented at times, but in a good way.
  3. Custom Robo and Custom Robo V2 Shiren the Wanderer 2 Nippon Daihou Soccer RPG Derby Stallion 64 Derby Stalion EX Dragon Force games Robopon 64 Front Mission Games Segagaga I feel like there was a trilogy I wanted compleed, but I can't remember it right now.
  4. publishing order for sure. I think even if chronological, it should be done chronological except magican's nephew. That one's gottta be pushed after (even immediately after) Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe.
  5. 1 AI for the computer team, instead of controlling their movement through decision tree tags 2 two way Attacks of Oppurtuniy, zone of control, other stuff that should have been standard by 1988 3 No Player units that can tank 3+ enemies in one Enemy Phase, ever. 4 Less linear battle calculation system (especially speed) 5 AP sysstem instead of Full team phases
  6. FE3 and FE5 are the most influential in terms of what mechanics and map design(in former) were used in the series onwards. FE4's internal influence on the series was relatively minor by comparison. FE3 sold better than in Japan than FE4/FE5, which succesively sold less (granted that the FE4 was a month before the JP N64 launch and FE5 was comiccally late into the console's lifecycle ) Critical Reception ≠ Level of influence : Especially when this is mosty within it's own fanbase.
  7. I guess we could just go by the large map / endgame team size limit. It's usually 14-18. The number of charathers should be exactly 3 times that amount, for a total from around 42. This is enough for large enough scale replayability without making charerziation and writing too messy. Larger casts are dependent on a wildly different gameplay than (normal mode) provides, eg FE1/3/6 only really justify their casts if you are actually intended to lose units due to the game balancing enemies closer to player level. As it stands, I only really think FE6 HM, FE11 H3+ , and FE12 NM really justify cast bloat. While the other hard games are not total cast size dependent or are precisely difficult because of cast size limitations or (recruiting the bulk of the charathers only after the mid-way point).
  8. I would like to see you try to draw the child Conradin, from the famous short story, Sredni Vashtar. Only two poses really cme to mind, but they're both really dependent on capturing the emotional mood. Conradin in profile as a sickly child with lesss than 5 years to live if the adults can do anything about it, might be an easier mood to capture.
  9. I found it a little weird on like Oscar - It's easy enough to miss the triange attack in many games already, and by not automatically choosing bows, it could be literally unavailable in PoR. It also has a problem where the choice can lead to power gaming - In PoR - Axe is pretty much the best option for everyone, due to the strength based con formula / accuracy benchmarks being lower / higher mt / forged hand and silver axes If it were implemented in something like FE6, this would apply to Swords - There would be no real incentive (except preference/flavor) to pick bows or axes for your cavaliers. I'm not really a fan of Judgral / Radiant Dawn's systems either... For something like Heroes, enforcing a Sword/Lance/Axe parity for every movement type is fine, but I don't see the need for seperate flier locked, armor locked, cavalry locked, classes for every weapon in a main game. Obviously this leads to multiplying the amount of classes by a factor of 3 (or even more if applying to magic/bows/staffs as well). I kind of think it could make the new fire emblem (or for current examples, romhacks using edited class trees) look bloated and selling itself on what is really a non-feature.
  10. Name: Otani Heizõ Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: 5'5 Black hair, but with traces of a lighter hazel color that's hasn't darkened away completely. Has high cheekbones and a doughy face. Despite the lack of a dress code at his junior high, he developed the habit of wearing the traditional black Gakuran uniform on and off campus. He feels that it gives him an air of profeseionalism. History: Otani was born in Gosen, Niigata, into an agricultural family. His parents had been the first generation of the family to leave the farming industry, attaining blue color work in Niigata and commuting to the larger city daily. He has always been a social animal, following sports teams and stock car racing with interest. He hates silent types, as due to his environment, he couldn't tell whether people who didn't answer teachers did so due to intelligence or social anxiety . Tends to speak in a sing-song voice to fill silences. Likes to be the most active student in class, but not particularly brainy. Otani missed a year of junior high due to his parents briefly falling into debt, and spent 2010 with his grandparent's on the farm, more out of the way than assisting with the family's income. This has left him with a chip on his shoulder about being useless or taking subordinate roles. He feels that their is an excess of raw talent in the world, and that people only think otherwise due to chronic amounts of people being unwilling to project themselves forward. Enjoys a wild night out. Has a record of teasing others. Ability: Otani can project Holograms. These are simply light, and do not exert physical force. While he can project full-size, moving, illusions of people and other objects , his holograms are unable to produce noise, smells, and so on. They are simply diffracted light, and can even be walked through with no resistance. Strength: 6Agility: 6Endurance: 5Charisma: 9Intelligence: 6Intuition: 8Mastery: 5
  11. I like strong, distinctive silhouttes . Genereally, a lot of charathers with these will be simple, and retain a kind of shape-based drawing guide for them but this isn't strictly neccesary. Uniformed charathers belong in a special category - they can still be distinct from each other (any good war/cop movie 0r tv show, Legend of Galatic Heroes, etc), but if not designed well they can betray a feeling of "interchangable wigs" (in manga's case) or the impression that the main charathers are "generic soldier dudes". I don't like "over-designed charathers" in most cases, although I can appreciate something like "ironwork steampunk".
  12. I've been thinking a lot about Richard William's The Thief and The Cobbler. While I appreciate the spirit of the Re-cobbled restoration project, I have to admit that I kind of find the studio version to be an extremely fun movie in its own right. The narration of the Thief is obviously the highlight of movie, and I find that, as impressive as the film is visually, I don't think that the soundtracks used over his sequences can fill the ""empty" screentime and space anywhere near as well as Jonathon Winters's voice. I do think the removal of the Cobbler's monologues and the musicals on the other hand, definately benefit the movie.
  13. I think I include it in my thoughts on the old FE4 story criticism thread. Most it comes from this Chapter 19 conversation and what August says after you beat the final boss. - The crux of my problem is that - when August first joins Leif, he views him as a figurehead, and is simply convenient because he can be used to rally an army due to the legend's about his survival which the likes of (August) himself spread. August goes on to imply that Lewyn has the same relationship with Seliph. In fact, Lewyn is even August's superior. However, over the course of FE5, August's relationship with Leif actually evolves, and he recognizes that Leif's own innate qualities helped him to accomplish his tasks, and not just "the social engineering / plans that August laid in place. The ultimate victory over Trabant and the Blume is ultimately something that August could never have predicted Lewyn would manage to do. Because of this, Leif is able to be a real hero, instead of one that is "made". Meanwhile, in FE4 - Lewyn never has a similiar moment of ephiphany, and in fact, like the early game August, basically assumes treats Seliph like a figurehead that he created from the begining to the end - Not even filling him in on details like whetehr it's possible to fight Julius/ Book of Naga existing. Seliph's ability to attract people to him, his heroism, succesfully libearting the first few countries, are all (in my opinion) undermined by having Lewyn as a strategist under these conditions. If the "child of light" is not a prophetic figure, but just a propaganda campaing, then the ultimate respnsbility for saving the country cannot lie with the actual lord, but must lie with Lewyn instead. Honestly my problem with Gen 2 Lewyn is basically the same as other people have with Kris in FE12 - It's impossible for me not to see him stealing credit (narrative wise) for what Seliph does.
  14. I know that you get at least 3 pages - about 2000 words and 12000 charathers. If you make it look nice at all with paragraph breaks you'll probbably be down to 1700 words. I have a couple of OPs to threads that might be slightly longer but the Forum tends to diable editing (the n64 classic speculation thread comes to mind) after I initially post it. It lets me access the editor controls, but it will boot me out to the "suspected bot activity" screen if I try to submit edit's presumably because the post is already close to the charather limit and it interprets me making a obscenely long re-post. I know for a fact that the Forum will reject 5 page long OPs for new threads.
  15. My favorite charather is locked at August from Thracia 776 He's the best, most confrontational of the Tactican type charathers. He exposes FE4 Gen 2 Lewyn/Forseti awful behaviour by contrast. Most of my other favorite charathers are mostly for gameplay personality.
  16. God, I completely forgot Red Dead Redemption 2. I could live with like every other game I want being delayed if it meant.....
  17. I'm disapointed that that one person in the discord predicted it correctly. I kinda feel like parity among robin's makes them less intersting. Well I guess armor/dragon flying/dragon, but still. Why are legendary heroes allowed to be bad guys anyway?
  18. So back in the day, me and my siblings used to enjoy some of the pikachu shorts almost as much as the movies they came with, so I thought I'd make a discussion thread about them. I have the most experience with the first 5 shorts, since those are the ones that we incessantly re-watched. There are three shorts that I like more than the others Pikachu and Pichu is probbably the strongest Pokemon short, even though watching it today can be a little ironic because it more or less ends with Ash turning eleven. At the time or release though, there was nothing wrong with the ending, and on top of being sweet, it even hinted that the anime (like the games between gen 1 and gen 2) would make some accomadations for real time passing over the course of the series. I also really like the hide and seek short with the evil lawnmower and the first short where they go on vacation and get in a fight with some generation 2 pokemon like Snubbul and Marill. They felt sweet and I think they did a lot to establish the tone of the pikachu shorts as strictly following the pokemon acting on their own as opposed to the main series, which makes them enjoyable. I guess I'd like to start a thread to hear other people's thoughts on the shorts? I wonder if I missed any good ones by tapping out of the series after generation 4? Also I kind of wonder if the reduced importance of the Pokemon shorts has anything to do with (pichu in melee vs later smash bros games) ? I'm not really sure how important people consider the shorts compared to the movies, but given that the movies can sell a pokemon like Lucario's popularity, I would imagine that the shorts must have some amount of influence... This thread is for the movie shorts. It is not for specials (such as winter vacation episodes), The Pokemon Channel short, or for Pokemon Generations.
  19. Some manga charethrization would improve the game, but a game has fundamenteally differnt pacing than a managa. No one's going to comlpain about the massive overhaul for Eldigan, but the absurd de-centralizating and following around side charatahters at the start of gen 2 is a complete no in video game format.
  20. Fight it Out from Tactics Ogre - I think this is one place where I prefer the PSX version to the rendition in LUCT The easy stage Puyo Puyo music The main player phase music in Future Tactics: The Uprising. The second most common enemy phase music from the same game. Although Enemy Attack 1 is pretty good too. The Ocarina of Time combat and Majora's Mask combat music. - infinitely better than TP and WW. The cipher peon theme in Pokemon Coloseum. You fight more of them than normal trainers so you hear it more often than the designated Common theme anyway... I'd put MDK2, Custom Robo, and Colony Wars stuff in here, but it's too hard to justify anything as "common" since the battle themes seem more tied to stages than to enemy encounters.
  21. I mean if you want a more serious reply from me I see the purpose of every charather in a story to be a reflection of the hero. Not just in simple terms of being the hero's foil, but to also reflect their internal state. The obvious example is Saint George in The Fairie Queen and The Dragon. - When he slays the dragon, he is allowed to enter the Garden of Eden. But when you stop to consider what prevents humans from enterting the garden of eden or hheaven normally, it's eopen to reading it as man ridding himself of sin or satan. Naturally when it comes to fantasy I prefer things that are more in line with folk lore and fairy tales, since they are the most conductive to a really formalist analysis. If we get to the world of entertainment(video games)- I do like most "3-dimensional" villians, but I hate how people act like they are "the only good way to write a villian". It's too reductive of a viewpoint on several levels. For one, a story about a 3-dimensional charather devolving into a 2-dimensional charather most revenge stories can be fantastic. The 2 dimensinoal villian also keeps the hero central to the story in the classical case. And finally, there's the simple populist case of many such "simpler" villains being entertaining.. Having an outright camp or hammy villian is by no means a horrible thing (and when it comes to acting it's fairly hard to make a career out of due to treading a line with overacting) . Obviously seeing a villian scheme and finally resolve his plots is also entertaining, but it can quickly exhaust audiences if you watch multple suh villians/shows that do that in a role, and while their own reasons for their actions are more "personal", it often makes the heroes connection to them impersonal, on top of often them being weaker as a hook for the audience.
  22. Villians are meant to be entertaining. Vincent Price gets this.
  23. People always talk about Lara Croft as the female Indiana Jones, but I just can't listen to this soundtrack without thinking of Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Last Crusade.
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