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Everything posted by CatManThree

  1. I am not exactly sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but I actually really enjoy Chapter 23 "The Great Bridge" from PoR. I don't know why but I always found my self laugh out loud every time a unit fell into a trap the first time I played the chapter. I just straight up had a blast with it. Sure Haar can be a pain but really, there is just some kind of charm to the chapter that really gets me whenever I play it.
  2. Greetings, your everyday cat guy here with a new topic! Has there ever been a chapter or map that you really liked? Maybe you found the design unique or just really good, or maybe you simply just find the map really entertaining to play. Simply name the map(s) you like the most, and explain why. Maps can be from any game, including hacks. You may also include an image of the map if you so choose. You may also include anything that you believe the map/chapter could be improved upon I am exited to see what you guys have to say and I hope you guys enjoy this topic.
  3. How about, "Your Lord is Not Hector"? I think that is a pretty good name for it.
  4. True, but the fact that he overreacts in his FE videos by screaming about his waifus is just...*sigh*.
  5. Reyson I doubt is going to be in Heroes because of his laguz mechanics. The way he works with his transformation would for one be pretty broken, and two, I highly doubt IS is planning on adding in the system laguz used for transforming. Why? because leaving transformations to offensive units simply transforming attack is simpler and far more fitting for Heroes' mechanics.
  6. I meant like have the ability to dance alongside attack.
  7. What if Lewyn has a dance option along with using Forseti? He technically is a bard right? Although the idea of it sounds pretty darn broken.
  8. I would honestly prefer a bard. Not uuuuuh that...
  9. These two share many similarities in their low intelligence, and appearance to name a few, so are they the same person? As you can see, their appearances are pretty much the same. You cant tell the difference! So are these two idiots the same? Vote your opinion and tell everyone why.
  10. I just hope we don't get something along the lines of Chrom. I mean he wasn't exactly that bad but he felt like a sort of weird amaglamation of different lords from previous games and it came off as a little bit strange to me.
  11. Greetings man and welcome to the forest!
  12. Should we post such things here or what? Just want to be sure in case I or anyone else wants to suggest anything.
  13. Noice job dude. Always nice to have guys like you who work hard for the sake of others if ya know what I mean.
  14. Didn't post a fact about the person above them.
  15. Today it is Saint Patrick's Day! Let us rejoice in the green of luck and happiness!
  16. Ike and the Black Knight because, well the are Ike and the Black Knight. I also am reeeeeally hoping that Wolf or at least Roshea make it in as representatives of the Wolf Guard. Though it might never happen.
  17. *insert overused Guy pun here* Sorry Guys, I just had to.
  18. Doesn't know I do have snow to deal with since I live in Michigan.
  19. I personally don't prefer using mobile for reasons like this. I hate having to deal with it.
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