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Thinks Their Own Way

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Posts posted by Thinks Their Own Way

  1. Get Ignatius as soon as possible because later on his chapter is a form of torture. If you're playing Conquest and as a male Corrin who marries a first gen girl, you can erase Ignatius from existence.

    The other child chapter, I like to wait until chapter 21. Shiro and Selkie's chapters are far less difficult if you have Rescue staves. Mitama's chapter can be hard to if you wait awhile.

  2. I'm going to do the games I'm most familiar with. (I started a little bit of Scared Stones).

    Awakening: Fuck Chrom and make it more about Robin and Lucina from the beginning.

    Fates: Both things involve Birthright.

    *Take out the whole thing with Kaze dying without having an A support with Corrin, it's easy to do but it was just not needed.

    * I wish Corrin felt more bad invading Nohr, to help eliminate some the obvious Hoshido bias.

  3. Sniper is the worst in Awakening (But amazing in Fates). Skills (only Bowfaire) that are only effective for Archers and Hit Rate +20 is only useful on Tharja. Bow Knight is the far superior Archer promotion. I'm not crazy about Warrior either but at least they get access to axes.

    Assassin I feel is the best class in this game, everything about this class is great.

  4. You can buy a great club in Hoshido weapon stores (2 at the most at gold rank).

    *Ryoma's Club is an excellent weapon for General's.

    *Sunrise Katana is amazing.

    *Stick, might be my weapon in this game.

    *Leo's Iceblade is a stronger Levin Sword without 1-2 range.

    *Cupid's Bow is useless and Peri's Lance is a weaker Javelin.

  5. For the only time I played as male Corrin (revelation), I had him marry Charlotte. I just really like these two together. Their S-support isn't overly nonsensical lovey dovey crap. It's pretty causal and natural.

    For female Corrin:

    Birthright: Kaze: My second favourite pairing for female Corrin

    Conquest: Xander: My favourite pairing for female Corrin

    Revelation: Hinata: Their conversation might be generic (it is), but it was nice.

  6. Mega Lopunny is a fantastic sweeper with the advantage of being a Normal/Fighting type that can hit Ghost types.

    Mega Medicham's base Attack is basically 100 x 2 (Pure Power). At the highest possible attack, it's basically 328 x 2

    Clefable is a wall that can take hits and if their ability is Magic Guard take no damage from Poison or Burn, get HP recovering moves and calm mind Clefable can deal massive damage (Magic Guard + Life Orb). A fairy type that has access to flamethrower and focus blast to deal with steel types and physic for poison types.

    Landours-T is great at setting up (important on Wi-fi) and offense.

  7. Moon is going to be my main copy (the completion file that I'll you for online battles), I really love the way day & night is going to be, something really different.

    I'm picking Rowlet, although, if I'm not crazy about the other water pokemon in this game, I'll pick Popplio. I like having something that can Surf.

    Also, I'm happy that trainer customization is back. Hopefully mega's comeback as well.

  8. Chrom- Why does he make some random stranger he found on the ground his top tactician? Why is nobody other than Fredrick questioning this?

    Robin- Why do the sheperds give a shit about them? Why does Robin give a shit about what happens to them?

    Grima- I like them when they were still surrounded in mystery and then they revealed themselves.... that's it. It doesn't help that their boss fight is easy to the point of it being anti-climatic.

  9. I don't know what's canon and what's isn't (with one exception and I really loathe that pairing with every fiber of my being).


    Eirika x Seth (I've only played the first few chapters, and if I knew how supports worked, I'll do this in a heartbeat)


    Sothe x Micaiah (I haven't played this game but I heard a character description of Sothe and started to ship them)


    I'm only to one for each Robin:

    F!Robin x Gaius

    M!Robin x Miriel


    Sumia x Fredrick

    Morgan x Cynthia

    Maribelle x Libra

    Vaike x Miriel

    Aversa x Gangrel

    FE14 (I know I shouldn't ship some of these but I don't care in all honesty) :

    I'm only one for each Corrin:

    F!Corrin x Xander

    M!Corrin x Charlotte


    Leo/Kaden x Charlotte

    Arthur x Azura

    Saizo x Sakura

    Kiragi x F!Kana

    Shigure x Rhajat

  10. Xander

    Runner-Ups include:

    Takumi, Forrest, Kaze, Keaton


    Runner-Ups include:

    Charlotte, Camilla, Elise, Female Corrin

    Female Corrin: The only time a woman can wield a legendary weapon in this game. Even though Elise can make a better use of Leo's tomb than Leo.

    Conquest: If only Revelations had better unit management. But the gameplay is amazing.

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