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Everything posted by Lightcosmo

  1. Little did Ruben know, this is an XC2 quote from Rex. Well... mostly. XD
  2. I wonder how they thought STR/ATS/SPD up (S) was balanced compared to STR/DEF/SPD up (M) heals all ailments/statdown, HP Regen, and finally to top it off, 0 Delay all for only 40 cost vs 30. Oh and 1 free BP. forgot that.
  3. Finally cleaning up Reverie's finale. Geez they really wanted the player to use Old Class VII again, didn't they? Well, them and some SSS members.
  4. Stacking plenty of agility allows you to hit them with much better luck. Missing alot is a great way to abuse affinity with everyone, though!
  5. No, it was alright. Perhaps a bit basic for that style of gameplay if anything. (It reminds me of Kingdom Hearts, just less flexible)
  6. You could be right, I only played YS VIII, though. Xd
  7. Now some of those complaints are just personal gripes, sure. But the underlying point is that people won't just "settle" with that sort of quality.
  8. The Heal Quartz in Reverie: : what it ACTUALLY does: i mean... c'mon, how could they screw this stuff up? It's so easy! XD
  9. I mean, lack of quality is a problem no matter it's stature. I don't think that it should be excused simply because it's "not as bad". It's as simple as someone messed up, of course they could fix these issues, but i won't hold my breath. XD
  10. Did they honestly never check the s craft page for Sharon before?
  11. Umm... Not really. They have JP voices intentionally, there is a clear difference. This is obviously just a severe lack in quality, but how would you know? Have you played the game yet? Xd
  12. Laura has JP voice clips in the EN version of Reverie. Calling Trails playtesters! Lmao
  13. I will say this about CS/Reverie: their character artwork is almost always top-notch. They have poses that really suit the characters personality and design 95% of the time. When having so many characters this isn't easy to accomplish, so i will give them props for that.
  14. Why does Reverie have to have that annoying Portrait shifting issue? It's so irritating to watch. XD
  15. This was your first mistake. Believing you were safe.
  16. It also took me about 5 minutes to go through and fix every characters AB table, sooooo yeah. Laziness/10 from their end?
  17. The highlighted area i have here is the Link Ability ID. these should not have all been set to 00 in any circumstance: They would not have just used the CS IV table, added these ID's for all the chars, and just left them at 00, that makes no sense. XD
  18. That wouldn't compensate for all of the new character ID's added to the table, though.
  19. This only happens one way: they edited the linkab.tbl file when they had no reason to besides translating text, which is nowhere near the ability tables. XD I'm fairly sure that's on NISA. I believe so? I would have to clarify that, though.
  20. I mean the CLE version. The files are the same. You can C/P one and it will load just fine on the other.
  21. The game worked fine on JP, it should not have these issues. There would be no reason to edit -and break- most of what they already have. CS III and IV had the turn skip bug. I hoped Reverie would fix that for EN release, but still it persists. XD
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