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Everything posted by AlexArtsHere

  1. Thing is, the scoring isn't clearly explained. I fulfilled one streak and ended up with around 1 500 points, then fulfilled another and only had 1 800 total, so I'm assuming they overwrite each other, which is flat out stupid.
  2. Nowhere near even the first reward at Rank 50 001. How am I supposed to get there from 84 168 in 2 days? D:
  3. Really? I was aware of defense (though I've had no defense records yet), but this ranking thing is new to me. Could you elaborate a bit, please? Also, that feeling when the Training Tower is on Badge rotation, so you go there to get Green Badges to promote Anna, but only get Azure and Scarlet ones.
  4. Yeah, I upgraded Anna to 3 Stars, she's at Level 25, and she still finds herself KO'ed more often than I'd like.
  5. Hate to be that guy, but SP is Skill Points, just to avoid confusion. Anyway, to those wondering about Hero Feathers, I was remembering wrong before. The Arena will let you get a maximum of 1 600 per season (I assume that's a week), not 1 800.
  6. The only ally I've merged so far is Divine Priestess Tiki, and it's more from the fact I don't like having two of the same character.
  7. I've made it my personal mission to get Anna to 5 Stars because, even if she is my least favourite playable version of the character, I wanna use her. Think is, the rank up between 3 to 4 Stars and 4 to 5 Stars is a massive jump. 20 000 Hero Feathers? What the hell, guys? I'll let you know if it was worth it in 2 months once she's 5 Stars. :P As for Alfonse and Sharena, I really couldn't care any less about them. The only reason I don't find them as forgettable as Libra is because they're plot important, and that's it. I'm not sure I've even used Sharena beyond the one chapter you get her, if at all.
  8. Well, considering it's your job, I'm a say don't play it then. You can be more productive and save on data. It's a win-win!
  9. a) There may be settings on your phone to allow you to only play the game on a Wi-Fi connection where on is available. b) If not, turning off your data connection and leaving Wi-Fi on where it is available will save you a ton of data. I'm not having these problems since I play on my iPad (partially because my phone almost certainly wouldn't be able to run this game), but it shouldn't be at all surprising to anyone that this game takes up a lot of data with it's big patches and heavy use of DRM. While Super Mario Run has DRM, I don't think it gets used nearly as much since there aren't as many features in that to take advantage of it. Between summoning, unlocking potential, dueling, training, greeting, rewards and the main story, all those little data chunks must add up. I'm sure IS did all they can to optimise data consumption, but there's only so much they can do. You can't blame them if you don't have the ideal data plan for this kind of thing.
  10. Ugh, it's not fully functional yet? That sucks. Trying to get Hero Feathers ASAP to get Anna to 5 Stars, and then do the same for Clarine. My only real problem with the game is there isn't much room for team variety. I completely understand why, since it makes the game more streamlined, but it's hard to make a well balanced team while using all of one's favourite characters.
  11. I can't greet my friends. What's up with that? If anyone knows, please quote this in the answer so it doesn't get buried in the rest of this massive thread.
  12. Thanks for the explanation. I'm not sure if this changes whether it's in the wrong forum, but I was also hoping for an explanation of other games, too. Heroes was just the example that got me thinking about it.
  13. A pretty good roll to be honest, but my luck was truly on point in the best way. My room mate just sat and made inelegant blubbering noises as I casually summoned Arthur with one green orb, laughing my head off the whole time. It's the one unit he really wants to get, and he's not had great luck with his pulls. ?
  14. Can confirm. I'm in the World of Birthright (this naming system is stupid consider the Worlds of Conquest and Birthright are one and the same, Outrealms be damned), and 5 Star Roy is carrying the team. Want to unlock Anna's potential and make her 5 Star eventually, though.
  15. So playing Heroes and attempting to crunch some numbers has got me thinking; Obviously damage is normally calculated by processing Atk - Def or Mag - Res (disregarding Critical Hits), but how does the Weapon Triangle and Effective Damage (for example, Bows vs Fliers) factor into this? Is a set amount of damage added to the equation, or are one of the equation's stats modified before running the calculation? Heroes may be anomalous for the fact it's a mobile spin off game, but I couldn't figure what exactly is being done in Heroes for, say, Anna to get 2 damage against a Lance Knight, even though her Attack is 16 and the Knight's Defence is 17. Help me out here, the nerdy side of me needs to know this (there's just something satisfying about crunching numbers manually, y'know?).
  16. @Eail To clarify, re-rolling means just continuing with that summon set in this case, right? There's no way to redo individual summons, are there?
  17. The only theme I've ever bought is the Nintendo Consoles one. I've never found much use for the Platinum Coins, but I really hope they let us purchase Orbs with them in the future though. Considering it's not already possible, though, I doubt it.
  18. Because everyone plays LTC and thinks with that mindset? The thing about the newer games is, with the addition of casual mode, there's a much wider demographic and, naturally, a much wider variety of play styles. It's been a long time since the player base consisted only of people who are hardcore players. And while I don't dispute that Awakening's...lacking objective pool stifled the variety of the game, that doesn't mean it was devoid of strategy.
  19. Space Christ, Radiant Dawn only sold 30k copies in Europe? That's bloody pitiful. Still, thanks for double checking that one for me. To put that into perspective, Blazing Blade alone sold almost as many copies as the tellus games combined, so it's pretty easy to see why Elibe characters got in over Ike and such. I really wouldn't be surprised to see Ike some time soon though. I guess the devs didn't want to add a lone Path of Radiance character.
  20. Probably. I think it's too early with not enough examples to say yet, but I've had Marth, Tiki and Roy from the focuses, all with cutscenes, but with the former two only having 4 stars and Roy having 5, so I think it happens for focus characters regardless of rarity, but I doubt it happens for all 5 star characters.
  21. Oh, yeah, I see exactly what you mean. Ike: Fights for his friends. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I digress. Weren't the tellius games some of the lowest selling in the series? I think this would explain why a) There is a scarcity of tellus games and series fans clamouring for a rerelease (I guess they didn't shift enough units to warrant a second run) and b) There is no tellus representation in Heroes, being that it just didn't shift enough units to be popular among casual players of the series. Path of Radiance was on one of Nintendo's less popular consoles, whereas Radiant Dawn was probably drowned out by a metric tonne of the Wii's casual offerings and shovel-ware as a consequence of that console completely dominating its generation.
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