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Posts posted by Griffen78

  1. I love Mariabel so far, but that is kind of because I usually like the prissy noble healers, like L'arachel. I also like Miriel so far...she kind of looks like a less slutty bayonetta. Richt....idk His hat is kind of neat, but he seems kind of boring otherwise.

    I usually end up using all magic units I get my hands on though, so this might be a bit biased.

  2. ummmm. my favourite charecters so far are.....all the pegasus knights (of course)some of the mu looks...the goth looking chick ( hoping she has dark magic...)the dancer. trickster. and troubadour...speaking of the goth chick.... in the trailer she is seen on a map that looks like it has piramids on it.... she is also wearing a sort of crown/tiarathing.... i reckon she could be the priestess of a forgotten cult...????

    Don't say that....starting to think she is a boss.....

  3. ummm. one of the pegasus knights in the 6 Minuit trailer looked male.?

    and ohh...... a disappointment, so awesome if that was his promotion...


    <o>_<o> your avatar.....I was going to put it in my sig, now I cannot with out having two of her around...which would be weird.

    Anyway, can you give a specific time? For the male peg.

  4. Well, while I didn't see an anima triangle, I also didn't see an anima-light-dark triangle. (Why did I say it might be on the bottom screen? The video I was looking at lets you see it and it's not there. lol) There also wasn't a weapon triangle displayed for Krom. So.... the analysis was inconclusive. T_T

    ....IS don't you dare ruin this game.....don't you freaking dare. I am loving the characters, classes, world map.....DO NOT REMOVE THE TRIANGLE D:

  5. Hence the IF.

    Analyzing the video, there is no magic triangle on screen. Hard to judge if there is a triangle. I assume it may appear on the bottom screen.

    Well...with clerics promoting to sages now...I was thinking the anima triangle, but that seems to be dis-proven....though I guess everyone being able to exploit the triangle would be interesting...who knows.

  6. They appear to be using both Donny and Liz through the whole dual tag. Clothes also look like Donny's.

    I just noticed that in dual tag, it has no mention of Liz's HP. Do you think both units share HP in dual tag and that's why Donny's appears so high? Would be WONDERFUL for training.

    That would make so much more sense.

  7. Guys, I've just had an idea. Do you think that magic types and trinity of magic might still be in the game, just all under one rank? If you think about it (as ZephyrShakuraus said above) in FE10 it's a huge pain to raise anima weapon ranks and it's been implied that they're fairly similar magic, maybe IS decided that things would be easier with one rank? Practically speaking most mages always have the 3 anima types to hand all the time so using only one rank wouldn't change much.

    This is, of course, excluding light and dark as dark tends to trump all of anima and if they were all one type it'd make anima redundant.

    ...not sure I like that....

    Oh, and can someone translate the name of the troubadour? I wanna know this beautiful enchantress's name D:

  8. What, where? You mean his hat?

    In any case, Richt is a regular Mage, so I doubt he'd use something that's not regular Tomes.

    ...dang I need to get my eyes checked....that is a hat >.< I assumed he was the character in the backround.....What is up with all the mages having big wizard hats anyway?

    Also...looking at the new troubadour....I might need to update my signature I think I might be in love

  9. As long as there are no skills that count as over kill+status effect or something that will probably not be seen...do to overkill ._.

    Some of those skills are not to horrible though....like pierce, sol, shock,etc....if they took away the crit part they would be useful skills that aren't to game breaking/stupid.

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