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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Status Updates posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. Say Eaichu, just my curiousity, but are you still be active in other FE boards? Such as FESS and FEFF?

  2. I dedicated that avatar because of my obsession with her. Not because I want to be a girl...<_<

  3. is it because of my username? <_<

  4. Welcome to this forum.

  5. Excuse me, but what the fuck is the purpose of your comment? Just because you can spam on the Fftf board doesn't mean you have the right to spam my comment board. Do I look like a FUCKING Fftf board to you?

  6. because shes not and your not <_<

  7. oh so theres no need for me to speak french then lol. Its nice that I finally met someone whos from Canada lol

  8. Oh ... si vous pouvez parler français hein? XD

  9. Happy belated B-day.

    And btw, your from Canada? =O Which city are you from? I', from Toronto XD

  10. I thought I seen you before on FEP. :O

  11. I hate to be a mini-mod, but your suppose to have only one banner on your signature here...

  12. No, its a frictional character from Code Geass R2. An anime I'm currently watching. One of my favorite characters.

  13. Yeah, thats my new username. Surprised?

  14. This is suppose to be a FE forum to begin with not a chatroom, thats the only reason why I even register here. And you don't need to FE board. It was just a suggestion anyways.

  15. What? No, no theres nothing to be sorry about. Its just that you guys keep taking advantage of other boards beside the FFtF thread. Which then eventually becomes completely off-topic. Which is quite bad seeing as the FFtF board being influenced most people here.

  16. hmmm...you seem to be interested in your studies of Japanese.

  17. Who said that I was mad at everyone?

  18. Oh well, its okay. I just want to get my hands on them seeing as Luminous Arc is made of pure win. Anyways, thanks...for the 50th time lol.

  19. Its okay, let me rephrase it alittle: The avatar and the banner of Luminous Arc that VincentASM has was made by you right? I was just wondering if you have more of those that would be great.

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