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Posts posted by Griffen78

  1. No, it is. You don't even mention the number crunch part in the topic name or description. It only came up in the topic post.

    Best Couples(Not MU) has nothing to do with what you're asking in your post. Which is best possible kid combinations.

    Yes, the best couple pairings to make the best kids. You are pairing the kids off. At any rate. Hi, this is the FE fandom, We are number crunchers. If you haven't learn this by now, where have you been?

  2. Draw something you actually care about and will be passionate enough about to keep studying and keep improving so that when you finally DO put it into the portfolio you'll have made something new that you can take pride in. That's my request.

    I did .-. and I like valter, so I think I'll draw him first.....I really like most FE characters though, so something I am happy drawing that will also make someone else happy....that is even better.

  3. Does she not get it normally? Saria's options are Dark Mage --> Archer / Knight, so I would assume Noire's base options would be Archer --> Dark Mage / Knight.

    I wanted to use Henry, but there was no room for him on my team. I changed my pairings around and decided to go with Viole x Saria. I expect Noire's options to turn out to be Archer --> Dark Mage / Knight / Mage / Dracoknight, and I'll hopefully be able to confirm that for you.

    That pairing's only at a C, though, so it'll take a while to get results. Results for your question about the Barbarian class should be easier. Vake and Tiamo are probably going to have an S support after just one or two more maps, so I'll be able to figure out what his Fighter and Barbarian classes turn into with Selena's options.

    Okay, thank you.

  4. Pretty sure Noire always gets dark mage because her mum is one. Kids share the reclass sets of her parents. IIRC.

    I assumed that was replaced with their base class though....regardless, I want to know what barbarian would be replaced with, if at all.

  5. Her head looks like a thumb. It's also HUGE in comparison to her tiny body. Google some head shapes to get it look right.

    Her body is way too long compared to her legs. Her torso should be shorter, and her legs should be longer.

    Biggest problem is that the sizes are all off :U

    hence why I suggested some tutorials about art because you'd be better off just restarting with this one, tbh.

    Yeah I'm not restarting, I'll try to improve on my next pic though. Thanks.

  6. Hey-o figured I'd make an art thread....and I kind of want some requests so I can fill up my colors 3D portfolio with more Fire emblem art. so far I only have one:


    So um....yeah If you want a Fire emblem character drawn just tell me .-. I want to do some FE13 stuff as well, so requests from that would be preferred.

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