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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. Wonder twin powers...activate! Feel like starting another topic about it since the first one is dead. lol That said, which is your favourite twins?
  2. Shigure may as well be the Lucina of Fates imo.
  3. It's probably because the units in the DLC are different from the usual save file maybe...?
  4. Not to sound like a douche or anything but is there a point to have Personal Skills in Awakening? It seems unoriginal, especially considering the advent of Fates...
  5. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Falco Knights w/Sword meant to serve as an insurance against enemy Axe units?
  6. I miss Mage Knights. I didn't really like Dark Knight when it was first introduced in Awakening because its basically a Magic Paladin, but with Tome instead of Lance imo.
  7. Iirc, Kagaro also have a special convo with Ryoma in Revelations Chapter 13. Also, for some reason Flora doesn't get a special convo in Revelations with Felicia/Jakob...hmmm...
  8. Well Awakening is 3/4 years old now, so I pretty much moved on playing Fates in terms of investing my replay values already. I still play Awakening every now and then just for Apotheosis. Unless Fates releases its own Apotheosis version...who knows. @ TheSilentChloey: Since you hate Priam, please do me a favour and go fuck yourself.
  9. Pairings that I don't like: Royal Pairings in Revelations: RyomaxCamilla/Elise TakumixElise/Camilla XanderxHinoka/Sakura LeoxSakura/Hinoka Selena x Subaki. Because refuse to acknowledge that Selena!Caeldori is fucking canon and I'm sticking by my Hinoka!Caeldori decision. Takumi x Oboro. Not really a huge fan since I normally go for Oboro!Shiro. Plus Takumi doesn't get any new class... : / Saizo x Kagero. Because they broke up for a reason btw... Felicia x Jakob. Both better off seeing other people then each other.
  10. Yes he's like the first pure Jagen to actually have a backstory in Revelation. IMO, he's possibly the best Jagen since Jagen the first.
  11. Candace is the only captured boss that can't reclass because she's fat or IntelSys is probably sizeist. <_<
  12. Yeah the Ninjas are the most annoying part of the map that you have to worry about...
  13. Happy Birthday old friend! :]

  14. Well I think I was the only one who choose Hisame to begin with, yet he gets no honourable mention. : [
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