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Everything posted by AlexArtsHere

  1. Experiencing a story lost to time, with every line voiced, no less! Hearing those beautiful remixes, especially Land of Sorrow! Meeting, what is to me, a new cast of characters. Getting those amiibo. They look so damn cool! Dungeon crawling! Looks fun and developed in the trailer, and it's certainly something I've never seen before in a Fire Emblem game. IT'S ONLY FOUR MONTHS AWAY!
  2. Why not just make any Avatar-specific weapon a morphing armament that becomes the primary weapon of their current class?
  3. So, college is super busy right now, got a bunch of projects to catch up on, so I'm postponing this until next Sunday soon*. Good news is, that means there's more time for people to vote on Robin's name and appearance and stats. *i.e. When I'm not up to my neck in college work. Could be as early as next month, or as late as June. Sorry. :(
  4. Spoiler tags are a thing, you know?
  5. The cutoff point for voting on Robin's appearance and stats is today at 3 PM GMT (so in just under 7 hours). Hopefully we can get more people interested in this, since this'd be a lot more fun with more people!
  6. My shortlist would have to be Plegia Castle Courtyard, the Great Mila Tree (the part at the top with the shrine)/Divine Dragon Grounds (I think that's the name; it's the chapter in Awakening where Tiki is recruited), Valm Castle Approach, Dragon's Table, Plains of Hoshido, Bottomless Canyon, Valla (specifically taking inspiration from its appearance in Conquest), Anri's Way (again, probably wrong on the name) and a map from Gaiden, since I assume they'll want to promote Echoes.
  7. You want a challenge? How about spriting my avvie then? :3
  8. So, I thought I'd try one of these out since I have a sudden hankering to go back to Awakening. Basically, I'm going to run through Awakening, except you guys will make all the choices for me. Before I play each chapter, I'll add a new post the day before letting you guys know what has happened so far as well as the specifications for the upcoming chapter (like the amount of units allowed into battle). You guys will then be able to choose who goes into battle and which units pair up with each other, with the most popular suggestions being the ones I go with. Of course, I'm going to add some rules here: The game will be set to Classic Hard mode Robin will be female I will do paralogues in my own time without input from the forums In terms of supports, couples will be paired as soon as an S-Rank becomes available, so choose who pairs up carefully! So, this is a little bigger and more ambitious than general PMUs or PMPs, but I hope we can have some fun with this. First, we're creating a character. For those who do not have the game, you can find a Robin customiser here: https://luminescentblade.github.io/RobinCustomizer/ Use that to vote on Robin's appearance. We also pick an Asset and Flaw from HP, Strength, Magic, Skill, Speed, Luck, Defense and Resistance. Robin cannot have the same Asset and Flaw. In terms of naming, everybody can submit one name and I'll pick one randomly. So, the next 24 hours are now open to decide Robin's name, appearance, Asset and Flaw! If anyone has any advice for me on how to run these things (this is the first I've ever done), then feel free to let me know!
  9. Huh. I always assumed Marth was the First Exalt, since Lucina disguises herself as him. Still, the time of the First Exalt and the defeat of Grima does line up with the Schism, when the modern nations of Archanea and Valentia were founded. Kind of want a game about that now...
  10. Sorry if this has been asked/resolved before, but it's something that's been bugging me for a while. Anyone who has played Awakening will know that the Fell Dragon Grima is a pretty big plot point, and also oft-mentioned is his defeat at the hands of Marth, the First Exalt. Thing is, I can't find any explicit reference to Grima in the classic games in my research, so I ask this fine forum: Has Grima appeared in Fire Emblem before? Is he a reincarnation of another dragon? Or is Marth's battle with him just some offscreen world building?
  11. You seem like someone who started on the older games to me... That's not inherently bad or anything; Personally I think you're an awesome guy, but still.
  12. I'm trying to keep very open minded and, for the game as a whole, I'm very excited, but there are some things that concern me a little, like Strength and Magic being one Attack stat, the lack of axes and the implication that maps aren't being remade to be...better, I guess.
  13. I think the most likely scenario is that they'll use the 3DS engines as a base, keeping stuff like Pair-Up and the Attack Stance but at he same time overhauling it and adding new features to take advantage of the Switch. For example, other units could be shown in the distance in the battle, relative to their position in contrast to the units currently in battle, building on Fates zooming into the map.
  14. Just to have the option, really. The soundtracks were great and while I would love to have new compositions too, this allows the team to pad out the in game music selection with very little expense.
  15. I think implementing a Gaiden Mode and an Echoes Mode would be best in terms of the map system.
  16. Give Land of Sorrow organ and accordion leads or I'm not buying this game, IntSys.
  17. If Land of Sorrow sounds as good as Alm's Battle Map, then I'll be happy, but I've said in the Hopes and Fears thread that I'd like Awakening and Fates tracks to reappear as optional for dungeon battles.
  18. 2008...10 year old me would've had a DS, but I think all I was playing back then was NSMB, Sonic Rush, Mario Kart, Professor Layton (maybe) and Pokémon Diamond.
  19. Honestly, I couldn't tell you. Did Europe even get Shadow Dragon? It can't have received much promotion if it did.
  20. One hope I don't think anyone has mentioned yet is an expanded soundtrack. Don't get me wrong, I've listened to the original, a d quality is generally on par with the rest of the series, but they can add in so much more in terms of original compositions 25 years later. I would also appreciate being able to select from Awakening and Fates for dungeon battles. As much criticism as older fans like to give those games, it cannot be denied they have great soundtracks.
  21. I'm sorry to rain on your parade, Jave, but I don't see this ever happening. It's certainly a fresh take on the Avatar, but in a fantasy strategy game revolving around armed conflict and sword fights, why would casual players, or people who otherwise have an interest in avatars, want to have an Avatar whose role is basically glorified item management. I don't think that's the kind of thing IS would put out as a selling point for a game. But then, I'm not opposed to a completely new IP doing something like that (i.e. a game revolving around item management to be a much bigger asset to an army than any fight could be, all without being able to raise a hand to the opponent)...
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