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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. uhhhh just for the record, that was a rhetoric question mind you. <_<
  2. That just means you're gambling with the RNG, I wouldn't say that VV is even reliable and having Wrath is essentially a waste of the unit's skill slots... What about Waste? lol
  3. I was mainly refering to the support ranks. Also Just because she can support with Felicia it doesn't mean that Flora gets any new class through Friendship seal. But that's beside the point.
  4. Actually for Conquest!Gunter he can support with Jakob.
  5. With the exception of the 1st and 2nd generation characters, I'm curious to know which of the Avatar-only pairings that you find to be worth marrying? And for the love of god please do not bring up the discussion about support wish like RyomaXScarlet, JakobXFlora, etc. This is about units that can S-Support with the Avatar ONLY.
  6. Don't know if this really matters but since the 3 Awakening kids are confirmed in Fates, there are so many ambiguity about post-Awakening's plot that it makes me wonder if Chrom, Lucina or the rest of the kids knew about their disappearance? Any thoughts?
  7. Honestly is VVW still a thing? 20% Crit at less than half-HP seems disingenuous imo. Anyways I'm gonna go off on a limb to say Chrom because of Rightful King imo. Virion!Inigo lacks reasonable proc-skills.
  8. Does anyone have Quick Draw & Skill+2 Felicia?
  9. Maybe because he's considered the Commander-in-Chief of Fates...kinda like George Washington of the Continental Army.
  10. Felicia because of her redundant quotes: "We've got trouble!" "Didn't expect that did ya?" It's annoying as fuck...! =_=
  11. Too much info man... .___. Anyways, the way I see it is a guy who happens to like cosplaying as a girl...so yeah.
  12. You know you could decide between Flora and Saizo, I'm just saying. o3o
  13. Nah, it would defeat the purpose of this topic since its about twins. o3o
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