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Shanty Pete's 1st Mate

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Everything posted by Shanty Pete's 1st Mate

  1. If that's what you're looking for, then the thread title is doing you no favors. FE players who aren't Pokemon fans are likely to say "oh, this isn't the thread for me". Maybe change it to something like "How many of y'all AREN'T into Pokemon?". Anyway, I'm gonna echo the rest of the lapsed Pokemon fans here. I actually played all the way up to USUM on the 3DS. I was thinking Gen VIII might be my "last hurrah", where I could bring forward all my teams I've built over the years. And then I learned they were cutting Z-moves. And Mega evolutions. And half the Dex. And Pokemon Bank support. ...To no one's surprise, I didn't get Sword/Shield. From what I've heard, I wasn't missing all the much. Scarlet/Violet sounded like they were doing some interesting things, but with all the technical issues, it doesn't look worthwhile. The only Pokemin games I've gotten in the last 5 years have been Picross, Shuffle (free 3DS titles), New Pokemon Snap, and Legends Arceus. The last one, I like as a partial reivention of the series, but it definitely doesn't feel like a "mainline game".
  2. Hm... would it give them control over other people's weapons? If so, they could steal other people's weapons, thus making them nearly undefeatable. The only threat would be the other legendary tomes.
  3. I find myself half-agreeing, half-disagreeing. I follow your logic, but it leads me to the opposite conclusion. Picture this: every map is "Defeat Boss", but Roy is still a forced deploy. Even if Dieck, or Fir, or Ogier would be better, you're stuck fielding... Roy. In my opinion, that'd be an even worse scenario for him. You're forced to bring him, but he's contributing nothing unique. Why force deploy him, if you don't need him to complete the chapter? It's a wasted slot. At least in the vanilla FE6, he's doing something important. As for the survivability issue, I generally don't see it on Normal Mode. This is probably a more serious concern on Hard Mode, which I haven't played yet. So I won't speak on it, other than to say that I agree with the "Roy's combat is bad" argument. That includes both in an offensive and defensive sense. And in fact, it was part of my argument about why losing Seize utility would make Roy worse, not better. Even if he's "bad at Seizing", he's the only one who can do it.
  4. I would say so, yes. Like, imagine FE6's maps were all "Defeat Boss" instead. As a result, you could leave Roy in his starting position, not moving him once, and still clear the map. In that case, he's not adding any value to the player's army. Even if he's "free" to do whatever he wants, this "freedom" doesn't really matter. His combat isn't good enough to make a difference, and he doesn't have Staff or Dance utility. He's just dead weight. (Yeah, I know there's other stuff Roy does - like recruiting certain characters - but this is a simplified comparison.) Now, compare to vanilla FE6, where every map is "Seize". Leaving Roy put is not an option. You're gonna have to move him, eventually, to clear the map. Perhaps this limits his freedom. But, it also gives him a base level if "contribution" that he's providing every map. He's doing something that no other unit can replicate, amd that's needed to progress the game. That's a pretty big deal, as far as making the Lord worth something. Like, let's compare to the Dancer class. In almost every case, when you have a Dancer, they should be using the Dance command. Yes, even when they have Swords, or Healing, or Rallies. This is because Dancing is (again, almost always) the best thing they can do. Perhaps this is a "limiting" playstyle, but it's also the way they produce the most value for the player.
  5. Not trying to scare you off, but my last playthrough clocked in at right around 100 hours. That said, I'm a pretty slow player. And I was going for ranked, which means "grinding everybody up in the Arena". If you don't care about rankings, don't squeeze the Arena for all it's worth, and play with map animations on (they're really cute, FYI), then I think around 50 hours is more likely.
  6. So, I actually hosted a thread on this topic about a year ago. I was looking at the quality of each pairing, both as a function of how the kids turn out, and in how easy it is to set up. Regarding Sylvia, I did conclude Claud to be the "best" husband. However, there are a lot of solid options. Lewyn gives Cairpre access to Forseti upon promotion, and he can pass down Staves, while giving both kids Critical and higher Speed. Chulainn gives Luna and B-rank Swords to Leen, while both kids get growth boosts from Holy Blood. Alec is pretty easy to set up, thanks to their conversation, while also giving the useful combat skills of Pursuit and Nihil. But my favorite might be Lex - the Paragon skill grants 20 EXP for every dance, while also making Cairpre quicker to promote, and the Defense boost from Neir holy blood aids their survivability. Finally, if you've never tried the substitutes, then it might be worth leaving her unpaired. As for Brigid, I agree that Dew is a solid choice - Bargain is an excellent skill on any kids, and he can pass down Swords and Sol to Patty. But my most recommended one was Jamke - it's easy to set up, and grants good skills to both kids, making the best posdible Febail. That said, Chulainn is really good, giving Patty B-rank Swords and Luna, while boosting both kids' growth rates. Lex is again considerable, as both kids can take a while to promote, and 20 EXP every time Patty gives Gold is welcome. Of course, if you want early Pursuit on Patty, then Alec, Beowulf, and Midir are all considerable.
  7. My ranking is primarily going to be based off of Lord classes, rather than Lord units. However, traits which are class-independent, such as Convoy access, will be considered. Of course, in games without reclassing (and some games with), they're one and the same. So, going worst to best, let's get into it! Lot to say on some, not so much on others. Let me know what you think!
  8. Good call, I will take a look there when I get the chance. I see what you're saying, to be sure. The first thought I had was "well, a TV series can have episodes that are non-canonical, so it's useful there." But even in that case, a TV series can be thought of as a collection of individual works (episodes), rather than a single work. The closest video game analogy would be DLC chapters, where something like the "Festival of Bonds" DLC could be considered non-canon to Fates. Maybe. I don't actually know anything about it. Hm... I still think the term can have its uses, when talking about derived works. Like, if someone writes a story about Lyn saving Florina from bandits, that's canononical, since it happened in chapter 3 of FE7. If they write a story about Lyn and Florina getting married after the war, that's pseudo-canonical - the story neither confirms nor denies it. And if they write a story where Lyn and Florina join the Black Fang instead of Eliwood and co, then that's anti-canonical, since it's something that explicitly does not happen in the original material. Alas, this is a lot of wrangling to do. I would agree that considering multiple works in a shared universe, to derive a shared canon, is more interesting than just saying "what happens in the story is the story's canon". But I don't see the latter as entirely useless, either.
  9. Spoiler-tagging for folks who haven't played Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door: I do think this is an interesting topic, and one that raises questions, especially when it comes to considering historical figures. Like, one camp will say "you can't consider someone transgender, if they didn't refer to themselves by that term; it's disrespectful and ignores their culture". But the other says "transgender identities have always been around, they're a part of human biology and socialization; what's changed is the wording we use for it." Same thing happens for people who weren't attracted to the opposite sex/gender - can we call them "gay", or is that wrong, if the term didn't exist in their culture? I think it's very tricky - on the one hand, I want to be respectful of everyone's cultures, and not impose my own understanding of the world upon them. At the same time, when people say "transgender is a fad, invented in the last decade!" or "there are no gay people in Iran", I feel like we need some set of "absolutes" to show how wrong they're being. Does that make sense? I hear what you're saying, but an individual game can have its own canon. Like, there's Genealogy "canon" and Thracia "canon" - combined, they make Jugdral "canon". But sometimes, they contradict each other. In Thracia, Ced is canonically the son of Lewyn; but in Genealogy, Ced can be the son of Lewyn, but so can Arthur, or Cairpre, or Lester, etc. Each is equally canon. If I were to play Genealogy and say "Ced is Alec's son", that could be canon. But if I said the same thing about Thracia, it would be non-canon.
  10. Vivian my beloved~ A-ahem. This phenonenon does raise interesting implications for the question of "canon". Like, back during our blood pact discussions, there were details in the extended script of Radiant Dawn, which seemed to contradict those in the English translation. Or perhaps the best-known case: the differing explanation, between Japanese and English versions, as to how the Black Knight survived the fall of Nados Castle. So which one is "canon": the original, or the adaptation? My possibly "unpopular opinion" is, they both are canon. You can have two canons that contradict eachother. Hell, the term itself comes from the "biblical canon", and even that isn't entirely self-consistent. I personally think official translations have equivalent canonicity to the original scripts. The same doesn't apply (IMO) to fanslations - i.e. Orun being Hector's half-brother isn't canon, wheh the original Japanese script called them cousins. But if an official translation said this, then we'd have a case of two conflicting canons.
  11. Aw, no Douglas? That's a shame. Very good-looking squad, though! Good luck in Wyvern Hell!
  12. Wrong, you're clearly forgetting about See, Fire Emblem Gaiden destroying your laptop is actually peak game design. It really sells the message of hopeless odds faced by Alm and Celica. The original Famicom would just spit the game cartridge back out at you, so this emulation choice adds another level. Kaga, you magnificent dastard, you've done it again! Seriously, though, that suuucks. Hope you're able to get things figured out, however long it might take.
  13. Interesting! I really enjoy the repositionals as well. I'd say, throw in Draw Back as well. Maybe Smite, too, as a niche that one or two "bad" units could have. Reminds me - it's a shame that the Mine was a "one and done" item. It'd be cool to see them brought back, with new effects. Say, an "Ice-Mine", that freezes the target in place. Or a "Magma Mine", that turns the floor into lava when triggered. Make it something the enemies can use too - although, be sure to show them placing the mines. That would reward observant players, without necessarily turning into a rehash of the Tellius bridge maps.
  14. "Wyvern Rider Annette" Oh no, you said the thing! Man your stations, this is not a drill! Alert, alert! ...Ahem. It's something of a divisive build for Annette. I'm personally a fan of it. Flying mobility, plus the 3-range of Bolt Axe+, gives her a wider attack range than she could hope for in magical classes (tying with a Thyrsus Dark Flier). Using the Lightning Axe Art with a Hammer is an instant delete button on Armored enemies, while Crusher's Dust can reach staggering damage outputs. The two common objections to the build are: hit rates, and battalion choice. To the latter, there's only one flying battalion that boosts magical attack, and it's DLC-only. While I think it's the ideal battalion for Wyvern Annette, she can still do nearly as well with a physical flying battalion, particularly one that boosts her Hit rate. Speaking of which, her Hit issues are somewhat resolved by Axe Prowess Lv. 5. Notably, when doing magical damage, she ignores avoid boosts from terrain. That said, I'd recommend some combination of Hit +20, Lancebreaker, Uncanny Blow, and the Accuracy Ring, if you're worried about her missing. Finally, if your main purpose in using her is Rally Support, then a flying class is ideal. It gives her the most flexibility in whom she targets, and where she ends up. So yeah, I'm a fan of it. Some others are not. I'll try not to say anything more about the build, lest the thread be devoured in flames, other than to suggest that you try it out and make up your own mind. I think this is one of the big discrepancies between Normal and Hard Modes. In the former, Zeiss joins with 28 HP, 14 Str, and 8 Spd. In the latter, he's around 36 HP, 19 Str, and 11 Spd. That's a huge glow-up, and changes the calculus around him in a big way. The only flaw that sticks with him is D-rank Lances, which does suck that late. But yeah, my guess is Mir was imagining NM Zeiss when putting him down.
  15. Welcome, Lapin! Let us know if you have any questions, and we'll be sure to make up some convincing-sounding answers.
  16. Those would all be cool. Heal Block was always too weak to justify a moveslot, but as a secondary effect, it could work. Here's another idea - what if some of these effects were tied to items? Say, a literal "Heal Block", or a "Torment Tag". That could combine with Trick to really torment (heh) opposing Mons.
  17. That works too! The one risk is, GameFreak seems reluctant to have damaging moves that cause Sleep. The only one I can think of is Relic Song, exclusive to Meloetta. That said, I don't think a "1 in 15 chance" is all that OP.
  18. Honestly, I think this format would be substantially more confusing than Inverse Battles as they exist. But if they were to happen? - Offensive-Steel becomes the worst type in the game, with 9 types resisting (Normal, Flying, Fairy, Steel, Rock, Ice, Bug, Grass, Psychic) and 1 type immune (Poison), but only 3 types weak-to (Fire, Fighting, Ground). - Defensive-Normal becomes elite, retaining its Ghost immunity and trading its Fighting weakness for Steel and Rock resistances. - Offensive-Grass would be great, too, being super-effective against 5 types (Poison, Bug, Ice, Fire, Flying) and not-very-effective against 4 types (Grass, Water, Ground, Electric). Huh, actually more balanced than I thought. - Defensive-Electric is now immune to Ground, but weak to Flying and Water. Might be a worthy trade, honestly.
  19. Given that this is your my personal suggestion would be: PoR Normal, followed by RD Easy. PoR Easy is mind-numbingly easy, while Normal feels like an actual game, albeit one that's rarely a substantial challenge. Hard is among the easiest "Hard Modes" in the series, but it's still a step up, especially if you don't know how to best manage certain mechanics. As for RD, even on Normal, there's a bunch of chapters that present a serious challenge. And Hard is one of the toughest in the series, also removing quality-of-life features, like enemy ranges and Battle Save. Easy gives you the most chance to raise up whichever units you feel like, without being a complete cakewalk.
  20. Hey, glad to share! Two semesters of college-level Japanese has to be good for something. But yeah, broadly speaking, when a kana is small, its function is to modify the sound of its preceding character. This site explains it really well. In SoV, you can also totally skip out on recruiting Kamui and company, so the scene of Kamui freaking out in front of the shrine can be totally missed.
  21. Feathery fliers one week, and scaly fliers the next! For the record, I will be counting all wyvern-mounted classes. The one exception is in Archanea, where Pegasus Knights who promote into Dracoknights will not be counted (I covered them last week). So, time for the ratings. To wing, brothers! Keep up with me if you can! Well, that's that! Let me know what you think. Look forward to seeing how they "scale" in other's reviews!
  22. So, the characters function like this: ティ: "Ti". There's no single kana that makes this sound in Japanese, so they need to combine テ ("Te", normally pronounced "teh" or "tay") with ィ ("i" on its own, but smaller here, as a modifier). ー: "i". This character extends the previous vowel sound, so that it's held longer than if it were missing. タ: "Ta". This one is simple and self-explanatory. So, they come together to make "Tiita". But that looks weird in English, and "ii" was making a "long e" sound amyway, so it becomes "Teeta".
  23. Cool, thanks! In that case, I believe I would be able to participate. Assuming you haven't yet reached the deployment limit, that is!
  24. Great, thank you! Hopefully this turns out to have been a one-time thing, at least in its severity. Appreciate y'all dealing with the flood.
  25. Yeah, just saw the recent flood, and it's the worst it's ever looked. More than 200 spam posts in General, over the last four hours. And almost all from the same account! Is there a way to limit an account in how many topics it can create? I think a limit of, say, 6 per 24-hour period would be quite reasonable.
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