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Everything posted by Lightchao42

  1. When you recommend a game to someone but they don't think it's fun That was sarcasm. If you think Fusion is cryptic, the first game doesn't give you a map and every pathway looks basically the same. You probably have to bomb random places to progress too. On the other hand, it has a funny password system. As for what you actually should play... Viva Piñata is a good game. It should be one of the most celebrated games in existence, but it isn't because reality makes no sense. Make another game Microsoft!
  2. Maybe you should play the original Metroid on the NES. You'd be eager to go back to Fusion if you did. Of course there's no Fates: Revelations. There is Fates: Revelation, however.
  3. It's nice how Trails in the Sky SC's endgame party members are among the first characters you get in the 3rd (and also Tita as she's the subject of Moon Door 1), since you barely got to use them in the previous game. I was expecting Joshua to join much later than he did (and with Estelle, for that matter), but he was absent for half of the last game so it makes some sense that he'd join fairly early. Technically any involvement would be more involved than they were with Legends, since they had nothing to do with that game. Unova barely has any American-inspired Pokémon, much less Irish inspired. Properly representing cultures might slightly be one of GF's priorities now but certainly wasn't when BW were made; New York being a "melting pot" seems to have been an excuse to add whatever they wanted. New York isn't known for its Three Musketeers, Japanese gods, and yin-yang dragon legendaries after all. Sableye is more American than the majority of Unova Pokémon as a matter of fact, being inspired by the Hopkinsville Goblin. I'd like to get a Mothman Pokémon one day...
  4. The weather wars have begun. Get your Politoed ready! Persona 3 and 4 are rated 12+ in Japan so yes. Persona 5 is 15+, but so are some T-rated games like FE Fates and Xenoblade X/2.
  5. When everyone is taking about this "Steins;Gate" but you have no idea what it is When a book you're reading calls GameCube games "retro"
  6. Moon Door 1 has already revealed very important parts of Trails lore. The truth of the matter is, Ouroboros doesn't fear Cassius Bright. They fear her. However the higher-ups didn't want to admit it, so they made something up about Cassius being a threat to their plans. Why else would they wait until she was out of Liberl to act? The Enforcers would've gotten the heck out of there if she returned home early. If you can't get any of your credit cards work for some reason, you could try getting a Steam gift card and using that instead.
  7. I agree, the new CGs are very lewd. If you can't be bothered to get the Steam version, you don't deserve to get turbo mode. Steam wins yet again!
  8. I can't believe Kevin found a Core Crystal and used it to resonate with Tita. How does Sky the 3rd fit into the Xenoblade 2 lore? Also, a chest said the localizers considered renaming Olivier to Oliver. I wonder what other mythical knowledge the chests will regale me with... My younger self watched Attack of the Clones and thought it was fine, apparently. I never watched The Phantom Menace until a few years ago and I thought it was fine. That doesn't mean that Lego Star Wars isn't the ideal way to experience those films however. I saw Revenge of the Sith when it first came out and liked it, but I didn't know it was a prequel until after I saw it and was rather confused by the idea. When you find someone whose mom has the same name as your mom
  9. No context Trails Awakening, Fates, and Three Houses all got a "mild impact" in the same category, so it probably doesn't mean much. On the other hand, this means swimsuits are confirmed.
  10. One year ago today, Pyra and Mythra were announced for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate! It seems February is Xenoblade announcement month. Who knew they were a late birthday present for Rubenio all along? Speaking of late birthdays...
  11. So she's an academic tsundere, nice. I expect Taion to have a heart-to-heart like Devdan and Largo's supports, where someone accidentally "murders" Mondo. Probably Lanz. I think it's more likely that 18 is the age when people get drafted into the army. Of course, Agnus and Keves would have bigger problems than the war itself if they needed to clone soldiers. The war is probably orchestrated by a third party to feed souls to their Deus-analogue god/monster/weapon; I don't know if the off-seering feeds the souls to "Deus" or they prevent "Deus" from eating them however.
  12. Super Smash Bros. 3DS and Wii U are losing their DLC as well; of course every DLC character is in Ultimate, but you're out of luck if you want to 100% those games after the deadline (or, say, get every trophy). Ace Attorney Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice are also stuck on the 3DS (and mobile devices), so hopefully Capcom will port them to other consoles at some point. Technically every version of Fates is being deleted unless you get it physically, so good luck looking for a used copy.
  13. 2022 will have Breath of the Wild, Splatoon, Mario + Rabbids, Fire Emblem Warriors, and Xenoblade. We just need a 3D Mario and it will be a reenactment of 2017. Reminds me of how Sky SC ended... "You know Joshua, this really was a Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Second Chapter!" "Shut up, Estelle."
  14. On the topic of Trails, I finished Trails in the Sky SC. It almost brings a tear to my eye... One could say that Weissmann I have Sky the 3rd already, but I'm not in a rush to start it yet since this game didn't end on a cliffhanger. To commemorate Valentine's Day, here's an immortal Estelle quote:
  15. Almost every student being in is more likely if you get to choose a house at the beginning, especially since almost everyone in 3H already has interchangeable movesets. If you're going to make an archer moveset for Bernadetta, you might as well add Ashe and Ignatz too. As the obvious Lu Bu analogue, the Death Knight will be present even if Jeritza isn't playable. Seteth, Flayn, Catherine, and Shamir seem the most likely to be playable of the non-students, and will probably be DLC if they aren't. The Ashen Wolves will likely be DLC again if they aren't in the base game.
  16. Maybe I can switch to who will be XC3's greatest character: Well yes, that was the kind of conspiracy theory I was talking about. I'd rather they be kept separate but who knows what will happen. "Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make." -M/N, probably I won't bother speculating much of the plot, but I expect the Conduit to be involved somehow. Also, the Fog King or something like it should be involved somehow, to explain what it was doing in Future Connected. Lastly, why have we only seen two Nopon? It's because the Nopon of the two universes ditched Keves and Agnes and formed their own nation, led by Queen Poppi.
  17. Xenoblade X fans trying to explain how it can fit into the series timeline After all this time... Finally, I have them all. Though I didn't get the popup when I opened the last chest, so I initially didn't think I got the achievement. I parked myself right before the final bosses so I'll try to finish the game tomorrow. I'd like the opportunity to save in the middle of things but expect that I have to finish the game in one go. Before that, an observation:
  18. The last fight with Luciola was the worst thing ever, even if Luciola herself was the least annoying part of it. Why would you make a boss that's healed by physical attacks Falcom? Whyyyyy... But anyway, now I only have one Enforcer, the edgy sword guy, and presumably the main villain to defeat, and then the game is over. Hopefully the Grail Locket prevents deathblow. Since Luciola took almost an hour to defeat, how long should it take to finish the game from this point? FC had some stuff to do even after beating the final boss, so I'd like to have an estimate for how long it should take for me to finish SC.
  19. I have come to the realization that Josette is actually good. By which I mean she's probably meant to be a support character, and she can't do as much if the enemies resist faint or def down, but she can do something. Benice was right all along! Also, I learned about a new Anguis. There are only seven of them Falcom, don't reveal them all too early! There are still ten games to go after all. For the record, I don't think there will be any storyline branches, since the party already consists of people from both nations and the point is to stop them from fighting. It would be harder for a story to be polished if there are multiple routes taking up development time, and Monolith is known for polished stories when they actually get to finish them. I wonder if there will be any additional playable characters beyond the six we know of. Xenoblade 2 having five characters was likely due to the Blade system, so there could be room for more in this game. Who will be the character nicknamed Seven for the next decade?
  20. Choose your fate I never thought I'd see the day when Volbeat was a formidable team member, but here we are. I was confused by Signal Beam because Sp. Attack is Volbeat's lowest stat, but I remembered that all Bug moves were physical in Gen III. The physical/special split already happened by the time I started playing. It's a good thing you aren't playing a nuzlocke of Legends. It's all fun and games until you reach the postgame final boss, hahaha... At least you could plan for Ultra Necrozma.
  21. You're not wrong though, Bird Shion is good. We also now have additional context for why XCDE exists. Previously I thought XCDE was made to benefit from XC2's popularity, but now we know that XC3 is a sequel to both games, so Monolith wanted Switch players to have access to the first game so they're up to speed. It sure was nice of Monolith to put the entire trilogy on one console.
  22. At this point I would prefer if Mio wasn't visually a complete clone of Nia, unless there's a plot based reason for it. XC3 kind of recontextualizes XC1's ending as well. "I'll bring everyone from my universe to this restored planet. What can go wrong?" Unless there's a different reason why the universes combined. It's possible the Machina evolved to appear more organic over time. Lanz is from Keves which is descended from the people of Bionis and Mechonis, so him being an Alrestian race would be strange. I thought he was Urayan at first but he appears to have bolts on his arms. Speaking of races, Sena's lack of a Driver suggests that Blades are no longer dependent on them to exist. Objection! Homs are probably made from ether like the rest of XC1's universe, while humans aren't. As such, Homs are probably more structurally similar to Blades (who I assume are also made from ether) than they are to Alrest's humans. Homs can also manipulate ether themselves, even if they aren't as skilled at it as High Entia, while humans need a Blade to do so.
  23. The Direct gave me a problem where there are too many good games releasing this year. Kirby is good, Mario Strikers is good, Portal is good, Three Hopes is good, Xenoblade 3 is obviously good, Mario Kart DLC is good, and BotW2 is apparently still releasing this year. At least I have Sky the 3rd to play in the meantime. I think Melia and Nia will initially be antagonistic towards the party but not villains. Ouroboros, whatever it is, is either some kind of monster species or an evil faction Trails intensifies. And Vandham the 3rd said there is a "true enemy", not to mention if the Fog King gets explained here. I can't wait for Poppi to be an endgame party member who is, once you play enough Tiger! Tiger!, strong enough to solo the rest of the game.
  24. That makes sense, but there's even someone who looks like XC2 Vandham. I thought my Trails-addled brain was acting up when "Melia" said something about Ouroboros, but it seems I wasn't mistaken. I wonder if "Ouroboros" is related to the Fog King? Or if Bleublanc actually will show up in this game. There's a good chance Pyra and Mythra will reappear, but another character I'm hoping to see again is Lastly, when you remember that Xenogears's original name was Project Noah
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