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Thinks Their Own Way

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Posts posted by Thinks Their Own Way

  1. With my luck, the way it's calculated is meaningless; it was pretty much fate for the hit rates to act weird. I was playing Chapter 15 of Eirika's route earlier; axe users with 25% hit were hitting Eirika and my Saleh's thunder spell had a higher hit chance (70%) than Caellach's Tomahawk (65%); it didn't play out that way (thankfully Caellach wasn't able to double me). Ephraim was missing 90% hits and enemies with hits between the mid to high 30's might as well had 100%. I'm happy everyone made it out alive.

  2. I think this would better as a ROM hack because those don't have to worry about the game being marketable to a general audience. With a scenario like this, you can't go to severe with the crime other wise people would feel they don't deserve redemption; who would want to cheer for a murderer. But if the crime was to light, then the people who would like this set-up might find it to ridiculous. A lot of fan created  ideas to me come off as not intended for a wider audience. Which is suitable for a fan made game but not for one that has millions of dollars poured into it.

  3. On 3/22/2017 at 10:54 AM, I'm a Spheal said:

    From Pulls:

    1. Camilla
    2. Julia (MVP)
    3. Seliph
    4. Sanaki
    5. Ephraim
    6. Olwen
    7. Priscilla

    And I upgraded a 4 star M!Corrin to 5 star because he was one of the first units I got in this game and calling him an MVP for me is an understatement. He earned it.

    Update: I pulled a 5 star:

    1. Jaffar
    2. Lucius
    3. Ogma

    In a single summon; I'm never going to ever get another 5 star again. It's the only way that a summon like that make sense.

  4. 17 hours ago, Extrasolar said:

    What do you mean by this, if you don't mind me asking? Are you just turned off of the Gaiden-specific mechanics...? Or is it something else?


    Before this trailer, a lot of people in the fandom going on about how this game looks the second coming of Christ and I felt that I couldn't form an opinion because of how little context I was given by the marketing. I'm interested in a lot of the mechanics (even magic costing HP I'm warming up to) but it's more the people over reacting to what's not in the game that has annoyed me the most. Overly excited by how it's different from the 3DS game and how it brought the worst in people, some just have to make it a negative experience.

  5. 1 minute ago, unique said:

    i'm not sure where you're getting that from considering this entire video was very clearly meant to introduce the game's story and mechanics to those who have never played or even heard of it

    Everything else they've released before now that have soured my first impressions of this game and the comment section. I'll wait until let's play footage to decide if I'll get it or not (a let's play of Fates was got me interested in series in the first place).

  6. I like that they explain the gameplay features more in-depth, trying not to isolate people who not familiar with the mechanics. The shit about the pair-up system & archers seems like a really poor choice of words on their part and people are just making a big deal out of nothing because IS throwing shade at newer players makes zero sense from a business perspective.

    These trailers put so much emphasis on the visuals, I find it shocking how terrible the CG cut scenes look to be honest. The running looks like speed walking and the movements still look very stiff to me (Celica looks uncomfortable walking from my perspective) . I like the 2D stuff and the combat animations. 

    But the reason I have a hard time getting excited for this game is because to me the marketing so feels like its gears toward the crowd that has played Gaiden and for someone like me who has no personal connection to Gaiden... I couldn't care less that they're remaking Gaiden.

  7. I love Celica's re-design; the colour palette for a lot of the re-designs look a little to muted for my liking. But I love how Celica's colour scheme just pops out and the colour complement each other well.

    So far I prefer Berkut over Faye. Faye's character description annoyed me to no end. It was something I was hoping wouldn't happen. But Berkut I'm pretty sure is a Paladin and lately I've been likely Paladin's so that's pretty much it.

  8. Video games stories are designed for video games. They don't translate well to other mediums. The emphasis is on the game-play in video games not in anime. 

    Change to much and purist will be upset that it's radically different from what they love; but stay to faithful, it can isolate those who haven't played the games (which is far more than people who have played the games). Don't get me started on the shipping war to end all shipping wars if Awakening was turned in an anime. 

    Basically, a Fire Emblem anime is a bad idea to be honest.

  9. With Friendship Seals and Partner Seals; for the former, I like how it gives an incentive to collect same sex supports; and with the latter, the partner isn't completely forgotten in favour of the child (this applies to games with both children and re-classing). Personally I enjoy re-classing, it's not forced upon me; when I re-class I do it because I want to. And at the end of the day, it's still an optional feature, the main campaigns are still doable with out classing.

  10. I want to be excited for this game, but nothing so far has been anything exceptional. The trailer might work for someone who's played Gaiden (I was beyond hyped for Pokemon ORAS when that first teaser was just an estimated release date). Maybe if these trailers put more emphasis on the gameplay (explaining the mechanics better) instead of the visuals that aren't anything spectacular to begin with (2D portraits look fine but oh boy the 3D, the movement of characters in the cut scenes in particular look really stiff to me).

  11. The opposite has mainly happened tbh:

    I officially like Corrin more than Robin now because of this game (I was neutral before but now I have a clear preference) . Mainly because in term of usefulness... Corrin has been whereas Robin has not. As well as I hate M!Robin's big eyes, he looks like one of those Big Eye paintings.

    I never want to see Stahl or Virion or insert Red Sword user here ever again. Common pulls.

    But on the plus side... I love Julia

  12. I like Olivia more as a person; but honestly, I've gone through Awakening without having her be a dancer and didn't even notice anything. Azura's sing I've found more useful to me. I just like having a dancer/singer who can use a weapon in their base class in general.

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