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Thinks Their Own Way

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Posts posted by Thinks Their Own Way

  1. Seems like a little personal bias there, considering the shipping fandom is equally as encouraged by Fates and Awakening to be overprotective of their fictional spouses.

    A character can have a battle face and a face for others to be friendly with.

    What scene are you referring to?

    Please keep in mind, I played the Japanese version about 200x more than the English one.

    I've only ever had 2-3 playthroughs of the English one.

    After Sumia punches Chrom, Flavia's speech.

    And I'll keep that in mind.

  2. > FE14

    > Not encouraging shipping wars

    I don't know where you have been, but while the majority of the shipping enthusiasts have been more accepting of others' choices, FE14 encourages more husbandoism and waifuism than any other game in the series.

    Sumia also makes the choice to be the delicate flower and wants to take care Chrom. A character doing laundry for a man doesn't automatically mean it's encouraging that standard.

    I mean, I remember a talk in FE4 that did that.

    With Fates, a lot it feels so tongue and cheek, I don't take it seriously.

    And I won't mind the delicate flower thing if we didn't have that scene were the game insisted that she wasn't one. And in context of the support, the pies are made to be a much bigger deal for Chrom reasoning to liking Sumia (I hear their is less of this in the Japaneses version and thank god). And the laundry thing is more of a token of appreciation (Priam helped Robin and now Robin helps Priam) than an actual reason.

  3. I really wished Elise and Forrest had a support chain.


    *I want to see supports like Asugi and Ryoma, also Forrest and Odin. Child of retainers talking to their dad's boss and royal children talking with daddy's retainers.

    *Azura and Camilla not having a support makes zero sense

    *Charlotte and the Hoshido male royals, we all know Charlotte would have gone for it.

  4. I already said Xander eariler, so these are some other choices.

    *Kaze: Because of Birthright in general

    *Niles: He'll fuck you regardless of gender

    *Leo: The fan art won me over ok.

    *Keaton: Tsundare werewolf with the same voice as Gaius (if not very close)

    *Ryoma: Like mother (his dad) like daughter type deal

  5. #25) Hinata- I like him more than most people, he's the big dumb dog type done right, but he's quick to learn from his mistakes. He's a genuinely nice guy. As a unit he's a really good Master of Arms, really defensive + the guard naginata= what's a physical attack.

    #26) Silas- Shipping bait for the female avatar. He makes a very good great knight. I don't dislike him but I'm neutral on him.

    #26.5) Hans- I like how he doesn't give a single fuck, but he can reduced to asshole. When I have to defeat him, I like watching it in slow-motion.

  6. 23) Leo- The least interesting of the Nohr royals (still likable), so I'm kinda surprised that Leo x Corrin is so popular. Much better as a Sorcerer than Dark Knight (A class that's pretty meh in this game despite looking cool).

    24) Hayato- I like his outfit, the idea that he is the parent of someone like Rhajat and his sassy mouth, his English voice actor is having the time of their life voicing him.

  7. #21) Jakob- He's obsession with Corrin can come off as creepy to me. I don't like how he treats Dwyer (it almost reaches Tharja and Noire levels).

    #22) Effie- Her I like a lot, love the pink general armor. I also like how her loyality to Elise never comes off as creepy and her interaction with Azama I find really interesting. She was a one woman army in early game Conquest for me (she didn't die, she laughed at the damage).

    • Anything Laslow says

    Camilla's "Say night night"

    Hayato's "Goodbye"

    Xander's "What a wonderful life you given me" (My Room)

    Velouria's "A hunting I will go" (I think this is the line)

    Peri's love confession cut scene when you reach S.

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