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Status Updates posted by Griffen78

  1. Random, but uh we are both Michiganian Fire emblem players so, I thought I'd say hi, so hi~!

  2. Don't take that tone with me! I might feel compelled to set a few parental figures of yours ablaze....ohohohoho~ Dye his hair brown and you have me >.> (Note: I do not actually plan to kill your parental figures....unless for what ever reason you want this to happen.)

  3. I look like henry we should hook up s-*shot* jk~ I do enjoy war though....

  4. Hello, Your mugs are pretty nice. Nice to meet you :)

  5. .....do you want some weird nude fanart or.....uh....

  6. You guys were trolling right? Pretty sure midir has male genitalia.


  8. huh...relatively new eh?

  9. This may seem random, but on the awakening boards I really enjoy reading your posts and, over all, I love your speculations. You make the wait for the game more interesting/bearable. Thank you kindly.

  10. And Your avatar, Gallade? I love that evo line.

  11. Only a lot. I'm a huge golden sun son .-.

  12. Pokemon AND Golden sun? Zomg

  13. Well we are friends are we not? .-.

  14. *you're

    sorry that bugged me....and I'm looking forward to it. :)

  15. Ah....I'm only good with algebra or certain parts of trig.

  16. What kind of math specifically?

  17. Like grammar....though I am in Spanish III.

  18. Well I wish you luck. Seeing how we seem to be the same age, we seem to be in a similar boat. If you have any LA, Math(depending) or Chem you need assistance with I could try to help ^_^''

  19. Your exams are coming to? Mine are next week....and for the most part I am a little anxious about them, but I should be okay....

  20. Hello Ilya- er kirby. how goes it :)

  21. How have you been? I just came back :)

  22. wow o.o been a very long time, how've you been?

  23. The heros in the Fighting spinoff of Final fantasy: Dissidia

  24. Griffin is my name. and I changed one letter so my mom could yell st me for useing my name in my user name XD.

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